r m SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN Krishna district DISTRICT ELEMENTARY EDIICATION PLAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH m F ~ r L-vti-NO^^iyLl < k H GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADKSH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT From To Sx’i. M. Nagai’juna, IAS., Sri. Sunlit Bose, State Project Director, DPEP, Joint Secretar3^ Chief Executive Officer, Dept, of Elementary Educatixr.i. Slate Literacy MisBicin, & ].!U-vacy,MHRl). Ex-Officio Sccretarj- to Government. Sliiisi ri Bhavan. Kduca tion De]>ari mc*3jt, Cm ,\ \ , (if'j ndia. A P.. Hvderabad. N.' V. n.dhi bir -'vib ; Sarva Shiksha Abiiiynn - Revision uf ));.' Jrict. El^anenl.ai'y imi Plans ;ind Subnii^'fi-^on ■' Reg. : L. U-. Rc. No. 112v^/DF15P/liG/PN/2U00, (ii: SI.02.2001. Obser\-ations or SSA Appraisal Team A.P. J 10 inforin yoa ihal vh<’ .IJislnc.V Elc’iu'Ji!.^ry Education Goda\-a}'i. Godnvarv. )^n^=b^);^ and Hyderabad been revisc'd ir ' [■^w >)f observations oi SSA Appraisal Team visited Andhrii Pra.uesb during Marci;, ..-v"'; . 1 herewitli furnish tbiC revised pj;in^ i.e.. Districv Kiernentary Edueaiio^: .'bbn;-' CDEEP) for the disincit- ui Easi Gu^iacari, Wesv Godavan, Krishna and Hw.^- ;/.jad for you perusal and further necessary action. The plan proposals with regard to State Component Plan is being finalised and furnished in a couple of days. 37Z RND-S >Vv Enel: DEEP for East Godavari, West Goda^ri, ___ Ki*ishna and Hyderabad districts. V UBRARY & idCUMSiVTATfOK m xm Inniritute of Ktiucationai n n :n 3 \ tid .a iC';Oix. 17-B. Sri Ai)^-ob;ndo Marg, D^ihi-iidf016 JOC, N o.............. ...............— ------— Date— MANDALS OF KRISHNA DISTRICT Mandal Mandal Mnnda! Mandal | Mandal Mandal Code Name Cori^* Name jCode Name 1 JAGGAYYAPETA 18 PENAMALURU j 35 NAGAYALANKA 1 2 VATSAVAI 19 THOTLAVALLURU |36 KODURU 3 PENUGANCHIPROLU 20 KANKIPADU | 37 MACHILIPATNAM 4 NANDIGAMA 21 GANNAVARAM i 38 GUDUR 5 CHANDARLAPAOU 22 AGIRIPALLE j 39 PAMARRU 6 KANCHIKA CHERLA 23 NUZVID 140 PEDAPARUPUDI 7 VEERULLAPADU 24 CHATRAI j 41 NANDIVADA 8 IBRAHIMPATNAM ;25 MUSUNURU |42 GUDIVADA I 9 G KONDURU 26 BAPULAPADU !43 GUDLAVALLERU 10 MYLAVARAM 27 UNGUTURU 44 PEDANA 11 A KONDURU 28 VUYYURU j45 BANTUMILLI 12 GAMPALAGUDEM 29 PAMIDIMUKKALA j 46 MUDINAPALLI 13 TIRUVURU 30 M O W A 47 MANDAVALLI 14 VISSANNAPET 31 GHANTASALA 48 KAIKALUR 15 REDDIGUDEM ; 32 CHALLAPALLI 149 KALIDINDI 16 VIJAYAWADA RURAL 33 MOPIDEVI 60 KRUTHIVENNU VIJAYAWADA 17 34 AVANIGADDA URBAN INDEX Executive Summary SSA - Krishna District - Plan Overview XIV Targets - Key Performance Indicators - DEE XV 5(vii Budget Summary xviii xxii Appraisal Comments - Action Taken - Krishna xxiii xxvii Norms and Interventions under SSA - Krishna XXVIII - XXXIII Chapter I Page no Demographic Profile of the District 1.1 General and Physical Features 1.2 Population 1.3 Literacy Rates Chapter W Educational Profile of the District 2.1 Access 4 2.2 Enrolment 5 2.3 School Age Population and Enrolment 7 2.4 Existing Schools for the development of Elementary Education in the District 10 2.5 Study on Teacher training conducted in UEE in Krishna 13 Chapter III Planning Process 3.1 Objectives of SSA 14 3.2 Planning Process 14 3.3 Pre - Project Activities 15 3.4 Development o f Databas 3.5 Training and Capacity Building 17 3.6 Development Habitation Education Development Plans 17 3.7 Development of District Educational plan 18 3.8 Convergence with other Department 19 3.9 Non-Govemmental Organizations working for Elementary Education 21 3.10 Activity 22 3.1 1 Mobili/aiion ^ Mcuivalioa 23 3.12 Moniloring 24 3.13 Allcndaiicc 26 3.14 L-carning Achicvcaiciu 27 3.1 5 C'rcaling a ( 'iiild l-'rientlly l-in ironniciu 25 3.K) Convcrgcncc with oihcr ncpariinotn PivV'i.iiiimcb 29 C hapter IV Objective wise Interventions 4.1 Acccss 3U 4.2 Enrolmcnl *^1 Rcicniion 30 4.3 Qualiiy Inilialivcs 31 4.4 Infrasirucuirc faciliiics 32 Chapter V Issues Strategies and Activities 5.1 Acccss 33 5.2 New Primary Schools 35 5.3 Coninuiniiy Coniribulion 35 5.4 Upgradalioii of Primary Schools lo UP Schools 35 5.6 InlVaslruciurc 36 5.7 Enrolmcni ReiCiuion 36 5.8 Primary and UP School Graduate s 39 5.9 Transilion Rale 39 5.10 Relenlion 4U 5.11 iniervcnlions for Enrolmcni and Rcieniioii 41 5.12 Rcquiremeni ofTeachers 42 5.13 Provision of Addiiional class rooui.-i 43 5.14 Free Tcxi Books 44 5.15 Mainsireaming of oul of school Children 44 5.16 Mainstreaming of Repair of school Buildings 49 5.17 School Infrasiruciure facililies siaius 49 5.18 Rcquiremeni 51 Chapter VI Quality issues in Elementary Education 6.1 Quality issuc-Pedagogic Aspects holistic vision 53 6.2 Pedagogy and Teacher Training 55 6.3 Parents and Community Perception 55 6.4 Quality concerns - Primary Education 56 6.5 Quality initiatives for UP schools 57 6.6 UP school improvement actives 58 6.7 Academic conventions 59 6.8 Quality Teaching &. Learning Teacher Training 60 6.9 Coniribulion of DRG, MRG 62 6.10 School suppori - Professional support siiiiciiircs 62 6.1 I Quality 'I’caching - School, Tcachcr and 'I'C Grams 65 6.12 Development of TLM 65 6.13 TLM to UP schools 66 6.14 TLM to UP schools 67 6.15 Caiegori/alion of Schools into AB iSc C Ul 6.16 Improved School Management (>8 6.17 Academic Mointoring of Schools D li'f 6b 6.18 Pupil Assessment Proceilurcs 69 6.19 Academic Monitoring of schools 70 6.20 Curriculum Review 71 6.21 Curriculum Group specific 72 Chapter VII Coverage of Special Focus Groups 7.1 Girls Education 74 7.2 Early Childhood care and Education 77 7.3 Inputs under the ECE 77 7.4 Intervention ol'Disable Children 77 7.5 Plan for focussed Groups 78 7.6 Convergence 79 7.7 Convergence with other Departments 81 Chapter Research, Evaluation. Supervision and Monitoring 8.1 Research 82 8.2 Evaluation Aspects 83 8.3 Supervision and Monitoring 83 8.4 . MIS 83 8.5 Objectives of MIS 84 8.6 Inputs under SSA 84 Chapter IX Improving School Infrastructure facilities and other Civil Works 9.1 Introduction 85 9.2 School Infrastructure facilities 86 9.3 . Community contribution 87 9.4 Civil works Proposals under SSA 88 9.5 Construction of MRP 89 9.6 Strategy for Maintenance and Repairs of school Buildings 92 Chapter X Implementation arrangements. 10.1 Organi/.alion responsible for ihc implc-nicnlalioii «.)! ilic |)ioL*,iamine 93 10.2 E.xcculiti^ Agcncics 93 10.3 Olhcr .'X^ciicics 99 10.4 Pailicipaiion Arrangcnicnls 100 10.5 Disirici Projccl officc 103 10.6 Flow of Fund 104 Chapter XI Programme Initiatives Component wise Interventions 11.1 Projcci Managcnicm lUO 11.2 Planini^ Managcmcni 108 1 1.3 Research , livaliialioii , Moniloring Sl .SiipcrM.sioii 109 11.4 Comnuiniiy Mobilizalion & Parlicipalion I 11 1 1.5 Access Sl Allernalivc schooling 112 11.6 Civil works 114 11.7 Pedagogy and school iniprovcnieni 115 11.8 Educaiion of Focussed Groups 118 11.9 Disiance Bducaiion 121 11.10 Media Advocacy 122 11.11 Management Information system 124 Chapter XII Cost ICsliinuits, Bud}*ct summary and iinplcinentation scliedulc Chapter XIII Annual Work plan Budget 2000 - 20U2 Chapter XIV Budget - Unit Costs &. Financial Estimates ABBREVIATIONS AAS Access and Alternative Schooling AC Awareness Campaign APC Additional Project Coordinator AWP&B Annual Work Plan & Budget AWC Anganwadi Centre BC Backward Caste BL Books •& Libraries CAP Capacity Building CMO Community Mobilization Officer CMP Community Mobilisation & Participation CO Consumables & Office Expenses CW Civil Works CVVS Civil Works DEO District Educational Officer DEP Distance Education DIET District Institute of Education and Training DISE District Information System for Education DPO District Project Office DRC District Resource Centre DRG District Resource Group ECE Early Childhood Education EGS Education Guarantee Scheme EMIS Education Management and Information System EQ Equipment FAG Focus Areas / Groups FU Furniture GCDO Girl Child Development Officer GED Girls Education GER Gross Enrolment Ratio GOAP Government of Andhra Pradesh GOI Government of India G W K Girijan Vidhya Vikas Kendra HO Honorarium ICDS Integrated Child Development Society lASE Institute of Advanced Studies in Education lED Integrated Education for the Disabled IN Innovations ITDA Integrated Tribal Development Agency JRM Joint Review Mission JRY Jawahar Rojgar Yojana LC Local Consultants MED Media MEO Mandal Education Officer MIS Management Information Centre MLL Minimum Levels of Learning MRC Mandal Resource Centre MRP Mandal Resource Person MRG Mandal Resource Group MTA Mother Teacher Association NCLP National Child Labour Project NGO Non-Govenmental Organisation OBB Operation Blackboard OP Equipment Operation & Maintenance OSE Out of School Children PEC Panchayat Education Committee PED Pedagogy & School Improvement PLM Planning and Management PMIS Project Management Information System PMT Project Management PTA Parent Teacher Association R&E Research & Evaluation RE Research Studies RWS Rural Water Supply SA Salaries SAM State Appraisal Mission SC Scheduled Caste SCERT State Council of Education Research and Training SCPR School Complex Resource Person SEC School Education Committee SEN Children with Special Educational Needs SHG Self-Help Groups SIEMAT State Institute of Educational Management and Technology SIET State Institute of Educational Technology SPD State Project Director SRG State Resource Group SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan ST Scheduled Tribes TC Teachers Centre TC Training Cost including TA & DA TLE Teaching Learning Equipment TLM Teaching Learning Material TPR Teacher Pupil Ratio UPE Universal Primary Education UPS Upper Primary Schools Village Education Committee VH Vehicles W Vidya Volunteers (Para Teacher) WS Workshops & Seminars B) Enrolment Community mobilization and Awareness Campaigns for sensitizing the community and parents on child labour and their education. Habitation-wise programme for child tracking - Name-wise lists of children in the age group of 0 - 14 alongwith in-school, out-of school children and Nature of work in which the Out of School children are involved in.
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