: : WBLISUED DJIILY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman ir "k ~k COMPLETE Record of U, S, GOVERNMENT Activities VoL. 3 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1919. No. 539 STATEMENT BY SECRETARY BAKER OCEAN SHIPPING PREFERENCE COMMISSIONS FOR 15,419 RELATING TO THE MAINTENANCE TO SOUTH miCA CANCELED DISCHARGED MEN GIVEN IN OF AMERICAN TROOPS IN RUSSIA War Trade Board Rule Revoliing Procedure ou Shipments to OFFICERS’ RESERVE CORPS, RECEIVES A DETROIT DELEGATION the East Coast. GENERAL MARCH REPORTS Supreme Military Command in Paris The War Trade Board announces, in a Would Not Permit Allied Forces new ruling (W. T. B. R. 600), supple- 9,026 APPLICATIONS menting W. T. B. R. 573, issued Febru- to Remain Without Reinforcements ary 3, 1919, that the ocean shipping pref- FOR REGULAR ARMY erence procedure for the east coast of in Face Danger, He Says. of South America (see W. T. B. R. 363, is- Progress of Demobilization sued Dec. 8, 1918 ; W. T. B. R. 413, is- Press statement by the Secretary of sued Dec. 14, 1918 W. T. B. R. 425, is- ; of Overseas Forces De~ War, February 15, 1919 sued Dec. 16, 1918, and W. T. B. R. 501, “ A delegation of citizens from Detroit, issued Jan. 13, 1919) has been canceled, pendent Upon Shipping, Mich., called on the Secretary of War and the steamship companies have been to-day with reference to numerously- instructed to disregard any outstanding Says Weekly Press State- signed petitions which are to be presented preferences heretofore granted. ment—27th Division Is to to Congress suggesting the withdrawal This action has been taken because of of the American contingent of the allied information received that the allotment Sail Early in March—Few- force in northern Russia. of shipping made by the Shipping Board “ The Secretary, in commenting on the for the east coast of South America trade er Deaths from Disease situation, said that when he was in Eng- will be sufficient to take care of all the land he had, in conference with Maj. cargo now offered or wdiich will be of- Than in Battle. Gen. John Biddle and Gen. Winter of fered in the immediate future for these the Medical Corps, received circumstan- markets. tial accounts of the completeness of the Press statement by the Chief of Staff, equipment and supply of men, in military February 15, 1919 supplies, clothing, food, medical supplies, HOLLAND PERMITS U. S. TROOPS We have a cable from Gen. Pershing and personnel, so that he was able to as- about the 27th Division. It is scheduled sure the delegation of the adequacy of all TO TRANSSHIP AT ROTTERDAM to sail from Brest on March 2, 3, and 4, the provision for the comfort made and on the Leviathan, Mauretania, Harris- protection of the men. The Department of State is in receipt hard, Louisville, Agamemnon, and Pan- Supreme Command Fully Informed. of advices stating that the Minister for nonia. “ Responding to the suggestion that per- Foreign Affairs of Holland has informed This is the state of progi’ess of the de- the American Minister at The Hague of haps the Expeditionary Force in Russia mobilization : Number of officers resigned is not large enough for its own protection, the Netherlands Government’s consent to and discharged up to noon yesterday, facilitate the return of the American the Secretary said the supreme military 71,235 ; enlisted men, 1,103,310 ; total dis- command in Paris and the military ad- troops by way of the Rhine with trans- charges so far, 1,174,545. Total number visers of the Supreme War Council in shipment at Rotterdam. The transports ordered demobilized, 1,501,000. Paris are daily in receipt of communica- are to fly the commercial flag, only offi- tions from the commanders of all the cers being permitted to bear arms, and Progress of Demobilization. forces in northern Russia, and are inti- notification given to the Netherlands I. Reports show that, according to the Government of each transport. The arms mately acquainted with military and latest data on hand, the following dis- of the .soldiers during the trip on the other conditions there. They would not charges of officers and men have been Rhine will be placed in boats which will permit this force to remain without rein- accomplished. Discharges from retrirned accompany the transports. Each convoy forcements in the face of any danger to oversea contingents are included. itself. He assured the delegation that will also be accompanied by a Nether- they could .rely upon the fact that the lands officer to act as intermediary in Offioers. case of any communications greatest military minds of the allies are with the Total number of officers resigned fully acquainted with all the conditions authorities of the country will be found or discharged 71, 235 necessary. at Archangel and Murmansk and have Enlinted men. the protection of that force fully in hand. The Netherlands Government akso Discharges up to and “ gives assui-ance that all the war material Wlien asked whether it would be pos- including Feb. 1, sible to reinforce the expedition, the Sec- sequestered in Holland wall be restored 1910 992, 092 Discharges for I’etary pointed out the fact that Murmansk at no distant date. week ending Feb. 8, 1919_ 78, 082 is an open port all winter, and that it is Early returns week end- possible at any time to reinforce the REBELS MENACE SMELTING PLANT. ing Fob. 15, 1019___ 32, 230 army from that port. 1, 103, 310 Total discharges officers and “ general question of with- A Mexican dispatch to the State De- On the the enlisted men 1, 174, 545 drawal of the force, the Secretary said partment says that the American Smelt- that the question of the policy of the ing & Refining Co. at Matehuala was se- II. Orders have been issued to date allied Governments with regard to the riously threatened by rebel forces, neces- (Feb. 14, 1919) for (he demobilzation of maintenance of this force had to be sitating the sending of 800 Goverment approximately 1,501,000 men, as follows: ti'oops district W'orked out by the President in conjunc- to that during the week. Troops in the United States 1, 272, 000 tion with the responsible heads of the Overseas troops returned to the United States 229, 000 allied Governments, and that the matter was under discussion in Pai’is andjeould ation by any one country, but had to be Total ordered demobilized- 1, 601, 000 not be decided with lidelity to our cmliga- the result of counsel and joint action by ” tions and with safety to the general situ- all the countries involved. (Continued on page 0.) : : : : ;:;; 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1919. GEN. PERSHING AWARDS MEDALS List of Transports and Army Units IN NAME OF PRESIDENT WILSON Sailing From France for United States TO MANY OF THE ALLIED OFFICERS The War Department authorizes publi- Headquarters 162d Field Artillery Brigade, 2 officers, 38 men. Camp Dix. cation of the following information : LIST CABLED TO WAR DEPARTMENT Three hundred and thirty-fourth Field Ar- The transport IFest Point sailed from tillery Headquarters Company, Supply Com- Brest February 12 and is due to arrive at pany, Ordnance Detachment, Medical Detach- ment, Batteries A, B, C, D, E, and F, offi- French, British, Italian, and Belgian Boston February 27 with the following 32 cers, 1,340 men, divided as follows : Camp Dix, troops: Casual Company No. 2G2, 1 ofli- 23 officers. men officers, 773 ; Camp Devens, 3 Commanders Who Gave Excep- 43 officers, cer, 15 men, Massachusetts. men ; Camp Funston, 3 293 men ; Camp Pike, officer, 1 67 men ; Camp Dodge, 2 tionally Meritorious and Distin- The transport Florence Lnckenbach officers, 136 Regular men ; Army, 28 men. sailed from Nantes February 12, and is Bordeaux convalescent detachments Nos. 94 guished Services to U. S. Forces. due to arrive at New York March 4 with and 96, 06 officers, 24 men. Eight casual officers, classified as follows the following troops : Two casual officers, Medical, Field 2 ; Artillery, 1 ; Infantry, 2 Ordnance, 2 enlisted 1. The War Department publishes the fol- and men. Ordnance, 1 ; Engineers, 1 ; Marino Corps, louing cablegram from the Commanding The transport Artemis sailed from St. Other casuals : Civilians, 4. Included in the above are sick and wounded, General of the American Expeditionary Nazaire February 12 and is due to arrive classified as follows : Bedridden, 24 men ; re- F'orces at New York about February 2G with the (juiring no special attention, 26 officers. Also following troops: 2 naval officers. Pursuant to authority granted me by Twenty-five casual officers, classified a.s cablegram, I have awarded, in the name fol- lows: Quartermaster, 2; Rngineer.s, 1; Infan- the President, the Army Units Representing of distinguished serv- try, ;i Medical, ; 2 ; Field Artillery, 2 ; Sani- ice medal to the following distinguished tary Corps, 8 ; Signal Corps, :i ; Supply Train, 1 Army Service ; Service Corps, Air Service, 2. Many Branches of allied officers for exceptionally meri- 1 ; torious and distinguished services ren- The transport Orizaba sailed from Bor- Numbered in a New List dered to the American Expeditionary deaux February 12 and is due at New Forces and to the cause in which we have York about February 24 with the follow- Assigned to Early Convoy been engaged ing troops FKENCII ARMY. Casual Company No. 4GG, 2 officer.-!, 136 men, The War Department authorizes pub- Texas. lication of tbe following: Ma.j. Gen. Henri Edouard Claudel. Casual Company No. 440, 2 officers, 143 men, The following organizations have been IMa.j.
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