© Entomologica Fennica. 25 February 2011 Estonian Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera). An annotated checklist Jaan Viidalepp, Henn Timm & Juha Salokannel Viidalepp, J., Timm, H. & Salokannel, J. 2010: Estonian Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera). An annotated checklist. — Entomol. Fennica 21: 193–201. A checklist of 190 species of Estonian caddisflies is compiled based on literature and voucher material in collections at Estonian University of Life Sciences. 31 species are listed first time for the country while 159 taxa were referred to in liter- ature. Two taxa are rejected as possible misidentifications (Diplectrona felix and Molanna submarginalis). 25 species are listed in Estonian Red Data book. Geo- graphical distribution of Trichoptera both in Estonia and along the east shore of Baltic Sea is reviewed in brief. J. Viidalepp, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agronomy and En- vironmental Studies, Riia St 181, 51014 Tartu, Estonia; E-mail: jaan.viidalepp @emu.ee H. Timm, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Limnology, Riia St 181, 51014 Tartu, Estonia; E-mail: [email protected] J. Salokannel, Finnish Aquatic Insects Specialist Group, Siikinkatu 13, 33710 Tampere, Finland; E-mail: [email protected] Received 17 May 2010, accepted 29 November 2010 1. Introduction political geography of XIX century), 119 out of them were associated with localities of the Esto- Trichoptera are amphibiotic species, mostly stud- nian territory of today. However, since the thirties ied on the basis of larvae (Haberman 1931, Spuris of the XX century, the majority of faunistic infor- 1965) and preserved in liquid. In other cases, mation on Estonian caddisflies have accumulated adults have been collected and treated parallel to by hydrobiological studies (Haberman 1931, most other insects, i.e. mounted on pins, spread 1932, 1934a,b,c, 1936a,b, 1937a,b, 1938a,b, like butterflies and moths, and organized into col- Tõlp 1956, 1966, Ristkok & Ruse 1962, Kacha- lection drawers (Lackschewitz 1922). lova 1980, Timm 1990, Timm et al. 2001, Kangur The first major contribution to the knowledge et al. 2009). Haberman added twelve species to of Estonian caddisflies was due to Paul Lack- the Estonian checklist. Other records have been schewitz (1922, supplement 1928) who collected provided through master theses on Trichoptera by caddis himself and revised data which were students of Tartu University tutored by prof. H. fragmentarily published by earlier investigators Riikoja and H. Haberman. Finally, when adding a (Mühlen 1880, Samsonov 1906, Schneider 1908, short communication by prof. H. Remm (1987) Mühlen 1910, Mühlen & Schneider 1920, Ulmer and contributions by Latvian specialists O. Ka- 1926). P.Lackschewitz (1922, 1928) summarized chalova (1980) and Z. Spuris (1965, 1969, 1971), 172 species-level taxa for Estonia and northern all the printed information about this order of in- Latvia (”Estland and Livland”, according to the sects in Estonia is hereby provided. In addition, 194 Viidalepp et al. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 21 Finnish trichopterists have intensively studied cerning synonymies used by older authors up to Estonian fauna during recent years and have con- 1980. Inland distribution of species is given in tributed a lot of new data and a series of species brief. New faunistical data not published earlier not recorded here earlier. are annotated below. The list may serve as a template for future faunistic studies. Such studies are especially in- 2. Material and methods teresting as Estonia is located in a transitional zone between the European nemoral and the Si- The first author of the present communication berian boreal fauna. Further, such study is rele- collected Trichoptera along with Lepidoptera vant due to the expected global climate change. during the years 1983–1990, mainly using light trapping with various light sources. The material (including ten species not found earlier) is depos- 3. Check-list of Estonian caddisflies ited in the IZBE collection (acronym of the col- (Trichoptera) lection at the Institute of Zoology and Botany of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, now housed Table 1. in the Estonian University of Life Sciences). Col- lections identified by Lackschewitz (in IZBE) 3.1. Rejected species and Spuris (in Tartu University) served as a refer- ence to later studies besides available literature Diplectrona felix McLachlan, 1878. Supposed re- sources from Ulmer (1909) and Lepneva (1966) cord from the Emajõgi: Kirt, 1949 (unpubl.); to Malicky (1983). Further investigations and Vaganay, 1955 (unpubl.). The single reference sporadic collectings by A. Selin, M. Kruus, T. about D. felix in Estonia is in a student’s diploma Tammaru, U. Jürivete and M. Talve have yielded project, most probably it is a misidentification. further species to the list. Molanna submarginalis Mclachlan, 1872. In addition, caddisflies have appeared to be Lackschewitz (1922) doubted the correctness of very numerous in the material yielded by light Mühlen’s data from Võrtsjärv and Peipsi. As far traps of different moth monitoring systems in Es- as no more records are known from the XX cen- tonia (e.g. Spuris 1969). A part of this material is tury, M. submarginalis is excluded from the Esto- deposited in the IZBE collection and waits to be nian list. studied. The data are mapped to clear out the pe- culiarities of species’geographical distribution in the area and compared to lists of neighboring fau- 3.2. Comments on selected species nas of Lithuania, Latvia and Finland. Finally, the of Estonian Trichoptera Centre for Limnology of the Estonian University of Life Sciences has carried out studies of the ben- Enumeration below refers to that in Table 1. thic macroinvertebrate fauna of Estonian lakes and streams. This material, which includes Tri- 1. Rhyacophila obliterata McLachlan, 1863. Re- choptera, is deposited in the Centre for Limno- corded east of Aegviidu-Viljandi line; few re- logy. Last but not least, J. Ilmonen, W. Mahler, V. cords of larvae in springs and small clean streams, Mardi, P. Wiberg-Larsen and J. Salokannel have on stony bottom. An Estonian Red Data List spe- made contributions to the Estonian fauna and cies. generously allowed to use their faunistic data, 2. Glossosoma boltoni Curtis, 1834. Collected as adding new taxa to the checklist and revising larvae in the Pärlijõgi (Põlvamaa) 12.VIII.2003 some difficult groups of species. (V. Mahler leg., P. Wiberg-Larsen det.). The presented first checklist of Estonian Trichoptera (Table 1) is provided by a review of 3. Hydroptila angulata Mosely, 1922. Lake all available data. The nomenclature and taxon- Peipsi, collected as adults, pupae and larvae on omy is in conformity with Malicky’s (2005) Eu- stones in littoral zone, 16.VI.2004 (P. Wiberg- ropean checklist, which is also referred to con- Larsen). ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 21 • Estonian caddisflies 195 4. Oxyethira falcata Morton, 1893. Saaremaa, 13. Holostomis phalaenoides (Linnaeus, 1758). Nakimetsa and Kanna springs, 2002, 2 adults in Lackschewitz (1922), Ulmer (1926). The species Malaise trap catches (J. Salokannel det.). is extinct in South Estonian collecting sites but detected in Harjumaa, Aegviidu-Mustjõe district, 5. Oxyethira simplex Ris, 1897. Saaremaa, imago flying along clean streams in forest. The Nakimetsa and Kanna springs, 2002, some adults imago was not rare there in 1950s but was not re- in Malaise trap catches (J. Salokannel det.). corded in 1965–1968 (J. Viidalepp pers. obs.). 6. Cyrnus fennicus Klingstedt, 1937. Spuris However, larvae were collected August 2000 in (1965). A single record in Lake Vaskna. small streams Tarvasjõgi and Mustjõgi with sandy bottom and detritus (K. Mardi leg.). An Es- 7. Lype reducta (Hagen, 1868). Valgamaa. Puka tonian Red Data List species. vicinity, at ditches in June and July, not common; rarely at light (J. Viidalepp). Larvae common (but 14. Micrasema gelidum McLachlan, 1876. never abundant) in different types of running wa- Adults found at Mardiveski in Lahemaa NP, ters, sometimes in lake littoral (H. Timm). 15.VI.1984 at light (J. Viidalepp). 8. Hydropsyche bulgaromanorum Malicky, 1977 15. Crunoecia irrorata Curtis, 1834. Saaremaa, (= guttata Pictet sensu Lackschewitz, 1922). Nakimetsa and Kanna springs 2002, some adult Võrumaa, Piusa, adults at light in a riverside peat- specimens in Malaise trap catches (J. Salokannel bog, 5.VI.1983 (J. Viidalepp). Data concerning det.). H. guttata Pictet in Lackschewitz, 1922 may refer 16. Lepidostoma basale (Costa, 1857). Imago lo- to this species, but material in his collection con- cally common in light trap catches at middle tains only one Estonian, female specimen with a course of the Piusa river from June to August, and label “W 76 17/7” by F. Sintenis. Sintenis has of- resting under bridges in daytime (J. Viidalepp). ten collected in Võru and indicated the corre- Larvae in running waters of SE Estonia. An Esto- sponding material by the letter “W” in his cata- nian Red Data List species. logue of Estonian Lepidoptera. However, dealing with dried Hydropsyche females is troublesome 17. Apatania wallengreni McLachlan, 1871. Lar- (Malicky 1983). vae found in Meeksi brook (Võrumaa), 16.IX. 1989 and later also in some other mainland locali- 9. Hydropsyche contubernalis McLachlan, 1865 ties (H. Timm). (ornatula auct.). Collected in larger lakes and in the Narva river. 18. Apatania stigmatella (Zetterstedt, 1840). Põltsamaa river at Kiltsi, 11.IX.1990, larvae, later 10. Hydropsyche saxonica McLachlan, 1884. also in the Esna river and Saaremaa (H. Timm). Adults rare: Valgamaa, Laanemetsa near the Up to Spuris (1971), all Apatania records were Koiva river, 28.V.1985 and Võrumaa, at the Piusa refered to as A. zonella Zett. river 30.V.1985, at light (J. Viidalepp). 19. Apatania dalecarlica (Forsslund, 1942) (= 11. Hydropsyche siltalai Döhler, 1963. Adults zonella auct., arctica auct). Lackschewitz (1922) rare: Harjumaa, Andineeme, 19.–21.VII.1985 (as A. zonella Zetterstedt). A parthenogenetic (M. Kruus); Valgamaa, Aakre, 25.VI.1986 (J. species. Determination verified by J. Salokannel. Viidalepp). Larvae in small streams and rheocrenes. An Esto- nian Red Data List species (listed as A.
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