TUESDAT, APRIL l U I M T iK an rlff0t»r Evettbts If^rolb Averaft Dally Net Praas Ron H m Weather Far the Moirtb a< MafchxlWW rwagaalal 0.fa Wigmif I Vivien Kellems and Oongressman- Ltana Lodge. H a gbta o t The Mancbaater Improvement eva- AaoociaUon will hold a moating to- at-Large Anthony Badlak of Partly efandy a M ecM Pythlaa. wUl meat Manch^Bier G O P Banquet Rockville. i^ b b u tT W ii nlng at aifbt o'e* la Otaaga inorlW evening at eight o’clock at HEW 9,885 foir M i eaMm tealfMt fi Hall on Oolway Prominent atate and national h 2 1 ij the Lithuanian ma Aafat IbitoMtar. Chapter IT «( ■traet Date Book Republicans, headed by State. Plans Ready Chairman Clarence F. ‘‘Cappy’’ 13*SDi5Nad Aaiarleen T atw m S t Margdrat Mary Mothers’ O r- MonehoiU n— A Ciiy'of VUlagm Charm arlV boM a buriiMM maatinr tbla The Salvation Army Women’s Baldwin, will be inttodfuced' to the cle wOL'm^ at the home of Mis. Tonight gathering. MEN'S B I N G O at eight o’clock in the Henm^ LsCbapaHe, 37 Marble Home League will meet tomorrow ae Community Houae. afternoon at two o’clock at the Hollistar P. T. A. meeting at 8 Saturflay’s Testimonial Members o f "the Young Repub­ tomomiw evening at eight p.m. lican Club ^ 1 be In charge of hat EVERY WEDNESDAY-8 P. M. (CfamUfad Advertfatai m Pago U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12, 1950 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS 'clock. citadel. Work will be on bandagea To Be jin Informal VOL. LXIX, NO. 16S for the Memorial hospital. and coat checking and refresh­ Dr. Joaaph V. Jaaovaaa. Open membarahlp meeting of phjraUnaa u fitartfoitf hoMtal Affair; Its Highlights ments. ^ .. -i. Loapie o f Women Voters, South TINKER HALL ocMHBaat to Manchaatar BMptal, Tba Ladles Aid Boetoty of the The Ladles Aid Socl<^y of the Tlcketa for the affair may be Emanuel liUtheran church will Emanuel Lutheran church is spon­ Methodist church, 8 p. m. secured from Mrs. Jay Rand, Body of Six-Year-Old Recovered will ha a faatured. ip a a k a y ^ the Thursday, April 18 A fter months o f plarming, the PLAYING STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8 canvantton o f the CiBinectkiut have a deasert-iuncheon at the soring a food sale of Swedish bnked George B. Williams or any mem­ Annual Spring Rummage Sale, AND You DONT S^AY LATE Chaixte* American Audemy of church at one o'clock 'Thuraday. goods at the J. W. Hale store Sat­ Republican Activity committee ber o f the committee. There are Thirteen Men Die __ ^ {fc Women’s Auxiliary, Manchester ■ w Hot War Is Unlikely urday morning at 9:30. haa TOmpletcd arrangements ■ for 2S0 tlekets available and It Is ex­ Oanaiml Practice 'nKfraday at Hunt Memorial Hospital, State Armory, Memorial tn a O i^ , Proepect itreet The daughter bom April 4 to Mr. the Testimonial dinner to Town pected that they will be sold be­ and Mrs. Delmont Ballerd of West 9:30 a. m. , Hartford. Dp^reiioveae will apeak Sunday school teachers of Con­ Chairman William S. Davis Sat­ fore the final meeting Thursday Middle Turnpike has been named cordia Lutheran church will meet Friday, April 14 night. on. "ileoahVAdvances in Hormone urday night in the State armory. As B-29 Bomber Nancy Louise. They have one ton, this evening «t ,7:30 In the par- Benefit performance o f St. Therapy, The conimittee wishes to specially Saturday evening’s gathering GeKo F re s A Robert. sontge. The Ladies’ Aid Society uohn’s Second Annual Minstrel promises to be a real social suc­ With Russia Because emphasize that the affair la to be will meet in the church at the Show, Hollister auditorium. iA meeting of the EUeanora informal. A turkey dinner gets the cess and attendance will be from The W. S. C. S. of the North same hour this evening. Saturday, April 1ft trmf to m m o Lodge, aebeduled for thia program off and dancing to the every section of the town. The Crashes iji Flat es ’^evaaiag. will be held Inataad to­ Methodist church will hold a meet­ Testimonial dinner to William rommittec announces that the af­ C A S H F R O M m Y for bills— have only ing tomorrow afternoon at two S. Davis, chairman of the Repub­ music of Paul Landerman’a or­ morrow evening at 7:30 at the Center Church Co-Weda will fair will be informal. Seofonal Needs, Cloth­ OM peyment each o'clock at the'church. lican Town Committee, State chestra w’lll conclude the cvenf. month. Italian-American club on Eldiidge omit their meeting Friday evs- Festivities will start at 6:30. The Republican Activity com­ ing, Taxes, House and ning, and hold it Instead on Friday Armory. 'YES .MAN MT* MAH! ON! SMAU Big Ship Fails to Of Shooting Incident atreet. A ' good turn-out of the Also De Molay sport dance and Mrs. Doris Bull, well known local mittee, eompo.sed of 150 members, Cor Repair*, Medical membera la. expected, aa the elec­ Raymond J. Condon, of 112 Wal­ evening, April 21, In .Woodruff YE S to 4 out of MONTHIY PAfM!Nl nut street, haa enlisted in the Air entertainment, Masonic Temple. soprano, will sing the Star Span­ are un<lerwriting a major portion and Dental Expehiet and Gain Altitude in Its News Tidbits tion tk o ffi^ ra ulll take place. Te- hall, following the second per­ gled Banner accompanied on the of the expenses, making it possi­ 5 without involv­ Force for four years. He is a Monda.v, April 17 other good purpotet. freahmanta''U’iirb e aerv^. formance of their spring comedy, ble for the contribution of only ing employer, outaidwe. I f a faea wtn Take O f f ; , Drops Into Culled Prom (A*) Wires Anieriraii Diplomatic Navy veteran of three years ser\-- Y. W. C. A. craft exhibit, Com­ piano by Fred Wcmcr. Rev. Al­ "Ship Ahoy.■’ two dollars for those desiring to •olve your probiMB, eneae In or phoM Ice, and enlisted aa a PFC on the munity Y „ 8 p,m, V fred L. Wllllania will offer the In­ Secret Area of Sandia St. Anne'a Mothera* Circle u411 vocation. During the dinner attend. today. YonTl gat prompt Ml l i e s , Aiifl Military Experts meet'tomorrow evening at eight basitt of hia prior service In the The W. S. C. 8. of the United Thursday. April 20 six year old Crslg Finley, Wt Wreckage Reported Bruce Vanderbrodk will play ap­ Special Weapons Base; o'clock at the home of Mrs. Patrick Navy, through the local recruiting Mctlioilist Church o f Bolton, for­ Three one-act plays. Paint and loeni $2S te $S00 en tlgwetwre alone by baseball in Cleveland 30 days Brliovc That Uiiarmedj office located at i43 Main street. propriate selections on the solo- Peak, 4 Waddell road. merly known as the Quarryville Powder club. High school assem­ vox. Names of the Victims ago, died last night ---- Clhinese, iiK is to s a v v is * Navy Patrol Still Mioa-| \Methodlsl rhiiich, will hold a rum- bly hall, at 8 p. m. The Garden Grove caterers ''tut eomssurff tttst Communists take over British b i^ "Assignment Medicine." a mo­ msge sale. Saturday, April 1ft, at Thursday aad Friday, April 20-31 racks In Peiping . .. Jackass, gold Off Danish Island; ing. May Have Been; tion picture which tells the story have arranged a full course menu Albuquerque, N. M., April ten o’clock Ip the South Methodist Oo-Wed Spring Show, at Hollis­ that will consist of a fruit cup, H A LE'S K n im ia l FINANCE c< to Jamaican Department of Agri­ of what the Arm y’s Medical Corps RUMMAGE SALE church here. ter street school. turkey, cranberry sauce, peas, tur­ 2nd now • STATI THEATRE gUllOING \2.—iIP) — Thirteen airmen culture, is flown from Miadd to Shot Down hy Soviet^ la doing in the way o f rehabilita­ Saturday, April 22 7S3 MAIN in itn , MANCHESTEB, CONN. f died last night in the fiery Kingston ... Federal and sjtxte au­ tion of the O.I., with atreaa on nips, mashed potatoes, celery,' Headquarters May Be Navy Plane I Fighters Over Baltir; at St. Mary’s OiilM will meet Frank J. Mansfield Detachment, rolls, coffee, Ice cream and Dtal 3430 * Cfaorgc Hatkist, YES MANogvr thorities Investigating partially surgical treatment, will be shown Imm nod* midmft tU lofrtvndini tmt crash of a B-29 bomter into a Thursday at 11 a. m. in the Guild Marine Corps League, anniversary cookies. dismantled stlU found In East Siiggekt Next Steps South Method!^ Churrh at the meeting o f the Rotary Club room. The members will bring FUR A Imd ml $1N CMti $10.10 vMi EfMkpfly In 17 monthly roiDocvtin iafttliMRH of ttO.OS mtk. secret area of Sandia special dinner dance, City View Dance Special Speakrtra Haven . Jesse Heath, 28, denies Welsbadefi, Germany, April 12— «,arca off Bornholm said the Ameri- tonight at 6:80 at the Manchester their own sandwiches and tea and Hall, 8:30 p. m. weapons base. Deaths of all Senator Charles Sy Houae Is the fa court In Skowhegan, Me., that Sat., April IS—10 A. M. Country Club. offca will be served by the hos­ Firemen are rtiown rwnortng the body e f Bebhy Rwfaney, 8, from Cow Creek at HnUfalnaon, Kans., (4’)—The'search for a mlaaing U.
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