Gemline Tubs Are Available In:*

Gemline Tubs Are Available In:*

From our extra deep soaking tubs, to our stress relieving massage baths, gemline represents the perfect balance of luxury and durability. Designed with today’s consumer in mind and crafted to exacting standards, gemline has set a new standard for excellence. design gemline whirlpool baths are constructed of acrylic and reinforcement composites. The plumbing system utilizes high-pressure air and waterway tubing. Each joint is solvent and welded and pressure tested. Each unit is performance tested with water, prior to leaving the factory. These products meet or exceed the following standards: ANSI Z124.1-95, ASME A112, 19.7-M-1995, ETL Approved. All tubs are available as Soaker, Air or Whirlpool Models.* All gemline tubs are available in:* Soaker Air Whirlpool White Biscuit *Diamond series only available as Soaker in white. Factory Installed Optional Equipment. Allow lead time of approximately 3 – 4 weeks. Adjustable Jets and Massage Jets •Color matched jets are standard •Also available in Polished Chrome, Polished Brass or Satin Nickel. Mood Light Pump Relocation •Pump relocation is available on some models, please contact customer service regarding your gemline model Inline Heater for Whirlpool Models gemline is a product of Morrison Supply Company, LLC P.O. Box 70, Fort Worth, TX 76101, 877-709-2227, amethyst GLTRC6060SKWH 60X60 SKT SOAKER TUB WH GLWRC6060CMHWH 60X60 SKT W/P 8 JET WH GLAR6060SKWH 60X60 SKT AIR TUB WH GLTRC6060SKBS 60X60 SKT SOAKER TUB BS GLWRC6060CMHBS 60X60 SKT W/P 8 JET BS GLAR6060SKBS 60X60 SKT AIR TUB BS amethyst skirted corner specifications Front/Center P.O. Box 70 . Fort Worth, Texas 76101 . 877-709-2227 . aquamarineaquamarine diamond GLT3660WGLT3660WH H 36X60 36X60DI SOAKER DI SOAKER WH WH GLW3660CMHWHGLW3660CMHWH 36X60 36X60DI W/P DI 8 W/JETP WH8 JET WH GLT3971FSWH 39X71 FREESTANDING WH MATTE FINISH GLT3971FSPWH 39X71 FREESTANDING WH POLISHED FINISH GLA3660WGLA3660WH H 36X60 36X60DI AIR DITUB AIR WH TUB WH Diamond series only available in white. GLT3660BGLT3660BS S 36X60 36X60DI SOAKER DI SOAKER BS BS GLW3660CMHBSGLW3660CMHBS 36X60 36X60DI W/P DI 8 W/JETP BS8 JET BS GLA3660BGLA3660BS S 36X60 36X60DI AIR DITUB AIR BS TUB BS " " aquamarineaquamarine drop-in drop-in specifications specifications diamond freestanding specifications P.O. Box 70 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 877-709-2227 P.O. Box. 70 . Fort Worth, Texas 76101. 877-709-2227. P.O. Box 70 . Fort Worth, Texas 76101 . 877-709-2227 . diamond GLT3971FSWH 39X71 FREESTANDING WH MATTE FINISH GLT3971FSPWH 39X71 FREESTANDING WH POLISHED FINISH Diamond series only available in white. diamond freestanding specifications P.O. Box 70 . Fort Worth, Texas 76101 . 877-709-2227 . emeraldemerald GLT6032WGLT6032WH H 32X60 WH32X60 MATTE WH MATTEFINISH FINISH GLT6032PWGLT6032PWH H 32X60 WH32X60 POLISHED WH POLISHED FINISH FINISH 32" 32" 59.75" 59.75" 17" 17" 17" 17" 48" 48" 59.75" 59.75" 3" 3" emeraldemerald drop-in drop-in specifications specifications 59.75"59.75" Length Length overal loverall 32" Wi32"dth Wioveralldth overall 2" 2" 17" Overall17" Overall height height Capacity:Capacity: 73 gallon 73 sgallons Drain DrainPosition: Position: Offset Offset 3" 3" 48" 48" P.O. BoxP.O. 70 Box . Fort 70 W. Fortorth, W Torth,exas T76101exas 76101. 877-709-2227 . 877-709-2227 . www. emerald GLT3060FSWH 30X60 FREESTANDING WH MATTE FINISH GLT3060FSPWH 30X60 FREESTANDING WH POLISHED FINISH 30" 59.9" 20.5" 20.5" 52.28" 59.9" emerald freestanding specifications 59.9" Length overall 30" Width overall 30" 2" 20.5" Overall height Capacity: 99 gallons Drain Position: Offset 52.28" P.O. Box 70 . Fort Worth, Texas 76101 . 877-709-2227 . emeraldemerald emeraldemerald skirted skirted specification specifications s GLT3260PSKLGLT3260PSKLWH WH 32X60 SK32X60T SOAKER SKT SOAKER TUB LH TUB WH LH WH GLW3260PSKLCMWGLW3260PSKLCMWH 32X60H SK32X60T W/ PSK 8T JE W/T PLH 8 JEWHT LH WH GLA3260PSKGLA3260PSKLWH LWH32X60 SK32X60T AIR SK TUBT AIR LH TUB WH LH WH 20 1/2" 20Overall 1/2" Overallheight height " " GLT3260PSKLBSGLT3260PSKLBS 32X60 SK32X60T SOAKER SKT SOAKER TUB LH TUB BS LH BS GLW3260PSKLCMBSGLW3260PSKLCMBS32X60 SK32X60T W/ PSK 8T JE W/T PLH 8 JEBST LH BS 7 hydro7 jets hydro and jets 1 lumbar and 1 lumbarjet jet " " " " GLA3260PSKLBSGLA3260PSKLBS 32X60 SK32X60T AIR SK TUBT AIR LH TUB BS LH BS GLT3260PSKRGLT3260PSKRWH WH32X60 SK32X60T SOAKER SKT SOAKER TUB RH TUB WH RH WH GLW3260PSKRCMWHGLW3260PSKRCMWH32X60 SK32X60T W/ PSK 8T JE W/T PRH 8 JEWHT RH WH " " GLA3260PSKGLA3260PSKRWH RWH32X60 SK32X60T AIR SK TUBT AIR RH TUB WH RH WH " " GLT3260PSKRBSGLT3260PSKRBS 32X60 SK32X60T SOAKER SKT SOAKER TUB RH TUB BS RH BS " " GLW3260PSKRCMBSGLW3260PSKRCMBS32X60 SK32X60T W/ PSK 8T JE W/T PRH 8 JEBST RH BS GLA3260PSKRBSGLA3260PSKRBS 32X60 SK32X60T AIR SK TUBT AIR RH TUB BS RH BS " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " P.O. BoxP.O. 70 Box . Fort 70 W. Fortorth, W Torth,exas T76101exas 76101. 877-709-2227 . 877-709-2227 . www. garnet series GLT5838WH 38X58 DI SOAKER TUB WH GLW5838CMHWH 38X58 DI W/P 8 JET WH GLA5838WH 38X58 DI AIR TUB WH GLT5838BS 38X58 DI SOAKER BS GLW5838CMHBS 38X58 DI W/P 8 JET BS GLA5838BS 38X58 DI AIR TUB BS garnet drop-in specifications P.O. Box 70 . Fort Worth, Texas 76101 . 877-709-2227 . jadejade GLT4260WGLT4260WH H 42X60 DI42X60 SOAKER DI SOAKER WH WH GLW4260CMHWHGLW4260CMHWH42X60 DI42X60 W/P 8DI JE W/T PWH 8 JET WH GLA4260WGLA4260WH H 42X60 DI42X60 AIR TUB DI AIR WH TUB WH GLT4260BSGLT4260BS 42X60 DI42X60 SOAKER DI SOAKER BS BS GLW4260CMHBSGLW4260CMHBS 42X60 DI42X60 W/P 8DI JE W/T PBS 8 JET BS GLA4260BSGLA4260BS 42X60 DI42X60 AIR TUB DI AIR BS TUB BS jade jadedrop-in drop-in specifications specifications P.O. BoxP.O. 70 Box . Fort 70 W. Fortorth, W Torth,exas T76101exas 76101. 877-709-2227 . 877-709-2227 . www. lapis GLT3672NWH 36X72 DI SOAKER WH GLW3672NCMHWH 36X72 DI W/P 8 JET WH GLA3672NWH 36X72 DI AIR TUB WH GLT3672NBS 36X72 DI SOAKER BS GLW3672NCMHBS 36X72 DI W/P 8 JET BS GLA3672NBS 36X72 DI AIR TUB BS " lapis drop-in specifications P.O. Box 70 . Fort Worth, Texas 76101 . 877-709-2227 . moonstonemoonstone GLT4272WGLT4272WH H 42X72 DI42X72 SOAKER DI SOAKER WH WH GLW4272CMHWHGLW4272CMHWH42X72 DI42X72 W/P 8DI JE W/T PWH 8 JET WH GLA4272WGLA4272WH H 42X72 DI42X72 AIR TUB DI AIR WH TUB WH GLT4272BSGLT4272BS 42X72 DI42X72 SOAKER DI SOAKER BS BS GLW4272CMHBSGLW4272CMHBS 42X72 DI42X72 W/P 8DI JE W/T PBS 8 JET BS GLA4272BSGLA4272BS 42X72 DI42X72 AIR TUB DI AIR BS TUB BS moonstonemoonstone drop-in drop-in specifications specifications 72" 72" 57 57 P.O. BoxP.O. 70 Box . Fort 70 W. Fortorth, W Torth,exas T76101exas 76101. 877-709-2227 . 877-709-2227 . www. opalopal GLT4071WGLT4071WH H 40X71 DI40X71 SOAKER DI SOAKER TUB WH TUB WH GLW4071CMHWGLW4071CMHWH H40X71 DI40X71 W/P DI8 JEW/TP WH 8 JET WH GLA4071WHGLA4071WH 40X71 DI40X71 AIR TUBDI AIR WH TUB WH GLT4071BSGLT4071BS 40X71 DI40X71 SOAKER DI SOAKER TUB BS TUB BS GLW4071CMHBSGLW4071CMHBS 40X71 DI40X71 W/P DI8 JEW/TP BS 8 JET BS GLA4071BSGLA4071BS 40X71 DI40X71 AIR TUBDI AIR BS TUB BS opal opaldrop-in drop-in specifications specifications P.O. BoxP.O. 70 Box . Fort 70 W. Fortorth, W Torth,exas T76101exas 76101. 877-709-2227 . 877-709-2227 . www. pearlpearl drop-in drop-in specifications specifications PearlPearl 3858N 3858N pearlpearl sserierieses PearlPearl 4070N 4070N GLT3858NWGLT3858NWHH 38X5838X58 DI DI SOAKER SOAKER WH WH GLW3858NCMHWHGLW3858NCMHWH 38X5838X58 DI DI W/P W/P 6 6 JET JET WH WH GLA3858NWGLA3858NWHH 38X5838X58 DI DI AIR AIR TUB TUB WH WH GLT3858NBGLT3858NBSS 38X5838X58 DI DI SOAKER SOAKER BS BS GLW3858NCMHBSGLW3858NCMHBS 38X5838X58 DI DI W/P W/P 6 6 JET JET BS BS GLA3858NBGLA3858NBSS 38X5838X58 DI DI AIR AIR TUB TUB BS BS GLT4070NWGLT4070NWHH 40X7040X70 DI DI SOAKER SOAKER WH WH GLW4070NCMHWHGLW4070NCMHWH 40X7040X70 DI DI W/P W/P 6 6 JET JET WH WH GLA4070NWGLA4070NWHH 40X7040X70 DI DI AIR AIR TUB TUB WH WH GLT4070NBGLT4070NBSS 40X7040X70 DI DI SOAKER SOAKER BS BS GLW4070NCMHBSGLW4070NCMHBS 40X7040X70 DI DI W/P W/P 6 6 JET JET BS BS GLA4070NBGLA4070NBSS 40X7040X70 DI DI AIR AIR TUB TUB BS BS PP.O..O. Box Box 70 70 . .Fort Fort W Worth,orth, T Texasexas 76101 76101 . .877-709-2227 877-709-2227 . .ww pearlpearl seriserieses GLT3658NWGLT3658NWH H 36X58 WH36X58 MATTE WH MATTEFINISH FINISH GLT3658NPWHGLT3658NPWH 36X58 WH36X58 POLISHED WH POLISHED FINISH FINISH 36.5" 36.5" 58" 58" 44.81" 44.81" 17.63" 17.63" 19.5" 19.5" 19.5" 19.5" 58" 58" pearlpearl drop-in drop-in specification specifications s 58" Length58" Length overal loverall 36.5" Wi36.5"dth Wioveraldth loverall 36" 36" 2" 2" 26.8" 26.8" 19.5" Overall19.5" Overall height height Capacity:Capacity: 71 gallons 71 gallons Drain DrainPosition: Position: Offset Offset 43.95" 43.95" P.O. BoxP.O. 70 Box . Fort 70 W. Fortorth, W Torth,exas T76101exas 76101. 877-709-2227 . 877-709-2227 . www. peridotperidotperidot GLGLTC6060TPWTC6060TPWGLTC6060TPWHH H 60X6060X6060X60 DI DI CORNER CORNERDI CORNER SOAKER SOAKER SOAKER WH WH WH GLGLWC6060TPCMLWC6060TPCMLGLWC6060TPCMLWHWHWH60X6060X6060X60 DI DI CORNER CORNERDI CORNER LH LH MO LHMO TOMOTORTOR WH WHR WH GLGLWC6060TPCMRWC6060TPCMRGLWC6060TPCMRWHWHWH60X6060X6060X60 DI DI CORNER CORNERDI CORNER RH RH RHMO MO TOMOTORTOR WH WHR WH GLA6060TPWGLA6060TPWGLA6060TPWHH H 60X6060X6060X60 DI DI CORNER CORNERDI CORNER AIR AIR AIRTUB TUB TUB WH WH WH GLGLTC6060TPBSTC6060TPBSGLTC6060TPBS 60X6060X6060X60 DI DI CORNER CORNERDI CORNER SOAKER SOAKER SOAKER BS BS BS GLGLWC6060TPCMLBSWC6060TPCMLBSGLWC6060TPCMLBS 60X6060X6060X60 DI DI CORNER CORNERDI CORNER LH LH MO LHMO TOMOTORTOR BS BSR BS GLGLWC6060TPCMRBSWC6060TPCMRBSGLWC6060TPCMRBS60X6060X6060X60 DI DI CORNER CORNERDI CORNER RH RH RHMO MO TOMOTORTOR BS BSR BS GLA6060TPBSGLA6060TPBSGLA6060TPBS 60X6060X6060X60 DI DI CORNER CORNERDI CORNER AIR AIR AIRTUB TUB TUB BS BS BS peridotperidotperidot drdr op-indrop-inop-in corcor cornernerner specificationsspecifications specifications LHLHLH or or RH orRH RH motor motor motor optio optio optionn n PP.O..O.P .O.Box Box Box 70 70 .70 .Fort Fort .

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