From the Chairman From the Treasurer Greetings to all members and especially to I am delighted to be able to inform members new members. This issue contains a report that the Heritage Lottery Fund has agreed to of the AGM and also some exciting news award a grant to the OFHS for £4692 being about grants received. The Society is the full amount requested. This is in fact 75% growing steadily and expanding its activi- of our total project costs. The grant has been ties. The Westray trip was well attended and a awarded under the Awards for All programme very instructive and enjoyable time was to allow us to purchase computer equipment, a had. A full report appears elsewhere1 in the photocopier, copies of the Orkney census newsletter. records on microfiche and copies of the Old Parish Registers on roll film. Awards for All Sib Folk News No 5 had some queries from marks the first time that the Heritage Lottery members. I wonder if these will be answered Fund has made small grants to small local in No 6 or maybe No 7. It seems we now community based groups involved in increasing have a readership of at least 200 people and it understanding, appreciation and enjoyment would be lovely to hear a little family news of the heritage. Any group with an income from everyone. Please consider writing of under £15,000 can apply for a grant of something to the magazine even be it ever so between £500 and £5000 under the Awards short. There is no lack of conversation at our for All programme. monthly meetings so why don't we use SFN as another means of communication? I must also inform members that the Orkney Islands Council has agreed to give us a grant Recording Graveyard of £1564 being the other 25% of our Project Monumental Inscriptions costs. This grant is awarded under the Community Project Scheme. Therefore, we Summer hasn't reached Orkney yet but the have now been promised the full cost of our July get-together was on the best night, project and we hope to have the new equip- weatherwise, in that particular week. Twenty- ment in our office within the next few five people turned up at the Finstown months. churchyard and completed recording the gravestones in the old part. Max and Janette George Gray Thomson from Vermont, Victoria, Australia on holiday looking up their ancestors, joined us on this exercise. Family History in Scotland There have been several visitors to the office The Aberdeen University Centre for during the summer months. So far we Continuing Education will give lectures on haven't had the volunteers to extend office "Family History in Scotland" in Kirkwall hours but on occasions we have been able to during the autumn period. Dates and times let people in when their schedule prevented have to be confirmed but it is expected that it them coming in office hours. will be fortnightly on Saturdays from the beginning of October to the end of January I hope our readers have a pleasant holiday 1999. Anyone interested should watch for season and happy hunting if on the genealo- advertisements in the Orcadian and for leaflets gical trail. in the library etc. On behalf of the Committee I must apologies to some members for not replying to their Front Cover queries but with the new equipment our research, hopefully, will be much faster. Noup Head Lighthouse was one of the places visited by the OFHS on their trip to Westray. The lighthouse and its keepers over the years is the subject of the Heritage Centre's display in Nan Scott Westray this year. This unusual view was painted by the editor during his visit to Westray in May. 2 Let's Write Better Family History Transcript of the address to Orkney Family History Society's Annual General Meeting By Gavin Rendall Soon after I retired I attended one of my be inherited" and so concerns the many church's Away Days when we were invited facets of our heritage — land, buildings, to consider what our gifts were and how we customs, and culture. No problem, I think. could use them in God's service. The We have common interests and should be method adopted was to answer a series of able to work together. structured questions, the analysis of which gave an indication what one's gifts were. My next thought was of the historical societies because if we write about the history of our The first broad question was "What is your forefathers we are entering their field. The passion?" Now this created a lot of problems dictionary meaning of history is — "the for some people who struggled to give an continuous methodical record of important or answer. For me, after some thought, 1 found public events — a study of past events or no real problem, for looking back over my course of human affairs". Again I see no life I had had many passions. When young, it problem. While we are not professional his- had been my job and involvement in the torians we can learn much from them. Scout organisation. Later it became my family and growing cacti. Although, as a Lastly I looked up the dictionary meaning of Christian, I had strong convictions about genealogy which is — "an account of God I couldn't say I had a real passion for descent from ancestors or a pedigree". Many Him — I didn't think about Him as much as I of us do just that and that is our sole activity. did about my family or spend as much time in We are more genealogists than family histor- His service as I did tending my cacti. ians. As family historians we are really part Passions are about what you live, eat and heritage people, part historian and part gen- sleep with constantly. ealogist. So! What did the questionnaire reveal my As editor of both WESTRAY ROOTS and current passion to be? To cut a long story SIB FOLK NEWS I have been striving to short it turned out to be " To help people widen their scope and to include all three improve their performance through aspects of family history. The following are training." Hence my involvement in teaching some of the sources and methods which I art and church home groups. have used to make family history, as I know it, more interesting. What has this all got to do with family history, I hear readers say? My subject for Rendall Family Tree this evening is As I said at the inaugural meeting of the Let's Write Better Family History OFHS last year, my first efforts at family history was the traditional method of con- In presenting this address I hope to help you structing a family tree on a piece of wallpaper write better family histories by sharing with helped by my grandfather, Gavin Rendall of you some of my experiences. While I am not a Skethaquoy and Ha'Breck. During my visit professional writer myself and I am always to Westray last week I came full circle when looking for ways to improve my style, I hope I displayed a 27 foot long family tree in the that some of my ideas will inspire you to Pierowall Community Centre during a write better family histories. RENDALL family get-together. On it were the descendants of my two grandfathers, My first thought was of the heritage societies Gavin Rendall on my father's side and Seater because some of their interests are common Rendall on my mother's side. ( Yes both my to family historians. Looking up the diction- parents were Rendalls but not related ) My ary I noted that heritage is "what is or may grandparents and many of my aunts and 3 uncles and some of my cousins have passed Feuld in 1881 and age 17 in 1891. This find away but there were 87 people present at the was straight forward and not unusual. I try to gathering. Of course many of those present trace the forebears back as far as I can. In this were no longer Rendalls because the females case there was no father or mother. Had they of the line had married but their children had died or had his parents placed him with his Rendall blood in their veins. There were, to grandparents because they had no room in be strictly accurate a few people who were their own home? This is where detective work not descendants. They were cousins of my comes in. I referred to the 1871 census and father or mother and had been invited as part found that the grandparents had a daughter of the wider family. There were some cousins called Elizabeth of the right age to be who could not attend George's mother. because they live in When in Westray last Kirkwall or as in some week I searched through cases because they the marriage certificates were involved with the in the Registrar's lambing on their farms. Office and found that All the children had Elizabeth Bremner had to stick a star on the married a Thomas tree when they found Reid. I also found the their names. Altogether birth certificate of there were five gener- George Bremner Reid ations represented at which confirmed my the gathering. The supposition that the accompanying tree George Reid at Nether shows how these two Feuld was the same Rendall families person. This still did multiplied. not answer the question “Where were CENSUS RETURNS are one of the most Thomas and Elizabeth Reid?" I now looked fruitful sources of information for family his- through the death certificates of the time and torians.
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