![Pedigree of the Family of Young, Isle of Wight [Microform]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
* fletfgree of tije fmiljof ioung, Jsle of «Btg!)t. ~ itt and Ram Pon, bar. at Carisbrook 13 July i7io.yMARY bur. at Carisbrook 9 April170a. Sarab ....b. 1675 |?I*aac Tim ofe=CaßisriAß .... d.19Dec. 1710; bur. Carubrook. bur. at Carisbrook , r inCarisbrook Church- 3 Sep. 1738. I ; 1, yard. ¦'ffi — RAi.ni Port, bar. at Carisbrook a388 Oct i744.=j=Maryi7+4.=j=Mart .... bar. at GirisbrookGariabroo 10 Match 1748. : : i i itt and r~~Port,Pon, May Cook. RalhRalm Pope,Port, bap.attCariibrookCarisbrook aj==SiiuH3C=?Sarab Richard Pom,Port, bap. at C*riibrook=pSA«ACarisbrook= Tim*,b. Dec. I to;=plUt^att YOtttlgofPan Mill, near Newport, Ciiristub Tins, Tirrs, bap. Tirrs, bap Port, bap. it Sarah i bap. at CaritbrookCariibrook 1—:1 I—Williami«"»Wh.lum sc^Sarab .... J Isaac Abx Tirrs Mart fcura Carbbiook 30 1698 - """^" ~ - I(5 - Carisbrook^AßAa ; Klizabeth Sep.Sep- 1 01 bur.bar therec 11itDec ®cc l I 8 Oct.Oct 16991(599)} d.d before d. } Dec. 1799 s bar. ia b. 1708; m. d. 3 March bur. bap. at Carisbrook bap. 10 Feb. April1711; jiI)lC p Dec. 1691 1 probably died an m. 19IOct. 1718. 17017 15 1746.1748.7&I 99» 1751.175a. 51 175*5 1783 39 M.rch 17191 a7 bur ban Want I Carubrook Churchyard, in Cariabrook Churchyard, a Aug. 1713. 1718. bur. 9 Aug. 1720. 1 Nov. 1714. Sara*Saras Pars, Para, tit. 1787 at Montreal.=pSAMUßLMontreal.=pSAMUU. Sills, viv.1787 at Montreal.MOl Pora, bap. Port, Karam Pon, John Young ofPan 6aa*MH (dau. of Bubdock John Mart House, Mill^JHttMl Joan of Sand-^= Ann Smith (j at Caritbrook 19 bap. at Caris- bap. at Caris- and Cosbam New- John and Ann Goodall of wich, co.Kent (of Hague- [or Jonathan J 1 July 1733; bar. brook 1 Jan. brook IMarch I port, b. 37 Jan. 1753| ra. Shableet), b. 1748; d. at not deacent). time Mayor vi\ ia 1. Sarab bills. Sills. Mart Sills,b. 6. Edward Sills, b. at Shalfleet 8 April1783; April 1796; bar. in Caris­ there Jan. 1736. «74«- 3. John 5. 1777. iBaj in «749- «773- d. 10 Mar ibar. brook Churchyard. (Vide JoBATBAX SIUS. 4. JoSBM SILLS. 7. Adaa. (Dolly). Caritbrook Churchyard. |6M*ttllPHji|TO.) Kobikt Pratt ofStrood and Chatham,=SAßAii Bunduli Allthese livingat Montreal in1787. b. 1777; ra. 14 Feb. 18045 d. 19 July d. 16 Feb. 1841 1819 1bur. in the Old Banal Ground, the Old Burul Chatham. Chatham. \ " 111' I itt I and I I I ; j ; _ J - Youmq^Blisa Davus (dan. Youhg=Sarak Martha Yoinco=pCATHtßiiia Pratt, b. 4 Mar Am kc Pratt (Botanist and Authorest),=JoH» PtAßLtss of East Grinstead, Eliza Pratt, ja Sep. j^Jostrii of (ton of 'X , Yoowc, ,0MX"" v10 *Tohm Miriam Mart Anm^Ricrard Jowfh b. 1808 Honim Chatham EMSABOTI^njIBsjOSUs HollisHolms of Sara«Sara. Yookc J "^ fLond(m, George of Yo«.o,Yowmo, Dison(daa.D.*o«(dau. of London and CordiboCord.m (dan. ofCb.th.mandofChatham and jd.6 Dec. 1874; bur. b. « Dec. i8o<« m. 4 Dec. 18665 d. 1.. 1 Nov. 18091 d. 1 Dec. 1893 ; d. Aug. -, bur. in the Thomas Ort. , ,|»,s b. * ofTond«m,ndnd of Davies 1805 37 9 1854 Hopkini). dl9 1871 b. 10 liley (a.»n of b.ioNov.i7Bj; £»«»»«£ .30 h, Park, in Cemeter)-. Jnfy jbur. East in Cenwtery. Hill, Youmt Jff^y ,7 J"I?Sr;SS' ' "«^ Kingston^.-Kinnton-on- Gibralur), X 1Jane b.13 June of WilliamWilli.m BUckbeath ofafWilftmCcf. William Cor- Lutoo.nearLuton.near Chatham 1893. s.p. m Grinstead bnr. East Grin-itead Chapdyard, Haroond Cha- bur. in the Chapelyard, H»m.«d Hill. |>T|oro^H.,llJfc¦9omßsll.J|iMnd i»nda d.nMayliw; «7»«8fl¦». d>9a*'*9 . )br Diiou), Sep. ;ding), b. 6 July Chatham, b. ham. '7»'M n , k 17901 Di™»), d.ng), July "Bkroi : £ Th.mes.b.b 1780: dd. hU ,700,d.d. b. b. 34 Sep. 179' I 9 9 Cemeterr. I.TDM Kit HI JuK 17841 '< of "ct'jw!s"ct n/ 5 Nor. C*«Vr.LL=f m. at Carir' A"«»Am'C.KMlall bnr.mtbeCr- - 'jw!5 p ,788;d. 1871, bur. I d. 1a April 1865, 17941m. Iof I, b t s.p.;P in March 179.Jjd.14 iBo4im.aoOct. J brook $"&*l)l ttCtfll theCemeteryatNor-Lery.tNor- 1878,1878} AprilAp7u.B+B, 1848, t.p.t.p.i;bar. in tbe 1853;8j3! d.a9 jM. 10 iBaB;|,8a8; || | || || J+J»n- IK v" °- Churchyard. 1 »*p.SepfSep 1851, tJce«ne boY! i d.a9Jan. Jan. 1809; d. O*U»T£^ W Pf^bTO chSarf iLt t. ,;bur. d.a May a,a; 1. Eliza Killy, Margaret 30 S**fE vJ!f sp 1 bur. 5^ia wood. Sb7marriedShe married bur.iiltbebur.intbe s.p.t.p.,j bur.inbar.in CemeterratChari-Cemeterr atChart- 1867, t.p.P. d.a7 187 HorsiNS,— d. 1836. 4. Mart Loutia^Rer. Jamss Vicar of 6. Gordon Houuis.^Kdwin Rhsad of Gloucester. lune 1849 i Bar^bWofWixbt,BmJ* andly William Scott, Cemetery Carisbrook ton, Kent. in the Cemetery bur.inChatham Hofrihs,m.6 Aug. St. Grurge's, Liverpool, d. a m. 7 Sep. 1876;d. April 1886 I the O--meterf 1 3 » And Jiihk CAR>rij bur. at Wc»t »s<2W] at and 3rd!/, on aa at Caris- Churchyard. «Chariton. Cemetery. a. Ellin Letitia Hokum. 1879. March bar. at Kedditch. Williams, End, { Norwood. 1891. others. M I near p<^ starchMai 1864 I March186a,Perciral brook. viv. tmthamptao. bw.atbar. at Botler. Catherine Hokiws, d. c. 1900. Bastaa. 3. William Pratt | 7. JosirH Albxahder Hokins. 1. Archibald Gordon Rbiad, b. July 1879. 1V 8 July 1867. HoKwi Gracb Kxllt, b.9 Aug.1880. a. Malcolm Buckxiy Rhbad, b. ai July 1881. I Rer. Grorgb Kettle of Chatham iI«I-iYoubo, Youno,= I I T Akb Scri loam Yoova ofrEiiXAasTß A«n Sbu (dan. Catmbrinb Youbo Jabb Yotmo^f and Emilt b. 8 Mirch^THOMAS Hbbrt Abbb Youbo Edwib He»rt=j=Aoiiis Matthew Jokb JossrH Goodall Siobet Yoobo,=^Elis«ibtb; Perct Yoobo jMart' iAlambs Holus, London andttat- of WiUiam AWin|to» Seal of of Maidenhead, b. b. 3' Jaly Shrewsbury (son of Georw Andrew 18361 m. ai May 1863; Wells of Lon- ofMaidenhead, Horsbaill of b.4 Oct. 1839; Debman Ste- Voobg, b. ao F.S.A. (Citizen Maria. of London, b. vevir (dau o! «ov. 1809 1 d. 14 wood. b. aa April Narestock, Ettex), kl3Oct. la June 1831. 1833 ,m. ai KetUe), b. a March 1830, d. a7a 7 Dec d. 38 Feb. 1898, bnr. at dou(aonof Tbo- b.iaAug.lB37; Strood, d. 16 m. 10 May ratMs of Hong July 1841 jd.33 and B«ber of Goocb, b. 17 Much KbeiiexerScnvene­ r,1867. 1838; ai Feb. bur. March 1888; bar. at Shrewsbury. BrookwDod Cemetery, mas Wells), b. d. ai April 1883. 1865; d. 36 Konr (son of Feb. on tbe LondonXb.j July 19 March 1845 ;m. 29 of Reading), b. 14 1830 jm.atf Aug. d. 18075 1855. Jane 1867 April inBrentwood Cemetery. Woking. ai Aug. 1833. 1895; bur.in t J Nov. 1893; bur. Matthew Spray P. Jc O.S.N. Ca's 18431 m. 17Apnl 184a. J.n. 1867. 1844. HoLLis^jAMaaCoortßofWao- 1863. tbe Cemetery lin Ore Ceme- Stephens ofChat- ship"Camatic nm 1867. •b.s9.^llsabeti March181 ijm. ton Bridge, Isle of > at Maidenhead. !terr, Hastings, bam). the Arabian Sea. %%mjiloV Wight,dT7 Feb. .869, W _ s.p. _ Hollis, nrr 111111 IIIII „ PORTEOUS, M.A., 111 III n n" a m 11 1 5. BnmY b. I.GSRTRUDS KtTTLB,=T=Rer. JOHB 1. Catberibe Emma 1. Catberjbe i. Adstib Traters r- 1. Mildred Yooßo.b. 7June JABR 8.D., Paisley. Wrlls, {Citizen t7Dtc 181a. iB6>j March IWS. b. 11 Feb. 1856, m. 9 Jan. ' ofEdinburgh and b. 3 Sep. Mabel Hoes- Youbo and !: i.s iBB3> 1004. baill,b.5May Skinner of London), b. Hollis, Hi m . — — 4. IfnrAßO a. Joan William YooßO,=G«Haun>R Jabb | 1866. ai Dec. 1867. b. illJan. 18151 d. RA.,RBc^ b. < Nor. 1865 » Statriit of Sea- ». Jbssib Catueribb Kbttle, Archibald Johb Portsous, b. >. Etbel Wells, b. ttt-i to&Guav, ij ;d. 1888. 11 1866. a. Aobss a. Bbatricb Eliza-^Gbrald Auodstibb Snorrti, M.A.,LL.D.,J.P. 1 m. 8 June 1889 Dor- b.n Dec. 1857. Feb. 1888 17 Feb. Ma/ Jabb ham. Horsbaill, b. seth Yookg, b. aiI(Citizen and Leatheneller of London),b.9 March HoLiis,b.=T«orfn Smitb of Kettle, ; 1868; Ditto? 5. lfntiAM 3. Gborob Herbert Kettle, 3. Maurice JossrH=EDiTH Mary 34 N<iv. 1867 Nor. m.nOct 1858) d. 34 July 1896; bur. itThames Leamiagtoo. i> d.1 1 j a April 1817 \m. 16 v»* 3. YoußO,=HonaT Housss- b. ai April 1859; d. Oct. Wills, b. 3 June b. ao Sep. 1867. 3Jane 893 1890. Katberibe Mart 7 lB<5 bnr.inOre Cc- Oct7iBB4) Its Oct b. m. 31 butbb bo Bou- 7; m. 34 May II '-< 19 Jan. 18675 Jan. 1889. _ metcry. Debts Charles Gerald Buchabab ofCapum 1. i897. •¦?- . ,899. UT,M.R.C.S.,of 1897. —• 3. Sidbbt MiCBAEi^pHiLDAHardcastle (dan. _ Weymooth. KBTnt,b.3oAag.=pDoROTHBA Corrie Thommob. Youbo (Citizen and Buchanan), b.4 1877. SBorrts, b. 7 Feb. 189a. b CH WIT 4. Berbard Jwnes June 6. SARAJI Hol*W. r f'^_ w Joseph Arthur Youbo, i860; m. s April | 4. Tbomas Leobaed=j=Dorotby Maud Mason of London), b. InlyT of London, b. 16V»V' Feb.
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