Matawan holds onto lead in Register Top Ten, 1B MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1878 ister )AY. NOV 8. 1988 VOL. 111 NO. .13 25 i Lawyer: Hunt Meet Candidates prepare not legal for final showdown By VIRGINIA KEMTDORRI8 bid to topple incumbent U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg. THE REGISTER BySEAMUSMcORAW The latest Eagleton poll, however, gives Lautenberg a THE REGISTER solid 12-point lead over the one-time Heisman Tro- phy winner and Rhodes scholar. MIDDLETOWN — The state On the congressional level, the race to fill How- Attorney General's Office will Politicians and campaign workers spent much of ard's seat — in which Libertarian Laura Stewart it look into whether the annual Hunt yesterday in a last-minute push before today's general also a candidate — has drawn national attention, in Race Meet operates legally be- election. pan because it is one of the few seats nationwide with cause of inquiries made by local "We've been out all weekend," said Wendy Do- no incumbent. attorney Larry S. Loigman. nath, a spokesman for 3rd Congressional District The picture is further complicated by the fact that Loigman, who has vowed to hopeful Joseph Azzolina. with Howard's death and the resignation of Demo- "make sure that this year's hunt is Azzolina is hoping to top Democratic state Sen. cratic Rep. Peter Rodino of Newark, the state's pres- the last one," last month contacted Frank Pallone in the race to fill the seat left vacant by tige level in Congress is reported to be on the decline. the state Department of Public the late Rep. James J. Howard. If Pallone defends the Democrats' 24-year claim on Safety and ascertained that the In the final hours, aides for both sides took the the seat, the current Democratic edge in the congres- race is not licensed by the New streets, passing out pamphlets and canvassing poten- sional delegation will remain intact. If Azzolina wins, Jersey Racing Commission. tial voters. the delegation will be tied. Both sides have spent the last few hours stressing In the 6th Congressional District, which includes "The law is pretty clear," Loig- the message that 3rd District voters should cast their Matawan and Aberdeen, incumbent Democrat Rep. man said. "It seems to me if there ballots twice, once for Howard's unexpired term and Bernard Dwyer is fending off a challenge from Peter is no license they're out of busi- a second time for the full two-year term. Sica, the Republican mayor of Carteret. ness." Each race is listed separately on the ballot, and Voters in Colts Neck and Holmdel will decide Under the statute that governs aides say that it is more than a simple formality be- whether to return 4th District Rep. Chris Smith to amusements and public exhibi- cause the two remaining months of Howard's term Washington or whether to replace him with Demo- tions, it is a misdemeanor to hold ' will give the winner a slight but measurable boost in crat Betty Holland. a hone race "for stake, purse or seniority in January when the freshman congressmen Meanwhile, voters also will be asked to decide the reward except in accordance with are sworn in. fate of a $350 million bond designed to fund high- tech improvements at state and private colleges, and a permit duly issued by the com- Polls in New Jersey will open at 7 a.m. and will mission." whether they favor special elections to fill unexpired close at 8 p.m., giving voters a chance to cast their terms in the Legislature. The hunt race, a charity event ballots for president and U.S. senator, and on a series On the county level, a non-binding referendum of public questions. In most municipalities, races also asks — unofficially — whether the state should find a held for the 38th time last month, are being held to fill seats on local governments. offend a total of almost $100,000 way to pay for state-mandated programs. in purse money, said Todd This year marks the first presidential race without Locally, Middletown voters will grapple with the Thompson, co-president of the an incumbent since 1968, when Lyndon Johnson de- controversial question of whether to change their Monmouth County Hunt Racing cided not to face GOP opponent Richard Nixon. form of government from a five-member committee Association. Vice President George Bush and Democrat Mi- elected at large to a nine-member council with six chael Dukakis both have identified New Jersey as a council members elected from wards and three elect- Charles Bradley, deputy director major battleground, despite its relatively small num- ed at large. The current mayoralty, in which one com- of the state. Racing Commission, THSnEOISTErt/WILUAMPCTLMAN ber of electoral votes. mittee appoints one of its members to serve in the confirmed that the race was not TOO MANY NAMES — Area voters may find the many choices A strong Bush lead in the state could bode well for post, also would be replaced by a system in which the licensed by the state and that his Republican Gen. Peter Dawldns, who is mounting a mayor is elected by the voters. office had asked the attorney gen- facing them today a little confusing, as does young Heather Lear. eral's office to provide them with an opinion on the matter. Bradley said that he expected an answer from that office in about a month. Tinton Falls inventor University "It was the 58th running of the hunt — it existed before the law By RANDY BRAMEKR was passed in 1940," Bradley said. bill gets THE REGISTER "It may have been grandfathered in." TINTON FALLS — When support The race, a steeplechase event Ralph Swiger put his hands-on held at the 500-acre Woodland approach to work recently, he Farm off Chapel Hill Road, is one had Halloween, fun and patents By DONALD W. MEVEHS of 40 such rapes organized annual- in mind. ly by the National Steeplechase Swiger, 26, said he has devised THE REGISTER Association, said Charles Colgan, a gadget called the "Super the association's executive vice Sound. His device allows users, WEST LONG BRANCH — president. who simply place the small de- State Sen. S. Thomas Gagliano is vice in their mouth, to sound like trying to make Monmouth Uni- Colgan said the association runs versity a reality as soon as possi- similar races in other states, in- robots when they talk. "It's kind of like the bird whis- ble. cluding Maryland, Pensylvania, Gagliano, co-sponsor of a bill Virginia, North Carolina and tle you used to put on the roof of your mouth," he said. that would allow Monmouth Col- South Carolina, and that state per- lege to become a university, is mission is ordinarily required only Swiger said he hopes to market the gadget by next Halloween, urging Senate President John if parimutuel betting is permitted Russo, D-Ocean, to put the bill up on races. pending receipt of a patent He demonstrated the device in late for a vote as soon as possible. No wagering is permitted at the October at costume contests in Gagliano is the Republican sen- hunt race. Middletown and Hazlet as part ator representing the 12 th Legis- of his robot-like spacesuit cos- lative District, which includes Loigman yesterday insisted that West Long Branch. the lack of betting on hunt races tume. He won both contests. Under current state law, a uni- was not a factor in whether the versity is a school that offers doc- hunt is properly licensed. "I couldn't believe it. I bad no idea this would happen," Swiger torate degrees. A master's degree is He said he wants the annual said after receiving $100, wine the highest degree offered at Mon- event eliminated because it pre- and six hours of limousine ser- mouth and Rider colleges. sents "an attractive nuisance." vice as prizes. Richard McGrath, an aide to His suit features arms made of Russo, said the measure has just "It is too much of risk to the been released from committee, people of the township," Loigman stove pipes and washer and dryer hookups from a local home and research on a bill is usually said, adding that the event is done by Russo's office before a de- marred by problems with under- ply center. He tried on the h THE REGISTER/DAVID C. ORAMETBAUER ups in the store, sparking the ii cision is made to put it up for a age drinking and traffic accidents INNOVATIVE COSTUME — Ralph Swiger, left, of Tinton Falls receives first prize for his costume vote by the full Senate. and injuries resulting from people at the Snug Harbor Restaurant's Halloween Party from restaurant owner Robert Fisler Sr. Swig The Senate will meet Nov. 28, leaving the event. the costume. er's costume was enhanced by his "Super Sound" device, which gives his voice a robotic quality. and again in December, Gagliano "I don't know why we tolerate "It was a puzzle, one piece at a said. The proposal, he said, should it," said Loigman, who started a time," he laid. Mall, he amplified the sound by outfit — a test drive," he said. Though he offered few details have few problems passing. second Middehown Safety Coun- A battery-operated public ad- four times — and lured children "There I was, just walking along, on the gizmo pending the patent, Gagliano noted the bill would cil in January after he was not re- dress system boosts the robot- out of the woodwork. and the.
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