L12 Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Thursday, July 22, 2021 WEEKDAY DAYTIME G=GCI Cable D1=Dish D2=DirecTV G D1 D2 8 a.m. 8:30 9 a.m. 9:30 10 a.m. 10:30 11 a.m. 11:30 12 p.m. 12:30 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m. 2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 LIFE 23 108 252 The Closer The Closer Major Crimes Major Crimes Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Th Movie: “The Wrong Mr. Right” (2021) Vivica A. Fox. Movie: “The Wrong Stepfather” (2020) ‘NR’ Keeping Up With the Joneses (14) Keeping Up With the Joneses (14) F Movie: “His Secret Marriage” (2019, Suspense) ‘NR’ Movie: “Fatal Getaway” (2019) Christie Burson. Movie: “Kidnapped in Paradise” (2021) ‘NR’ Movie: “Secrets in the Woods” (2020) ‘NR’ LMN 42 109 253 M Movie: “Most Likely to Murder” (2019) ‘NR’ Movie: “Dirty Teacher” (2013) Josie Davis. ‘NR’ Movie: “Homecoming Revenge” (2018) ‘NR’ Movie: “Killer Prom” (2020) Yvonne Zima. ‘NR’ T Movie: “Bad Twin” (2016) Haylie Duff. ‘NR’ Movie: “The Au Pair Nightmare” (2020) Anne Heise. Movie: “Into the Arms of Danger” (2020) ‘NR’ Movie: “Adopted in Danger” (2019) Allison Paige. W Movie: “Escaping My Stalker” (2020) ‘NR’ Movie: “My Father, My Kidnapper” (2019) ‘NR’ Movie: “Deadly Daughter Switch” (2020) ‘NR’ Movie: “Trapped by My Father’s Killer” (2020) ‘NR’ Th (:10) Movie: “Last Christmas” ›› (2019) ‘PG-13’ (9:53) Movie: “Victoria & Abdul” (2017) (:45) Movie: “A Hidden Life” ››› (2019) August Diehl, Maria Simon. ‘PG-13’ (:41) Movie: “Witness” ›››‡ ‘R’ F (7:35) Movie: “Inheritance” (2020) ‘NR’ (:28) Movie: “In Secret” ›› (2013, Drama) ‘R’ (:17) Movie: “The Peacemaker” ›› (1997) ‘R’ (:23) Movie: “Rock of Ages” ›› (2012) ‘PG-13’ “Patch” MAX 411 311 516 M “Good (:35) Movie: “In the Heart of the Sea” ››‡ (:38) Movie: “The Peacemaker” ›› (1997) ‘R’ (:43) Movie: “Hacksaw Ridge” ›››‡ (2016) Andrew Garfield. (:03) “Inheritance” (2020) T “Army” (:29) Movie: “Jason’s Lyric” ››‡ (1994) ‘R’ Movie: “The Betrayed” (2008) ‘NR’ (:10) Movie: “Warm Bodies” ››‡ (2013) ‘PG-13’ (1:50) Movie: “The Banger Sisters” ‘R’ “In Secret” W (7:41) Movie: “The Invisible Man” ››› (2020) ‘R’ (9:47) Movie: “La La Land” ›››‡ (2016) (11:56) Movie: “Cry Wolf” ›› (2005) (:28) Movie: “Ready or Not” ››› (:05) “Just Mercy” (2019) MSNBC 66 209 356 Andrea Mitchell Reports MTP Daily Katy Tur Reports Ayman Mohyeldin Deadline: White House (G) The Beat With Ari Melber The ReidOut MTV 76 160 231 Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Varied Programs Th Tiger Shark Terror (PG) Mega Hammerhead $XVWUDOLD·V6KDUN$WWDFNVAustralia's Shark AttacksThe Croc That Ate Jaws Shark Beach Ramsay: Shark Bait When Sharks Attack (14) When Sharks Attack (14) F Shark Attack Files (14) Shark Attack Files (14) Shark Attack Files (14) Shark Attack Files (14) Shark Attack Files (14) Shark Attack Files (14) When Sharks Attack (14) When Sharks Attack (14) NAT GEO 54 186 276 M Shark Kill Zone: Hunt Shark Bite Capitals Dolphin vs. Sharks Shark Attack Experiment Shark Attack Files (14) Shark Attack Files (14) When Sharks Attack (14) When Sharks Attack (14) T Man vs. Shark (PG) Australia’s$XVWUDOLD·V6KDUN$WWDFNV Shark Attacks Secrets of the Bull Shark Mega Hammerhead Tiger Shark Terror (PG) Shark vs. Predator (14) When Sharks Attack (14) When Sharks Attack (14) W Big Sharks Rule (14) World’s:RUOG·V%LJJHVW%XOO Biggest Bull Biggest Tiger Shark World’s:RUOG·V%LJJHVW*UHDW Biggest Great World’s :RUOG·V'HDGOLHVW6KDUNV Deadliest Sharks Most Wanted Sharks When Sharks Attack (14) When Sharks Attack (14) NBCSP 39 159 220 2020 Tokyo Olympics Varied 2020 Tokyo Olympics Varied Programs Olympics Varied Programs NICK 50 171 300 Blaze Blaze PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Loud House Loud House NWSNTN 8 239 307 In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods (14) Blue Bloods (14) Blue Bloods (14) NewsNation: Rush Hour The Donlon Report Th Fowl Life Live 2 Hunt Outdoors The One Humanimal Jim Shock Shooting USA (PG) Wild Ride Addicted Archer’s$UFKHU·V Driven Wicked Tuna (14) Bowlife Outdoors F Thirteen Heartland Bone Coll. Drop Zone Legends Crush McMillan Hunt Whitetail Fr. Hunter Fowl Life The Flush Wicked Tuna (14) Longmire (14) OUTDR 40 396 606 M Sporting Wild Boar Territories Wildlife Gregg Ritz Hunting TV Lindsey Raised Buck. Bucks Tec. Legends Bass Wicked Tuna (14) Farming Hunts T Outdoors WildFed Whitetail McMillan Legends Hunter Gun Stories Guns Am. Archer Heartland Outdoors Crush Wicked Tuna (14) Hunting Lindsey W Bowhunter Raised Whitetail Fr. Quests Thirteen Critical Bow Mad. Drop Zone Bowlife Territories Outdoors Gregg Ritz Wicked Tuna (14) Gun Stories American Th Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Two Men Two Men F Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Two Men Two Men PARMT 38 168 241 M Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Two Men Two Men T Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Two Men Two Men W Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Bar Rescue (PG) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Mom (14) Two Men Two Men Th “Bad News Bears Break Tr.” “The Bad News Bears Go to Japan” Movie: “Bad News Bears” ››‡ (2005) ‘PG-13’ Movie: “In the Line of Fire” ››› (1993) ‘R’ (:15) Movie: “Spy Game” F “Picture” Movie: “Dreamland” (2019, Drama) ‘R’ (:15) Movie: “Contact” ››› (1997) Jodie Foster. ‘PG’ (:45) Movie: “Cujo” ››› (1983) Dee Wallace. ‘R’ The Chi (MA) “Violence” SHOW 421 319 546 M (7:15) Movie: “Contact” ››› (1997) (:45) Movie: “U-571” ››‡ (2000) ‘PG-13’ (:45) Movie: “Act of Valor” ›› (2012, Action) ‘R’ (:45) Movie: “Brokeback Mountain” ›››‡ (2005) ‘R’ T Movie: “Nutty Professor II: The Klumps” ›› Movie: “The Honeymooners” ›› Movie: “Java Heat” ›‡ (2013) ‘R’ (:15) Movie: “American Gangster” ››› (2007) Denzel Washington. ‘R’ W (7:45) “Smokey and the Bandit II” “Smokey and the Bandit Part 3” › Movie: “Cujo” ››› (1983) ‘R’ (:35) Movie: “Spy Game” ››‡ (2001) ‘R’ (:45) Movie: “Moneyball” ›››‡ Th Small Town ,QQHUORF·VInnerloc’s Back 40 Danger Weapons Gun Stories Outdoors Elk Camp Wild Yukon Steve’s6WHYH·V W. Hunter High Cntry MeatEater MeatEater Beyond-Bar Hunt Adv F Ducks Backwoods Whitetail Given Right Airgunner Guns & Dead Meat Hardcore Red Rising Inches Buckvent. Savage MeatEater MeatEater Blitz TV Dead Meat SPRTSMAN 306 395 605 M The Maver 6WHYH·VSteve's Rubicon Hunt Adv Guns Airgunner Back 40 Blitz TV Big Deer TV Bowhunter Win/Drury Eichler MeatEater MeatEater Winchester Hoge Wild T Riflemen Bowhunter Bowhunter Whitetail Gun Stories Weapons Waterfowl Whitetail Brother. Hunts Relentless Pigman MeatEater MeatEater Crossroads Inches W Crossroads Pure Hunt Outdoors Final Draw Guns & Guns For Love Beyond-Bar Whitetail Adrenaline Wanted Winchester MeatEater MeatEater Steve’s6WHYH·V Big Deer TV Th (:11) Movie: “The Call” ›› (2013) Halle Berry. ‘R’ (9:48) Movie: “Sleepy Hollow” ››› (:37) Movie: “Monster Hunter” ›› (2020) ‘PG-13’ (:24) Movie: “Titanic” ›››› (1997) Leonardo DiCaprio. F (7:50) Movie: “The Beach” ›› (2000, Drama) ‘R’ (9:53) Movie: “Lucky Number Slevin” ››‡ (2006) (11:46) Movie: “Death Race” ›› ‘R’ (:34) Step Up: High Water (:27) Movie: “Monster Hunter” ›› STARZ 501 351 528 M (7:26) “Premium Rush” (:01) Movie: “The Siege” ››‡ (1998) ‘R’ Movie: “Greed” ›› (2019) Steve Coogan. ‘R’ (12:47) Movie: “John Grisham’s The Rainmaker” Power Book III: Raising T (6:56) “Hollow Man” ‘R’ (8:51) Movie: “Monster Hunter” ›› Power Book III: Raising (:32) Movie: “Men in Black” ››› (:13) Movie: “A Thousand Words” ›‡ (2012) “Hotel Transylvania” W “Men Blk (:33) Movie: “Men in Black 3” ››‡ (2012, Action) (:22) Movie: “Death Race” ›› (2008) Power Book III: Raising (:05) Movie: “Honey 2” ›‡ (2011, Drama) ‘PG-13’ (2:59) “Fever Pitch” Th “Rings” (:20) Movie: “Alien Resurrection” ››‡ (1997) ‘R’ (10:50) Movie: “Alien 3” ›› (1992) Sigourney Weaver. ‘R’ (:20) Movie: “Aliens” ›››› (1986) Sigourney Weaver. ‘R’ F Z Nation (14) Z Nation “Batch 47” (14) Z Nation (14) Z Nation (14) Movie: “Deep Blue Sea” ››‡ (1999) ‘R’ Movie: “The Happening” › (2008) Mark Wahlberg. SYFY 82 122 244 M Twi. Zone Twi. Zone Twi. Zone Twi. Zone Movie: “Blood Father” ››› (2016) Mel Gibson. Movie: “The Bye Bye Man” ›‡ (2017) ‘PG-13’ (:05) “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” ‘G’ T (7:30) Movie: “The Bye Bye Man” (:35) Movie: “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” ››› Movie: “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” ›› (2003) Movie: “Olympus Has Fallen” ››‡ W Futurama Movie: “Ouija” ›‡ (2014) Olivia Cooke. ‘PG-13’ Movie: “The Host” ›‡ (2013) Saoirse Ronan. ‘PG-13’ Movie: “Pitch Black” ››‡ (2000) Radha Mitchell. “Chronicles-Ridd” TBS 30 139 247 Broke Girl Broke Girl Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Th “Theodora” Movie: “I Remember Mama” ›››› (1948) ‘NR’ (:45) Movie: “Sweet Adeline” ›› (:15) Movie: “This Man Is Mine” ›› (:45) Movie: “Thirteen Women” (1932) “No Other Woman” ‘NR’ F “Bowery” Arabian Movie: “The Golden Arrow” ››‡ (:45) Movie: “Sinbad the Sailor” ››› (1947) ‘NR’ (:45) Movie: “Son of Sinbad” ›‡ (1955) ‘NR’ Movie: “Captain Sindbad” ››‡ ‘G’ TCM 44 132 256 M (:15) Movie: “Claudelle Inglish” ››‡ (1961) ‘NR’ Movie: “A Streetcar Named Desire” ›››› ‘PG’ (:15) Movie: “Cry of the Hunted” ‘NR’ (:45) Movie: “Cool Hand Luke” ›››‡ (1967) Paul Newman. T (7:45) Movie: “Too Young to Kiss” Movie: “Hands of a Stranger” ››‡ (:15) Movie: “The Seventh Veil” ›››‡ (1945) Movie: “Monterey Pop” ››› (1969) Movie: “Shoot the Piano Player” ‘NR’ W Movie: “His Family Tree” (:15) Movie: “Come Live With Me” (:45) Movie: “An American Romance” ››› (1944, Drama) ‘NR’ Movie: “America, America” ›››‡ (1963) Stathis Giallelis, Frank Wolff.
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