Brandon & Bretford Neighbourhood Plan Survey - Questionnaire Help plan the future of your village Welcome to YOUR survey …and a brief explanation on how to complete this document. 1. Please answer as many questions as possible that are relevant to you and your household 2. Please add any comments or views you may have on the subjects. 3. Completed form should be placed in the Freepost envelope and posted. OR You may complete on line by going to Survey Monkey (Need link inserted) 4. All square boxes should be ticked n Circles indicate preferences l 5 Any difficulty in understanding or completing this form please contact any member of the steering group, who will be pleased to help you. Steering Group Members: Michael Jones 02476 541344 Graham Wale 02476 544676 Andrew Kirby 02476 545270 Freddie Lewis 02477 677263 Heather Timms 02476 543643 Beryl Smith 02476 545509 Michael Rayns 02476 540713 Phillip Wilson 02476 540617 Peter Wilson 02476 545297 John Sidey 02476 542885 Key: NP Neighbourhood Plan NA Neighbourhood Area RBC Rugby Borough Council PDL Previously Developed Land Introduction to Survey Brandon and Bretford Parish Council has agreed to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the whole Parish area, which is shown on the plan at the end of this survey. Neighbourhood Plans (NP) were introduced by the Government in 2011 to empower local communities to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. Although NPs are formulated to represent the views of the local community, they must also be consistent with planning policies in Local Plans (Rugby Local Plan) and National Planning policies. There are many stages involved in the preparation of NPs. The Parish Council has already completed the first stage which is to have the Parish designated as a Neighbourhood Area (NA) by Rugby Borough Council (RBC). The second stage is to prepare the draft NP which involves gathering evidence, consulting residents and businesses within the NA so that policies and proposals can be formulated to reflect the views and wishes of the community. This survey is an important part of this stage. The following stages are to produce a Draft NP and to consult with the community and statutory agencies and organisations such as the Environment Agency and the RBC. The Draft NP may then be amended to take account of the feedback before being submitted to RBC along with all the supporting evidence. RBC then check that the NP meets all the qualifying criteria and if so it publicises the NP for at least 6 weeks to invite further comments and appoints an independent Examiner to examine the NP. Once the Examiner issues the report on the NP which might propose that changes be made to it, RBC then considers the report and decides whether it should proceed to a referendum. If a referendum is held then all residents in the NA who are eligible to vote can do so and if 50% or more want the NP to proceed then it is “made” and becomes part of the Development Plan. The village of Brandon lies between two much larger villages (Wolston and Binley Woods) where the emerging Local Plan is proposing new housing. These villages have facilities and amenities that are used by residents of the NA. The separate identities and character of the individual settlements of Binley Woods, Brandon and Wolston is an existing issue due to the limited amount of undeveloped land separating the 3 settlements. This issue doesn’t apply to the same extent to Bretford although it has other issues of being more detached from local facilities and services. The NA lies within the Green Belt which strictly limits the potential for additional development in the form of new housing and businesses. The village of Brandon is inset within the Green Belt but Bretford is “washed over” meaning that the whole settlement is subject to Green Belt policies as are all areas of the NA beyond the settlement boundary of Brandon. The emerging Rugby Local Plan is not proposing any alteration of the Green Belt boundary as it currently affects the NA. However there is a well-known site in the NA (Brandon Stadium) which contains land that is classed as previously developed land (PDL) and the site has been the subject of a proposal for redevelopment. It is therefore important that the Neighbourhood Plan considers what type of redevelopment would be supported by the Local Community if and when a proposal is submitted to RBC. Although the NP must reflect Local Plan and National Planning Policies which will be applied to any planning application that may be submitted, the NP can play an important part in shaping the way in which new development can best reflect the wishes and needs of the community. PART ONE - To be completed by an adult Please insert your postcode as it is required to validate your response. Postcode: ....................................... How long have you lived in the Neighbourhood Area? 0 - 4 years 5 - 9 years 10 - 19 years 20 - 39 years 50+ years 4 Your views on your Neighbourhood Area The following questions are intended to help you understand what your priorities and aspirations are for the Neighbourhood Area. 1 What do you like most about living in the Neighbourhood Area? Please prioritise your preferences, with one being the most important A. Open and green spaces E. Friendly and safe environment B. The rural character of the NPA F. Access to the countryside C. Local wildlife and habitats G. Location D. Sense of community H. Something else? Comments: 2 What do you dislike most about living in the NA? Please prioritise your preferences, with one being the most important A. Pedestrian safety F. Dog fouling B. Car parking G. Light pollution e.g. exterior or security lighting C. Volume of traffic H. Excessive or inappropriate signage D. Speed of traffic I. Lack of local facilities E. Litter J. Something else? Comments: 5 3 Do you use any of the existing NA amenities? If so, how often? (tick box and use line for answer) A. The bus service in Brandon, Rugby – Coventry n ................................ B. The local pubs i. Royal Oak n ..................................... ii. Queens Head n ..................................... C. Brandon Club n ..................................... D. Mercure Hotel and facilities n ..................................... E. Brandon Riding schools/ stables n ..................................... F. Bretford Riding school/ stables n ..................................... G. Bretford Village Hall n ..................................... H. Bretford Playing Fields & cycle speedway n ..................................... I. Brandon Wood n ..................................... J. Brandon Marsh n ..................................... K. Brandon Wood Golf Course n ..................................... L. Footpaths and bridleways n ..................................... M. Brandon Speedway n ..................................... Comments: 4 What do you see as being the main issues affecting the villages of Brandon and Bretford? Please prioritise your preferences, with one being the most important A. The village is too dispersed and E. Flooding/ surface water not lacks a focus/heart draining B. Traffic volumes and speeds F. Lack of services and local through the villages facilities G. Other (please state below) C. Lack of Affordable houses D. Lack of Retirement houses Comments: 6 5 What facilities do you use in the neighbouring villages of Wolston, Binley Woods and Brinklow? Please tick which facility you use and in which village(s). Facility Which and Where Church Village Hall Pub Restaurant/ Take Away Chemist Doctor Shops School Library Leisure Centre Skate and youth services Other 6 What types of new facilities or amenities would you like to see in the NA? Please indicate where you would like to see the facility Facility Where Shop Food/ Restaurant Starter Units School Childcare for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers Offices Tourism/ Leisure Facilities Nursing Home Doctors Dentist None Other 7 Housing and development. There is no requirement for Brandon or Bretford to provide additional housing as part of the emerging Local Plan. However, there are a number of potential development sites in the NA that have been put forward by landowners/developers as potential housing sites. The Neighbourhood Plan gives us the opportunity to manage that development in line with the needs, priorities and aspirations of the people who live here. Your views will help us to formulate policies to ensure that if new housing is proposed within the NA, that it reflects the views of the local community in terms of whether a site or sites should be developed for housing and if so the way in which this should be brought about. 7 Over the next 15 years would you like to see any additional houses being built in NA n YES / n NO If Housing is to be built within the NA: 8 What scale of housing do you think would be most appropriate? (tick box) n Large developments (more than 25 houses) n Medium developments (10 to 25 houses) n Smaller developments (fewer than 10 houses) n Individual homes 9 What types of housing tenure do you think the NA needs? n Market housing (Homes to buy) n Affordable Housing n Starter Homes n Private rented n Shared Ownership 10 What type(s) of housing do you think the NA needs? n 1-2 bedroom house n 3-4 bedroom house n 5+ bedroom n Bungalows 8 n Retirement Housing 11 Are you planning on moving within the next 5 years? n YES / n NO If yes would you prefer to move: (tick box) n Outside of the NA n Within the NA 12 What principles should influence the design of new houses? Tick all that apply n A. Use of modern efficient energy and eco-friendly technology? n B. Have off-street parking n C. Be innovative in design n D. Be limited to two storeys n E.
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