E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2015 No. 168 Senate The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was another horrific terrorist act, this time we are all committed to stopping ISIS. called to order by the President pro against America’s oldest ally, France. We are united in supporting France in tempore (Mr. HATCH). Across our great Nation, Americans every possible way, as the people of f have displayed the French flag across France move forward after these at- buildings, monuments, and Facebook tacks. PRAYER pages in solidarity with France, a I repeat, as the Pope said yesterday: The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- country with which we have long The road of violence and hate does not re- fered the following prayer: shared democratic values. solve the problems of humanity. Using God’s Let us pray. We, too, have felt the searing shock name to justify this path is blasphemy. Eternal God, our shelter in the time and pain of terrorism on our own soil, Will the Chair announce today’s busi- of storm, in an anxious, troubled, and and just as France stood with us after ness. violent world, we turn to You seeking the 9/11 attacks, we stand with France f light and life for our day, faith and today. I personally express my condo- freedom for our world, and triumph and lences for those in France who lost a RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME truth for this generation. loved one. To the mothers, fathers, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under Abide with our lawmakers. Make grandparents, children, friends, and the previous order, the leadership time them mindful of Your presence, eager relatives, we mourn with you. To all is reserved. to do Your will, and committed to those in the midst of caring for loved f serve this land we love. Lord, use them ones, those injured in these evil at- to work for the triumph of truth. tacks—as hundreds were—our hearts MORNING BUSINESS Strengthen them with Your Spirit so and our thoughts are with you. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under that they will meet today’s challenges There are no words to adequately de- the previous order, the Senate will be with daring faith and transcendent wis- scribe the barbarism of ISIS, the orga- in a period of morning business until 5 dom. nization that carried out this attack p.m., with Senators permitted to speak Hasten the day when justice shall and mowed down innocent civilians en- therein for up to 10 minutes each. reign in the relationships of people, joying the freedom and beauty of a Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest and peace shall regulate the affairs of Paris night, but as we know, the at- the absence of a quorum. nations. tacks in Paris do not stand alone. ISIS The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Lord, bless the people of France. has viciously attacked innocent people TILLIS). The clerk will call the roll. We pray in Your sovereign Name. in Beirut, Syria, Iraq, Libya, and other The legislative clerk proceeded to Amen. places. They have beheaded Americans, call the roll. f beheaded others, instituted a policy of Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I ask rape and violence against women, and unanimous consent that the order for PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE are attempting to take civilization the quorum call be rescinded. The President pro tempore led the back to the Dark Ages. ISIS does not The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: worship Islam. ISIS worships death. objection, it is so ordered. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ISIS doesn’t practice compassion and f United States of America, and to the Repub- mercy. ISIS practices killing, torture, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, and violence. Instead of guiding its fol- THE HONOR OF SERVING MY indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. lowers on the straight and narrow STATE AND COUNTRY f path, ISIS guides them to hate. Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, today As Pope Francis said yesterday: I received an announcement of a life- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY The road of violence and hate does not re- time. At 4 p.m. today, the President of LEADER solve the problems of humanity. Using God’s the United States informed me that I The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The name to justify this path is blasphemy. will receive the Presidential Medal of Democratic leader is recognized. The Pope is right. Freedom. I want to thank him for this f Law-abiding Muslims—many of honor and to say that I am deeply, whom have also been innocent victims deeply touched to join this group on TERRORIST ATTACKS AGAINST of terror—must not allow these radi- November 14 of 17 Americans to receive FRANCE cals to be the face of their religion. We this award. Mr. REID. Mr. President, as the Sen- cannot allow it. They cannot allow it. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is ate convenes today, the world faces yet I know I speak for the Senate in saying the Nation’s highest civilian honor. It ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7959 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Nov 17, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16NO6.000 S16NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S7960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 16, 2015 is presented to individuals who have es- ed to put a highway through the neigh- ceed to executive session to consider pecially made contributions to the se- borhood in which I grew up and some the following nomination, which the curity and national interests of the other neighborhoods in the city. I orga- clerk will report. United States, to people who have nized the ‘‘Hell no, we won’t go’’ com- The senior assistant legislative clerk worked for world peace, who have mittee and took on city hall. read the nomination of LaShann found cures for incredible diseases, and Do you know what is so great about Moutique DeArcy Hall, of New York, to who have done cultural and other sig- this country? In others, they put you be United States District Judge for the nificant things of public or private en- in jail and beat you. In this country, Eastern District of New York. deavors. To join that group I am, in- they sent me to the city council, and I The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under deed, so honored. For the President to beat the political bosses. the previous order, there will be 30 do this has been something that I could This is an amazing country. Our Con- minutes of debate prior to a vote on never have anticipated. stitution, the freedoms guaranteed in the Hall nomination. I have been very deeply honored to it—the freedom of assembly, the free- The Senator from Iowa. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask serve the people of Maryland and of dom to speak, and most of all, the free- unanimous consent to speak as in this Nation. To the people of Maryland, dom to serve and to be all that you can morning business for about 6 or 7 min- I thank you. I could never have had the be—has been a marvelous gift. opportunity to serve in the public utes. In a few days, I will be honored by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sphere in such a way had they not hon- the President of the United States, but objection, it is so ordered. ored me with their confidence and the real honor has always been to be TERRORIST ATTACKS AGAINST FRANCE AND trust by voting for me. I am so thank- here. I never dreamed such an honor SYRIAN REFUGEES ful for the opportunity that they have would come my way, nor did I seek it. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I given me to actually serve my State I am so deeply honored to be touched want to express my deepest sympathies and my country. by this, and I am honored to be among to the people of Paris and all those af- Yes, I am the longest serving woman the people who will get this award. fected by the terrorist attacks of Is- in the Senate. But for me, it is not how Among those who will be honored is lamic extremists. As we all know, hun- long I have served but how well I have the dearly beloved Shirley Chisholm, dreds of people were killed or injured tried to serve. To me, service is about whom I served with in the House. She in the attacks, including at least one being connected to my constituents, was always unbought and unbossed. American citizen. No one should be staying close to them, making sure Willie Mays will be honored. He always faced with horrific violence when at- they don’t fall between the cracks, and brought it home and knew where home tending a soccer game or concert or looking out for their day-to-day plate was. Barbra Streisand, who al- simply carrying out their daily lives. needs—whether a Social Security ways hit the high notes, and, of course, On behalf of Iowans, I stand with the check, helping a veteran or working on even Yogi Berra, who shared my love of people of France. I offer our support in issues such as college affordability.
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