Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Jeffrey Bowen 781-201-9488 12 new construction luxury condos for [email protected] sale in Chelsea located at 87 Parker St. chelsearealestate.com for details Happy Mother’s Day! Chelsea record Check out the Mom’s YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1890 Day drawings on Page 6 VOLUME 118, No. 10 THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2019 35 CENTS In contentious GOOD GAME City Budget request submitted vote, Council and sits at $181.5 million votes to allow By Adam Swift and Elder Services -- and an increase from a part-time to change to City Manager Thomas Am- a full-time position in the brosino presented a city bud- Licensing Department. The insurance get just short of $181,500,000 E-911 increase, a total of three for Fiscal Year 2020 to the new full-time positions, fol- City Council Monday night. lows a personnel review by the By Adam Swift The proposed budget department’s new director. Increases in the DPW in- Current and former munic- funds city expenditures at clude personnel for a new 311 ipal employees crowded into $86,095,981 and the schools at system as well as a group of Monday night’s City Council $95,391,784 for a total budget new hires required for the city meeting as the council took up of $181,487,765. This budget to operate its own Water and a vote to allow City Manager is about $6.5 million more Sewer Department. Thomas Ambrosino to negoti- than the FY19 budget, an in- The FY20 budget includes ate changes to the city’s group crease of 3.71 percent. funds in salary reserve to cov- health insurance policies. “The FY20 budget con- er the anticipated costs of on- Most of those employees did tinues support for many pro- going union negotiations with not leave happily or quietly as grams we have implemented City Hall employees. With the the council voted 8-2 to grant over the past few years,” Am- exception of the police and fire Ambrosino that authority to brosino stated in a letter to the union contracts, all municipal negotiate the changes. Council- City Council. union contracts expire on June lors Roy Avellaneda and Yamir The City Manager is pro- 30 of this year. Rodriguez voted against the posing full funding for so- •In other business, the order, while Councillor Calvin cial services programs in the Council approved an or- T. Brown was not present at the downtown, including the der proposed by councillors meeting. Navigators and Youth Naviga- Giovanni Recupero, Enio Lo- The city’s current group tor program. The Health and pez, Luis Tejada, and Damali health plan is governed by a Human Services budget also Vidot requiring that all street three-year agreement with the includes a new social services cleanings should be limited Public Employee Committee contract to support the ISD to the same amount of time in (PEC) that expires on June 30 housing program. every street. Lopez and Recu- of this year. The budget does include pero both noted that residents “During the months of No- new positions in three city departments -- E-911, DPW, vember through March, I did at- See BUDGET Page 5 tempt to negotiate with the PEC a new multi-year agreement that would provide some cost sav- Chelsea Fatal Fire determined to ings to the group health plan,” Ambrosino stated in a letter to PHOTO BY EMILY HARNEY be caused by electrical problems the council. “Unfortunately, Marianna Claudio celebrates with Coach Ted Freeley during the Chelsea High softball game ver- I have not been able to reach sus Lynn Tech on Weds., May 1. See Page 7 for more photos. agreement with the unions.” Under Massachusetts Gen- eral Laws, Ambrosino stated, in the absence of a new agree- ment, the old PEC agreement FBI Special Agent in Charge Bonavolonta will remain in effect indefinite- ly. Without City Council action, Ambrosino said he cannot put wows the audience at JGBC Breakfast any health care cost savings in place. By Cary Shuman clock and how it affects peo- where you have your histor- The action approved by the ple not only in this nation but ical terrorism threats, really City Council allows the city to He had his audience totally around the world. pre-and-post 911: Al Qaeda take advantage of recent state engaged on every word, his He began by illuminating and ISIS, They still are per- legislation that allows munici- knowledge so overwhelming, “about the types of threats sistent. They still are signif- his delivery so confident and we’re facing in our AOR icant threats for us, but the threat landscape in terrorism See VOTE Page 2 precise. (Area of Responsibility),” PHOTO BY MICHAEL LAYHE SR. Joseph R. Bonavolonta, which is the four-state region has really changed every year A quick-moving fire on Watts and Highland Streets last Friday, FBI special agent in charge of Maine, New Hampshire, since September 11, 2001,” he May 3, claimed the life of one 37-year-old man and caused ex- of the Boston Field Office, Massachusetts, and Rhode Is- said. tensive damage. Investigators said there were major problems Chelsea School was the guest speaker at the land. Bonavolonta noted that the with smoke detectors in the home and first-responders reported Jordan Boys and Girls Club He divided the subject mat- primary threat here is Home- not hearing any alarms upon arrival. Committee Breakfast Series Tuesday and ter between the categories of grown Violent Extremists his remarks were so captivat- national security threats and (HVE). “What I mean by that, Staff Report the fire spread to rear of 107- to choose ing that he received two other criminal threats. simply, are individuals who 109 Highland Street. guest speaking invitations be- “I’ll start with pure nation- have been self-radicalized Chelsea Fire Chief Leon- The fire originated in a void Superintendent fore he left the hall. al security, that’s really where primarily over the Internet – ard A. Albanese Jr., Chelsea space above the suspended “It’s been an incredibly in- we’re focusing on our count- it could be by other means as Police Chief Brian Kyes, State ceiling of an enclosed porch. tonight terestingly and enlightening er-terrorism and counter-in- well. They go out and commit Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostros- Investigators determined that morning – that was great,” telligence threats, two of the significant acts of violence key and Suffolk District Attor- an electrical event took place said Breakfast Chair Mark absolute top threats, not only against what we would call ney Rachel Rollins announced in the area of origin where By Seth Daniel Robinson at the conclusion of here in our area, but also na- or they call to be soft targets: the cause of the May 3 fire at there were numerous electri- tionally,” said Bonavolonta. schools, shopping malls, any 48 Watts St., a 2-family home cal circuits. Just before the The Chelsea School Com- Bonavolonta’s remarks. He said the FBI is focusing areas where there are public in Chelsea, was electrical. fire was discovered, residents mittee is poised to offer a po- Bonavolonta took the on two types of counter-ter- gatherings where you can po- The fire took the life of an reported that the lights in the sition to one of the three super- guests on an up-close look at rorism, international terrorism tentially inflict mass casual- adult man believed to be a rel- first floor kitchen, the room intendent finalists tonight, May the vital work that the United and domestic terrorism. ties with the lowest amount of ative of the occupants of 48 next to the porch, went off. 9, at a special meeting that is States’ principal law enforce- “International terrorism is Watts St. The victim was iden- The victim was found on the expected to conclude the search ment agency does around the See FBI Page 3 tified as Milton Lopez, 37. process. In the dense neighborhood, See FIRE Page 5 In formal terms, the Commit- tee can only offer the position to their favored candidate. That 10 Weeks: Bumping and grinding not candidate has to accept the of- fer, and then a contract has to be part of Latino Culture, Commissioners say negotiated and ratified before the matter is completely official. By Adam Swift Before video from the bar The three candidates include: was screened, the attorney •Anthony Parker, Weston The City’s Licensing Com- representing Latinos Falcons, High School principal. mission might want to consid- asked that the commission •Ligia Noriega-Murphy, as- er making its public hearings members keep in mind that sistant superintendent of sec- adults’ only affairs. some of the displays of affec- ondary schools in Boston Public At its Thursday, May 2, tion captured on screen were Schools. meeting, the commission merely representative of the •Almudena Abeyta, current- handed down a 10-week liquor restaurant’s predominantly ly the assistant superintendent license suspension to Latinos “Latino culture.” The attorney of Curriculum, Instruction and Falcons at 185 Broadway after also noted that there has re- Assessment for the Somerville police showed a video from cently been training at the bar Public Schools. the bar featuring an assortment for staff to help prevent future The three candidates have of groping, grabbing, grinding incidents. been through a whirlwind tour and all-around Dirty Dancing As the video, featuring a fair of the City over the last two among waitresses, staff, and share of bumping and grinding, weeks, engaging in community patrons. came to an end with a shot of forums and School Committee The Falcon was called be- a security guard at Latinos Fal- interviews.
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