Federico Lanzellotti Name: Lanzellotti Date of birth: January 7th, 1994 First name: Federico Citizenship: Italian Address: 19 via Emilia Levante, 40139 Bologna (I) Phone: +39 340 0558804 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Motivation: An enthusiastic, adaptive and fast-learning student with a broad interest in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-century vocal and instrumental music. I have been trained as keyboardist specialised in early music performance and I am carrying a PhD program at University of Bologna, with a project entitled “Le sonate per violino e basso, punto di partenza per la riscoperta di Carlo Ambrogio Lonati”, tutored by Prof. Marco Beghelli, Prof. Nicola Badolato and Prof. José María Domínguez Rodríguez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Education: • 15.10.2015 – 08.11.2017 LAUREA MAGISTRALE IN DISCIPLINE DELLA MUSICA E DEL TEATRO – CURRICULUM MUSICOLOGIA E BENI MUSICALI (Master) cum laude Università degli Studi di Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna (Italy) • 25.10.2016 – 29.11.2018 DIPLOMA ACCADEMICO DI SECONDO LIVELLO IN CLAVICEMBALO E TASTIERE STORICHE (CURVATURA BASSO CONTINUO CEMBALISTICO ED ORGANISTICO NEI SECC. XVII–XVIII) (Master) cum laude Conservatorio di Musica “Cesare Pollini”, Padova (Italy) • 01.11.2013 – 26.09.2015 DIPLOMA ACCADEMICO DI PRIMO LIVELLO IN PIANOFORTE (Bachelor) cum laude Conservatorio di Musica “Arcangelo Corelli”, Messina (Italy) • 01.09.2009 – 05.07.2014 DIPLOMA DI MATURITA’ CLASSICA (High School) cum laude Liceo Classico “Luigi Valli”, Barcellona P. G. (Italy) Experience and skills: • Apprentice at “Collezione Tagliavini” of Bologna (25/01/2017–25/06/2017): archivist and music organizer. 1. Communication and interpersonal skills: Presented data clearly and confidently to both small and large groups, adapting style and content to the level of knowledge and understanding of others. Good synthesizing, writing, and information technology skills. Coached with other scholars, outlining objectives, methodology, and conclusions, actively listening to people and stimulating interest and discussion. 1 2. Adaptability: Collaborated and communicated at different professional levels, with people from heterogeneous origins and cultures. Can work both independently and in team settings. 3. Management and organization: Managed several projects and collaborations in parallel, planned work to achieve goals and targets on time, set realistic objectives, developed creative solutions to problems. Used to seek and critically assess large amounts of information, to define the cause of problems and determine available options. • Freelance journalist and correspondent from Bologna for «Amadeus online» music magazine (01/04/2017 – today) 1. Critical sensibility and evaluation Developed a critical listening and evaluation of the musical event. Write reviews and educational articles in order to provide an objective and fertile point of view. 2. Interpersonal skills and organization Maintain good relationships with the musical context (festivals, theatres, music collections, concert halls) and select the most interesting concerts, conferences and music proposals, searching for the appropriate balance between events totally different in genre, quality and reliance on the local/wider musical context. Create relationships with the musicians and interview them both in Italian and in English. The articles are available online at the link <https://www.belviveremedia.com/author/lanzellotti-federico>. Collaborations • «Il Saggiatore musicale» and SagGEM: coordinate with Prof. Giuseppina La Face and Valeria Conti the online column «Gocce» which deals with the problems of Pedagogy of Music and the transmission of the knowledge. Participated to “I classici in classe”, a festival focused on the cooperation between the Chair of Pedagogy of Music of the University of Bologna and Emilia Romagna medium schools in which the study of a musical instrument is part of the formative plan. • Collezione Tagliavini of Bologna: research activities, written and exposed presentations of events and concerts. • Brilliant Classics Label: write prefaces and introductions to CDs. • CPO Label: write prefaces and introductions to CDs. • Teatro Comunale di Bologna: write introductions to concerts and collaborated as responsible for doing harpsichord maintenance. • From February 2019 give my active contribute to the Chair of Pedagogy of Music (Master) of the University of Bologna (led by Prof. Giuseppina La Face, Prof. Anna Scalfaro and Prof. Nicola Badolato). CONFERENCES - “Das Schloss am Meere” di Richard Strauss: quintessenza del Konzert-Melodram tardo- romantico, XX Colloquio Internazionale del «Saggiatore Musicale», Bologna 18–20.11.2016; - Il fascino di Partenope: vita musicale a Napoli tra il Cinquecento e il Settecento, “Festa della Musica: musica e spettacolo nel regno di Napoli”, Collezione Tagliavini, Bologna 18–20.05.2018. 2 - «…un sommo profitto sotto la direzione del nostro S.r Bononcini», “Padron mio colendissimo…”. Lettere sullo spettacolo e la musica nel Settecento, Palácio Nacional de Queluz, 29.06.2018 – 01/07/2018; - «La Sig.ra Cunigunda Sutterin», virtuosa alla corte di Leopoldo I e Giuseppe I d’Asburgo, Canterine e virtuose sulle scene teatrali, Conservatorio “F. Cilea”, Reggio di Calabria, 1– 2.10.2018. - «Eine vortreffliche schöne Serenada»: “L’Euleo festeggiante” di Giovanni Bononcini, XXII Colloquio Internazionale del «Saggiatore Musicale», Bologna, 23–25/11/2018. - «Adriano Banchieri bolognese, monaco olivetano»: cenni sulla vita e sull’opera strumentale con trombone, Adriano Banchieri (1568–1634) nel 450° anniversario dalla nascita, Collezione Tagliavini, Bologna, 01.12.2018. - How texts and paratexts could give information about the performance of two Giovanni Bononcini’s serenatas, “Opera studies today in global context”, Villa Vigoni, Menaggio sul Lago di Como, 3–5.12.2018. - Carlo Ambrogio Lonati’s Violin Sonatas: the Obsessive and Architectural Power of Musical Repetition, Conference “Again&Again”, City University, London, 25–26.04.2019. - La vita musicale in Transilvania nel Seicento, “Festa della musica. Transilvania: musica, danza e poesia dall’Ungheria”, Collezione Tagliavini, Bologna, 18.05.2019. - La rubrica delle “Gocce”: per una consapevolezza dei problemi nella trasmissione del sapere, Meeting di Pedagogia e Didattica della Musica, Dipartimento delle Arti, Università di Bologna, 14.06.2019. CONCERT INTRODUCTIONS - Rising Stars II, Musica Insieme in Ateneo 2019, Bologna, DamsLab/Auditorium, 07.02.2019. - “Evening in Transilvania”, launch concert of “Festa della musica. Transilvania: musica, danza e poesia dall’Ungheria”, Collezione Tagliavini, Bologna, 17.05.2019. PUBLICATIONS Critical Editions - Giovanni Bononcini, L’Euleo festeggiante nel ritorno d’Alessandro Magno dall’Indie, Fondazione Arcadia, Lucca, LIM (forthcoming). Issues and papers - «A musical argument with my students»: Ligeti e la popular music in Hungarian Rock in Il pensiero musicale tra multidisciplinarietà e metamorfosi linguistiche, a cura di Alba Crea, Quaderni del Conservatorio Corelli, 8, MD Edizioni, Messina 2018, pp. 107–138. - «In meinem Kopfe spuckten schon muntrere Töngens»: introduzione alla musica organistica di Georg Philipp Telemann, «Arte Organaria e organistica», xxv/2 (vol. 107), 2018, pp. 38–47; - Sotto le ali della «grand’aquila»: “L’Euleo festeggiante” di Giovanni Bononcini, in I Bononcini da Modena all’Europa, edited by Marc Vanscheuwijck, Lucca, LIM (forthcoming); - «La Sig.ra Cunigunda Sutterin», virtuosa alla corte di Leopoldo I e Giuseppe I d’Asburgo, in 3 Canterine e virtuose sulle scene teatrali. Atti del convegno (forthcoming). Prefaces - Preface to François Couperin “le Grand”, Sonades inédites: La Steinquerque, La Sultane, La Superbe, Munich, Musikproduktion Jürgen Höflich (forthcoming). Reviews and Communications - ‘Padron Mio Colendissimo…’: Cartas sobre a Música e o Espectáculo no Século XVIII/Letters About Music and Stage in the Eighteenth Century. Queluz National Palace, 29 June–1 July 2018, «Eighteenth-century Music», XVI/1 2019, pp. 102–104, online at the link <doi:10.1017/S1478570618000520>. - Celebrazioni tartiniane, «Padova e il suo territorio», XXXIV/3 2019, pp. 53–54. Booklets - Experimentation and Delight in Giovanni Gabrieli’s Keyboard Music. Preface to Giovanni Gabrieli: Complete Keyboard Music, Leeuwarden, Brilliant Classics 2017; - Johann Sebastian Bach’s solo compositions for the lute, violin, cello and flute secundum Gustav Leonhardt (1928-2012). Preface to Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonatas, Partitas, Suites transcribed for harpsichord by Gustav Leonhardt, Leeuwarden, Brilliant Classics 2018; - Vigore, commozione e freschezza: Giovanni Benedetto Platti nell’Olimpo rococò degli Schönborn. Preface to Giovanni Benedetto Platti: Concertos for harpsichord – Violin concerto, Georgsmarienhütte, CPO 2019 (in printing); - «Tanto dolce è quella piaga»: raffinatezza ed edonismo nelle “Cantate a voce sola opera quarta” di Tomaso Albinoni, Preface to Tomaso Albinoni: Cantatas, op. IV, Leeuwarden, Brilliant Classics 2019. Musical activity and concerts More than 120 concerts in quality of pianist, harpsichordist, organist and continuo-player (as soloist, in chamber ensembles and orchestras) in several cities such as Bologna, Padua, Modena, Cosenza, San Vito al Tagliamento (PN), Messina and Castroreale (ME), and took part regularly in national and international music festivals such as Festival “Grandezze e Meraviglie” of Modena. Played with and improved my executive
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