Pag* Tea WISCONSIN RAPIDS DAILY TREBUNB 24,1945. RADIO PROGRAMS OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE... with ... MAJOR HOOPLR ?b.3o TO VOtKl WFHR PALTRY is going to take patience and a 1*M ClUB PREPARATION Mutual and Wisconsin Network* FOR MAKKIAGE lot of good clear thinking." TONICHT'9 UlfiBLKlHTB •:S#-9:4<t—lloui* •( Mymttrt <MB«). A STRANGE MESSAGE. Jf men and women began their She noddeO. "I'm going to do my S!43-q:0<^-Toni Mix. 4UM>, By S«fkatary Hawkln* business or artistic careers as un- best, and try to get used t-> think- «:4MMI:ia—FultOB t*wlt, Jr, (MBt). "But de feedlel1' exclaimed Her- prepared as they do marriage, their ing of marriage as my real career, «tau-d;SO— UJnNrr Melodic*. mv lif« work," «:3».«:SC — A I' fiettm. man,, as though he hadn't paid any careers would necessarily be fail- * * * 6 :3a-liUO— Dinner Mrlodtec. attention to my talk, "Oi, 1 ask t:OO-l:18 — Frank Slafrlitr <MB9>. ures. If they pursued their careers Living is an art. Tt is not a 7:19.7:30— Mulunl PrtttnU Cart MM- you—vill you giff me de feedle?" •*y (M03). as carelessly and with as few haphazard, irresponsible experi- 1iSO-«:00— .tfntbB Chrlillc'i Pair*! "No!" I yelled. And the very next sacrifices, if they had as little de- ence. Like any art, its technigue moment I was sorry. Because the :IS— GabrlrJ Hnltcr (MBSK termination of purpose, and trusted must be learned, Us meaning must *:I5-»:SO— K«l Storle* from K«l Lite. little beggar stared up at me with l>e explored. Divorce is a sijrn of (MM-). eyes that seemed to grow bigger haphazardly to luck as they do so failure in living, and an excellent K::ilt-S:00 — Treniure Hour of Son* many times in marriajre, their . every second as he reaiized the aw- remedy for divorce, as well as for »:<HM>:3« — Alrh Obler'l PlBM (MBS>. fulness of the thing. He thought he careers would come to a disastrous the unhappy marriages which do 9::tO,9^3 — Music for Millions. had been mistaken. His confidence close. B:M-IU:W— Summy Kttyc Orrtt. Happiness comes not by accident j not end in divorce, ties in the IO:<MI-IO:IS — n»t Star Final. in me and his belief that I certainly t hands of parents of children now 10:15-10:30— Bmjmond Scott'i Orcb, but by intelligent effwt nnd tireless (M !*!•>. had looked out for his precious fid- growing up. 10:SQ-1I>:S1 — Spot Xetr* Summit?. dle when he had been forced to good will and endless baid work. We cannot stop the disaster or make a quick get-away in the fight Not IOMK ago, a J-OUIIR friend of ,\K«>l'M> THE DIAL mine brought his fiancee to see me prevent it by working from the Tuning tonljcM : NIM' — * Kmnk II or- tlie other day, was suddenly shat- wrong end—after marriage. We gan; 7;3t» IH null Stiorf; *:SO Join l»vlt.; and to make arrangements for can prevent divorce and unhappy U::<0 Rudy Valiw . ens— ?:tt» Dtulli tered, their wedding- She told me (hat she tiiltc.v tttirrltls * Morion {ioulil mtiftln "01!" he exclaimed softly, but his marriage only by preparing our 0 >'tr»t lilnfi 9:J* l.«rr.T DouJtJttit aad voice was faltering and mixed with had just finished her lonp training children for marriage and by teach- Ril>tfy . • - t'1,1'— Or3O iWnny Uootlman and she was goinR to be a Hurse. iiiu-*k'i " :34t Tow n MtftinK "America** a sob, I saw his eyes well up with ing them trum babyhood the facts Kitc« I'rvhlvm;" S:S« At Donahue band; tears. He pulled out of his overcoat "You have spent a lot of time of life. We must teach them self- 9::>(l Murcli <>f Tim.- . UBS— J tS« and effort and thought at that," I A Ratlin ClirUllp'i, I'ulrnl; 9 Arch ObOlfr pocket a long, red handkerchief and said. "But what preparation have I reliance, independence, the sanctity >lay ^Kxt'roi^e til Horror/' FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Hep Talk BY MERRILL IJLOSSEtt wiped his eyes while he sobbed. But you made for marriage? Have you of marriage, its spiritual features, along with the red handkerchief its ethics, its duties, as well as the FRIDAY'S lllflHUCHTS thought about it?" liberty that must be given to both 1:D0.7:I." — Martial Music. fOUOW 'THOSE $KAOVSIOE KIOS £ MOPE vou ] CHIEF. IM came something else from his pock- She looked puzzled. "Oh, we'll -:IJ-7::M) — \i* >fw«. AROUMD — Live WITH TMEM-" UNDERSTAND TH«ft ) MELLOW FELUDW . et—a piece of paper that fel! upon 1 parties if the marriage is to last l::tO-1:4s — Cbttkifbonril Fan TFtti THBR HA&ttS / >»NO work it out all right,' she said VN). WHO Nvewreo tr! the floor. I was too soft-hearted, cheerfully. and to be right. 1:4.'i-1:M — "Your Cooulj A(ent." GET PICTURES/ A knowledge of sex and an un- 1:SS-*:IH» — Interlude, however, to notice it at the time. "But you could hardly be a good S:t«t-»;OS^Nnvs. That I had made the littie fiddler nurse on that basis, could you?" derstanding of the part it plays in K:W.-,-n:SU — Mutlral Clock, weep was enough to make me give manage is an essential part of the She laughed. "01" course not." *:ai-»:0<l — Mudiral Clock (con't.t in. I hurried into in}' little writing ''Which is move important to you preparation for marriage, Physical »:OU-9:0,1 — Hestlier Fvrw** room and brought out the old fiddle attraction is an important part of 9:05-9:10 — M<T*t Mr. Babr. —being a good nurse or being a U : 10-9 :SG— N in itl imp, box. good wife?" marriage, but only a part- A clear 11:30-10:30— >iareli (ield Hour. "Being a wife. Oh, I see," knowledge of sex and a sense of ]0:30-10:,">5-~Slciens Point Hoar. proportion about it are a protec- 10:53-11:00 — Lannv «»d Ctn^er BIRTHDAY CLUB she said slowly. "You mean that 11 -II: IS— Wm, Lan«^"News" (MBS), Ralph Jerome Worlund, 1711 marriage is my real life work. And tion to every child or young per- J1:1S-H :SO— Sonjt by Morton Downtj you don't think I know much about son on the verge of marriage. (SIMS). Spencer street, is 12 years old. When the child begins to (jues- 11:30-11:45 — St*T*n. Point. Delbert Dale Wundrow, -Arpin, is it.' II :J,*.-11 :5S— ( Imrrh In IVildwnod. "Well, do you?" tion you, answer in terms he will Jl:as-li.00 — Thorp Auction (W>'), 13 years old. understand. As he grows older, put 1i:ftU — Markets <\VSt>. Dolores Ann Wolcolt, -HI Daly She shook her head, l'J:«S-1'i:l,- — Hump Folk* FrOltC. "It is going to lie a harder job into his hands some of the com- . »rcnue, is 7 years old. petent books which have been writ- Natp» About Servicemen, Judith Jean Johnson, 1320 Bonow than nursing," 1 pointed out, "and uncheon nnni'f Tltn*. WASH TUBBS Humping It BY LESLIE TURNER there aren't any graduation exer- ten on the subject. An ignorant 1 :IM)-I :ir — Ct-drir tester (MBS). »venue, is 10 years old. mind is not an innocent mind. 1: 1,1-1 :SO — ,Iane Cove) (MBS). Bobby Pancher, 160 Fifteenth av- cises. Your sturiy must go on and 1:30-2:00 — Qiipcn for Today (SIB8). PER REICH 155 7600 KILOMETER* VC A« MOW CKO6SM4 OER BOOT Of PER *OOM on. You two will find that you Sex must not be disregarded. It 2:IM.2:IA — Craliow and \\ lilte <W>"). VORLP, BAROM JUPSNHETze—SdUTH OF enue south, is 13 years old. should not and it cannot be. But if S:1S-S:KO — (-forgo Olsen's Orcb. <MBS). BBHIWD US, HEBR <SOm£ft. VE SMOULP «— y pK PILOT «eW(M5 JOT Franz Ekelund. 640 Eleventh don't like the same tbings, you ^:3ll-'J:4r, — The smoothies (MUS), REACH JARftU IN MIKlB HOURS MR PATROLS, AMD NORTH OF ICH4A ON Sift WM6S don't enjoy the same people, you you teach your child from the very- 2:43-3:110— IjUn rents Wett Orcb, BASES NO INDIA AND CHMA« AETTIM64RUOUS! street north, is 12 years old. start the truth about it, the good 3:00-1:00 — Mnr«hfleld Hour. Ivan Ly1« Schalla, Route 1, Ves- are accustomed to spending- your 4:«fl~t:15— I O'clock JTlnal Edition. leisure time in different ways. and beaut if uf and natural part it 4:15-5:(M>— StP^rud Point Hour, per, is 11 years old. plays in life, the child will grow up 5;IM)-5:13— Chick Carter, Boy DetcctiTO. Jimmy George Gregar, Necedah, Learning to adjust to one another (MBS). without abnormal curiosity or exag- ~ ii 1 year old. gerated carnal appetites. Marriage . Qull. : 30-5: 45 — Home of Siystery (MBS). will then be stabilized and entered :4G-C:00 — Tom Mix (MBS). "Here it is," I said, softly. "Stop upon in a deeper and holier spirit. : 00-<3: 13 — Fulton I^nlo, Jr. (MBS). EOT :'.5-(i:30^Spnrts Taradc. THE PLANE that sniffling and get put o£ here.
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