Churches Flourish Only for U. S. Pupils: God--the Enigma! With Education Arm tyre declared: “Perhaps only in Cardinal McIntyre asked his Los Angeles — “Is it not Washington — To combat strengthening the ‘household strangenge that in the public Russia today is the recognition audience to consider his view­ of God, or a Supreme Being, de­ points and to take “whatever the growth of secularism it is of faith.’ Whenever there has DENVERCATHaiC school system which has been faith in the ministry of nied. Are we not keeping strange action may be within the now time for Churches to ex­ developed in the United States, education, so that it has re­ company?” bounds of your competency pand their educational pro­ the children may not be taught ceived strong support, the and responsibility.” grams far beyond their pres­ that there is a God? To them "Christ is not even recognized Church, has grown; whenever amongst noteworthy men of his­ The Cardinal pointed to ent offerings, writes Robert He is an enigma, not the Crea­ faith in education has lagged, tory,” he asserted. “Each year newspaper reports of “lawless K. Bowers in Christianity To­ tor.” the Church has remained new subjects are added to the and irresponsible conduct of day. This charge was leveled at an static and declined. REGISTER increasingly secularistic and curriculum, but emphasis is giv­ teen-agers” to attest to this Mr. Bowers, a professor of atheistic trend in American ed­ en only to separation of religion gradual erosion of religious Christian education at Fuller “The .Apostles and the early ucation by Cardinal James from education. Even the basic heritage. Theological seminary, said: Church placed great emphasis National News Section Francis McIntyre. and universally accepted princi­ Cardinal McIntyre claimed in “History will show that lire' upon both the teaching and Speaking before business and ples of religion that have guided his speech that religion and ed­ education arm of the Church preaching ministries and civic leaders at a Town Hall men and nations for centuries ucation today “are the subject has been a powerful instru­ this emphasis is needed to­ THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1964 DENVER, COLOIfADO VOL. LVIll No. 37 luncheon here, Cardinal McIn­ are ignored." of Supreme Court disjunction. ment for building a n d day no less than it was then." But Pontiff also says if is limited by higher good 'Right to Know' Inviolable Vatican City—Pope Paul He recalled the saying of In stating this, he appeared VI, in an eloquent speech John XXIII’s encyclical, Pacem to go a step further than the before a United Nations in Terris: “Every human has Council’s decree on mass seminar, called freedom of in­ the right to objective informa­ media, which confined itself to formation “a universal, in­ tion.” stating that “men have the right REGISTER violable and inalienable right of Pope Paul characterized the to information.” This decree has right to information as “at once run into criticism for omitting modern man” but at the same fvi time saw needs for self-imposed active and passive.” Its active mention of any duty to make aspect, he said, is “the seeking information accessible to those ROUNDUP “limits required by a higher good.” of information” and its passive whose job it is to publish it. The Pope emphasized that aspect is “the possibility for all But Pope Paul said that in­ since this right of objective in­ to obtain it.” formation “above all must be Naf/ono/ Office formation is based on the very truthful.” ____________ St, Louis nature of man, a proclamation No one, therefore, has the .At a three-day meeting of 70 priest members of the Mid­ of theory is insufficient. Bishops May Grant right knowingly to propagate west Clergy Conference on Negro Welfare It was voted to study “One must also recognize it May 1 Dispensation Information that is erroneous the feasibility of establishing a national office to assist priests in practice, def.md it, and so Vatican City — Bishops of or presented under a light in interracial work in dioceses and communities throughout the direct its exercise that it re­ that twists its real meaning. the world have been given- nation. mains faithful to its natural pur­ Nor has anyone the right to permission to dispense Catho­ pose.” he added. choose his information in an Worcester, Mass, “It is quite evident — there lics from the law of abstin­ arbitrary way, spreading only For the first time in its history Holy Cross college will is scarcely need to point this ence on Friday, May 1 — the what follows the thrust of his confer an honorary doctorate on an American President, when out — that the problem of in­ Feast of St. Joseph the Work­ opinions and passing over the it presents an honorary doctorate of laws to Lyndon B. Johnson formation presents itself in a er. rest in silence... at graduation ceremonies June 10. The President will give the manner very different indeed The decree was issued by “It is not sufficient that in­ copfimencement address. from what it was in past cen­ the Sacred Congregation of formation be objective. It must, turies,” the Pontiff said. the Council. ' ' Napa, Calif, beyond that, know how to im­ James Roosevelt, Jr., 19, a grandson of the late President pose on itself limits required by Franklin D. Roosevelt, has become a member of the Christian a higher good. It must, for ex­ Brothers at the La Salle novitiate. He has chosen the name Pope Predicts Statement ample, know how to respect the right of others to their good of Brother Matthew David, and took his preliminary vows in reputation; to stop short before July of 1963. His mother is . Mrs. Romelle Schneider Roosevelt, On Religious Freedom the legitimate secret of their a Catholic. She is divorced from his father. Rep. James Roose­ Vatican City — The for the Church but for all private life. What breaches of velt (D-Calif.). Both parents were reported to have given their world “can legitimately those — and they are innum­ those two duties today!” consent to Brother Matthew’s choice of a religious vocation. J expect” a statement on erable — who feel themselves He asked: “Who would dare Washington,. D. C. affected by an authorized religious freedom “of far- maintain that all information In relinquishing his post as associate secretary for the declaration on this subject.” reaching importance from of whatever sort is' equally school superintendent’s department of the National CJatholic Edu­ the Second Vatican Council,” Recalling that Council has beneficial or inoffensive, al­ cational association. Monsignor O'Mell C. D’Amour wrote that Pope Paul VI has declared. been dealing with the prob­ ways and for all kinds of peo­ ■The Pope said the Church lem of religious freedom, he the Catholic schools stand today on “the very brink of new ple? Think, for example, of greatness,” and stressed his belief that “under divine provi­ is now engrossed in the sub­ said: "One legitimately can the especially sensitive and dence” the 'Catholic school system “represents the hope and ject of freedom of religion, expect the promulgation of a vulnerable group, youth! which he characterized as text on this point.” the promise for the future of our faith and our country.” NCEA “That is to say, there are “somewhat different but not The Pope’s prediction came officials announced the appointment of Brother E. Anthony of without affinity with freedom at the end of a speech on limits which the very dignity of information demands for its ex­ La Salle college, Philadelphia, as a consultant for evaluating of information.” freedom of information deliv­ secondary education. The Council’s declaration, ered to participants., in a ercise, not at all by prohibitions he said, “will be of far- United Nations seminar on arbitrarily imposed from with­ Minneapolis Just Eating the Lower Parts reaching importance not only that subject. out, but in virtue of the require­ Speaking of the rumor that be may head a Vatican sec­ ments of its noble social mis­ retariat to establish contact between the Catholic Church and sion.” the non-Christian religions, Cardinal Franx,Koonig, Archh^hop May Day finds religion, freedom set for annihilation He recalled Pius XIFs word): of Vienna, sajd he wants to remain at his pogt in Vienna. He to a group of American Jour­ was in Minneapolis to give a lecture at the Uidversity of Min- nalists: “Your profession ren­ qesota. Speaking in Milwaukee, the Cdkdinal iK ^ted outthqt ders an lifestimable service to the Vatican Council has compelled people to take Chrisdan society.” unity seriously, and that unity should be “conscientiously studied Nikita Lets Slip New Burial Plans Pope Paul said that from this very purpose of information — and pursued with all our strength.” By J. J. Gilbert firmed three facts for the Free ion the domination of the world: Lashing out against Red SEEMINGLY, these observa­ “to help man to shoulder bet­ - New York World. that it is keeping its armaments China, which disagrees with tions attracted less attention ter his destiny and'that of the Cardinal Paolo Marella, Archpriest of the Vatican Basilica, Washington — Nikita Khrush­ He has made it clear once secret but strong; that it is him as to the methods for ad-, than what Khrushchev had to human community” — flow the as Papal Legate headed the delegation that made up the official chev has in recent days reaf­ again that Communism is bent I anti-religious. vancing Communism, Khrush­ say about Red China. They moral laws which both govern Papal mission at the opening of the Vatican pavilion at the chev reassured a large Soviet- were among the most important the spread of information and New York World’s Fair.
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