The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project AMBASSADOR JAMES D. WALSH Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview date: October 17, 2003 Copyri ht 2013 ADST TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Born and raised in Scranton Pennsylvania Exchange student to Argentina Cordoba University (Argentina)) University of Scranton) University of Virginia) Georgeto,n University (-unior year in Spain)) .ax,ell School Syracuse N0) Di Tella 1nstitute (Argentina) .erchant seaman Comments on life as student in Argentina Anglo2Argentineans European orientation 3iteracy Government Peron and Peronistas .ilitary Chile Bra4il Students Department of the Navy5 Strategic Systems Project Office 197121972 Nuclear submarines Admiral Hyman Rickover Contractors Operations Entered the Foreign Service 1972 Foreign Service Exam A2100 Course Alexandra U. -ohnson Nairobi Kenya5 Personnel and Assistant General Services Officer 197221974 Ambassador Robinson .c1lvaine Ambassador Anthony D. .arshall 1 Kenyatta Tourism Environment Personnel Operations 3ocal employees Recreation -ohnny 0oung Ruth Davis State Department5 Special Assistant to the Secretary of State 197421975 George Shult4 Advance man for official travel Vietnam Evacuation Task Force State Department5 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary 197521977 For Administration 3eamon R. Hunt (assassination) Presidential/Vice Presidential trips Operations Vice President and Happy .Rockefeller Travel 1nterim Assignment to Beirut 3ebanon 1976 Duties as Administrative Officer Aartime Beirut American University of Beirut .urder of Ambassador .eloy and Economic Counselor .arine Guards American Citi4en Services Operations 3ocal employees (Foreign Service Nationals) Departure to Damascus San Francisco California5 U.S. Despatch Agent (Far East) 197721979 Consolidated Receiving Point Household Effects shipments Operations Steve 3aydo Shipping unions Operations American shipping lines Richmond Export .exico City .exico5 Commercial AttachB/Special Assistant 1979219C1 to the Ambassador 2 Ambassador Patrick - and .rs. 3ucey Ambassador -ulian Nava Ambassador -ohn Gavin Narcotics coordinator Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Operations Commerce Department US commercial interests Corruption (.orbida) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Ethnic groups Oil Ant,erp Belgium5 Director European 3ogistic Support Office (E3SO) 19C1219C3 Relations ,ith local US Ambassadors Branch offices and contractors Operations Servicing African posts Relations ,ith US embassies Environment Harare Eimbab,e) Counselor for Administration 19C3219C5 Prime .inister Robert .ugabe President Canaan Banana Government Unilateral Declaration of 1ndependence (UD1) 1an Smith Economy Ambassador Robert Keeley Corruption Environment USA1D Kingston Ontario5 Canadian National Defense College 19C5219C6 Canadian unified armed forces Student body Course of study Peacekeeping .ilitary academies .arriage (Honolulu) T,o Canadas US relations Assessment of Defense College SubseFuent demise of College Halifax Nova Scotia Canada5 Consul General 19C6219C9 3 Consular district Atlantic Canada Fishery issues Ne, England relationship Britain relationship Canada relationship Environment 3abradorean Ne,foundland 1nuits Prince Ed,ard 1sland Prime .inister .ulroney Possible dissolution of Canada Foreign fishing fleets Po,er issues Christmas trees Free trade agreements Cuba .achias Seal 1sland .arna Norton Ambassador Tom Niles Relations ,ith US embassy Canadian prisons and justice system Cultural industries French/English language rules Acadia and Cajuns Universities Canadian Gsno, birdsH US filming Buenos Aires Argentina5 Political Officer 19C921991 Deputy Chief of .ission 199121993 President Carlos Saul .enem Raul Alfonsin Ambassador Terry Todman Bob Felder Economy Foreign investment Peronist movement American Chamber of Commerce American commercial interests Relations Desert Storm Unitas Argentine military Falkands/.alvinas GDesaparecidosH 4 Chile Bra4il Electronic revolution Embassy operations Bee Heming,ay European Argentineans President Bush visit Otta,a Canada5 Deputy Chief of .ission 199321996 Ambassador -im Blanchard Prime .ister -ean ChrBtian Iuebec separatist issue US policy Embassy si4e and organi4ation .ulroney unpopularity 3iberal landslide Relations AmbassadorJs operations North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Border state issues Reporting and travel Foreign Service Nationals .edia 1ntelligentsia RenB 3BvesFue Pierre Trudeau Hong Kong Chinese Vancouver Visa issues US/Canadian Agency cooperation Gulf of .aine battle Cuba Helms2Burton Cuba legislation Canadian medical system Family dual citi4enship complications Canadian diplomats Ambassador Raymond ChrBtien Canada/France relationship Open Skies Agreement Diplomat in Residence Florida 1nternational University 19962199C Speaking engagements Florida state university system Student body racial mix School of Hospitality Academic atmosphere 5 .adrid Spain5 Deputy Chief of .ission 199C22000 Ambassador Ed Romero European Union NATO Economy Relations .oratinos 3atin America BasFue separatist movement Spanish/French BasFues A4nar government Eapatero government Bilbao American BasFues Environment Catholic Church Felipe Gon4ale4 Political parties Portugal France Barcelona Consular Agents Gibraltar US Rota naval base Tourism American commercial interests Spanish armed forces Embassy staff University students Catalan language use Spanish2Americans Social Security checks United States Ambassador to Argentina 200022003 President De 3a Rua Foreign .inister Rodrigue4 Giavarini Government crises Street violence Succession of presidents (5) Relations Currency fluctuation US investment Economy European investment .enem 6 .alvinas/Falklands Chile Free Trade Agreement Nuclear po,er plants Bra4il Cyber revolution Cuba Policy differences Peron 9/ll -e,ish community Anti2terrorism Anti2Americanism Vie,s of America .oslem community Al Iaeda supporters Change in US visa regulations 1mmigration and Naturali4ation Service (1NS) Comments Successor Ambassador 3ino Gutierre4 3ife in Argentina Commercial Consulting5 Argentina Canada and Spain Ambassadors for -ohn Kerry Narcotics in Argentina Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) INTERVIEW KNote5 This intervie, ,as not edited by Ambassador AalshL $: Today is October 17, 2003. This is an interview with James D. (alsh. This is bein done on behalf of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Trainin , and I'm Charles Stuart Kennedy. You go by Jim, AA3SH5 1 go by -im. $: OK Jim, well, let's start at the be innin . Could you tell me when and where you were born and then we'll tal- a little about the family. AA3SH5 1 ,as born on August 9th 1946 in Scranton Pennsylvania. $: Let's ta-e sort of from the father's side first. (here do the (alshes come from, 7 AA3SH5 .y father ,ould have been second2generation American. 1 then am third2 generation American on that side and the Aalshes as far as ,e can trace them back are from the south,est of 1reland in the County Cork area. But they came directly to northeastern Pennsylvania into ,hat is essentially a coal mining area from 1reland. $: As far as you -now, was your family in coal minin , AA3SH5 Not to my kno,ledge. 1n fact on my motherMs side the .cCales they too go backN letMs see 1 ,ould be third2generation American on that side as ,ell but one of the stories in the family is that my great2grandmother had asked on her deathbed that my great2grandfather keep their son .ichael .cCale ,ho is my grandfather out of the mines. Ahatever you do keep .ichael out of the mines. No, ,hat 1 donMt kno, is ,hether or not that meant that his father my great2grandfather had been a coal miner and as a result she ,anted to save her son from that. But 1 kno, that my grandfather did stay out of the mines and became a tin smith and later on had his o,n sheet metal business. So he ,as saved from the mines. $: How about on your father's side, how about your randparents, AA3SH5 Never kne, them. Grandfather Aalsh ,as dead long before 1 ,as born and my grandmother my fatherMs mother ,hose name ,as Annie .cKaren Aalsh died in 194C ,hen 1 ,as t,o years old so 1 never got to kno, her either. So 1 donMt have as much memory either institutional or personal on my fatherMs side as 1 did on my motherMs side. $: (hat was your father doin and what was his bac- round, education, AA3SH5 He ,as a man ,ith a high school education. 1Mm trying to think ,here he started out. 1 kno, he served in the army during Aorld Aar 11 installing radios in tanks in California. This of course 1 heard from my mother. He came back from the ,ar and started ,orking ,ith the General Electric company. He ,as a salesman ,ith GE up until almost the time of his death. Right before that he had broken a,ay and become a sales manufacturerMs representative for people in the appliance businesses including General Electric. And then he died in 195C and 1 ,as 12 years old at that time. $: Your mother's father was in the tin and then the sheet metal0 AA3SH5 Sheet metal business right. And then in the tool and dye business) he had a small manufacturing plant in Scranton Pennsylvania in my hometo,n. $: (as your mother a hi h school graduate, or more, AA3SH5 No she ,as a college graduate ,hich back in those days ,as pretty unusual in my neck of the ,oods. She gradated from a small Catholic university in Scranton .erry,ood and subseFuently ,ent on to get her masterMs degree ,ent back to study) in fact ,e graduated together she and 1. Ae graduated not from the same university but in C the same month.
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