th Published Weekly — Founded 1867 NOTRE DAME VOLUME 75 NUMBER 2 i APRIL 24, 1942 Letters to the Editor tion or isolation, hates no professor in particular, thought the Doctor's election tJJic uvcXn^Q. Jua.\y\.Q. &CA\(AciiXKc V important but not earth-shaking, found South Bend, Ind. factual evidence of intervention influ­ Disce Qiiasi Semper Victtirua Vive Quasi Cras Mcriturus April 17, 1942 encing the Association's decision to give Dear Sir: him the Vice-Presidency last year, re­ FOUNDED 1867 There has been nothing in recent ported it as such. months that has given me more grief Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame. Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of and distress than the shameful, flippant postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized and degrading account of my election Cavanaugh Hall June 25, 1918. which appears in the current issue of the April 21, 1942. SCHOLASTIC. Dear Sir: Francis E. McMahon About one week ago our campus here at Notre Dame was very fortunate in receiving some of the navy's blue jackets University of Notre Dame who are to train for the V-7 program. April 21, 1942 And it is no military secret in saying Dear Sir: that there was hardly an individual on We feel that the article entitled "The the campus who wondered if the middies Return of the Pigeon," Avhich appeared could be swallowed up in the school life in the last edition of our magazine, un­ of Notre Dame. There were not a few fairly assailed a professor who, for the individuals who wondered if the navy THOMAS V. POWERS, Editor past nine years, has conscientiously ful­ boys could assimilate the tradition of DON HELTZBL Ma?iaging Editor filled his duties as an instructor in phil­ Notre Dame in such a short time. Now WILLIAM SCANLAN :. Promotion osophy here at Notre Dame. That his as we all know the navy boys have sur­ JOHN. DINGES Sports Editor political beliefs have pleased or dis­ prised even the most skeptical of us all WILLIAM BAADER ......Art Editor TOM CLEMENS Administration Editor pleased those who know hun, is of rela­ in becoming real Notre Dame. Proof of DAN DOWNEY. Campus Editor tive unimportance when a consideration this is offered by their response to the ED DRINKARD ....Staff Photographer is being given to his recent appointment Notre Dame night in the field house last LEO LEE 1 Advertising to the presidency of the Catholic Associ­ week. There Avas not a blue jacket who FRANK KIENER Advertising ation for International Peace. JOHN LYNCH Photo Editor wasn't on his feet when they played the REV. C. M. CAKEY, C.S.C., Faculty Advisor The facts that Dr. Francis E. Mc- victory march. There was not a sailor JMahon has been instrumental in the or­ who was not proud of his newly adopted igin and progress of the Association, and school. So it is no more than fair that Member of Catholic School Press Association and was considered worthy of the highest we students turn hack some of this good Associated Collegiate P'ress, Distributor of Colleg­ iate Digest. Represented for national advertisixtg office in this national society, seem to will to these boys of the navy. Why not by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison have been ignored by the self-appointed say hello to them when you see them on Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Boston-^Los Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHOLASTIC is ci-itic who wrote the article in question. the campus? And it never costs.anything published thirty-three times during the schoolyear at the University of Notre Dame. Address all man­ Instead, Dr. McMahon's achievements to stop and talk with them for a moment uscripts to Editor, 228 Walsh Hall or 121 Admin­ were buried beneath flippant commen­ when they ?"•'>. off dutji-. Good will can istration BIdg., Notre Dame, Ind. tary. help along Notre Dame, ai d it will tend Staff meetings in tlie Editorial Rooms, Old Ave to help you along when the chips are Maria Buillding: Sunday through Wednesday at We think that this obviously biased ar­ 7:15 p.m. ticle reflects poor judgment on the part down and you are in the service yourself. of the editors, as well as the reporter. It Thos. Val. Dougherty. 3iot only offends the dignity of Dr. Mc­ Mahon's professorship, but also violates the principles of charity, unity, and IN THIS ISSUE PAGE sportsmanship w^iich are identified with THE COVER ] Notre Dame. NEWS Sincerely yours, this week comes through the cour- i Jolm H. Stauber tesy of George Wyman & Co., one 1 ADMINISTRATiON 164 Alumni of South Bend's most popular de- J Sorin —The Prof s HalL„.. 4 Douglas J. MacDonald ^ partment stores, located at 103 N. f 7, Music Week Starts Sunday.: 4 254 Alumni Michigan Street. It was AA^'ynian's f genial management which drafted ^ CAMPUS • SCHOLASTIC regrets reflecting poor the languid, bored, blonde-wigged ' judgment, offending the dignity of^ a female manikin and her smart, [ • Senior Bail Tonite .... „. 6 professor's professorship, violating prin­ JFhite formal from its front A\Tn-• I. New Editors Announced 7 ciples of charity, unity and sportsman­ Jow, and a nude male manikin j Father Ryan's Hiking Club--:.. 10 ship, the identity of Notre Dame, if it from, their men's haberdashery f has done so. Scholastic thinks it has shop. Four. Walsh Hallers provided f SPORTS I not, has reported the article in a factual his formal clothes: Top-hat by Bill '. way, has used correct symbolism, has Kennedy; tie, shirt, trousers and 1 Old Tirners' Game Set For May 2.. 15 made no derogatory implications in re­ bails by Jack BroAvn; vest, and i Tallet Leads Irish Battcrs...„....: 17 gard to Dr. McMahon's teaching ability handkerchief by Bill Eaton; studs, f or to his political'beliefs. (See-Scholas-' ' coUar-buttons and chain by'Bill [ FEATURES tic, April 15, 1942.) 'Piatt. Striking lighting effects and ! The Week ....„.„.:_..„„.:.„„.:...„. 8 Unlike Readers Stauber and MacDon­ photo, by David Eex.Bagby Photo..! ,. College Parade. ..;...'. •.;.. j..- II ald, Scholastic has genuflected at neither •Co:, liO .W. Colfax,.South Bend. i - Scoop ,'n Splinters.V. I.....:.:. 16 of the quasi-political shrines of interven- . IJKI—KM—7 BB;^—W^'^W^—BO^™^ W;—mi^—Bl|^-•« w-^ti^7 .;:What About Sports^l^Il:....;.:..,....^ 16 "The Week" In Pictures ABOVE: Enjoyingr Eddie Peabody's banjo play­ ing: and the Great Lakes Xaval Training Orches­ tra in the Fieldhouse last Friday. Left to right. Father Hugh O'Donnell, President, Admiral John DoH-nes, Captain H. P. Burnett and Lieut. Powell. RIGHT: The Navy's V-7 trainees who have taken -vvell to the Dining Hall's food give visual evidence of their preference. BELOW: Notre Dame men admire the neat precision of marching Navy blue. BELOW: Commander Gene Tanney pauses at the WLS mike, tells the Fieldhouse audience of a homorans incident. =Mw AdMUHMinxiiixut MeiM =u>t N.D. Music Week to Feature by Mozart; "Sonata in P. Minor," by of time so well that eleven other such Beethoven; "Fantasie Impromptu," by buildings have been erected on the Jose Iturbi, Helen Jepson Chopin; and "Three Preludes" by Ger- campus. shmn. Within the walls of Sorin there Tom Duffy On Friday night. May 1, the Notre abounds a wealth of tradition that only Dame Glee Club, under Daniel H. Pedtke, 53 years of housing Notre Dame stu­ Notre Dame's annual observance of ^^ill appear on the gymnasiiun stage. dents and professors could bring. The They will feature Professor Pedtke's new Music Week will begin next Tuesday, towered corners of the building have be­ composition, "The Arena," written in ob­ April 28 vnth the first of three outstand­ come a characteristic part of the campus. servance of Notre Dame's centenary ing attractions from the musical world Down the high-ceilinged corridors have year. being offered, to the student body. walked the most illustrious of Notre The University Band, under Professor On Monday eveniiig. May 4, the South Dame's sons; the old tintypes and pic­ Casasanta, will open Music Week on Bend Symphony under the baton of Ed­ tures on the first floor walls give evi­ Sunday evening, April 26, on the concert win Haymes will fill the gym with the dence of this. Today the structure named stage of the Notre Dame gynmasium. strains of Wagner and the thrilling so­ in honor of the Very Rev. Edward Sorin, Just returned from the most successful prano voice of Helen Jepson, lovely star C.S.C, founder of Notre Dame, is rec­ Eastern tour in the history of the band, of opera and the concert stage. ognized as one of the oldest Catholic Professor Casasanta -will present the fol­ college residential halls in the United lowing varied program. States. Today to its long list of titles, Sorin Swaps Tradition "Home of the Scholar," "Hall of the The Ramparts We Watch_ -Arr. by Lake Upper-Classmen," etc. is added a new Lady of Spain _Arr. by Cailliet For Over-dose of Profs Song of the Bayou -Arr. by Leidzen one—"the Prof's Hall." Victor Herbert Favorites A.rr. by Lake On the Mall Goldman Soi-in Hall is again the scene of an Mardi Gras (from Mississippi Suite)_Ferde Grofe unusual setup that adds to its long line of novel and, traditional history. With Weekend "Shore Leave" Intermission the coming of the Navy, some Hall was Part of Trainees' Life Soldiers on Parade.._ De Luca bound to receive an overdose of profes­ U.
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