www.ukrweekly.com ' "" r- І Address: The Ukrainian Weekly "WE INTEND TO BURY 81-83 Grand Street NO О N E AND W E D О Jersey City, N.J. 07303 Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 NOT INTEND TO BE New York's Telephone: BUR1ED" BArclay 7-4125 Lyndon B. Johnson УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК. UKRAINIAN одну Ukrainian Natioanal Ass'n Sty? lkrauttan pwfclg forfimt TeL HEnderson 5-8740 РІК ЬХХП 4. 120 SECTION TWO 15 ЦЕНТІВ - 15 CENTS SVOBODA,-THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1965 No. 120 VOL LXXH ! І ssss - Metropolitan Theodorovych Democrats Affirm vital Role . і ' Ukrainian Day at Singer Bowl Rochester ТУ Station Airs To Attend Blessing Ceremony Of Ethnic Groups if Scheduled for July 11 Ukrainian Program MAYOR WAGNER TO OONT1NUE AS ALL AMER1CANS in Boston JERSEY C1TY, NEW YORK GROUPS PERFORM ROCHESTER , N. Y.—With latter group is under the tute- COUNCIL CHAIRMAN TOMORROW BOSTON, Mass. — His Emi- ry, liturgical appointments of NEW YORK, N.Y. - "The ences designed to deal with the merely a switch of the dial lage of Jaroslaw Kuzhil. Mi- nence, Metropolitan loan The-' this newly constructed edifice hopes and aspirations of the problems and issues confront- By HELEN P. SM1NDAK Ukrainians in this city were chael Yurkiw's orchestra play- odorovych, Spiritual Head of in Boston, it marks the com- foreign-language groups and ing the nationality groups in .) ' able to view their own te!evi- ed for the dancers. the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, pletion of the church building the causes that they seek to the light of the far-reaching World's Fair. N. Y. - The Tomorrow, at a Folk Feati sion program on Friday, May Opening the program, Mr. of America, will bless the new-1 project started eleven years promote in behalf of their legislative reforms and pro- Singer Bowl, scene of a spec- val scheduled for 6 p.m. at the 16. The half-hour show, broad- Andruahyn highlighted several tacular Ukrainian Day last Singer Bowl, Mrs. Oprysko's ly erected iconostas at the St.; ago and brought about through mother countries Jure not for- grams initiated on the local cast over WROC-Televiaion events from Ukrainian history year, will be the show-case for Ukrainian Dancers of Astoria Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox the generosity of devout par eign issues—they are Amer- and national levels, in view of and sponsored by the Ukrain- and spoke about the aspira- another concert of Ukrainian and Ted Carpluk's New Dance Church of Boston, Massachu- ishioners and a group of dedi ican issues... They must not the upcoming elections, opin- ian "Marko" building firm tions of the Ukrainian AmwrU folk dances and гаизіс on July Ukraine of Brooklyn will pre- owned by Mr. Mark Lonke- setts, on Sunday. June 27.1965. be overlooked in the process of ions of the nationality group can community and their rela- cated workers. 11. sent their interpretations of U- vych, was presented under the The iconostas, one of the formulating American foreign leaders were sounded out and tion to the current internation- Following the blessing cere- J Slated to take part in the krainian dances. Mr. Bacad. auspices of the local branch of finest works of art on this side J monies and a Pontifical Litur policy," said Mayor Robert F. discussed in relation to the al political situation. fjair's foremost Ukrainian Day who із chairman of the Folk the Ukrainian Congress Com- of the Atlantic, was designed gy. the parishioners and Wagner in addressing a gath- Democratic Party's program. The map of Ukraine was ering of close to 1,000 New Of 1965 are the United Ukrain- Festival Council of Greater mittee of America (UCCA). shown several times through- by architect George Kodak of friends will celebrate this great Representing the Ukrainian York-New Jersey leaders and ian Folk Dance Groups of the New York, is guest speaker at This first broadcast featured out the show as was a por- Canada. The builder was the occasion at a banquet with en- nationality group was Stephen representatives of the All Metropolitan New York Area, this multi-ethnic event. addresses by New York Con- trait of Taras Shevchenko, U- Chomanchuk Woodwo rking tertainment and dancing at the J. Jarema. chairman of the Americans Council at a lun- under the direction of Nina gressman Frank J. Horton kraine's great Poet-Laureate, Company of Philadelphia, and , St. Andrew Parish Hall. Joseph Democratic Party's Ukrainian Ukrainian dancers will also cheon in the grand ballroom of Sulyma, and the Prometheus (see p. 2 of this issue) and to whom the program was de- the painter of the icons was Charyna, General Chairman Of Division, who was seated at the appear tomorrow at the New the Waldorf-Astoria here on ^lale Chorus of Philadelphia William Andruahyn, head of dlcated the well known artist from this gala affair, will also act as dais along with other ethnic directed by John Zadorozny. Jersey State Pavilion, where New York, Serhiy Makarenko. j Master of Ceremonies and ІП.- Wednesday, June 23. the UCCA branch here. Ap- This program has met with group leaders and many dia- Children's dances for the the Ukrainian Center Dancers The blessing and dedication j troduce the many visiting cler- Mr. Wagner, who was the pearing in the program were unanimous enthusiasm on the tinguished guests. show are being prepared b;, of Jersey City, N.J., are sched- of the iconostas and the deco-1 gy, distinguished guests and main speaker at the affair, an- also the Ukrainian male chorus part of the viewers, as can be Elaine Oprysko and Hutzul uled to give a performance at rations completes the necessa-lout of town dignitaries. nounced that he' will continue Also attending the affair was "Surma," under the direction surmised from the overwhelm- songs and dances by Oleh Gen- 1:30 p. m. as national chairman of, the a large Ukrainian delegation, of Jaroslaw Matkpwsky, the ing response by letters, tele- za. Walter Bacad is program The Jersey City group, di- Council in spite of his decision led by Joseph Lesawycr, UNA Ukrainian mixed chorus "Ho- grams and telephone messages, coordinator. rected by Mrs. Josephine Bilas, not to seek re-election as Supreme President, and includ- min," whose conductor is Ya- and, undoubtedly, marks a Ukrainian Metallurgists Attend UNA President Joseph Lesa- was organized in January of mayor of New York. ing John O. File, Walter Bacad, rema Hordiy, and the "Уегк- milestone as the first event of wyer, representing the pro- this year and made its first international Conference The All Americans Council Joseph Saik, Theodore Lytwyn. hovyna" dance ensemble. The this sort in this community. Myron H. Solonynka, Michael gram's sponsor, the Ukrainian major appearance at the New NEW YORK, N.Y.—Several Gordon Mines, Ltd., of Fort embraces virtually all nation- Congress Committee of Ameri- York State Pavilion's "Ukrain- ality groups and is attached to D. Warchol, Walter Kolody. Ukrainian engineers were Saskatchewan, Alberta, Cana- William Chupa, Walter Klaws- ca, will be the main speaker. ian Day" last June 6. The among the many other scien- da; Mr. vasyl Kunda, of Ed- the National Committee of the jThe concert will begin at 7: group, consisting of. junior 'Soyuzivka' Opens Summer Season Democratic Party, in the words nik, William Modrako. victor tists who attened the 1965 ln- monton, Canada; and Mr. .N. Nowicki. Representing "Svobo- 30; p.m. and is expected to draw dancers from seven to 13 years ternational Powder Metallurgy Korchynsky, of Pittsburgh, of Mr. Bailey, chairman of the Today ; da" and "The Ukrainian Week- a ^capacity audience. Last year's of age and seniors from 14 and Conference, held here on June Pennsylvania. The latter three Democratic National Commit- tremendously successful pro- up, meets for weekly rehears- tee, who also addressed the ly" were editors Anthony Dra- CONCERT, ENTERTA1NMENT, CfflLDREN'8 CAMP 14 through thejl7th. also presented scientific pa- gan and Zenon Snylyk. gram was viewed by some 18. als at the Ukrainian Communi- There was only one Ukrahv pers for the conference assero- gathering, the Council "is a INAUGURATE ACTIVITY Appearing as a guest speak- 000 persons. ty Center in Jersey City. ian metallurgist, Mr. 1. M. vital force .Jn the National KERHONKSON, N.Y.—This ьіу. , er was Prof. Zbigniew Brze- will be MC-d by volodymyr Fedprenko. in, the Soyjet .dele? Committee and playea a posi- evening will mark the festive in addition to the above, the zinski, head, of Columbia J Uni- Hentysh, dancing under the gation to the, conference. Repr tive role in bringing people of opening of the summer season conference was attended by versity's Russian- institute, stars will continue through the resenting delegations from the many origins і into the main- Graduation Banquet, Ball Held at "Soyuzivka," the Ukrainian Mr. Mykola Switucha, who ar- who imparted some of his night to the tunes of the free world, however, .were the stream of American political National Association resort riyed' as -a .representative of views on the recent develop- "Amor" orchestra. following Ukrainian engineers: 1^" in New York center located here. This all- the metallurgical division, of ments behind the iron Curtain This year "Soyuzivka" wiU Mr. , yplydymyr,' N. i Mackiw, The campaign mobilization year-round vacation paradise the recently - formed.. Canadian and their effect on American NEW YORK, N. Y. (UWNS) tional Association, spoke in be- again host the perennially pop- who is director of the extensive government , trade and com- luncheon watv preceded by a will again offer a full slate of ular children's camps and cul- of aarlyTmornlng confer- foreign policy.
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