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Efficiency, expertise and a caring touch : Make your move w ith Tran spo b Asian Ti gers an d you' ll see how we ,..., .~. ~ ea rn ed our stripes. .. ~ ..."...-I~ Transpo Intern ational Ltd. ' • ~ 134/28-32 Soi Athakravi 3, Rama IV, Bangkok 10 11 0, Thailand Tel: (66-2) 259-011 6 ex t. 222 . Fax: (66-2) 258-6555 E-mail : [email protected] . Website: www.tra nspo-intl.com Cambodia· China· Hong Kong· Indones ia· Japan · Laos· Malaysia· Philippines· Si ngapore· South Korea· Thailand · Vietnam o Contents .................. Regular Features 6 From the Edit or 9 From tIle Manager 10 What's On 18 Calendar 22 Crossword 23 Farewells 25 Your Reciprocal Club - Royal Automobile Club of Australia 27 Committee Contacts 28 New Members o Sports Sections II Aquatics: Baby Swimming - Confidence in the Water 12 Aquatics: Scuba - More 'Thrtles 14 Golf - "Beroie ... He Very Strong... " 16 Sports Classes - Register Now!! 20 Squash - A Close One in the Pa .... a Handy 23 Tennis - Goodbye to a Class Act Specials 19 Greek Food Promotion - A Smashing Time Had By All 26 Sal' Quiz - Spoofers Back on Top! 30 BC Trip to Coca-Cola - The Best of America! 32 BC Trip to Koh Kred - Pots with Everything Front Cover Feeling the heat: a kiln on Koh Kred Outpost Magazine Mums a nd babies ta ke to the water is produced on behalf of the British Club by Fun and games at the Coca-Cola factory The Creative Partnership. () Golfers getting out and about To advertise Members re-boarding the boat at Koh Kred contact the Advertising Sales Director at The Creative Partnership on tel: 285-4721/3 fax: 678-1292 email: [email protected] AUGUST 2000 5 BRITISH CLUB BANGKOK ( \ Miss me? ot much to report frol11 me this month, having spent half of last month on holiday Nin Britain and New York Stale, and terrific fUll it was too but boy, amljetlagged at time of writing. Weather in both places was considerably better than here, lao, which made it all the morc enjoyable. Unfortunately, having alrcady booked my fli ght, l di scovered that the July New Members Night had been shi fted back a week, which meant that my brave colleague s Ian and Niramol had to take over the duty of photographing and obta ining bio details that evening. and Ian has also very kindly written up this month 's crop for me. As a result of Illy little jolly overseas, there isn't a 'Meet a Member' interview thi s month, hopefully] will have gal my head around this jetlag by the time 1 start the September issue. ( Following the in cl usion in last mOllth 's issue of the Loyal Societies contact details, I Gaynor de WiI· Editor have incorporated the President/Chieftain/Bard of each onto the calendar page, so that there is a useful and regular reference point fo r members. And it has somewhat belatedly occurred to me that it mi ght be a good idea to include all the organi sations hOllsed at th e British Cl ub, and perhaps some of the other community organi sations, so if groups like Bangkok ComlTIunily Theatre, BAMBI, the women's groups and any others I' ve forgotten would like to nominate one representative contact person and/or a day-time telephone number which is in worki ng order (you'd be surprised ... ) I wi ll include it on the calendar page. Over to you! Please send this information to me in writing, either by leaving a message for me in the 011'1'0" pigeon-hole at th e Cl ub or by sending me a fa x (678 1292) or email (c [email protected]). Any queries, please call me on 285 4721 -3 . Also please note that I will not be chasing for updates; if the contact person or Ilumber changes it is up to the organisation to let me know. A fair few pictures in this month's issue of OlllpOSf, T'm delighted to say; a goodly { Ilumber takcn by yours truly during the pleasant Be trip to Koh Krcd at thc end of June (and there were several more I had to leave out!), but there's al so pi cs from th e Coca­ Cola trip, the Greek food PI'OIllO and the bar qui z held in June, as well as a goodly smattering of sports photos. Keep ilup! Gaynor de Wit Editor AUGUST 2000 6 BRITISH CLUB BANGKOK Dancing .> ~. ~~ , -oq~~, ' ~ ri~ll al rla~~ 5'H'0 P PIN GAR CAD E ( .-' rDJ OJ SHANGR~LA HOTEL HOSPITAL ...OOI ~CW> ,.",... ~ 1 ' ON~ ~'V' " . om,'~ ",1 5 01 40 I 0' 0 ! lim PENIINSULA - HOTEL •, ! t '''''' 00 " 00 AOYALORlimCHIO SHERII.TOH HOTEL" I ~ __ .~~~~~'J><l'~~~i~;~~ 38, Chamen Krung Rd. Bang kok I' - Tel. 18'l5-95 Fax: 237-4062 More s ccn e~ of confusion, hilarity and - occa ~ ionall y - elegant movement during the -- -,- www:-oricntal-place.com recell! bi,lIrOOlll dallcing cI: l sse~! For Taxi: Tm ~~~lL ii" Ll'm~ il~I"j~l lh:wYi'ijEl'I 'm'h~LL l:wTElI L ~EJiiiiJ! '----_30/1. ~ ' ''~qjn1~ 38 ~.I' ~ qjn1~ n1UL~l'i1 1050q.> (') espi te the slimmer holidays the Club usage has been ex tremely good during the f) month of July. We reaUy appreciate the support from our Members during a traditionally lo w season. On the development side it will be busy in August. From the end of Ju ly until 28th August we will be replacing the fence around the top two Lennis courts. We appreciate that this will calise some inconvenience for tennis players but from September onwards the fence project wi ll be completed and a new surface applied on these courts. On the health and safety projects we will start installing a smoke detector system in the Clubhouse and adjacent kitchens from 21 Augusl. This project wi ll take approximately 12 days to complete. Also, the upgrading of electri cal works wi ll commence on 21 :0 August. The flooring at the Silom Sala has been completed and furn iture, li ght fe atures ancl the bar counter will be replaced before the end of the year. Over a hundred Members have applied for the direct debit facili ty. Presently we have arranged direct debit agreements with the foll owin g banks: Thai Farmers Bank, Siam Commercial Bank, Bangkok Bank, Bank of Asia and also two foreign bank s have agreed and approved direct debit arrangements, Hongkong Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. Pl ease contact Khlln Varee in the Accounts Dept if you wish to apply for a direct debit fa cility. Recently there have been some staff changes and I would like to make the fo llowing announcements: Khun Ning has been appointed as Membership Secretary and Secretary to the General Manager. Khun Weena, former GM Secretary, has been transferred to Membership Sales to assist Khun Aey. Khun 0 has been appointed as Training Officer. Khlln Metha will take care of the Garden and Maintenance Department. We appreciate the support from Members who repli ed to the letter regarding the email addresses. On 11 weekly basis we will send an update on special acLiv ities at and around the Club by email , which is a far more cost effective way than sending fl yers by mail. We look forward to meeting YOLI at the Clu b in the nOHoo-distant future. Yours sincerely, Willem T. Pentermann General Manager AUGUST 2000 9 BRITISH CLUB BANGKOK Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright "The Whole Nine Yards" Film An Evening of Magic ___ needed, at just Bt 100 per head; sign up at Night ________ Fril/llY J 8 Augllst Reception. Please note: the quiz is limited Friday 11 Allgllst An evening of magic and illusion with to II teams, and on the last two occasions See Bruce Willis in action in this comedy, Derek RutL , magician eXLraordin aire; Bt we' ve actually turned teams away, so book "The Full Nine Yards". Cost is Bt 250 per 600 includes a show suiLable for adults and now!! person, including a light slipper buffet. children alike and a 3-course set dinner. A 7.30pm sLarL and a scheduled 9.35pm end, Eastern & Oriental Express _ BC 1rip to Sriracha Tiger Zoo! so that the kids can come along. Please sign October 28 WedllesdllY 16 Allgllst up at Reception Of call Barry for fu rther The BC and E&O are offering a really A trip for the whole family Lo the Sriracha illfonnaLi on.
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