m%* +•* m* *: Do Your Christmas Shopping with Leader-Journal Advertisers ***+ ,~i^**,&*1+t&nti» Largest Guaranteed Paid Circulation in Woodbrldge Township" THE FAMILY Unleaa consent and stren- NEWSPAPER uous efforts are directed to- ward keeping down govern- OF mental expanse, the cost of Municipal government tends WOODBRIDGE to increase year by y«ar, WOODBRIDCE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NKW5PAFEA with a continual rise in tax- TOWNSHIP WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY MORNING, DKCKMbKH 16, 1938. Economic factors that re- TWENTY-NINTH YEAR PRICE THREE CENTS ' flnencia] affairs of in- itials and private enter- WANNA HAVE A llOOLl COPS 4HOW XMA8 SHUT AVENEL -Will the person WOODBUDOB. - ChrM- priies do not have a similar nu spirit was inir •MttftU- effect upon governmental FREEHOLDERS SEND INVITATION TO who stole K. I, Berber's pet S619.35 RAISED REPUBLICANS REACH DECISION ON eiglit year '*U\ durk, return it fied this week by awnbfrs of ilttanditures. Comrijercial olwl Mi l'..ilgl:i Will (jlVf '.lid WoodbrtdR'a finest, fynrtrnn for example, are COUNCIL FOR POWWOW ON BRIDGE ii yniuig iluik in its |.IIMH»?" BY TOWNSHIP IN Kecently the P«MW, mem- forced to manage their af- That i, the message that ixr» of the Patrolman's Ben- IHCI EMPLOYES WILL BE REHIRED fairs efficiently, or face busi- Mi Hxigfi M-iut-i through tlis evolent awwlittlM learned n«8i failure. Individuals, BUT COMMITTEE FAILS TO SHOW UP i-dluiiHis of this newspaper. XMAS SEAL SALE thai the lion* Club ot Wood- .moreover, are compelled to Lasl Tuesday, u thief stole brldje wiu endcavurior to AT INAUGURAL MEETING, JAN. 2ND nv« within their incomes, or three ducks, one of which was OVER £500 INCREASE OVER funds to pay l«r a pair County Discusses Matter After Town»hip Committee Ig- the pet one. Evidently, one of or artificial Hf» for k needy Political Ax to Fall on Several Heads—Standing Commit- suffer loss of credit, LAST YEAR SHOWN IN nores Invitation Signed by Klemmer rUUeisiett Aaking the ducks got out ol Ihe bag Towiuhip resident. Originally, t«es E«P«et»d To B, Pr.ctic.lly fte S.me-LE*p«c» To In the field of Municipal For Conference—New Bridge To Be Completed Within and finally; came back home. COUNTY the limbs cost JX81.6O Thr Take Up Police Promotion* After First of Ye»r. finance, those natural spend- Ten Weelta. But the other two remains^ Lions ran a same social and ing brakes do .not exist. The missing. • j WOODBRIDGE. — Exactly raised $150. The Rotary Ulnb amount of money spent to "The pet duck will b* t<$ 1619.86 of Woodbridge's $1500.00 donated $S« and ttic KM Crow NAMES NOT MADE PUBLIC run the government is limit- COUNTY ENGINEER MAKES REPORT tough fo" eat, anyway, so if 4t Seal Sole quota has already been a.kn sent a ehtek for $60 lr»v- ed only by the extent to is returned, I'll gl«Uy 8)# raised ajinounces Mayor AugustfF. Ing a balance of JJ7.&0. The WOODBRIDGE. — The caucus has met in s«i»ion P. B. A., lewnior that (he WOODBRIDGE.—After passing resolutions protest- « young duck in exchange,* fireiner, local Seal Sale chairman, made ita deckion—but ha« not wuiouiiced it as yet Tti»t which the taxpayer WIIX Mr. Berger said. ' amount wu neMted, «ent • ing against the action of the county closing Sewaren More than « $900 lncreatt over YIELD to increased taxes. last year is reported throughout oheck for $37.50 to the Lions is why there are to many worried faces around the Muni- Recognizing these facts, bridge while a new bridge is being constructed, the Town- tlie county where |61<18 has has Club this «Nk-« that now cipal bnildini theie d*y§v the.NfiW Jersey Taxpayers' ship committee failed to send a representative to a meet- been collected to date. Last year at the limbs arc IMU tor. Wednesday night, after an adjourned Township AMoeia&m campaigns con- ing of the County Board of Chosen Freeholders held yes- GAR HEATERS TO the same date only •HJ8 had been InvtaUfatton by this paper meeting, the Tomtthip artnratttM, that Is the Republican tinuously to keep the cost of terday in New Brunswick. Klemmer Kalteissen, chairman collected, revealed the fact thai the PBA members met with Republkam Chairman James S Wight the State government within his thanks to local has been very active In char- of the denartmient of county Highways and Bridges, sent itable work, but has always lo docide where "the ax will fall" the first of the year reasonable bounds. Wood- an invitation to the Township committee to come and dis- Mayor Greiner 9ays Although persons present at the ' - BE INSTALLED IN payment by those who shied away from publicity. fl bridge Township NEEDS an cuss the matter with the Freeholders, but no answer was session declined toijay who would active militant Taxpayers' receive their allotment of seals by or would not be discharged, they received, nor did any representative of the municipal body mail facilitates the anU-tuberCUlo- Association. Since organized did, admit that there would be "a show up. POLICE CRUISERS sis work. TRAILER TOURIST forces have initiated extrava few changes," but that it wea not During the session of the free- "Just how (ar the Christinas OKAYS gaut policies, it requires RANKIN ACCEPTS LEADER- Tair to publicize the matter." holders, letters were read from the candle will be able to spread its strongly organized forces to JOURNAL SUGGESTION Une spokesman said that "it TROOPERS NAB 2Board of Fire Commissioners of light depends on how many teals wug bad enough to be fired wltti- HALTED ON TRIP dombat them. Individual District No. 1, the Township com- AND ISSUES ORDERS all at' us buy and use on our $157,000 BOND ut finding it out In the news- Tretting about HIGH taxes, mittee, the Vulcan Datirroing Com- holiday mall and packages," May- papers." tn or Oreiner continued lauding the i matter how well merited, pany and « R»y*l Petroleum WOODBRIDGE.—Heaterf wilt It was learned that no diacuulon BY RARITAN COP IN STOLEN AUTO holiday custom of affixing seals to ^jl accomplish nothing. Uni ('(impany. be installed in the radio «an et ISSOESJPEET was held regarding the standing fttd pub[ic action, however, County Engineer George Merrill the police department within feeeach letter and greeting card sent MASS., MAN SAYS THEFT OF out between the first of December committees for the year 1030. It Is will' brihg definitu results. reported that it would be too cost' next few days, according to a state TO BE SOLD TO FEDERAL believed, that sine* the same mem BLANKET FROM LOCAL ON HIGHWAY 25 ly to construct a temporary bridge and the Nlew Year. Admittedly, ninny Muni me»t made last, ,n]ght by Police GOVERNMENT TO FIN- ben will be on the wmmitte?, CABIN, WAS A MISTAKE ut Sewaren and that weather per- This year the United States j;ipal services are necessary VEHICLE STOLEN FROM botnmlulMMr Herbert Rankln. ANCE SEWER PLANT practically the same committees mitting, the new bridge will be "We are following the sugges- Pofitoflice Department has Issued will be renamed by Mayor August "*"''••Mf well-being. Police, fire NEWARK DEPARTMENT completed within ten weeks. He a permit which allows the Christ- WOODBRIDGE-A siwpended tion made In your paper last WOODBRIDGE. — Resolutions k\ Oretner at the inaugural meet- i* **r •V^-nw'fiction, rpub- STORE GARAGE also reported that he had several mas Seals jof the National Tuber- sentence was imposed uoon Her- Holllng&noarl, Rauw. ' . week," Rankln said. "We, of providing for the isiuance ol ing. man B. Carrie, of Shaw road, 1 0 conversations with officials at the culosis Asociation to be used on table, Rllen Aboriwithy.'S "*' ,' course, have been trying to econ- bonds for the sewer disposal plant One of the major problems for Fairluwen, Mass., on the alleged c<>1 W(X)I)BRI1X;K. The idertness Shell Oil Company, the largest the (ace gs well as the back of let- child's auto, Mrs Anjp * omize, but when I found out how were passed at an adjourned meet (if Trooper Dan Itsirclay, former- Dlaiit in Seweren, and was told tan. This h. the only MBI allowed the committee to decide is thethelt of a blanket taken from a Pulton street, town, cj»wre en- cheaply tt could be dmn, 1 fen Ing held Wednesday night at the ly <if tlx> locnl barracks when It that although they appreciated the this privilege. matter of police promotions. Men tourist cabin.on. the ftui>ei--lUJb>- orders to have the beaten Instill- Memorial Municipal building. have been acting in temporary po- WHS hunted hrtre nn^ now of (he Help o£ the Woodbridge Fire Cp, way fltur ford avenue, owned by id." ''The seals are not goo} for sitions, In some cases, for over two Mrs. Nellie Dale. task then, RB organic Rurltaii Township barrack* and they depended largely on their The resolution accepts the grant In the Crow's Nest of last week, postage due, they are merely a noli of $128,454 from the federal gov- years . making It an unsettled Mrs. Dale reported the loss of ed taxpayers, is not to attack Truopcr Cook of the Penns' Neck own fire company and their sup- day decoration bearing health ply of foamite, which is' the only the "Navigator" wrote: ernment and authorized the lttu- and unsatkfactory cdhditlon. Quei the blanket which >he valued at i an institution, but toburrocks, resulted in the arrest of graetings, Mayor Greiner explain- Uoned about the matter last night, two inen who had stolen a car ber chemical that can be used In flght- "Police Commi*ioner .RNfctn s*« of bonds totaling $157,000.
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