mySwitzerland GRAND TOUR The No. 1 road trip of the Alps Whether you’re travelling by car or by motorcycle – mountain pass roads like the Tremola are one of the highlights of the Grand Tour of Switzerland. Switzerland in 10 stages Marvel at the sunrise over the 1 =XULFK࣠±࣠6W࣠*DOOHQ Matterhorn at least once in your lifetime. p. 12 Don’t miss wandering through the vine- yards of the winemaking villages of the 2 6W࣠*DOOHQ࣠±࣠6W0RULW] Lavaux. Or conquering the cobblestoned p. 15 Tremola on the south side of the Gotthard Pass. The Grand Tour of Switzerland is a 3 6W0RULW]࣠±࣠/XJDQR PDJQL¿FHQWKROLGD\DQGGULYLQJH[SHUL- p. 20 ence – and a concentration of all things 6ZLVVWKLVNLORPHWUHURDGWULS 4 /XJDQR࣠±࣠=HUPDWW VSDQVIRXUOLQJXLVWLFUHJLRQVOHDGVDFURVV p. 24 ¿YH$OSLQHSDVVHVWR81(6&2:RUOG +HULWDJH6LWHVDQGDORQJVWXQQLQJ 5 =HUPDWW࣠±࣠/DXVDQQH ODNHV0\6ZLW]HUODQGLVKDSS\WRSUHVHQWD p. 30 selection of highlights from 10 fascinating VWDJHV+DYHIXQH[SORULQJ 6 *HQHYD±࣠1HXFKkWHO p. 32 7 Basel 7 ࣠±࣠1HXFKkWHO 1 2 p. 35 10 8 9 8 1HXFKkWHO࣠±࣠%HUQ p. 40 3 9 %HUQ࣠±࣠/XFHUQH 6 5 4 p. 46 10 /XFHUQH±࣠=XULFK You will find a map of the Grand Tour at the back of the magazine. For more information, p. 50 please see MySwitzerland.com/grandtour 3 Grand Tour: people and events -867/,.( OLD )5,(1'6 The Grand Tour of Switzerland is a journey of sights and discoveries. You will meet many different people along the tour, and thus enjoy the most enriching of experiences. 4 mySwitzerland GRAND TOUR Rolf Meier, fisherman in Ermatingen “I mostly catch whitefish, along with some perch and pike. I tell my guests: that’s my breadwinning fish.” 5 6 mySwitzerland GRAND TOUR Philippe Martin, distiller in Boveresse “Absinthe was banned until 2005. Today, you no longer have to drink it on the sly – stop by my distillery for a perfectly legal taste. One you are sure to enjoy.” 7 8 mySwitzerland GRAND TOUR Bettina Richter, curator at the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich “Our museum boasts 400,000 posters. You can admire some of them during exhibitions or guided tours of our archives.” 9 10 mySwitzerland GRAND TOUR Urs Grossniklaus, wildlife specialist on the Niederhorn “Ibexes are not hunted here. They are therefore somewhat tame. Sometimes they even lie down in the middle of the hiking path.” 11 =XULFK±6W*DOOHQ 152 km Schaffhausen Romanshorn St. Gallen Zurich A guest of Frau Gerold’s 6PDOOVKRSVIUHVK cooking, lively events, art – Frau Gerold’s Garten in the trendy ³=UL:HVW´GLVWULFWLV an oasis of urban green DQGDZRQGHUIXOSODFH WRPHHWSHRSOH 12 mySwitzerland GRAND TOUR Zurich honey 1 from a hotel rooftop 5 Zurich’s Marriott Hotel specialities on the accommodates almost one Grand Tour million extra guests – on its 2 rooftop. These special guests Bratwurst are bees, living in 26 hives St. Gallen locals have always In the Zurich Region, and cared for by beekeeper enjoyed their delicious bratwurst “Zürihonig” is plain, with no mustard at all. included in the Grand Tour Snack Box. Peter Schneider. “City honey This Snack Box is has more of a complex flavour available in the Zurich restaurant Adlisberg. and features more taste nuances than honey from the countryside, where bees often obtain nectar from mono- cultures”, says the beekeeper, 3 who also produces the honey Capuns A traditional Graubünden for the Marriott Hotel. dumpling wrapped in chard leaf. 4 Minestrone This vegetable soup from Ticino, available in countless varieties, always hits the spot. Hiltl 5 If you find yourself delighted Vaudois sausages by limitless choice and the These smoked sausages, both heavenly scents of curry, Zurich West cooked and raw, have been turmeric and masala, then Once an industrial neigh- relished in the Canton of Vaud \RXDUHSUREDEO\VWDQGLQJLQ bourhood, today the centre of since medieval times. front of the Hiltl buffet in FRORXUIXOXUEDQOLIH$PRQJ =XULFK:LWKPRUHWKDQ WKHKLJKOLJKWVLQ³=UL:HVW´ 1 2 KRPHPDGHVSHFLDOLWLHV are the Prime Tower, the 4 and freshly squeezed juices, 7RQL$UHDO)UDX*HUROG¶V 3 +LOWO±RSHQHGLQE\ Garten and the )5(,7$* 5 $PEURVLXV+LOWO±ZDVWKH 7RZHUZKLFKLVPDGHXSRI 4 world’s very first vegetarian VWDFNHGFRQWDLQHUV restaurant, and today remains DVSRSXODUDVHYHU 13 =XULFK±$SSHQ]HOO 175 km At the Rhine Falls, Europe’s largest waterfall, hundreds of cubic metres of water shoot down from a height of 23 metres every second. Karola Lüthi, Munot guard in Schaffhausen The first female guard in the 400-year history of the town fortress lets the Munot bell ring for five minutes every night at 9 p.m. She and her husband also organise festivities in the Munot, care for a colony of deer and offer guided tours to guests who have just admired the Rhine Falls. St. Gallen at its best: the Textile Museum 6W࣠*DOOHQLVNQRZQWKHZRUOG over for its legendary textile H[SHUWLVH±MXVWDVN0LFKHOOH Obama or Kate Middleton. 7KH6W࣠*DOOHQ7H[WLOH0XVHXP features magnificent historical embroideries as well as con- WHPSRUDU\WH[WLOHGHVLJQV such as this hand-embroi- dered cocktail dress. The From an alcohol depot to a museum museum offers Grand for top-of-the-line automobiles 7RXUJXHVWVWKHSRVVL- The “Autobau Erlebniswelt” (car construction theme bility to embroider park) in Romanshorn is just the place for automobile in a frame and leave fans to get their adrenaline rushing while contem- behind their own plating cars from the world of racing, such as light- SHUVRQDODUWLVWLF ning-fast Sauber Formula One models and luxury touch. sports cars like Lamborghinis and Ferraris. 14 mySwitzerland GRAND TOUR 6W*DOOHQ±6W0RULW] 223 km St.Gallen Appenzell Chäserrugg Maienfeld Bad Ragaz Davos National Park Segantini hut St. Moritz A mountain station designed by star architects 7KHFDEOHFDUULGHXSWKH&KlVHUUXJJHQGVDWDEXLOGLQJ designed by the architects Herzog & de Meuron. The building also LQFOXGHVDUHVWDXUDQWPDNLQJLWWKHSHUIHFWSODFHIRUDQLFH long break. But first of all, be sure to take in the lovely view from WKHPHWUHKLJKPRXQWDLQWRS 15 6W*DOOHQ±6W0RULW] 223 km Craftsmanship abounds in the Lipp Winery (DFKRIWKHERW- tles of Intuiva Pinot 1RLUIURPWKH/LSS :LQHU\LVXQLTXH)RU &DULQD/LSS.XQ] marks every label with words of wisdom. By hand, in ink. The Grand 7RXUSDVVHVULJKW Tamina Thermal Wellness Spa, Bad Ragaz Need time to disconnect and recharge your batteries? WKURXJKKHUJUDSHYLQHV At the “Tamina Therme” in Bad Ragaz, Europe’s in the heart of the largest thermal water spa, relaxation is guaranteed. Enjoy water temperatures of 36.5°C (98°F) as ³%QGQHU+HUUVFKDIW´ you alternate between waterfalls, bubble loungers and massage jets. A guided tour through the National Park For animal lovers, Val Trup- chun is heaven on earth. It is the play- ground of elks, cham- ois, ibexes and marmots. Naturally, our guides know all the best spots for watch- ing the wildlife. Tip: before setting off on the tour of the park, have a look It is definitely worth stopping off at the Lipp Winery & around the visitor centre in Zernez. Distillery in Maienfeld and having a look in the shop. 16 mySwitzerland GRAND TOUR Climb up to 2 the Segantini hut 5 ³,ZDQWWRVHHP\PRXQWDLQV´ZHUHVXSSRVHGO\WKHODVWZRUGVXWWHUHG walks along the E\WKHSDLQWHU*LRYDQQL6HJDQWLQLLQWKHKXWWKDWEHDUVKLVQDPH Grand Tour RQWKH6FKDIEHUJ)URPWKHKXWWKHYLHZRIWKH(QJDGLQPRXQWDLQVDQG ODNHVLVQRWKLQJVKRUWRIVSHFWDFXODU7KH&KDPDQQD6HJDQWLQL is located a good hour from the Muottas Muragl mountain station. The “Segl-Maria”, 1 Europe’s highest Pearls on the Rhine shipping route, traverses the lake between From picturesque Stein am Sils Maria and Maloja in Rhein across the vineyards to 40 minutes Hemishofen (approx. 45 min.). at 1,796.6 metres above sea level. 3 Cultural walk From Ascona to Monte Verità, a must for art and architecture lovers (approx. 60 min.). 4 View of the Three Lakes From Sugiez to Mont Vully with a fabulous view of the Three Lakes and the Alps (approx. 90 min.). 5 All aboard … The Way of St. James … for an unforgettable train From Rapperswil to Pfäffikon, ride in one of the Rhaetian partially along a wooden walk- Railway’s convertible cars. way that forms part of the Way In July and August, these of St. James (approx. 60 min.). cars travel along the Bernina line, part of the UNESCO 1 World Heritage route. 5 This railway line, the highest 4 in the Alps, begins in St. Moritz, crosses glaciers 2 and ends under the palm 3 trees of Tirano. 17 Coop Pronto Some 90 of these convenience stores Harley-Davidson Whether you need wheels for a day or (with or without filling station) several weeks, with Harley-Davidson® Authorized Rentals you can welcome you all along the Grand reserve the latest models online with no hassle at all. Tour for petrol and shopping. MySwitzerland.com, webcode A210968 MySwitzerland.com, webcode A232707 READY TO GO? For an unforgettable Grand Tour, all you really need is a set of wheels and a passion for adventure. But thanks to the offers provided by our partners, the trip gets even better. Swiss Coupon Pass Take advantage of Europcar From convertibles and vans to electric lucrative 2-for-1 deals all along the Grand Tour. drive luxury limousines and SUVs, Switzerland’s leading car hire company has up to 5,500 vehicles MySwitzerland.com, webcode A77043 available in more than 90 locations. MySwitzerland.com, webcode D91987 18 mySwitzerland GRAND TOUR SIGG A must-have for any trip: the classic aluminium drinking bottle. Swiss-made with a love for detail since 1908, and known the world over. Snacking has never been so much fun 3LFNXSRXU Snack Box at over 55 different SRLQWVRIVDOH Victorinox Extremely along the Grand robust, weighing only 3.2 kilos, Tour and refill the Spectra™ 2.0 Trolley has lots of space – including for it along the way last-minute souvenirs. ZLWKW\SLFDO MySwitzerland.com, webcode C92608 UHJLRQDOVSHFLDOL- ties. This box is WKHSHUIHFWZD\ to enjoy the vari- ety of culinary delights on offer in Switzerland.
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