Par/6 - GANGSTA COPS +- Various News Releases: 1998-2001 The Los Angeles Police Department - LAPD has had a troubled history, from the pervasive corruption ofthe 19305 and 40s to the bitter feelings ofthe city's minority Communities toward former Chief Gates' department, culminating in the uproar over t.he 1991 beating of Rodney King. But this Rampart scandal has taken police misconduct to a new level oflawlessness and given currency to a new term: gangster cop - not much different from the gang members the police are battling. The upshot has been the biggest police scandal in Los Angeles history. At the center is the Rampart Division - a police station in one ofthe city's poorest neighborhoods - and its special anti-gang unit. Dirty cops - bad cases - and it has spread to other divisions. Ln their domain, Rampart's CRASH officers ruled. The most powerful public official in the city ofLos Angeles is not the mayor, but the officer we put out there on the street in a black-and-white car with guns, badges, shot guns and assault weapons. In the '90s the CRASH unit lived up to its name, with a confrontational style ofpolicing that aggressively took back the streets - and finally gave the public proofoftheir scares. And now, just one officer admitted to hundreds ofabominable iUegal acts ofhis own, who spoke ofthe widespread crimes ofnumerous other officers. Tins became known as the tip-of-the-iceberg. The city now faced a crisis--of-confidence, notwithstanding a federal consent ofdecree. ]s police reform possible at a correct, effective level? So very doubtful! Lets look only at the depth of corruption that has surfaced. Rafael Perez was a LAPD cop accused ofstealing 6 pounds ofcocaine from downtown headquarters to sell on the street. He then wanted to plea bargain. Perez admitted that he and his partner shot~killed an unarmed, handcuffed t9-year­ old and planted a rine on him as a cover-up. He continued, in 2,000 pages of riveting testimony to yank back a curtain ofexpose in which cops routinely frame the innocent by planting ("throwing down") drugs and guns, smack around ("thump") citizens on the streets for kicks and perjure themselves ("join the liar's club") to get convictions. Lurid revelations about law enforcement Rampart-style emerged daily: aUegations that cops raped a woman while on·duty; accusations that a cop interrogating a hand-cuffed man - beat him until he vomited blood; a fast-growing list of prisoners who had been railroaded with fabricated evidence and police lies. Public defenders predict upwards of 4,000 cases of false imprisonment could be affected. 20 officers were immediately relieved oftheir duties, two others fired and scores more placed under suspicion. It is estimated that up to 90% ofLAPD cops frame innocent people. The FBt joined an urgent campaign to attempt to root out public corrupt.ion and civil rights abuses. There were others investigators involved - the civilian police commission, 1 the L.A. district attorney's office, LAPD Internal Affairs and a special task force~ and an army ofprivate lawyers flooded with calls from alJeged Rampart victims.:ln the end, Los Angeles will face hundreds of millions of dollars in Liabi.lity from settled suits. Richard Riordan was mayor. Bernard Parks was the LAPD police chief. The city wrestled with an even larger question: Who will, or effectively can, police the police? Remember, readers, that Bill Parker obtained from the citizens full license for cops to do virtually anything they wanted to, and without civilian oversight. The Rampart Police Station sits in an 8-sq-mi area and had lost control. To will the area back, the LAPD established a special anti-gang unit, Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums, or CRASH. In addition to their weapons and swagger, CRASH officers were armed with a powerful legal tool - sweeping anti-gang injunctions that gave them free rein to push around suspected gang members, including blocking sidewalks and carrying pagers. There had been long complaints against Rampart cops. "Its been happening for years" says AJex Sanchez, a former gang member facing deportation. "We've seen cops take drugs and then let the youths go. We've seen cops plant drugs on others. Youths were too often saying, 'That wasn't mine. He planted it on me.' But who would believe them?" The fact was that no one seemed to care to go against the cops. Charges were leveled at the Rampart division for systematically targeting fOI" dep0l1ation immigrants who were witnesses to police malfeasance. Although over 17,000 convictions were considered 'tainted', onlv about 100 prisoners were actually released. involving only 71 LAPD officers. Rampart officer Perez testified that he was a part ofthe CRASHunit that played by twisted rules. This close-knit fraternity acted a lot like a gang itself. They even had a slogan, IlPuro Rampart", [Totally Rampart). an imitation ofa gang slogan. This cry was heard by a white officer leaving the scene of a police beating of a civilian - for which the city had to pay a $25,000 settlement. There were so many stunning, bizarre and disturbing illegal acts: I) When a cruiser's tire was slashed, the two cops tracked down a gang member they thought may have done it, and dropped him naked in a rival gang's turf. 2] Another officer shot a suspect repeatedly with a beanbag shotgun just for fun. 3] A 1996 shooting ofa skinny 19-year old, tben planted a rille on him to make it look like he attacked the cops. This left Ovando permanently paralyzed. 4] Then the judge at trial lambasted Ovando-who had to be wheeled in on a gurney­ for endangering the lives oftwo hero officers, giving him a 23 year sentence. 5] A cover-up ofan unjustified shooting where cops planted a gun next to the body. Then they delayed calling an ambulance as they worked with their supervisor on getting their stories straight. Victim ended up bleeding to death. 6] Police shot at New Year's celebrators who were firing guns straight up in the air at midnight. At first they picked up their shell casings, but when they saw that two men were hit, they concocted a story that the injured had been firing at the cops. 2 7] A brazen cop is Perez's friend, David Mack, serving a 14-year prison term for robbing a bank of$722,000. After the robbery. they traveled to Las Vegas for a high-living gambling spree. A] Mack has now renounced his police associations and claims to belong to the Piru -Bloods, an L.A street gang. B] Officer David Mack is also being investigated for the murder ofthe rapper Nototious B.LG., shot to death while leaving a party in 1997. C] The rap star's family currently has a wrongful-death suit against the City of Los Angeles over the killing of the rapper D] To win monetary damages t,.om the city, the plaintiffs must persuade the jury that Mack, a police officer at the time, was 'liable' for the killing. E] U.S. District Judge Cooper split the case in three parts - one involving Mack, The second involving the city and the last to determine damages. F] She ruled that plaintiffs could only pursue their claims against the city and reach damages phase only ifthey first persuaded the jury that Mack was liable for Wallace's death. G] Plaintiff's attorneys offered Mack financial and other inducements to make him millions ifhe'd plead the 'fifth' which would help plaintiffs win the case. 8] Charges surfaced that cops have illegally used deportation as a weapon, that violates a 21 year old standing policy which bars cops from arresting illegal aliens. 9] CRASH officers are also accused ofusing the TNS to have antipolice witnesses deported. They had a list of10,000 Latinos merely suspected as gang members. 10] Any Latillo suspected ofknowing how tbe cops operate will be set-up for illegal deportaion. 11] 90% ofCRASH officers, not just Rampart, falsify much information. 12] Rafael Zambrano was only olle ofhundreds harassed. 15 Rampart cops would corne to his home and harass him and his family. They once held his brother over a rooftop ledge threatening to drop him for no reason. He's illegally spent 16 months in prison, and is now suing the city. 13] So many cases of police misconduct points to systematic cOlTuption by LAPD. 14] A disturbing pattern is that of arresting officers trying to recruit those arrested to sell drugs for them. 151 Chief Parks admitted to the city council that many should never have been hired, usually from so-called binge hiring. A] In D.C., 1000 were hired rapidly, later to have 25% of these officers discharged for misconduct or indicted. B] Parks also admitted that supervisors often ignored "red flags" because officers try to impress supervisors. C] The only thing that matters is getting a conviction. D] The 'seeds of corruption' begins when cops are asked to fill in the blanks for D.A.s to make cases. E] lfthe cops don't remember facts, they are pressured to make them up. 161 An officer was convicted of murdering a young mother of three who filed a supposedly confidential brutality complaint against him. 3 17] Nine officers arrested in a sting operation and convicted ofselling protection to a cocaine warehouse. 18] Two cops charged with raping a 14-yeBr old girl. 19] Hundreds ofother cops were charged with a variety offeloo,ies. 20] Critics are skeptical that the LAPD can put its house in order, as their investigators have intractable conflicts of interests, and are too complicit in what has happened.
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