Copyright 1969 by The Organ Historical Society, Inc Volume XIV FALL - 1969 Number l The Tragic End Of A Standbridge by Albert F. Robinson Although it was built in 1768 and has undergone heard strange noises and, upon investigating, found several architectural changes over the two centuries that the wreckers had begun to remove the old of its existence, Old Pine Street (Third) Presbyterian Standbridge organ from the building. The few who Church, standing at 4th and Pine Streets, Philadel­ watched stood with tears in their eyes, and even the phia, Pennsylvania, was until very recently the proud wreckers declared that such a fine instrument (the possessor of the last three-manual organ built by beautiful walnut, oak and mahogany wood, and the John Standbridge. fine metal in the pipes) should not be destroyed. They About a century ago the church was given a Greek revealed that their orders were to carry the remains Revival facade, and in 1876 the Standbridge organ to Yeadon dump, and there to crush the material by was installed in the rear gallery. It served well for running over it with a bulldozer. some 70 years, and then, due to a slump in church One of the watchers, Mrs. June Mattice, asked membership and deterioration of the "Society Hill" for a souvenir part and was given the music rack neighborhood, it fell into disuse-a piano, and later ·from the console which bore the nameplate. This a small electronic substitute, seemed adequate for the rack has since been presented to OHS and now re­ modified services. But the organ remained there for poses in the Society's archives at Ohio Wesleyan all to see, and it was visited by OHS at the 1960 University. Philadelphia Convention. Of course, the organist got his way and a new In 1964, a young organist appeared on the scene. small electronic substitute now stands with speakers He made a valiant effort to save the old Standbridge behind the old Standbridge case pipes. These latter organ, raised several hundred dollars and had much have been given a rough coat of bright gold radiator of the repair work done, so that the instrument was paint. A sort of dedication was held, attended by once more usable in the services. Unfortunately, his about 20 persons. tenure was short, and his replacement was content The Standbridge specification was: to use the electronic instead of working on the great tracker. GREAT (unenclosed) SWELL (enclosed) In 1968, a project of redecorating the interior Open Diapason 16 Bourdon 16 Open Diapason 8 Open Diapason 8 was carried out, but the organ was untouched. It Bell Open Diapason 8 Stopped Diapason 8 should be explained at this point that the church Stopped Diapason 8 Keraulophon 8 is rather well off financially, and that the improved Principal 4 Fugora 8 Flouto Traverso 4 Claribel Flute 4 neighborhood has brought some new members into Twelfth 2 2/3 Fife 4 the fold. Fifteenth 2 Violino 4 Early in 1969 another young organist was en­ Sesquialtera Ill Twelfth 2 2/3 Trumpet 8 Flautina 2 gaged, one who is said to be employed by a manu­ Euphone (*) 8 Oboe & Bassoon 8 facturer of electronic substitutes for organs. He be­ Tremolo gan a crusade to get rid of the old Standbridge, and SOLO (unenclosed) PEDAL the church members were quite divided on what to do. Dulciana 8 Open Diapason 16 One parishioner enquired into the cost of completely Melodia 8 Bourdon 16 rebuilding the Standbridge and got a bid of $14,000. Gamba 8 Violincello 8 It was announced that this sum was available if Harmonique Flute 4 Gambette 4 needed. Piccolo 2 COUPLERS But the opposition came in with the recommenda­ Phonette (**) 8 S-P, G-P, Solo-P, S-Solo, S-G tion of a retired and embittered "organ man" who Clarinelte & Bassoon 8 pronounced the old organ to be worthless. The com­ mittee, however, was not satisfied, and no official The compass of all three manuals was 58 notes, decision was made. and of the pedal, 27 notes. The pedalboard was a In order to accomplish their aims with the least substitute for the original, the latest one having 30 possible opportunity for objection, the opposition em­ notes and being concave. There was a combination ployed a wrecking crew with a large truck to carry action by toe studs, but these were disconnected when out the destruction under cover of darkness. the pedalboard was changed. One holiday eve last spring, at 11 P.M., neighbors (Please turn to page 2) An Odell Finds Its Way To Key West by J. Ernest Wells The accompanying photos show an old Odell tracker organ which I found in St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 800 Center Street, Key West, Florida. I regret not having the date or opus number. From what I could learn from church members, the organ was donated by a church (no one could recall I -n-,:--: the name) in New York and brought down to the Keys sometime during the forties. At this time a rear . -J· ' (" balcony was built for the instrument, and the organ ·, : I I I •. I : • • - •• is still in this location. An electric blower has been ♦ ;+_ .t ' . • • '.,'. ,,,., ;· ,, 1 ;.� added but otherwise there appears to be 'no change A I' ,: .•·_, .... from the original design. '• , �·1 :• c,'. _;.... , �--� •·. J=i : !. ·I�- ·-� The stoplist is: . • . : . .... 1: ' :1 � . ., •:• • . •·• • C �- i• it� �> · : � •,.. :; . r � GREAT SWELL ' .. • ' ' ·, ... • . l .' ': l· � ,; '. ,J ' Open Diapason 8' Open Diapason 8' . • • t J A . � � f·. ) .l / � Meloclia 8' Stopped Diapason 8' f $· a:.·,:, : . .-. : Dulciana 8' Salicional 8' '·:•.. • •� ',_' ·, J r _, J' • '/1. •/. ·. r Principal 4' Principal 4' Hohl Flota 4' Mixture II rks · Fifteenth 2' Tremolo PEDAL COUPLERS Bass F late 8' Swell lo Great iHH n, �r,____, .u ___ rn,,,... Bourdon 16' Swell to P.edal Great to Pedal . •· . -.. '. • ' .;:•- . .I' D It might be of interest to note that the Oboe is I � .• ��---�-...... -•-..I leathered. The Mixture comprises a 12th and a 15th. The Melodia has stopped pipes in the bottom octave. '�--- � l The Principals are cone tuned. ..�� It is regrettable to report that part of the case -__... ,!. "'.. ... __# _ --�,,...,, ·-_ J'.·:-:-.. ·--� � and some of the squares are termite-infested. Other­ J. H. & C. S. Odell Organ, St. Peter's Episcopol wise the condition is good. Church, Key West, Florida. The Tragic End Of A Standbridge (From page 1) The Great mixture had 17th, 19th, and 22nd, and the specifications given me read "no breaks". How­ ever, Robert Whiting and I feel that this is incorrect­ one way or another. At least, there were three ranks in this stop. The first asterisk points to a rank which was prob­ ably substituted for what may have been a Clarion originally. And the second asterisks denotes a rank that was substituted for what may have been a muta­ tion stop. Both of these changes were probably made at the time the pedalboard was replaced. Other than this, the fine work of John Standbridge (and his brother) stood from 1876 to 1969. It was Nameplate on the console, St. Peter's Episcopal one time highly prized, but lately very few appreciated Church, Key West, Florida. its value or the quality of the workmanship that went • e. e •• a e a a ■ a I I I I I I a I I I I I e • ....,.._.........._.._.............. ►♦•• into its construction. Many OHS members, interested in its preservation, had pointed out its worth to OHS COUNCIL MEETING church officials from time to time. But it was not The next meeting of the National Council of OHS easy to get to see the organ; even definite appoint­ will be held at the home of the president, Thomas ments for visits were often ignored by those in Wm. Cunningham, in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday, charge. December 30, 1969. Members (not on the Council) The blame for this catastrophy falls upon certain who wish to attend should notify Mr. Cunningham officials and the organist who wanted to sell one of before December 20 of their intention to do so. his machines. A great organ is gone, but there is the ........................................ true record of its demise. Page 2 1839 GERMAN ORGAN IN VENEDY, ILL By Robert I. Thomas Venedy, Illinois, is a small city near Belleville RIGHT STOP JAMB: .\ which has the distinction of possessing (and having Octav 2' l Upper tier, left to right saved from the scrap heap) an organ built in Germany Mixtur 2' r (Pedal) and brought to America in 1839. Mrs. M. Pruchsner, Trompe\ 8' J wife of the elder of San Salvator Evangelical Lutheran Subbass 16' 7 Church, was kind enough to show the church and Violon Schello 8' � Lower tier, left to right (Pedal) Possaunne 8' organ to me, and she also provided copy of an article appearing on March 16, 1963 in the Belleville NEWS­ DEM.OCRAT telling the story of its rescue. Above the single manual at the left side is the According to Grover Brinkman, correspondent for "Pedal Coppel", and at the right side there is a blank the above journal: (perhaps it was Calcant). There are two combination 'For some time, the congregation of the San Salva­ pedals which I suspect to be Kilgen additions; "Forte" tor Evangelical Lutheran Church at Venedy has been and "Piano". There are 56 notes on the keyboard and debating whether or not to discard a huge pipe organ 24 on the pedal, which is flat and straight. The entire organ is unenclosed. that was a fixture in the balcony of the church for long, long years, and replace it with either an elec­ Most of the reed pipes are either gone or not tronic organ, or a later model conventional pipe or­ playing, but the few working ones show that the gan.
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