CHINESE 542 Introduction to Chinese Historical Phonology Spring 2005 This course is a basic introduction at the graduate level to methods and materials in Chinese historical phonology. Reading ability in Chinese is required. It is assumed that students have taken Chinese 342, 442, or the equivalent, and are familiar with articulatory phonetics concepts and terminology, including the International Phonetic Alphabet, and with general notions of historical sound change. Topics covered include the periodization of the Chinese language; the source materials for reconstructing earlier stages of the language; traditional Chinese phonological categories and terminology; fânqiè spellings; major reconstruction systems; the use of reference materials to determine reconstructions in these systems. The focus of the course is on Middle Chinese. Class: Mondays & Fridays 3:30 - 5:20, Savery 335 Web: http://courses.washington.edu/chin532/ Instructor: Zev Handel 245 Gowen, 543-4863 [email protected] Office hours: MF 2-3pm Grading: homework exercises 30% quiz 5% comprehensive test 25% short translations 15% annotated translation 25% Readings: Readings are available on e-reserves or in the East Asian library. Items below marked with a call number are on reserve in the East Asian Library or (if the call number starts with REF) on the reference shelves. Items marked eres are on course e-reserves. Baxter, William H. 1992. A handbook of Old Chinese phonology. (Trends in linguistics: studies and monographs, 64.) Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. PL1201.B38 1992 [eres: chapters 2, 8, 9] Baxter, William H. and Laurent Sagart. 1998 . “Word formation in Old Chinese” . In New approaches to Chinese word formation: morphology, phonology and the lexicon in modern and ancient Chinese. Jerome L. Packard, ed., 35-76. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [eres: entire] Campbell, Lyle. 1999. Historical linguistics: an introduction. Cambridge: MIT Press. P140.C36 1999 Dïng Shëngshù 丁生樹. 1958. Gûjïn zìyïn duìzhào shôucè 古今字音對照手冊 [Comparative handbook of ancient and modern character readings]. PL1201.T5 1958 / 1960 / 1981 Féng Chüntián 馮春田. 1995. Wáng Lì yûyánxué cídiân 王力語言學詞典 [Wang Li dictionary of linguistics]. P121.F42 1995 Guângyùn 廣韻 [Expanded Qièyùn]. PL1201.K85 1961, PL1201.K85 1974 Guö Qínnà 郭芹納, Hú Änshùn 胡安順, Liú Jìng 劉靜, Liú Lèníng 劉樂寧 (eds). 1988. Jiânmíng gû Hànyû zhïshi cídiân 簡明古漢語知識辭典 [Concise dictionary of Ancient Chinese linguistic knowledge]. Shaanxi Renmin Chubanshe. [eres: pp. 28-67] Handel, Zev. 2004. Chinese-English glossary of linguistic terms in Lín and Gêng chapter 2. [eres: entire] Hànyû Fängyïn Zìhuì (second edition). 1989. 漢語方音字彙(第二板)[Lexicon of Chinese dialect pronunciations]. PL1201.P45 1989 Jíyùn 集韻. Taipei: Taiwan Zhonghua Shuju. PL1201 .T54 1966 Karlgren, Bernhard. 1957. “Grammata serica recensa”. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 29:1-332. REF: PL1201.K35a Ladefoged, Peter. 1993. A course in phonetics (third edition). Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. P221.L2 1993 Li, Fang-kuei 李方桂 1971 [1980]. Shànggûyïn yánjiü 上古音研究[Studies on Archaic Chinese]. Beijing: Shangwu Yinshuguan. PL 1201.L43. (Translated into English by Gil Mattos as “Studies on Archaic Chinese”. 1974-75. Monumenta Serica 31:219-287. [eres: entire]) Chinese 542 Syllabus 1 Lín Táo 林燾 and Gêng Zhènshëng 耿振生. 1997. Shëngyùnxué 聲韻學 [Traditional Chinese phonology]. Taipei: Sanmin Shuju. [eres: chapters 1-6] Coblin, W. South. 1996. “Marginalia on two translations of the Qieyun preface”. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 24.1:85-96. [eres: entire] Coblin, W. South. 2004. “The Chiehyunn system and the current state of Chinese historical phonology”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 123.2:377-383. [eres: entire] Language Atlas of China. 1988, 1991. ATLAS: PL1033.L36 1988 (on atlas table) Norman, Jerry. 1988. Chinese. (Cambridge language surveys.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. PL1075.N67 1988 [eres: chapter 2] Norman, Jerry and W. South Coblin. 1995. “A new approach to Chinese historical linguistics”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 115.4:576-584. [eres: entire] Pulleyblank, Edwin G. 1984. Middle Chinese: a study in historical phonology. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. PL1201 .P84 1984 Pulleyblank, Edwin G. 1991. Lexicon of reconstructed pronunciation in Early Middle Chinese, Late Middle Chinese and Early Mandarin. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. REF: PL1081 .P84 1991 Pulleyblank, Edwin G. 1998. “Qieyun and Yunjing: The essential foundation for Chinese historical linguistics”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 118.2:200-216.[eres: entire] Tung, T’ung-ho 董同龢. 1968. Hànyû yïnyùnxué 漢語音韻學 [Chinese phonology]. Taipei: Táiwän Xuéshëng Shüjú 台灣學生書局. PL1201.T83 1981, PL1201.T83 1972 [eres: chapter 4] Wáng Lì 王力. 1967. Zhöngguó yûyánxué shî 中國語言學史 [History of Chinese linguistics]. PL1075.W268 1984 Yûyán yû yûyánxué cídiân 語言與語言學詞典 [Dictionary of language and linguistics]. P29.H3412 1981 Yùnjìng 韻鏡 [Mirror of rhymes]. PL1201.L8, PL1201.L85x Dêngyùn wûzhông 韻圖五種 [Five rhyme tables]. (Handel personal copy) Zhöngguó yûyánxué dà cîdiân 中國語言學大詞典 [Comprehensive dictionary of Chinese linguistics]. PL1071.C58 1991 Chinese 542 Syllabus 2 SCHEDULE Topics covered; Readings to prepare; Assignments due Week 1 Topics: introduction; periodization of Chinese; Chinese dialects; review of modern 3/28, 4/1 Mandarin phonology Readings: Lín & Gêng [1]-2, Handel glossary; [Ladefoged 1-2, 3-4, 7; Norman 2.1, 6, 8, 9, Campbell 2] Due: -- Week 2 Topics: Middle Chinese sources: rhyme books (Qièyùn, Guângyùn), fânqiè spellings 4/4, 4/8 Readings: Norman 2.2, Lín & Gêng 4 (ignore 三十六字母 references), Baxter 2.2.1 Due: translations into English of Guo et al. entries Qièyùn (35), Wáng yï/èr/sän (38), Guângyùn (29), Jíyùn (61), fânqiè (33) Week 3 Topics: Middle Chinese sources: rhyme tables (Yùnjìng), phonological categories 4/11, 4/15 Readings: Norman 2.3, Lín & Gêng 5 (pp. 152-173 optional), Baxter 2.2.2 Due: exercise #1 (xìlián); translations of Guo et al. entries sänshíliù zìmû (30 - ignore chart), dêngyùntú (59-60), Yùnjìng (64), Qièyùn Zhîzhângtú (36), Sìshëng Dêngzî (38) Week 4 Topics: Middle Chinese: reconstruction methods 4/18, 4/22 Readings: Norman 2.4, Lín & Gêng 3 Due: exercise #2 (MC phonological categories); translations of Guo et al. entries yùnmû (62), yùn (61), dêng (59), käikôuhü (36), hékôuhü (44), yùnshè (63-64) Other: Monday quiz (Mandarin phonology, 16 shè, 36 zìmû) - 15 minutes Week 5 Topics: Middle Chinese: phonological characteristics, the chóngniû problem, major 4/25, 4/29 reconstruction systems Readings: Lín & Gêng 6; Baxter 2.3-2.4 Due: exercise #3 (Mandarin developments); translations of Guo et al. entries, qíchîhü (45), cuòkôuhü (67), Píngshuîyùn (39) Week 6 Topics: Middle Chinese: critical methodology, the historical-comparative approach 5/2, 5/6 Readings: Coblin 1996; Norman and Coblin 1995; Pulleyblank 1998; Coblin 2004 Due: exercise #4 (fânqiè) Week 7 Topics: Old Chinese: sources and methodology (Shïjïng; xiéshëng series; Tibeto- 5/9, 5/13 Burman; transcriptions) Readings: Li Fang-kuei 1971 (or Mattos’ English translation); Baxter 9 Due: exercise #5 (determining MC reconstructions) Week 8 Topics: Old Chinese: phonological characteristics, major reconstruction systems 5/16, 5/20 Readings: Norman 2.5; Baxter 8; Baxter & Sagart 1998 Due: exercise #6 (OC rhyme groups) Week 9 Topics: Old Mandarin 5/23, 5/27 Readings: Norman 2.6-2.7; Tung 4 Due: exercise #7 (finding OC reconstructions); translation of Guo et al. entry Zhöngyuán Yïnyùn (65??) Week 10 Comprehensive Test 6/3 Annotated Translation due Thursday, June 9 Readings in [brackets] are optional. Italicized numbers refer to chapters or sections. All readings are to be completed before the first class meeting of the week. All assignments are due at the beginning of the last class meeting of the week. Chinese 542 Syllabus 3 .
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