****************************** * * iParent's Weekend! * * Daily Evergreen Schedule ! ! Washington State University * * : Thursday, April 29 : Friday. April 30.~1971 Vol. 77. No. 100 * Fish Fans presents -- "Let It Be" * * New Gym Pool •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8:00 p.m.* :* Friday, April 30 :* * Living Group Sign Contest 12 noon ** * Registration and information * CUB Auditorium Lobby ••••••••••••••••••• 3-7:00 p.m, * * Dance and Gymnastics Exhibition * * Also Judo and Karate; Track Coach Mr. Mooberry will speak* * Announcement of Dad Of The Year and Outstanding Faculty* * Ava~ * * Bohler Gym '.' ••••••.••.•••••.• 7:30 p.rn, * *N.I.R.A. Rodeo * * Hilltop Stables ••••••••••••••••••••••••• '•• 7:30 p.m.* * Fish F-AIl&present "Let It Be" * * New Gym Pool 8:00 p.m.* * University Theater -- "The Importance of Being Ernest" * * Bryan Auditorium •••••• , ••••••••• , •••••• 7:30 p.m.* * University Theater -- ·Ope Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" * * Bryan Li~tle Theater ••••••••••••••••••••• 8:00 p.rn, * * WSUStage Band presents pops Concert * * CUB Ballroom 8: 15 p.rn, * *ASWSU Coffee House * * Butch's Den ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9:00 p.m.* : Saturday, May 1 # : Dad's Asso~iat~on Meeting : CUB Auditortum 8:00 a.m.* * Registration.. I- CUB Auditortum Lobby •••••••••••••••• 9:00-12:30'lt. * Parent's Golf Tournament if: * Golf Course ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-12 noon'It. * Departmental Open House and Displays K" * Campus-wide., 9-11:00 a.rn•• * Antique Car Show • * CUB Mall ••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••• All Day. * AWS presents President's Hour with President Glenn Terrell. * CUB Ballroom •••••••••••••••• , •.•••••• 9:00 a.rn •• *President's Coffee Hour * * CUB Ballroom , ••• 10:00 a.m.* *Fashion Show • * Bryan Auditorium 10:00 a.m.* Photo by Lyle McGlothlin * Pullman Community Flea Market if GETTING UP THE SIGNS ...for Parent's Weekend * Koinonia House •••••••••••••••••••••• 10:00-5:00 p.rn•• * Intervarsity Football Scrimmage • * Rogers Field , •••••••••• 10:00 a.m ••• Decision expected soon * Comedians -- "Romeo and Juliet"' *if * Library Lawn 10:30 a.m •• *ASWSUArt Committee Display and Reception I- * CUB Main Lobby and Lounge .••••••••••••• 11-3:00 p.m •• on lettuce boycott future * International Relations Committee -- International Style Show* * CUB Ballroom -•••••• 11:00 a.m.* A decision on whether to went back on its earlier promise If the boycott is continued, *Dep~rtment of Military Science Exhibition * resume the total economic boy- to remove lettuce from the CUB Carey said the' CUB manage- *' FIeld House •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11:30-1: 30* cott of the CUB is expected if the boycott made it economi- ment would have to cut ser- * FrO!? Bas~ball -- WSUvs. Wenatchee Junior College * early next week, according to cally unfeasible to serve. vices, raise prices or layoff * B lIey FIeld 1:00 p.m.* Tomas Ybarra chairman of the Ybarra said the committee may both student and non-student per- *Track Meet. -- WSUvs. University Of Oregon _ * MECHA boycott committee. not vote to continue the total sonnel. Rogers FIeld 1:15 p.m.* Ybarra returned to Pullman boycott because of statements Carey said the CUB will con- * Come~ians -- CAs You Like It" Wednesday from the national he attributed to Matthew G. tinue to serve lettuce but would *v Behmd Bryan Hall on Lawn!::: : : : , •• , , ; • ; , , ; 1;00 p.m. * headquarters of the United Farm- Carey, director of the CUB. make some sandwiches and it' University T.hea~er -- "The Importance of Being Ernest": workers Organizing Committee Ybarra quoted Carey as saying salads without lettuce as was * Bryan AudItOriUm • • • • • • ••••••••••••• 2:30 p.m. * in California where half of the that if the total boycott was done during the boycott. local boycott committee has been resumed he would not remove *WS~-N.r.R.A. Rodeo . * He stated that if purchases doing volunteer work for the lettuce from sale and would begin * HIlltop Stables •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-5.00 P. m. * of lettuce drop to the point where * ASWSU Fil.ms. Committee presents Vietnam D~cum~ntaries UFWOC during the past week. laying off stUdent employees, * it is unfeasible to continue * CUB AudItOriUm •.•••••••••••• , ••••• 1.30-3.00 p.m.* He said a decision on the Carey yesterday denied that serving it the CUB would halt * Spur Songfest total boycott of the CUBfollowing he threatened to fire student purchases of head lettuce. * Coronation of May Queen and Queen Mother * the end of a 30-day national employees if the total boycott * Announcement of Sign Contest winners * moratorium on the lettuce boy- is resumed. Carey termed this During the past week the CUB * Bohler Gym 2:00 p.m. * cott would wait until the return a possible consequence among has been serving Teamster Union * Inland Empire Tennis Tournament * of the rest of the committee this others of a continued boycott. lettuce with United Farmworkers * Moscow on Pullman Tennis Courts 2:30 p.m. * weekend. The CUB director said next lettuce to be served next week. * University Theater "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" * Ybarra stated that a leaflet year's budget for the student Carey commented that the * Bryan Little Theater ••••••••••••••••••••• 2:30 p.m. * distributed under the name of union building had been projected UFWOC lettuce is still hard to * Phi Delta Theta Turtle race * the WSU group on Monday with very little margin to absorb get although as a re sult of the * Rogers Field 4:15 p.m.* announcing that the total boycott a further economic loss such as 30-day moratorium the UFWOC *Ag Awards Banquet * of the CUBhas been lifted because that inflicted during the l5-day now picks 30 percent of the * CUB Ballroom , ••••• 5:30 p. m. * "we (the boycott committee) do boycott before spring break. total crop and the trucker boy- * ASWSUFilm Pierrot Le Fou . * not wish to impose a financial During that time CUB revenue cott of Farmworker lettuce has * CUB Auditorium ••••••••••••••••••••• 7 & 9:00 p.m. * hardship upon students any was cut 44 per cent. been lifted. * Preforming Arts Concert featuring * longer" was unauthorized and * David Frye, and Hedge and Donna * misleading. * Bohler Gym •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8:00 p,m. * The leaflet was written with- * WS~ Symphony O~che.stra * out consulting the boycott com- * KImbrough AuditOrIUm •••.••••••••••••••••• 8:00 p.m. * mittee members who were out of Nixon says protests *Fish Fans present «Let It Be" * town at the time. * New Gym Pool .. , •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:OO p.m. * Four possible courses are * University Th.eat:r "The Imporance of Being Ernest". * open to the boycott committee, ¥lon't change policy Bryan AudItOrIUm • , ••••••••••••••••• 7.30 p.m,* Ybarra said. They can continue the total boycott of the CUB; * University Theater -- One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest" * Committee which has' threatened boycott only CUB lettuce; shift By DON MARTIN Bryan Little Theater 8:00 p.m. * the shutdown of the government * the focus of attention from the * ASWSUCoffee House * News Editor next week by mass civil dis- CUB to dormitories and cam- * Butch's Den •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9:00 p.m. * obedience if the war is not ended paign to get head lettuce out of 1mmediately. the dining halls whi<;hstill serve "Washington is now in a state *ADDITION: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Pullman community: Nixon declared in effect that it; and finally, engage in some of seige by antiwar protesters. * Theater the demonstrations that occurred * type of civil disobedience action The Congress will not be in- * B~ffet Dinner and Play "Desk Set" Royal Restaurant $5.00-- * last week had not influenced him * Dmner 6:00 p,m. Play 8:00 p.m. * to dramatize that the uhiversity timidated by them. The Presi- dent will not be intimidated by to change his present Indochina them. Those who come to ,':>reak policy. * * the law will be prosecuted to the "Demonstrators have corne be- * Sunday, May 2 * fullest exterlt of the law," stated fore and they will come again. a relaxed PreSident Richard M. At least they were' peaceful,· # * Nixon at a press conference in he said. "Peace is what I want *CUB Smorgasboard : the White .House last night. and what the nation wants," he * CUB Dinning Room •••••••••••••••. '.' • 12 noon-3 p.m. * Nixon referred to the hund- said admitting that the only dif- * University Theater -- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest* reds of antiwar demonstrators ference is that he and the nation : Bryan Little Theater •••••••••• 2:30 p.m. and ?:OO p.m.* that remain in WaShington, D.C., disagree on howto achieve peace. after last week's mass rally. Nixon restated his commitment ****************************** They are part of the May Day (Continued on page 3) ; ,I . Page 2 DAILY EVERGREEN Friday, April 3~, 1971 War crimes described WASHINGTON CAP) -- A for- stituted congressional com mittee nate killings of South Viet- mer Army staff sergeant from which is hearing volunteer's namese and of beatings, torture Lt. William Calley's old outfit accounts of alleged war crimes. and murder that they some- said Wednesday he witnessed the The panel has no subpoena powers times participated in them- massacre of about 30 Vietnamese and hasn't decided whether to selves. worn en and children a year after submit its much - publicized Notley's tale was perhaps the the murders at My Lai. record to Congress. most startling of all. It prompt- Danny S. Notley, 23, whose "This was the first time I've ed Dellums to exclaim, "What, discharge papers show he served been able to talk about it," Not- the hell is the country doing to Witness taken into custody in Vietnam with the Americal ley said. "I didn't even tell my young people to train them to Division's 11th Brigade, said wife about it until last night.' go out and kill innocent people?" WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. Court of Appeals Thursday members of his squad shot the The panel, chaired by Rep. Notley said the murders he cleared the way for the government to take a 19-year-old woman villagers to death after a much- Ronald B.
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