NJJS org THE MAGAZINE OF THE JANUARY 2021 NEW JERSEY JAZZ SOCIETY JerseyJazz VOLUME 49 ISSUE 01 REGINA CARTER SALUTES ELLA FITZGERALD IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES/REVIEWS 08 January Jazz Social 33 Jazz at William Paterson 10 Remembering Lou Pallo 36 Book Review: Peggy Lee: A Century of Song 12 Regina Carter and John Schreiber Pay Tribute 38 Book Review: Jazz to Ella Fitzgerald Dialogues 15 The Many Sides of 41 Other Views Conrad Herwig 48 Big Band in the Sky 19 Viola Smith: The Fastest Girl Drummer in the World COLUMNS 21 Talking Jazz: Allen 02 All That’s Jazz Farnham 05 Editor’s Choice 27 Alex Levin: English 39 Dan’s Den Teacher and Jazz Pianist 46 From the Crow’s Nest 30 Rising Stars: James ON THE COVER _ Regina Carter photo courtesy of NJPAC Haddad and Joe Block 51 Not Without You! NJJS.ORG JERSEY JAZZ JANUARY • 2021 01 ALL THAT’S JAZZ BY CYDNEY HALPIN ood Bye 2020, and not a second this award-winning publication velopment and growth of NJJS. of Recording Secretary, Treasurer, too soon! Hello to change and to be “Google-able”—with select Further, I’d like to acknowledge VP Music Programming and VP of G creative, new possibilities in 2021. contents available to a worldwide and thank Jay Dougherty for the time Publicity/Editor, Jersey Jazz, and Ed- If you’re reading this message, you’ve audience—and allow NJJS to be- and effort he’s extended to NJJS for ucation Director, respectively. Sad- embraced our new reality, a more come part of the ever-expanding the past three years as Executive ly, we say goodbye to board member modern, online publication of Jersey digital world. What goes on in Jersey Vice President. He’s chosen to step Ted Clark who has generously served Jazz. We remain committed to the won’t just stay in Jersey anymore! down from the executive committee his three-year term but has needed same editorial excellence that has but will remain an active board mem- to resign. Thank you for all you’ve been the driving force of this maga- ber. I’d like to congratulate our new- done to support and promote NJJS. zine and steadfast to our mission to t’s been both a challenge and my est board member Jane Fuller for be- I’d also like to acknowledge and continue to preserve and promote jazz. privilege to serve the New Jer- ing elected Executive Vice President thank all of the Jersey Jazz contrib- With moving Jersey Jazz to an I sey Jazz Society as board pres- and assuming the responsibilities of utors and photographers: Fradley online publication, we’re able to ident this past year and I’d like this position. Heartfelt thank yous to Garner, Mitchell Seidel, Dan Morgen- offer a full color, monthly format to begin the New Year by thank- Irene Miller, Dave Dilzell, Mitchell stern, Bill Crow, Schaen Fox, Sandy which will better serve our mem- ing my fellow board members for Seidel, Sandy Josephson, and James Ingham, Sandy Josephson, Joe Lang, bers, musicians and advertisers. all of their vision, hard work and Pansulla who remain committed to Seth Cashman, Dave Dilzell, Al Kuehn, This online format will allow dedication to the continued de- their executive committee positions Christopher Drukker, Piper Ferguson, Carol Friedman, Jack Grassa, Tony Graves, John Herr, Patrick Hilaire, Curtis Knapp, Al Kuehn, Adriana Mateo, James Pansulla, Lynn Redmile, THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CONTINUED “ Bob Schultz and Bob Verbeek whose volunteerism and expertise have filled TO ADVERTISE THIS PAST YEAR.” these journal pages this past year. NJJS.ORG JERSEY JAZZ JANUARY • 2021 02 ALL THAT’S JAZZ ith much gratitude I’d like to thank the following people W and companies who con- “WITH MUCH APPRECIATION, tributed the ongoing efforts and operations of NJJS in 2020: Tom I’D LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE OUR GRANTORS. Donohoe, Owner – Shanghai Jazz ” Restaurant & Bar; Sandy Josephson, editor and Mike Bessire, art direc- tor of Jersey Jazz; Rich Steinberg must have been an incredibly chal- whose support helps fund our Sunday year dedicated to the performance, and the crew at Bernardsville Print lenging year as well for all of you. Socials and who have committed to promotion and preservation of jazz. Center, Steve Kirchuk, NJJS web- In a year that saw a 75% decline in continued funding in 2021; the Rea Lists are tricky and my sincerest master, Travis Larson—new website ad revenue and a 50% increase in our Charitable Trust; Investors Bank; apologies if I’ve inadvertently designer, Jay Daniels—Timeless Socials budget due to the added costs and the Summit Area Public Foun- omitted anyone. Radio, The Bickford Theater, Bell associated with virtual programming, dation whose support helps fund the & Shivas, P.C., The Grunin Center, I’d like to thank Tony Freeman and Generations of Jazz program. We’re NJPAC, and Yardbird Entertainment. Nan Hughes Poole for their incred- very grateful to Morris Arts for alter- azz music requires collaboration. Advertisers are the sustaining life ible generosity in helping to bridge ing the terms of its funding to ac- Our “NOW, More than ever!” an- force for Jersey Jazz, as membership the gap in our advertising shortfall commodate the realities of the past J nual appeal campaign kicked off in fees alone are insufficient to finance and added programming expenses. year and for supporting our efforts December, and we need YOU to join a publication of this caliber. Thank With much appreciation, I’d like to provide streaming programming. with us in this collaborative effort. you to all who continued to advertise to acknowledge our grantors: Morris Lastly, I’d like to acknowledge Thanks to the dedication and gener- this past year, and to the many who Arts—through the New Jersey State and thank our NJJS members and osity of members and patrons like have done so year after year. The Council on the Arts/Department patrons. YOU are the heart and soul you, the 2019 campaign raised over board and I are so grateful for your of State, a Partner Agency of the of this organization and why we will $12,000 helping us in 2020 to publish continued patronage, in spite of what National Endowment of the Arts— celebrate in October of 2021, our 49th six bi-monthly issues of Jersey Jazz, NJJS.ORG JERSEY JAZZ JANUARY • 2021 03 ALL THAT’S JAZZ programming, look to grow our mem- auction, with the net proceeds ben- bership, attract more corporate spon- efiting our college scholarship fund. “IF YOU’RE NOT ALREADY sorship, and honor jazz and support The auction ended December it’s musicians, we’re grateful for your 20th with Dave Miner—Chair- ON THE NJJS EBLAST LIST stewardship. Memberships, Gift man of Benedetto Guitars—casting Memberships, Memorials and Trib- the winning bid. His benevolence utes, Corporate Matching Programs, nets over $900 to the scholarship YOU SHOULD BE. Planned Giving and Legacy Gifts are fund. Our deepest gratitude to the ” all ways to partner and celebrate with Pizzarelli family and to Mr. Min- NJJS in the promotion and preserva- er for their kindness and support. retool our event programming and arship money to worthy college re- tion of jazz. If you’d like more infor- present seven Sunday concerts—two cipients; and present performances mation about any of these programs, live and five virtual via our Facebook that provide musicians with livable please contact me at [email protected]. astly, if you’re not already on page, provide better working wages for wages. Credit card donations can eas- On behalf of my fellow board mem- the NJJS eBlast list you should NJJS hired musicians, and redesign ily be made online at www.njjs.org/ bers, thank you for all you do to sup- L be. Be assured, we do NOT sell our website to accommodate Jersey donate or by mail to: NJJS, P.O. Box port jazz performance and education. or share our lists we anyone! This is Jazz. These endeavors couldn’t have 223, Garwood, New Jersey, 07027. Together we’re preserving the future a vital communication tool for in- happened without the generous sup- Please make check payable to NJJS. of America’s great art form—jazz! formation and events concerning port from our donors. Thank you! Would you like to maximize all things NJJS, as well as our event If you haven’t already contrib- the impact of your gift? You can if partners and jazz colleagues. Sign uted to the 2020 campaign, please you work for an employer that has n a year that saw so much pain and up today at www.njjs.org/eblast. consider a generous tax-deductible a matching gift program. Please loss for so many, we’d like to thank donation to help us more creatively check with your Human Resources I the Pizzarelli family for gener- introduce people of all ages to jazz; Department for more information. ously donating to NJJS one of Bucky Here’s wishing everyone good provide more much-needed schol- As we continue to expand our Pizzarelli’s incredible paintings for health and great jazz in 2021! NJJS.ORG JERSEY JAZZ JANUARY • 2021 04 EDITOR’S CHOICE BY SANFORD JOSEPHSON leaves room for improvisation for the “Hit The Road, Jack”, but didn’t. Charles McPherson’s Dance Suites: musicians but is set in stone for the McPherson spent 12 years with Music That Will Move You dancers. They’re dancing, and the bassist Charles Mingus, and in “Re- movements are predicated on consis- flections” he recognizes “some of tent things every night.
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