Great Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America Migisi Opawgan Lodge 162 Order of the Arrow Migisi Opawgan Lodge 162 Lodge Procedures Lodge Procedures – 10/03/2010 Page 1 of 94 Great Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America Migisi Opawgan Lodge 162 Order of the Arrow PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Revised 03/15/2008 INTRO Introduction Page 4 ACT-1 Activities Host Chapter Page 5 ACT-2 Activities Annual Meeting Page 6 ACT-3 Activities Lincoln Pilgrimage Page 8 ACT-4 Activities Winter Fellowship Page 10 ACT-5 Activities Section Conclave Page 11 ACT-6 Activities One Day of Service Page 12 ACT-7 Activities Service Weekend Page 13 ACT-8 Activities Fall Fellowship Page 14 ACT-9 Activities Conclaves Page 15 ACT-10 Activities Chapter Events Page 16 ACT-11 Activities Registration Page 17 ACT-12 Activities Activity Check In/Check Out Page 18 ACT-13 Activities Scout’s Own Services Page 19 ADV Advisers Lodge Advisers Page 20 ADV Advisers Chapter Advisers Page 21 AWD-1 Awards Russell Neynaber Award Page 22 AWD-2 Awards Robert Rutherford Award Page 24 AWD-3 Awards Harold Oatley Service Award Page 25 AWD-4 Awards Founders Award Page 27 AWD-5 Awards Carroll A. Edson Awards Page 28 AWD-6 Awards First Year Arrowman Awards Page 29 AWD-7 Awards Extended Elangomat Award Page 30 AWD-7a Awards Progressive Elangomat Recog. Page 31 AWD-8 Awards Engraving of Awards Page 33 AWD-9 Awards Adoption of New Awards Page 34 BRO Brotherhood Brotherhood Page 35 CAM Campership Campership / Scholarship Page 37 COM-1 Committees Lodge Committees Page 38 COM-2 Committees Chapter Committees Page 40 CPR-1 Camp Promo Camping Promo Presentations Page 41 CPR-2 Camp Promo Campmaster Program Page 42 EAG The Eagle The Eagle Page 43 EE-1 Elangomat Extended Elangomat Page 44 EE-2 Elangomat Extended Elangomat Resources Page 46 FIN-1 Finance Receipts and Vouchers Page 47 FIN-2 Finance Induction Fees Page 48 FIN-3 Finance Chapter Funds Page 49 FIN-4 Finance Trading Post Items Page 50 FIN-5 Finance Financial Account Numbers Page 51 FIN-6 Finance Lodge Fund Raisers Page 52 FOR Forms Forms Page 53 LN Newsletter “The Eagle Pipe” Page 54 MTG-1 Meetings Lodge Executive Committee Page 55 NMH Handbook New Member Handbook Page 57 OFF-1 Officers Lodge Officer Duties Page 58 OFF-2 Officers Chapter Officer Duties Page 61 ORD-1 Conclaves Ordeals Page 63 ORD-2 Conclaves Ordeal Prep – Calendar Page 64 Lodge Procedures – 10/03/2010 Page 2 of 94 Great Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America Migisi Opawgan Lodge 162 Order of the Arrow PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) SCH-1 Schedule Ordeal Member Schedule Page 65 Ordeal Candidate Schedule Page 66 Ordeal Elangomat Schedule Page 67 SCH-2 Schedule Time Schedule for Ceremonies Page 68 SCH-3 Schedule Winter Fellowship Page 69 SCH-4 Schedule Fall Fellowship Page 70 SCH-5 Schedule Service Weekend Page 70 SCR ScoutReach ScoutReach Program Page 72 SEC Section Conclave Section Conclave Hosting Page 73 SER Recognition Service Recognition Page 77 SG Trading Post Trading Post - Saleable Goods Page 79 SYM-1 Symbols Symbols of the Lodge Page 80 SYM-2 Symbols Lodge Issued Patches Page 81 TR Troop Rep Troop Representative Page 82 UE-1 Elections Holding Unit Elections Page 84 UE-2 Elections Adult Nominations Page 85 UE-3 Summer Camp Summer Camp Chief Page 86 UNI Uniform Uniforms Page 88 VIG-1 Vigil Honor Chairman & Committee Duties Page 89 VIG-2 Vigil Honor Lodge Vigil Selection Page 90 VIG-3 Vigil Honor Lodge Vigil Induction Page 92 WEB Website Lodge Website Page 94 Lodge Procedures – 10/03/2010 Page 3 of 94 Great Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America Migisi Opawgan Lodge 162 Order of the Arrow INTRO PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION TO LODGE PROCEDURES Revised 04/01/2006 1. DEDICATION – These Lodge Procedures are dedicated to Gordon Wesley Draper, Lodge Adviser from June 1973 to June 1977, again Lodge Adviser from June 1987 to June 1989. It was a part of his Wood Badge 'ticket' that the first set of Migisi Opawgan Lodge procedures was developed to bring continuity in Lodge operations. These procedures are a basis for flexible planning. They emphasize the goals and objectives of the Order of the Arrow, stated: The Order of the Arrow is a thing of the spirit rather than of mechanics. Organization, operational procedures, and paraphernalia are necessary in any large growing movement, but they are not what counts in the end. The things of the spirit count: Brotherhood.... Cheerfulness.... Service.... 2. PURPOSE OF PROCEDURES - To identify the actions of the Lodge. 3. DISTRIBUTION - The following officials maintain a complete set of the Lodge Procedures: Lodge Officers Lodge Advisers Lodge Committee Chairmen Lodge Committee Advisers Chapter Officers Chapter Advisers 4. METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION - Complete copies are made available to all members in attendance first Lodge Executive Committee meeting of each year. A copy of these procedures may be obtained from the Lodge Secretary. Revisions are distributed at the first Lodge Executive Committee Meeting after their adoption. 5. PASS ON TO SUCCESSORS - The copies of the procedures remain the property of the lodge and must be passed on to an official's successor when an official leaves his office. If a successor is not named yet, the procedures should be turned in to the Lodge Chief. 6. AMENDMENTS - These procedures may be amended as provided in the Lodge Rules. When a new version is published, the old version should be taken out and replaced with the latest revision. The date of adoption is printed at the top of the procedure page. Lodge Procedures – 10/03/2010 Page 4 of 94 Great Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America Migisi Opawgan Lodge 162 Order of the Arrow ACT-1 ACTIVITIES PROCEDURE HOST CHAPTER Revised 03/01/2004 1. SELECTION A. Rotation – The host chapter assignments will be based on a five-year repeating rotation schedule (See Host Chapter Schedule). B. Selection and Announcement - The Lodge leadership will determine what each Chapter will host on a five year rotation. The host Chapter assignments will be given at the Lodge training seminar. 2. FUNCTIONS OF THE HOST CHAPTER A. Planning - The Lodge Vice-Chief of Activities will coordinate the work of the host Chapter. He will make certain that reports are given at the appropriate Lodge Leadership and Executive Committee meetings preferable by the host Chapter Chief. B. Following Procedures - The Lodge Vice-Chief of Activities must be notified immediately if it appears that an exception to Lodge procedures is necessary. C. Publicity - The Host Chapter will provide articles for the Council's leader's publication and the Lodge newsletter to the Lodge Communications Committee. Special mailings are not budgeted and should be avoided. D. Patch Design – Event patches for the Lincoln Pilgrimage and Fall Fellowship shall be designed by the host chapter and presented to the Lodge Executive Committee at least three months prior to the event. The Lodge Staff Adviser orders the patches. E. Kitchen – The Host chapter shall coordinate at least one volunteer from each chapter to help in the kitchen all weekend. The volunteer should not be the same person throughout the event, but there must always be at least one. If more people are needed in the kitchen, they shall be provided by the host chapter. F. Final Report - The Host Chapter will file a written (ECR) report with the Lodge Vice-Chief of Activities at an Executive Committee meeting following the event. It will tell how the event was planned and carried out with suggestions for the next year. A financial statement will be provided by the Lodge Treasurer. Lodge Procedures – 10/03/2010 Page 5 of 94 Great Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America Migisi Opawgan Lodge 162 Order of the Arrow ACT-2 ACTIVITIES PROCEDURE ANNUAL MEETING Revised 03/01/2004 1. DATE - The Annual Meeting is held the first Wednesday in December. 2. PLANS - The Host Chapter presents for approval the place, date, menu, and budget no later than the October Executive Committee meeting. The host chapter secures the facilities and presents any necessary contracts to the Lodge Staff Adviser for execution. 3. TICKET DISTRIBUTION - The Host Chapter has tickets printed by the first of September and ready by the September Executive Committee meeting. The Host Chapter distributes numbered tickets to each Chapter and optionally to the Lodge Leadership Committee. The Host Chapter mails, at Lodge expense, tickets to the advisers of the Chapters not in attendance. The Host Chapter keeps records of the distribution of tickets by ticket numbers. 4. MONEY AND TICKET RETURN – Each Chapter Chief calls in the final count of those attending from their Chapter to the Host Chapter Chief one week prior to the Annual Meeting. No additional tickets are sold after that time. Money and/or unsold tickets are returned to the Host Chapter the night of the banquet. The money must correspond to the count previously called in. The Host Chapter turns in all money with the appropriate forms to the Lodge Treasurer the night of the banquet. Individuals selling tickets in advance of the event should prepare a Consolidate Statement and deposit ticket money with the Council or Lodge Treasurer to avoid retaining large sums of money until the event. When such a deposit is made, the number of tickets sold should be given to the Host Chapter. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES - The Host Chapter manages the facilities including setup, cleanup, and management of tickets, publicity, and meal. The Lodge Vice-Chief of Activities develops the agenda with the approval of the Lodge Leadership Committee, prints the program, and manages the staging of the banquet program.
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