Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project - Environmental and Social Due Diligence Stakeholder Engagement Plan November 2011 COWI A/S Parallelvej 2 DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby Denmark Tel +45 45 97 22 11 Fax +45 45 97 22 12 www.cowi.com Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project - Environmental and Social Due Diligence Stakeholder Engagement Plan November 2011 Project No. Document no. Version 04 Date of issue 07.11.2011 Prepared LLA Checked CASK Approved CASK Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project - ESDD - Stakeholder Engagement Plan 1 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Legal framework for Project disclosure and public consultation 6 3 Stakeholder identification 10 4 Summary of previous stakeholder engagement activities 12 4.1 Meetings during the project formulation 13 4.2 Start-up of the Feasibility Study 13 4.3 Meetings during the Feasibility Study 14 5 Project consultation and disclosure program 16 5.1 Scoping meeting in March 2011 16 5.2 Disclosure of information in electronic form 16 5.3 Publications in the mass media 17 5.4 Telephone communication 17 5.5 Disclosure of ESIA 18 5.6 Disclosure of information in hard copies 18 5.7 Receiving and processing the comments to ESIA 19 5.8 Information and consultation meetings 19 5.9 Stakeholder engagement during construction and operation 19 6 Grievance mechanism 20 6.1 Grievance mechanism for external stakeholders 20 6.2 Grievance mechanism for internal stakeholders 22 6.3 Grievance mechanism for Contractors 24 6.4 Monitoring and evaluating the grievance mechanism 25 C:\Users\l.chikovani\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\3TYLTJIH\Kotayk SWM SEP 2011 11 07 final.doc . Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project - ESDD - Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2 Table of Appendices Appendix 1 List of stakeholders for Kotayk SWM Project 27 Appendix 2 List of participants of the Feasibility Study start-up meeting in Hrazdan 36 Appendix 3 List of persons met during the site visits 39 Appendix 3 Records of public meetings and consultations held 42 Appendix 6 Record of the mass media publications related to the Project 53 Appendix 7 Form for comments and suggestions during the ESIA 54 Appendix 8 Public grievance form 56 Appendix 9 Grievance form for employees and non- employee workers 58 Appendix 10 EBRD labour requirements for construction contractors 60 C:\Users\l.chikovani\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\3TYLTJIH\Kotayk SWM SEP 2011 11 07 final.doc . Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project - ESDD - Stakeholder Engagement Plan 3 1 Introduction The Ministry of Urban Development (“MUD”) of the Republic of Armenia has approached the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “EBRD” or the “Bank”) with a request to prepare and finance a regional sani- tary landfill in Kotayk Region. This would be the country’s first sanitary land- fill. Kotayk Region was selected due to its proximity to Yerevan, with the in- tention of creating a demonstration project for the entire country (Figure 1). The Project would mitigate environmental hazard and would counter the pollu- tion and adverse impact on land and water resources. The MUD intends to build seven regional sanitary landfills to serve the whole country. Figure 1 Kotayk and other Regions (Marzes) of Armenia The Project will include a reform of the solid waste management sector. The reform will be addressed by appropriate planning framework for waste man- agement for Kotayk Region (Figure 2). Institution building support will focus on establishment of the operating company and development of its capacity to function as a sustainable commercial unit. Subject to due diligence, private par- ticipation in collection of waste will be established through tendering of collec- tion services. C:\Users\l.chikovani\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\3TYLTJIH\Kotayk SWM SEP 2011 11 07 final.doc . Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project - ESDD - Stakeholder Engagement Plan 4 The Project will be the EBRD’s first solid waste project in Armenia, and would be part of the national plan to modernise the country's waste management sec- tor. It is proposed that Sevan town located in Gegharkunik Region, but rather close the northern border of Kotayk Region and the main road, will be also in- volved in the Project. The Project is expected to have an important demonstration effect and raise public awareness of solid waste management, which is important for smooth acceptance of anticipated increase of fees. Figure 2 Map of Kotayk Region (Marz) According to the ToR of the contract for the ESDD assignment carried out for the Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project, the Stakeholder Engagement C:\Users\l.chikovani\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\3TYLTJIH\Kotayk SWM SEP 2011 11 07 final.doc . Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project - ESDD - Stakeholder Engagement Plan 5 Plan should be prepared in line with the EBRD Environmental and Social Pol- icy (2008), specifically its Performance Requirement 10. The EBRD 2008 En- vironmental and Social Policy and Performance Requirements are available at http://www.ebrd.com/about/policies/enviro/policy/2008policy.pdf. Stakeholder engagement means building and maintaining constructive relation- ships over time with both internal and external people who are affected by or can affect the Project and activities of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), which will be established by 8 municipalities participating in the Project (Abovyan, Byuregavan, Charentsavan, Hrazdan, Nor-Achn, Tsaghadzor, Yeghvard in Kotayk Region and Sevan in Gegharkunik Region), Municipality of Hrazdan will be the leading municipality in the inter-municipal cooperation. The SEP outlines the procedure of communication between the PIU and various stakeholders at different phases of the Project, including the ESIA and prepara- tions, construction, operation and closure. This communication should facilitate for a meaningful consultation with the stakeholders in a culturally appropriate manner during the Project for elaborating and following the best work approach at each phase of the Project. The goal of the SEP is to ensure the timely provision of relevant and under- standable information and to provide for all stakeholders, including those who are vulnerable and/or socially excluded, opportunities for expressing their views and concerns with regard to the Project, so that they could be considered and responded by the PIU established by 8 municipalities. This SEP should be seen as an active working document. It will be revised and updated by the PIU within the Project duration. The PIU would ap- preciate your suggestions for improvement of the SEP and the process of communication between the PIU and the Project stakeholders. The key contact person representing the MUD as the Project proponent is: Mr. Avag Hakobyan Deputy Minister of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia Government Building 3, Republic Square, 0050 Yerevan Tel: +374 10 56 51 31 Fax +374 10 52 96 03 E-mail: [email protected] C:\Users\l.chikovani\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\3TYLTJIH\Kotayk SWM SEP 2011 11 07 final.doc . Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project - ESDD - Stakeholder Engagement Plan 6 2 Legal framework for Project disclosure and public consultation The EBRD considers information disclosure, public consultation and stake- holder engagement as an on-going process which should be started at the earli- est stage of the Project preparation, and should be continued during its imple- mentation. The SEP should be prepared and implemented in accordance with the EBRD Environmental and Social Policy (2008), particularly with its Performance Re- quirement 10, and the EBRD Public Information Policy (2008). The following international documents are also relevant for the SEP prepara- tion: • UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in De- cision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention); and • The EU Directive 85/337/EEC, amended by the Directive 97/11/ЕС, on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Public and Private Projects on the Environment. Armenia is a party to a number of conventions and international treaties provid- ing a framework for the public consultation process with regard to the Project, including the following relevant acts: - Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Trans-boundary Context (Espoo, 1991). According to the Convention, the parties shall, to the extent possible miti- gate, if not prevent the hazardous transboundary impact. According to the requirement of the Convention, the environmental impact assessment document shall include the description of the given activity, its goals, in- cluding the option of rejecting the given action, the environmental objects subject to the adverse impact of the action, list of preventing measures, etc. - Protocol of Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of the Conven- tion on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Trans-boundary Context (Kiev, 2003). The Protocol intends carrying out strategic ecological assessment (SEA) and obligation of parties at national and regional levels regarding this C:\Users\l.chikovani\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\3TYLTJIH\Kotayk SWM SEP 2011 11 07 final.doc . Kotayk Solid Waste Management Project - ESDD - Stakeholder
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