74820*08545 344 London Bridge Plaza, Suite D, Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86403 Phone (602) 855-0955 ARFs & KITS Weight 4 lbs. Engine .20 size Schnuerle $79.95 ARF Weight 6-1/2 lbs. Engine .40 $109.95 ARF ARF YAMATO GAZEELTW IN Length 35 Span Weight lbs Length 45" Engine .15-. 19 Span 55" Radio 3 or 4 channel $69.95 Weight 6 lbs. Engine .20x2 $154.95 (Beautifully covered, ready to fly) $99.95 K IT K IT ZULIN Z50L Length 38" Span 49" Weight 4 lbs Engine .20 $45.95 (Add $2.00 to each unit for postage and handling. In U.S.A. only. Arizona residents add 4% sales tax.) Color catalog of all items $1.00. visa- Kraft quality accessories ... to build yours best Kraft's reputation is not limited to its vibration levels to a minimum by using Specially designed superior radio control equipment as we our high strength glass filled nylon, light-weight glass filled also have an excellent selection of or rugged cast aluminum engine nylon modelers modeling accessories available. Our mounts. They are available in various clamps are easily accessories are designed especially sizes to fit most engines. adjusted for required for modelers by modelers using only tension, and feature moveable jaws for the highest quality materials for Puncture proof more delicate work. durability and dependability. These neoprene tires in high quality accessories will suit the streamline or scale You have put a lot of work into your needs of the most discriminating profile are true model hobby, and we at Kraft want you enthusiast and the most demanding running and easily to get a lot out of it. Whether you are model. assembled. The hidden-axle wheels building your first or latest model, it feature interchangeable bushings for deserves the best right from the Items every modeler needs .... 3/32", 5/32", and 1/8" axle sizes. beginning; use Kraft accessories. Available in regular and Tools especially for modelers .... Many other accessory items are also slimline ·* The modeler's wrench available and fully described and design, with four socket sizes illustrated in our F R E E catalog. these blow molded. * has a built-in retaining thick walled clip in the glow plug 450 W. California Ave.. P.O. Box 1268 seamless polyethelene tanks, with socket to hold the plug during installation Vista. CA 92083. (714) 724-7146 an easily removed pick-up tube, are or removal. Extra glow plugs can be TWX 910 322 1471 the finest. They are suitable for both stored in the four tapped holes around glow and ignition engine fuels. the center of the wrench. JANUARY 1981 volume 11, number 108 621 West Nineteenth S t, Costa Mesa, California 92627 Phone: (714) 645-8830 STAFF CONTENTS PUBLISHER Walter L. Schroder EDITOR Wm. C. Northrop, Jr. FEATURES GENERAL MANAGER W O R K B E N C H , Bill Northrop....................................................... 6 Walter L. Schroder O V E R T H E C O U N T E R , Phil Bernhardt ............................... 7 ASSISTANT EDITOR Phil Bernhardt H O W T O FLY P A T T E R N , Dick Hanson............................... 9 R / C W O R L D , Bill Northrop ......................................................... ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER 10 Anita Northrop “ 1 TO 1 ” R/C SCALE, Bob Underwood............................... 12 ART DEPARTMENT GIAN T SCALE FLIGHT LINE, Lee Taylor ........................ 18 Al Patterson R / C P O W E R B O A T S , lerry Dunlap........................................ 20 IM AA EASTERN REGIO N AL FLY-IN, Bob Beckman 22 OFFICE STAFF Mary Ann Bell F U E L LIN E S , |oe Klause..................................................................... 23 Edie Downs R / C A U T O N E W S , Dan Rutherford........................................ 28 Debbee Holobaugh IGN ITIO N ENGINES REVISITED, Bill Simpson ......... 30 Pat Patton A. Valcarsel P L U G S P A R K S , ]ohn Pond ............................................................ 33 SANTA PAULA'S 50th, Ted O ff.............................................. 38 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Dave Brown S H A R K S FLY B E T T E R !, Dave Thornburg............................. 40 Mitch Poling Otto Bernhardt John Pond R / C S O A R IN G , Dr. Larry Fogel................................................... 41 Jerry Dunlap Fernando Ramos Larry FoRel 44 Larry Renger E L E C T R IC P O W E R , Mitch Poling............................................ Chuck Hallum Dan Rutherford HALF-A & SPORT SCENE, Larry Renger.......................... 46 Bill Hannan Tom Hutchinson Dick Hanson Dave Thornburg R A M “ Q U IC K E E 1 8 ,” Larry Renger...................................... 48 Joe Klause John Tucker H A N N A N 'S H A N C A R , Bill Hannan...................................... 50 Walt Mooney Bob Underwood FR EE F L IG H T , Tom Hutchinson ................................................... 54 CO N TRO L LINE, Dan Rutherford............................................ 58 ADVERTISING MANAGER FREE FLIG H T SCALE, Fernando Ramos................................. 60 Walter L. Schroder R/C MODEL BUILDER (ISSN 0194 7079) is SCALE VIEWS published monthly by RCMB INC.. 621 West Nineteenth Street, Costa Mesa, Cali­ CURTISS SBC-4, Peter Westburg 26 fornia 92627. Phone (714) 645-8830. Subscriptions $25.00 per year. $47.00 for two years. Single copies $2.50. Add $3.50 per CONSTRUCTION year for postage outside the U.S. (except APO and FPO). W ACO YKS-6, John Burns......................................................................................... 13 1932 W ORLD RECORD FUSELAGE MODEL, Cordon Light 37 Copyright 1981 by RCMB INC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission PEANUT PAULHAN-TATIN, Jean-Francis Frugoli.............................. 51 prohibited. Change of address notices must be received six weeks before date of issue that new address takes effect. Send old address with new; old label preferred. Post Office will Cover: What you might call a "Sport Scale Mercedes", on a VW chassis, belonging to not forward copies unless you pay extra Ted Pickett, serves as a backdrop for Jean Irwin, Upland, California, who is holding an Air Trails Sportster O.T., built by Terry Conely from a Cal Aero kit. Powered by a Fox postage. Duplicate issues cannot be sent. .09 side-port, Kraft radio, it is covered with yellow silk and clear doped with Aerogloss. Transparency by Cecil Weatherly III, Hacienda Heights, California. Second class postage paid at Costa Mesa. California, and additional offices. 2 R/C MODEL BUILDER Don’t all your modeling efforts deserve the best treat­ ance System,” includes sixteen K & B model airplane ment you can give them? After hours and hours of care­ engines, four K & B marine engines, and four glow plugs ful and patient construction of your model, it deserves in long reach and short reach; plus K & B fuel with a the best covering and finish, the best engine designed choice of seven different blends. All are proven products for its size, the best plug for better firing, and the most made by K & B, the name synonymous with quality and efficient and powerful fuel for its particular type of fly­ the leader in its field for over thirty-four years. ing. K & B has the products to meet these demands: the K & B “Matched Finish System,” includes K & B fiber­ Make 1981 the year you made a breakthrough on your glass cloth and micro-balloons filler; K & B Super Poxy modeling activities by using K & B products. 1981 will resin, primer and paint; the K & B “Matched Perform­ be the best year in modeling you ever had! K&B MANUFACTURING 12152 WOODRUFF AVE., DOWNEY, CA. 90241 r SIG’S NEWEST CATALOG - NO. 42 The Model-Builder’s DO YOU FLY RADIO CONTROL? CONTROL-LINE? 7 U # > ! Wishbook! FREE-FLIGHTGAS? SAILPLANES? RUBBER-POWER? SUPER SCALE? ELECTRIC POWERED? SPORT SCALE? Material of Interest to All of These Types and More. THOUSANDS OF ITEMS DESCRIBED AND PICTURED KITS ENGINES RC EQUIPMENT ACCESSORIES BALSA PLYWOOD GLUE DOPE COVERING MATERIAL ETC. ETC. ETC. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODEL AVIATION WITH MANY FULL COLOR PAGES AND HELPFUL HINTS FROM THE SIG FACTORY FLIERS. THIS HANDY REFERENCE TOOL SHOULD BE ON EVERY WORKBENCH! HERE ARE SOME OF THE FAMOUS MODEL AIRCRAFT LINES FEATURED: A.D.C. Devcon Harry Higley North Pacific Sullivan Ace Dremel Hi-Flier Peck Polymer Su-Pr-Line Acme DuBro Hot Sturt Perry Aeromotive Tarno Ambroid Enya JCM Petfit Tatone Andrews (AAMCO) F.A.I. - ZONA Jetco Prather Telco Aristo Craft Flite Line JP Products Pro-Stripe Top Flite Astro Flight Flyline K Ä B Robert Tornado Props Badger Fox K&S Roberts J. Trexler Banner Fuji Kraft Rocket City VK Breiten Fusite-GloBee 3M Company Scientific Vortac C.B. Associates Futaba M.E.N. Semco Walker J. Comet G-S Products Μ & P SIG Webra Coverite Gee Bee Line MRC Slim Line Williams Brothers Cox - Airtronics Goldberg Mark's Models Sonic Tronics X-Acto Craft Air Grumbacher Midwest Sturdi Built Zinger GET YOUR COPY NOW AT YOUR NEARBY SIG DEALER OR IF HE CANNOT SUPPLY YOU SEND $2.00 FOR PREPAID MAIL DELIVERY , SIG MANUFACTURING CO., INC. 401 SOUTH FRONT STREET.............................................................................. MONTEZUMA, IOWA 50171 r SEASON'S GREETINGS . FROM THE OFFICERS AND STAFF OF R/C MODEL BUILDER MAGAZINE I! competition; those which do not appear Although Walt House, author of our in the national AMA contest schedule as recent two-part story about the famous published monthly in Model Aviation. pre-WW-ll fictional air-adventurer, Obviously it only includes items sent in supplied us with complete photo cap­ to us by someone representing the tion material, an error still occurred. We sponsoring organization. used one of the better Jimmie Allen Story photos for our inside cover for the 3 i g w o r k b e n c h F/F-C/L section of the November issue, · - o The Central New York Model Aircraft however the caption info got mixed up Association will hold its 5th Annual £ § < Λ · · · and both the aircraft and the classically Symposium on Saturday, February 7, .2 o' £ dressed pilot were not properly iden­ 1981.
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