SUMMER 2014 INNThe Newsletter of amfAR,OV The FoundationAT for AIDS ResearchIONS Countdown to a Cure for AIDS: A Cure by 2020? In February 2014, amfAR announced it the scientic community a new will ratchet up the intensity of its research understanding of the challenges that efforts with the launch of a bold new must be overcome to get to a cure. And initiative, Countdown to a Cure for AIDS. there is growing condence that, with the The goal: to develop the scientic basis right investments, these challenges can for a broadly applicable cure by 2020. be overcome. “With an improving economy, To reach the ambitious goal of a recent technological advances and cure by 2020, amfAR plans to raise and momentum in the research community, dedicate up to $100 million to the effort. now is the time to commit ourselves to It is also moving to a more directed nding an accessible cure and nally research investment strategy focused on bring the global HIV/AIDS epidemic collaborative approaches to addressing to an end,” said amfAR Chairman what amfAR has identied as the four amfAR Trustee Harry Belafonte delivered a powerful call to action Kenneth Cole. key challenges that stand in the way of at the amfAR New York Gala, February 5, to launch amfAR’s Research breakthroughs over a cure: Countdown to a Cure. the last several years have brought CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 amfAR Ramps Up Investments in Cure Research THREE ROUNDS OF GRANTS IN FIRST HALF OF 2014 TOTAL ALMOST $4 MILLION In the rst six months of 2014, amfAR research that will accelerate our progress announced three new rounds of cure- toward a cure.” focused research grants to 21 teams of Representing the largest sum scientists totaling close to $4 million. The ever disbursed by amfAR in a single new grants will enable researchers in ve round of cure-focused research awards, countries to explore a range of innovative in February the Foundation announced strategies aimed at eradicating HIV. the allocation of more than $2.15 million “The scientic challenges to to 12 teams of researchers. This round a cure for HIV have been illuminated, of funding was supported by a generous and with the right investments, these donation from the Foundation for AIDS challenges can be overcome,” said and Immune Research (FAIR). amfAR CEO Kevin Robert Frost. “These In one of the funded projects, Dr. new grants represent our strengthened Nancy Haigwood and her colleagues at commitment to high-impact, smarter Oregon Health and Science University CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 amfAR,www.amfar.org The Foundation amfAR, for The AIDS Foundation Research for AIDS www.amfAR.org Research INNOVATIONS, SUMMER 2014 INNOVATIONS FROM THE CEO The Newsletter of amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research Synergy at Work SUMMER 2014 120 Wall Street, 13th Floor New York, NY 10005-3908 Everything we do here 2012 amfAR organized a pediatric HIV cure think tel: (212) 806-1600 fax: (212) 806-1601 at amfAR revolves tank. An outgrowth of the meeting was the pediatric around research. Our cure research consortium that was instrumental in 1150 17th Street, NW, Suite 406 Washington, DC 20036-4622 TREAT Asia program, documenting the case of the Mississippi Child—the tel: (202) 331-8600 for example, has had rst child to be cured of HIV. fax: (202) 331-8606 a research focus since One of the participants in that June think tank TREAT Asia we launched it 14 was Dr. Jintanat Ananworanich, a clinical researcher Exchange Tower years ago. Through at the HIV Netherlands-Australia-Thailand Research 388 Sukhumvit Road, Suite 2104 the accumulation, Collaboration (HIV-NAT) at the Thai Red Cross in Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand analysis, and Bangkok and a longtime principal investigator with tel: (+66) 2 663-7561 publication of data TREAT Asia. As a result of her evolving research fax: (+66) 2 663-7562 on treatment patterns interests, last year Dr. Jintanat was awarded funding www.amfar.org and outcomes, as a collaborating investigator within amfAR’s cure- TREAT Asia is helping improve treatment and care focused Research Consortium on HIV Eradication Newsletter Staff Andrew McInnes for both adults and children living with HIV across the (ARCHE). Then in February of this year, she was Editor continent. appointed to a leadership position at the US Military Thomas Rowley Sometimes our programs come together in HIV Research Program, where she will be a key Lucile Scott Senior Staff Writers ways we could not have predicted. Here’s a great player in MHRP’s HIV cure-focused clinical trials. Raoul Norman-Tenazas example. There is some wonderful synergy at work Creative Director Until quite recently, no one was paying here. Our programs continually reinforce each other Yolande Hunter Creative Coordinator much attention to the idea of curing HIV/AIDS in and collectively advance the mission that guides and children, largely because pediatric HIV has been all drives us onward each day: to eradicate the global but eliminated in the U.S. and other countries with AIDS epidemic through innovative research. broad access to drugs that prevent mother-to-child transmission. Since 2007, however, TREAT Asia has been working to improve treatment and long-term amfAR meets the BBB Wise Giving Alliance’s Standards survival for the 180,000 children living with HIV in the for Charity Accountability region through its pediatric network. At the urging Kevin Robert Frost of TREAT Asia Director Dr. Annette Sohn, in June Chief Executive Ofcer the ofcial airline of amfAR AIDS 2014: Stepping Up the Pace The 20th International AIDS Conference will convene in Melbourne, First given at the 2012 conference in Washington, D.C., the award Australia, July 20–25. amfAR grantee Dr. Sharon Lewin of Alfred recognizes exemplary efforts to advance human rights in the eld Hospital and Monash University, Melbourne, will co-chair the of HIV/AIDS. conference with International AIDS Society (IAS) President and co- Among the distinguished plenary speakers are Dr. discoverer of HIV, Dr. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi. David Cooper of the University of New South Wales, a Steering The theme of this year’s conference, Committee member for amfAR’s TREAT “Stepping up the Pace,” reects the Asia program; Dr. Jintanat Ananworanich, opportunity that AIDS 2014 presents for an amfAR grantee and former principal mobilizing stakeholders from around the world investigator for TREAT Asia who was and building the momentum necessary to recently appointed Associate Director of change the course of the epidemic. HIV Therapeutic Trials at the US Military During the conference, amfAR, IAS, HIV Research Program in Maryland; and Dr. and The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation will Kenneth Mayer, Professor of Medicine at honor Ugandan physician and AIDS and human rights advocate Dr. Harvard Medical School and co-chair of the Fenway Institute in Paul Semugoma with the Elizabeth Taylor Human Rights Award. Boston, and a member of amfAR’s Program Advisory Board. n 2 INNOVATIONS, SUMMER 2014 amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research www.amfar.org POLICY Medicaid Expansion: An Essential Tool to Fight HIV and Health Disparities As of March 2014, 25 state governments are not expanding Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) even though the vast majority of costs would be covered by the federal government. In these states, an estimated 8.5 million uninsured Americans who would have qualied for full Medicaid coverage will most likely remain uninsured. Black Americans—the racial group most affected by HIV—are approximately twice as likely as other Americans to fall into this category. amfAR has produced an infographic that shows how denying Medicaid coverage to Americans in poverty impedes efforts to deliver care to people living with HIV (PLWH), reduce health disparities, and prevent the spread of HIV and other diseases. You can view this infographic at www.amfar.org/policy- and-advocacy. n amfAR meets the BBB Wise Giving Alliance’s Standards for Charity Accountability A Slowdown in the Global Turning the Tide on the AIDS Response? Domestic HIV/AIDS Epidemic While President Obama’s proposed FY2015 budget protects the On December 1, 2013—World AIDS Day—the White House released a Administration’s commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, report on progress toward National HIV/AIDS Strategy goals and provided Tuberculosis and Malaria, a lack of investment increases raises evidence of headway being made in three U.S. cities hard hit by HIV/ serious concerns that at-funding the global AIDS response after AIDS—New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. years of cutbacks will undermine the strong gains against HIV/ A complementary report released by amfAR and Treatment AIDS that U.S. leadership has helped foster around the world. Action Group (TAG), “Filling the Gaps in the U.S. HIV Treatment Cascade: Since FY2010, over $600 million has been cut from the Developing a Community-Driven Research Agenda,” calls for a deliberate U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) budget. and expedited research agenda to end And although bilateral HIV funding through PEPFAR would remain HIV, including stepped up research the same in FY2015 as last year, a recent analysis by amfAR and on how to effectively deliver proven HealthGAP estimates that the pace of HIV treatment scale-up will interventions effectively. slow considerably unless investments in treatment are increased. “Communities in the U.S. that “While we applaud the Administration’s unbroken are signicantly expanding access commitment to the Global Fund, we fear that stagnant funding to evidence-based programming are for programs like PEPFAR will considerably slow the rate at which seeing tangible impact against HIV/ Developing a Community-Driven Research Agenda we can respond to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic with effective AIDS,” said amfAR CEO Kevin Robert December 1, 2013 evidence-based intervention scale-up,” said Kali Lindsey, amfAR Frost.
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