The Official TLG Redemption® CCG Price Guide AUGUST 2018 V1.0 Job $20.00 Stillness $2.50 PROMOTIONAL John $2.50 The Serpent $20.00 Year: N/A Cards: 96 Set: $875.00* Includes Product & Tournament cards Jonathan, son of Joiada $5.00 The Tabernacle $30.00 *Price does not include (’__ Nats) cards Joshua (District) $4.50 The Watchman $5.00 ______________________________________________________________________________________ A Child is Born $4.00 Joshua (Settlers) $7.25 Thorn in the Flesh $4.00 Abram’s Army $26.00 King David $16.50 Walking on Water $4.00 Adonijah $2.50 King Solomon $5.00 Water to Wine $2.00 Angel at Shur $4.00 Laban $5.00 Whirlwind/Everlasting Ground$30.00 Angel Food $2.00 Laban (2018) $15.00 Windows of Narrow Light $2.00 Angel of the Lord (‘16 Nats) $75.00 Lost Soul $2.00 Wings of Calamity $2.00 Angel of the Lord (‘17 Nats) $75.00 Lost Soul 2016 $15.00 Zerubbabel $4.00 Angel of the Lord (‘18 Nats) $75.00 Love $2.00 Authority of Christ $7.75 Majestic Heavens $15.00 ORIGINAL (un-lim & a/b) Mary (Chriatmas) $2.00 Year: ’95/’96 Cards: 170 Set: $65.00 Bartimaeus $2.50 Sealed Box: $40.50 Pack: $.90 Blank (both sides) $2.50 Mary's Prophetic Act $2.50 Sealed Deck: $25.00 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Meditiation $2.00 Blank (w/ Redemption back) $4.00 Aaron's Rod $0.50 Michael (‘17 Nats) $75.00 Boaz’s Sandal $5.00 Abaddon the Destroyer $0.75 Mighty Warrior $2.00 Book of the Covenant $5.00 Abandonment $0.50 New Jerusalem $9.75 Brass Serpent $5.25 Abihu $0.25 Nicanor $4.00 Burial $2.00 Adino $0.25 Nicolas of Antioch $9.50 Caleb $9.50 Ahab $0.25 Noah’s Ark $30.00 Captain of the Host (‘16 Nats)$75.00 Alertness $0.10 Obedience of Noah (Scrye) $2.00 Captured Ark $8.50 Angel Food $0.10 Ordained as a Disciple $4.00 Chaldeans $6.00 Angel of the Lord $3.00 Panic Demon $3.00 Chariot of Fire $5.00 Antidote $0.25 Paul $10.00 Chastisement of the Lord $2.00 Asahel $0.25 Philistine Diviners $15.00 Daniel $20.00 Authority of Christ $0.50 Philosophy $2.50 Dragon Raid $8.75 Axe $0.10 Pithom $3.00 Eli the Priest $20.00 Balm of Gilead $0.50 Plague of Flies $2.00 Elijah $4.50 Banner $0.10 Pot of Manna $2.00 Emperor Augustus $2.50 Banner of Love $0.10 Priests of Christ $5.00 Esau, the Hunter $30.00 Barnabas $0.25 Esther $2.00 Rage $4.00 Battle Axe $0.10 Everlasting Beings $4.00 Rapha of Gath $15.00 Beast from the Earth $0.50 Faithful Servant $19.50 Rhoda $2.00 Beast from the Sea $0.50 Falling Away (‘18 Nats) $75.00 Saint Patrick $2.00 Boils $0.10 Fearless Traveler $15.00 Samson $2.00 Bow and Arrow (Gray) $0.10 Frog Demons $4.00 Seeker of the Lost $7.25 Bow and Arrow (Red) $0.25 Gates of Jerusalem $6.50 Self $4.50 Brass Serpent $0.50 Gideon’s 300 $25.00 Shadrach (Hananiah) $5.00 Bravery of David $0.10 Glory of the Lord 2014 $30.00 Shobach $2.00 Bread of Life $0.50 Glory of the Lord 2015 $40.00 Shoes of Peace (Origins) $2.00 Breastplate of Righteousness $0.50 Goliath $20.25 Simon of Cyrene $2.00 Buckler $0.10 Goliath (2018) $20.25 Soldier of God $7.25 Burial $1.50 Goshen $2.50 Son of God (‘16 Nats) $150.00 Cage $0.50 Haman $4.00 Son of God (‘17 Nats) $150.00 Chains $0.50 Harvest Time $5.00 Son of God (‘18 Nats) $150.00 Chariots of Iron $0.10 Jairus $2.00 Spirit As A Dove $2.00 Chariots of the Sun $0.10 Joab $2.00 Split Altar $7.50 Chastisement of the Lord $0.50 1 The Official TLG Redemption® CCG Price Guide AUGUST 2018 V1.0 Christian Martyr $3.00 Helmet of Salvation $0.50 Prayer and Fasting $0.50 Christian Soldier $0.25 Herodias $0.25 Purity of Enoch $0.10 Clemency of David $0.50 Hope $0.10 Rage $0.50 Coat of Mail $0.10 Humility of Moses $0.10 Rebekah $0.25 Commitment of Paul $0.10 Hushai $0.25 Red Dragon $0.50 Compassion of Jeremiah $0.10 Jaazaniah $0.25 Repentance $0.50 Cornelius $0..25 Jezebel $0.25 Rod of Iron $0.10 Courage $0..25 Joab $0.50 Ruth $0.25 Courage of Esther $0..25 Jonathan $0.25 Salome $0.25 Cruelty $0.50 Joy $0.10 Samson $0.75 Darkness $0.50 Judas Iscariot $0.25 Samuel $0.25 David's Sling $0.25 Kindness $0.50 Shamgar $0.25 David's Staff $0.25 Kindness (error with cross) $0.50 Shield of Faith $0.50 Deborah $0.50 Lance $0.10 Shimei $0.25 Dedication of Samuel $0.10 Leaves for Healing $0.50 Shoes of Peace $0.50 Delilah $0.50 Locust from the Pit $0.50 Silas $0.25 Determination of Nehemiah $0.10 Long-suffering of John $0.10 Sleep $0.50 Devotion of Ruth $0.10 Lost Soul (1 Kings 17:12) $0.05 Snare $0.50 Discord $0.10 Lost Soul (2 Tim 2:26) $0.05 Son of God $1.00 Doeg $0.25 Lost Soul (2 Tim 3:6-7) $0.05 Sound the Alarm $0.50 Ehud's Dagger $0.10 Lost Soul (Eph 5:14) $0.05 Speed $0.50 Endurance $0.10 Lost Soul (Ez 34:12) $0.05 Steadfastness of Peter $0.10 Esther $0.25 Lost Soul (Ez 36:19) $0.05 Stillness $0.50 Evil $0.10 Lost Soul (Is 42:7) $0.05 Stocks $0.50 Ezekiel's Stick $0.50 Lost Soul (Job 33:27-28) $0.05 Stone of Thebez $0.10 Faith $0.25 Lost Soul (Luke 13:25) $0.05 Stone Throwers $0.25 Faith of Abraham $0.10 Lost Soul (Luke 15:6) $0.05 Strength $0.10 Faithful Servant $0.10 Lost Souls (2 line) $11.00 Submissiveness of Mary $0.10 Faithfulness of Luke $0.10 Lost Souls (3 line) $5.75 Sword of the Spirit $0.50 False Shepherds $0.25 Love $0.10 Taskmaster $0.25 False Teachers $0.25 Loyalty of Jonathan $0.10 Temperance $0.25 Fearlessness of Joshua $0.10 Mark $0.25 Treachery $0.10 Fiery Darts $0.10 Mary $0.50 Truthfulness of Nathan $0.10 Five Smooth Stones $0.10 Meditation $0.50 Uriah $0.25 Forcefulness of Isaiah $0.10 Meekness of Isaac $0.50 Vain Philosophy $0.50 Forgiveness of Joseph $0.10 Mercy of James $0.10 Whore of Babylon $0.50 Frog Demons $0.50 Mighty Warrior $0.25 Wildness $0.50 Gentleness $0.10 Miriam $0.25 Wisdom $0.25 Gideon $0.50 Net $0.50 Goliath $2.25 Obedience of Noah $0.75 PROPHETS Goliath's Spear $0.10 Ointment $0.25 Year: ’96 Cards: 106 Set: $25.00 Sealed Box: $40.50 Pack: $.90 Goodness $0.10 Othniel $0.25 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Grief $0.10 Patience $0.10 Agabus $0.25 Haman $0.25 Patience of Job $0.50 Ahaziah $0.25 Hannah $0.25 Peace $0.50 Amos $0.25 Hard-Hearted Religious Lead $0.10 Pharaoh $0.25 Anna $0.10 Hate $0.50 Pillar of a Cloud $0.50 Arrow of Deliverance $0.10 Ashtaroth Worship (Boulden) $0.10 Healing $0.50 Plague of Flies $0.50 Helmet of Brass $0.25 Poison $0.10 Ashtaroth Worship (Hodgso) $0.10 2 The Official TLG Redemption® CCG Price Guide AUGUST 2018 V1.0 Astrologers $0.25 Jonah $0.25 Zephaniah $0.10 Baal Worship $0.10 Large Tree $0.50 Bad Figs $0.10 Lies $0.25 WOMEN Baggage $0.50 Lion Dwelling with the Calf $0.50 Year: ’97 Cards: 81 Set: $35.00 Box: $180.00 Pack: $4.00 Balaam $0.25 Live Coal $0.10 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Belshazzar $0.10 Malachi $0.25 A Look Back $0.25 Chaldeans $0.10 Manasseh $0.25 Abigail $0.10 Charred Vine $0.50 Manasseh's Altar $0.10 Assyria $0.10 Confusion $0.50 Measuring Line $0.10 Athaliah $0.25 Babylon $2.00 Covenant with Death $0.10 Molech Worship $0.50 Cup of Wrath $0.50 Molten Calf Worship $0.25 Bathsheba $0.10 Damsel with Spirit of Divinati $0.25 Moses $0.50 Bravery of Priscilla $0.25 Daniel $0.10 Mountain of God $0.10 Carelessness $0.25 Den of Robbers $0.50 Nebuchadnezzar $0.25 Children $0.25 Drawn Sword $0.10 Paintings of Abominations $0.25 Claudia $0.25 Dungeon of Malchiah $0.75 Paul's Girdle $0.25 Coat of Many Colors $0.25 Counsel of Abigail $0.25 Elisha $0.25 Philip's Daughters $0.10 Elisha's Bones $0.50 Potter and the Clay $0.25 Dance of Death $0.25 Enchanter $0.25 Prince of Persia $0.50 Deceit of Sapphira $0.25 Ezekiel $0.25 Prophets of Baal $0.25 Destruction of Athaliah $0.25 False Dreams $0.50 Prophets of Samaria $0.25 Drawn Water $0.25 False Peace $0.75 Ram with Two Horns $0.50 Egypt $0.25 False Prophesy $0.50 Razor $0.10 Elisabeth $0.10 False Prophets $0.50 River Flowing from the Temp $0.50 Eve $0.10 False Wisdom $0.10 Shemaiah $0.25 Falling Away $20.00 Filthy Garments $0.25 Simeon $0.25 Foolish Advice $0.25 First Figs $0.10 Stone Cut without Hands $0.25 Foolishness of Five Virgins $0.25 Floating Ax Head $0.10 Strange Vine $0.10 Forbidden Fruit $0.10 Forest Fire $0.25 Sun Worship $0.50 Gomer $0.25 Four Horns $0.25 The Branch $0.25 Great Faith $0.50 Furnace of God's Wrath $0.50 The False Prophet $0.50 Halah $0.10 Gad $0.25 The Flying Scroll $0.10 Herod's Dungeon $0.10 Goat with Horn $0.10 The Girdle $0.10 Hospitality of Martha $0.10 Idle Gossip $0.25 Golden Lamp Stand $0.10 The Vineyard $0.50 Great Image $0.50 The Watchman $0.25 Jael $0.50 Habakkuk $0.25 Torn Mantle $0.50 Jael's Nail $0.75 Hammer of God $0.10 Two Olive Branches $0.50 Jairus' Daughter $0.10 Highway $0.25 Users of Curious Arts $0.25 Joanna $0.10 Hinds' Feet $0.10 Vain Vision $0.25 Job's Wife $0.25 Hosea $0.25 Valley of Dry Bones $0.50 Jochebed $0.10 King's Daughter $0.10 Huldah $0.25 Wall of Fire $0.25 Hunger $0.50 Weeping for Tammuz $0.10 Kir $0.10 Ignorance $0.25 Wheel within a Wheel $0.50 Lamentation of Rachel $0.25 Image of Jealousy $0.10 Witch of Endor $0.50 Lamenting for Jepthah's Dau $0.10 Iron Pan $0.25 Wizards $0.25 Laughter $0.25 Isaiah $0.25 Woman in the Ephah $0.10 Leah $0.10 Jeremiah $0.25 Workers with Familiar Spirits $0.25 Lion's Den $0.25 Lost Soul (Ez 13:18) $0.05 John $0.10 Yoke of Iron $0.50 John the Baptist $0.25 Zechariah $0.10 Lost Soul (Jer.
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