■ '■ ------ — _ ■ Voi. 50, No. 51 ] f k ’iiieAWN December 23, 1938 1 ■j35iBuiap<)«H 0/0 xo0 ‘Aaapuia Aituqyi xassa Founded *888 .... Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN.N.J. THE BOARD OF REVIEW for Scouts of the Orange Mountain Open Post p > 4 5 ° ’ 2 9 3 - 5 5 District will be held in the Shel­ Christym Services Ink ter House, Taylor Park at 7:45 For Schools P. M. on Wednesday, (December Office Bids 28) John Voorhees will be in Millburn's school budget to charge. - Bids for the erection of Mill- ownshii be submitted to voters in Feb­ burn’s new post office will be re­ ruary will total for the years ceived and opened by the Post Christmas Eve lEill See Mattel Corshipcrs In 1939-1940, $450,293.55. After Office Department in Washing­ Land Gift On ton, at 1 o’clock P. M. January recapture of state and county school moneys in the amount 17, 1939. Ecu's— Midnight Services In Three— of $70,000 and appropriation of Chatham Road This is the first intimation $15,220 from surplus, the net that plans for the new office Special Music And Sermons In a letter to the Short Hills had been prepared and that amount to be raised by taxation Special Christmas programs Christ. Church will hold a chil­ will be $364,073.55. Association Miss Cora Hart­ construction was about to begin. have been arranged by the dren’s party at 4:30 Saturday The portion of the tax rate shorn has set forth the fact that The site at the corner of Mill- applicable to schools in 1937- the Estate has deeded to the burn avenue and Whlttingham churches of the Township to afternoon at which time gifts fo r. 1938 , was 1.292; in 1938-1939 Township all of the land lying terrace was purchased some commemorate the Birth of the New Jersey Training School months ago. 1.266 and the estimated figure west of the Little House on Cha­ Christ. Christmas Eve Services will be presented. At 10:45 P. M. tham road and that there now It is presumed now that the for 1939-1940 is 1.280. will be held a t St. Stephen’s, Wy­ carols will be sung prior to the Estimated school requirements remains little property that contracts will be placed at once of Lima and*"TIbly Communion service at for 1939-1940 are: Current Ex­ might conceivably be used for so that the successful bidder oming, St. Rose pense $300,020; Maintenance, commercial purposes aside from can begin operations within a Christ Church. 11:00 P. M. The choir of thirty voices, of $12,500; Capital Outlay, $4,000; the Wittkop lands and those few weeks. This should mean A solemn High Mass of St. St. Stephen’s under the direction Manual Training and House­ now occupied by the barn, ad­ that it might be turned over to Benedict will be sung by the hold Arts, $12,950 and Debt joining. Postmaster Hayes as custodian of Henry Weston Smith, organ­ Senior Choir of St. Rose o r t l r i i r Service, $120,823.55. Miss Hartshorn alsb states at the end of the coming Sum­ ist and chairmaster, will be as­ Church at midnight Christmas that the 10 acre Wild Flower mer. sisted by Harriet Pilch Hewson, Eve. Carols will be sung before Full details of the budget art! soprano, and Helen Stair, con­ available at the office of the Reservation, across Van Winckle Millburn’s new building closer the Mass and the services will brook from Chatham road, has to Wyoming, is not expected to tralto, in the singing of carols be conducted by the Reverend Board of Education in Washing­ and also the special service been willed to the Township by make any change in the attitude Father Coyle. Confession will bfe ton School and any taxpayer in­ which follows. Lucille Torrey, terested in how the expendi­ her. The letter states: of residents there who now re­ held Saturday afternoon from December 17, 1938 ceive mail through Maplewood. well known violinist will also 4 until 6 O’clock and from 7:30 tures are to be made up is in­ accompany the choir. - “I have just read in the-Item There is now in Maplewood how­ until 9 in the evening,________ vited to inspect" the record:' Lullay My Liking. Shepherds, that the Short Hills Association ever, agitation for a new and Christmas Day Messes will be Last week the Board of Edu­ What Joyful Tidings, and Christ is very seriously concerned over separate office standing on its held at 6:45 A. M., 8 A. M„ 9:30 cation passed a resolution call­ Was Born will be the carols ren­ the possible extension of an un­ own feet rather than as a branch A. M., and a High Mass by the ing upon interested individuals dered starting at 11:15 P. M. The sightly business section along of South Orange, which it now is ,'unior Choir at 11 A. M. The having any matter within its church service will start at 11:30 Chatham road if permission is Benediction of the Most Blessed jurisdiction in mind, to lay it with a Processional and Choral given to Mr. Wittkop to build a Sacrament, will follow. before the district clerk by let­ Celebration of the Holy Com­ store on his property next to his Christmas Day services at St. ter, whereupon the board would munion with an address by the present row of stores. Clean-up Week Stephen's Church’ will consist of be pleased to consider and dis­ Reverend Hugh W. Dickinson. "Evidently there are some fac­ Holy Communion at 8 A. M., and cuss the issue. A Christmas Eve Candlelight tors in the situation the Asso­ Morning Prayer and Sermon by Frederic R. Colie offered the For Millburn ' service will be held at Wyoming ciation is not aware of. the Reverend Dickinson at 11 original resolution which was Church at 7:30. Carols will be A. M. j. C redrafted several times before "The Hartshorn Estate recent­ This was clean-up week for sung by the Junior Choir under Monday, December 26, has final unanimous adoption. In ly gave Millburn Township the Millburn Township Committee the direction of Miss Joyce Went. been designated St. Stephen’s proposing it he stated he felt strip of land through which the as transfers were made and old The carols will include Patient brook flows and Chatham road Day and a Children’s Festival The Item hostile to the board balances brought out, were Shepherd Keeping, Once in runs, lying between my Wild will be held at 4:30 that after­ and called attention to letters cleaned up and turned to sur­ Royal David’s City. There Dwelt Flower Reservation and the D. noon. from readers published in its plus in anticipation of the Town­ in Old Judea and It Came Upon Wyoming Church service columns. A reporter who left ship going on a cash basis Jah- the Midnight Clear. The Young (Continued on Page Eight) Christmas Day will be held a t the session was unable to find uary 1. People will present “Keeping * 11 A. M. The combined Junior his notes as t<5 the full discus­ Monday night bids were Christmas in the Heart,’’, and the and Senior Choirs will sing sev­ sion, upon his return. opened for a garbage truck service will close with the sing­ eral Christmas Hymns at this There have been several let­ Ter Sing.. Carols chasis and for dump bodies to ing of O Little Town of Bethle­ service. The Cummins Trum­ ters signed with nom de plumes be mounted on it. No awards hem. ------ at the request of the authors, According to plans formulated were made. ----------- peters will also render several as is their right where the full by the young people of the Bap­ John A. Stewart 3rd was In selections. "If There Had Been name and address is given also. tist Church, residents of Mill- the driver’s seat and in the ab­ No Christmas” will be the title “ In another column today ap­ bum and vicinity will awaken sence of Messrs Hill and Moore, Relief Rises of the sermon by the Reverend pears the board’s invitation to early Christmas morning to the he put the other two through Ralph H. Read. letter, writers to address it in sound of Christmas carols em­ the paces in record time. A Holy Communion Service person. anating from Washington RoGk May be John was getting his Costs D rop will be held at 8 A. M. at Christ in South Mountain Reservation. hand in for the 1939 chairman­ Church Christmas morning. A Millburn’s relief load Is go­ sermon as well' as Holy Com­ CLARK SCHOOL gave its The plans call for the instal­ ship and possibly he was just ing up but costs are going down munion will be held at the 1 1 * "nnual Christmas pageant “The lation of an amplifier high up finishing his '38 vice-chairman­ according to the November re­ o’clock service following. Nativity” at the Woman’s Club on the mountain: and for the ship in a blaze of speed. young people to meet there at Tuesday night an adjourned port of Jess W. Bole, overseer. It The Baptist Church'will con-™ ■'f' the Oranges, Park avenue, was shown th at the number of duct its regular service Christ­ "aturday afternoon, December 6 A. M., and spend the next, session was staged with more hour singing carols to all within ridding and dusting of old ac­ persons'on relief here was 155 mas Day with the inclusion of " 17.
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