WEATHER FORECAST: Fair .and warmer. HOME (Full. Report on Page Two.) EDITION -3- -: NUMBED 8701. WASHINGTON, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28, 1015. PRICE ONE CENT Philippines Demaud Teach Scholars Would CONFESSION BROWN E URGES More Pacific Ships RENE VIV AN To Become Soldiers 21 CHILDREN DEAD Following an hour's confer- Delegate Quezon Says Loss of I ence with President Wilson Trade Will Be $50,000,000. AND concerning the Administra- BOMB PLOT IS MANY MISSING IN HIGHER TAX ON Also (Wants Freedom. CABINET tion's army bill, Qiairman SAN KHAN0I8C0. Oct. SS.-'- The Chamberlain, of the Senate Philippines have been hurt Industrially by the withdrawal of the Tactile Mall Committee on Military Af- from the Oriental trade," said Manuel SCH00LH0USE FIRE CJuoton, Philippine Delegate to s, fairs, announced he would when he arrived here on the BY LAND VALUES Mongolia en routo to Washington. TENDER THEIR introduce a supplementary EXPECTED "One of the first things I shall do bill providing for a form of when Congress convenes." continued Quezon, "will be to work for some bctwen the Fed- measure which will put the American Panic Spreads in Peabody, Mass., Class- merchant marine back on the Pacific, eral Government and the with special reference to the Philip- States, whereby military in- INWASHINGTON pines. RESIGNATIONS U. S. ATTORNEY "Our Imports from the United States struction may be made part rooms When Scholars Find Escape are $50,000,000 annually, and now we hav no means for receiving these of the curriculum in all pub- goods. As far as exports go, we are not lic schools. Cut Off Facing Destruction In so badly off, because many of our prod- ucts go to other countries than the Withdrawals of French Mini- 'My idea is that in every pub- Knox Intimates Belief That One Tells Congressional Committee United States." Quezon lic school of the country Flames, Several Leap. Keep said that ho would also work sters Follow Failure of Diplo- Or More of Prisoners Will Present Assessments for a bill which will give a definite time a as to when Independence Is to be grant- there should be placed Three-Fourt- ed hs of District the Islands. It was reported by macy to Win Bulgaria to primer on military instruc- Make Full Disclosures'. Americans returning from the Philip-nine- s by the sentiment for such a rhange Cause of Quadruple Entente. tion prepared, perhaps, Higher-Up- s Uncaught. Naked of Improvement. has been weakening ever since the MANY CRUSHED. IN RUSH FOR DOOR war broke out. the War Department, and the instruction made compulsory Pays Better to Hold Land Idle Chamber of Deputies Adjourns so far as reading, writing Further Arrests Looked For By and arithmetic are compul- to Improve It, He KMIMINC After Stormy Session, When Government, Says Prosecu- By Aid Than sory." Residents Near Try To Lend No to Gift to Ministerial Crisis Is An tor Marshall Gathered Ev- "Asserts Points Senator Chamberlain assured Fire Escapes On Structure, Which Is Markets in Capital. FOR TRIP nounced Officially. the President that while he idence At Waterfront. AJHORT may object to certain details in Administration army bill, Described As Mere Shell List higher tax on land PARIS, Oct. 28. President he will give the general pro- NEW YORK. Oct. 28. Assist- Advocating a Will Leave Washington Tomor- values in the District or Columbia, Poincare, it is stated officially, has gram his hearty suport. ant District Attorney Kndx hinted Of Injured Is Heavy. row or Saturday, But Her and Insisting that much of its area asked Aristide Briand to form a today that one and possibly two of Is held by speculators, Herbert J. Destination Is Unknown. new ministry. the five men now under arrest will Browne continued his argument The resignations of Premier GERMANS AN confess full details of the alleged PEABODY, Mass.,, Oct. 21. Twenty-on- e little before the Congressional com-Imitt- Miss Margaret Wilson, Ihe Pres,dcnt Rene Viviani nnd the entire French plot to blow up trans-Atlant- mun-ritio- n children are known to have perished and double that num- daughter, went to New Tork todav for investigating the lf cabinet were offered today follow- ships, involving more im- a short visit. She will return to the ber may have lost their lives when the St. John's Parochial question. White House within a few days, and ing a decision by the premier that ALL BATTLEr'RONTS portant figures who supplied the has as yet made no plans definite as its reor- School was swept by fire here today. "It pays better to hold land idle to the date of her departure for Madi- he could not undertake funds for the conspiracy. in the District of Columbia than to son, Wis., where she plans to resume ganization. "We are convinced," said Knot, Trapped on the upper floors of the three-stor- y brick her social service work. improve it," was one of Mr. fiends of Mrs. (Salt declare, she Is Aristide Briand and Jules Cam-bo- Berlin Announces Advances "that there arc "higher ups.' All a which planning to building or caught behind door opened inward and Browne's "That is the leave town this week for a both former premiers, were our are being centered on assertions. short visit, but she has Informod no one Against Ital- efforts was jammed by weight humanity, little ones of her prepara-Uon- s Russians and the of the three-fourt- destination She hss the Presi- reason why of the for her trousseau wel tin iimwi immediately summoned by the arrest of these men. We feel and will have all the details completed ians. were burned or crushed lo death. area of the District today is as wicnin a snort lime, so she mi) devote dent Poincare. that evidence already in our pos- the time beforo the wedding to rest and Twenty of the trapped children who were finally naked as when Columbus discover- recreation. The chamber of deputies ad- session is sufficient to obtain the .Several costumes which Mrs Gait a today, (via HayTlIle wireless). Oct. un- rescued from the school building, which was a mass of ed America." ordered from a Connecticut Avenue Im- journed stormy session at IinrtUN indictment of the men already 2 on porter, and which were made up In tho '"German advances all fronts" flames, were Mr. Browne read exhaustive ex- Atlantic City establishment of the same the request of M. Viviani, who was the caption over today's war der arrest. seriously injured. mcdlste. reached Washington jesterday office report. todr-v-t- FIRE-ESCAPE- tracts from his filed with the asked that discussion of the cabi- Knox went to Jersey Cit" S brief and are ready for Inspection of the rirst Continued pro-r- s In "Whlti Is an NO ON BUILDING. i.ady to be. trs Oalt has nmcf ll cKsis until tomoi-ro- riiiunc-- von Is said commftreeseveraI day ago, and ointment to trv th. m on within n net he put ocr I'mieral Onllwltz renew his efforts to bring Paul The bodies recovered were those of children ranging few days. .She nlreadv Iregun to lo have captured 2,000 Serbs since Tax has gave con- reiterated his charges against wear some of her trousseau costumes Briand his consent. October 2S Daeche, one of the alleged in age from eight to twelve years. Nine were so burned as and appeared vcstertla In a handsome In Dvlnsk and Riga Assessor Richards, whom he ac- nine CAUSE OF SHAKE-UP- . the district spirators to New York and under lanorra suit, trimmed with seal. Marshal von Hlndenburg Is declared to make recognition impossible. cuses of underassessing a great Flowers Tor Wedding.1 The shake-u- p is attributed malnlv to to have repulsed all Russian counter- the jurisdiction of the Federal au- In Ihe White House greenhouses general dissatisfaction with the covern-menf- s attacks St. John's Parochial School was merely a brick shell, deal of District property. luantltles of orchids and lilies of the foreign pollcj. espeel illy In con- I'.arther south Prince Leopold has thorities. Secret Service men want diplomatic v and no fire-escap- This made NAMES volley are being coaxed lv camtul nection with the German beaten off a Russian drive near to question Daeche before the Fed- with inflammable interior BUILDINGS. iiuisliM and srlentlfic forcing to bloom which brought Hulgaria Into tho Thtehersev, He Invited the pirtlculHr attention of at the date selected the wai on the side of the Auslro-'icrmau- s it similar to an oven when the roaring fire got under wa. for Presidents OITIclsl announcement of a rnon-s- t The Italian offensive Is reported s eral grand jury meets November the committee to those portions of the marriage, to tie used In decorating Mrs hourly King (alt's prcttv home, where rtn ted rablnt t Is expected bblng" Victor's tioops still 3 investigation The structure was erected six years ago, and was the larger brief relating to the assessment ot what little author liolhlv with the personnel nttatk In the Isouto, hut In smallei to begin the of the ities, agree, the ceremony Is to take e was formerlv the building Hrland Premier and minister of for-- numbers and with less ammunition 1 lultablo place. alleged conspiracy. in the city. The three-stor- y walls were of brick, but all propertv on h stuct, rocentlj eiuiuirocl Itrn afTalrs Tlie have been repulsed at Km It Mrs Unit dined at tho White House ('ainbou -- General serretirv Is that they took si cthms a department asseas-me- evening, .lults admitted store, and the last and later accompanied tho I ti I Tom int t Ice president of cabi- of trenches at (iorltr, but atlded that.
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