ii the CmsaHpr V ol.38N o. IC May 4,1984 'Hie ('rusadrr snlicils Ictlcrs hul asks jf tlial m nain umler 3S0 words. Office Telephone NorinalK , l(‘Mcrs should ho simu*<l. hul 467-8656 naiiM'S iiia\ h(' witiihold ripoii n'(|Mrst. mana)'ed to make it hack to unsafe condition. to graduate .school, I feel it is *1 hr ('nisadrr r<’s<*r\ <*s I Ik Nampa, howiwcr, and prom­ I think this is an issue which about time to cut the old apron withhold aii\ Irtirr it \ i<‘\\s ontsid<‘ thr ptly reported the prohlem to definitely should be brou);ht to strings. hoinidsol ^o<)dtast('. maintenance. th(' attention of the ad­ So, I iK'ed a wife. Not being a Send letters to Box C. This past weekend —two ministration. Wc shouldn’t fu.ssy person, I would consider Crusader Staff ivn'ks after the Spokane have to pav for the frustration many different kinds of girls. trip—the team went to and hours of lost time' this in­ Height, weight, color of hair, Lewiston. A^ain, a van was competence has caused. color of ey('s, etc., are not H onStu(‘ckl(‘ rented from maintenance. The Jeanne Johnson primary considerations. (At E d i t o r DcarPlditor, vehicle issued happened to lie Women’s TennisTeam this point I can’t afford to be I think the sludcnl.s ol NN(' Ginj^erHinkcMilxT^cr the same oiu' which had been that choosy.) There are, slionid !)(' made aware ol a Associate E ditor driven on the previous trip. It however, a few dc'sirc'd p;real inisuse of their m one\. was assumed, thoii)'h,tliat the qualifications. First of all, I'.\cr\ y a r a f^ood portion of JimBtM inell probli'in had been taken care piano-playing ability is es.sen- N ew s/Feature Editor onr tuition is used to pa\ main- ol. Not only did we discover tial. Afso, an Eiementarv Ed. or tenaiu'e workers for thc'ir ser- that the malfunction hadn’t Religious Ed. major would be K e n H a rd c t* \ie('s. 'riinsd would think it Sports E ditor been lixed, we found that it was conv('nient. Secretarial skills onl\ reasonahle to assume that worse. On the wav home the Dear F^ditor; would also be helpful. The IIk 'sc people shonid perform T i m D a v i s van ended up breakiii)' down. I have a problem and think main thing is that she can get some jol ) worths ol heiiiff paid Photographer At OIK' point till' ('iigine even maybe you can help me. I am a out there and rake in the bucks lor. I call to yom attention P h i l S ( ‘m r t K ’h u k cau)'ht on fire. Senior Pre-S('minary student while I’m in school. one example ol ineom|setenee I know for a fact that .stories and, as mi);ht be ('xpected, am Any help you can give me in Sports Photographer oil someone’s |)ari. Three weeks ol this nature could be reported plannin); to to Kan.sas City this will be greatly ap- af^o the NN(] Women’s Varsity C'\ nf hiaC 'olt' by members of a number of next Fall. My problem is this: pr('ciated. There are onlv a f('w I ennis'l'eam took a road t rip to C irculation Direc’tor other varsity teams at NN('. I’m still single. Tins |)uts me in weeks left in the year, .so we’ve Spokane with a \an which was I’m not insinualiii)' that no one a bad spot because I have no got to work fast. If you know of Llo\ (IH arris rented Irom maintenance. It in themaintenancede|iartment iiK'ans of financial support for anyone who might be in- A dvertisingiVfanager heiame evident soon after we is (loin); his job. What I would myself for the next h'w years. ter('st('d, pU'a.se have them call (ilT l' B(T/(T were on thi' road that like to know, however, is just Up to this point my parents me at 46.5-fiI29. Thanks for ,somethin)' was definitelv V('m K o//cll who is rc'sponsibh' lor .sendiii); have provided for my financial your.help. wroni; with the eniiine. We Adf, Assistants , v('hiclesout in this obviouslv nec'ds, but as I am now going on Namewithheld upon request. ' T t m w w i'Af'H M t'HKB riffI BflfcK ALBUM? * You could win Dan Peek’s new “Doer of the Word” album. Simply write, in 25 words or less, why you think C \ nlhiaO tU ' you deserve the album and what you’d do with it if you A n i l a W a l U 'r won. JohnBeimeU. Please include your name, phone and campus box J u l i ( ‘i u * H u n t < T number to: F K i m L a n e L ee l ay lor Crusader Christian Rock Contest KeiiKayhorn BoxC U. H. Vernon Business M anager The winner will be notified on Friday, May 18th. Ed O'Neill MADE EASY. Juniors, Seniors, Grad Students! if there’s an engagement or wed­ HSb 7SS The Cru.sader is a bi-weekly B.H/VRRIS Book and Stationery ding in your future, 12(iS publication of the Publications Board apply today for this "Serving You-— With You in AAincd Since 1926" of the Assoeiatc'd Students of N orth­ no-hassle Revolving Charge with west N azarene College. The Cru.sader LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS. And, after credit OFFICE SUPPLIES is printc'd by the Idaho Press-Tribune. approval, select the engagement ring or The Cru.sader publication nunib(*r is STATIONARY USPS 892-520. bridal set you’ve wanted and charge it. You BOOKS & BIBLES Vic'ws (‘xpress(*d, when expressed can spread your payments over 2 years, with w ell, are often those of the w riters, and minimum monthiy payments as iow as $20! GIFTS not neee.ssarily those of the staff, studcMits, faculty, or adm inistration. Your credit renews itseif with every payment. ART MATERIALS and SUPPLIES Dr. Gaymon Beniu'tt is simply the Come to Zales to appiy or cali facultv advi.sor and is in no way rc*s|>- REMEMBER...HAZZYS HAZ IT nsible for the cont(*nts of the toil-fr^: 1-800-232-1100. publication. ken Beckvar, Owner Manager MO - l2Hi Ave. South The Diamond Store is all you need to know. ■ > tion was approximately 30%. From then until 1968, the figure dropped steadily, to about 13%. But then, right in the heart of the Great Soci­ ety years, when more money than ever was being spent to decrease Lloyd's poverty even faster, the trend line flattened. After ten more years marked by ever-increasing outlays, the percentage of poor in our popu­ lation had dropped only to 11%. Two years later, in 1980, it was backup Boots to 13% again. The more we spent, the less progress we made. WELFARE DIMINISHES POVERTY? Murray also discusses the figures on the proportion of people depen­ This article is reprinted from the journal The Frrnmni. printed hv the Foundation for and dent on the government—that is, Econom ic Education. It w as subm itted to us by D r. C. D ean Sim pson. those who would be below the pov­ erty line were it not for government D o e s government-provided poor re­ poverty, one should keep three basic benefits. This measure, which Mur­ lief decrease the amount of poverty? truths in mind. The first of these is ray calls “latent poverty,” is perhaps Shoes That it does is an assumption at the obvious, that is: poverty is finally the best indication of progress against poverty because it best re­ heart of our nation’s very large overcome only when people are self- flects self-sufficiency, or lack thereof antipoverty programs. In fact those supporting. It is not enough that they Like official poverty, latent poverty programs were instituted for the be living for the moment at an ac­ as a percentage of population de­ purpose of making themselves obso­ ceptable standard if they remain de­ lete. Shortly before passing the So­ creased steadily until the late six­ pendent, just as one is not cured of a ties, from about 33% in 1950 to 19% cial Security Act in 1935, for exam­ disease when he is taking medicine ple, Franklin Roosevelt declared to in 1968. In 1968, however, the trend that eliminates his symptoms. Thus reversed; the proportion of Ameri­ Congress, ‘The Federal Govern­ an essential objective of any anti­ ment must and shall quit this busi­ cans dependent on the government poverty program must be to maxi­ began to increase. With the excep­ ness of relief.... Continued depen­ mize self-sufficiency. dence upon relief induces a spiritual tion of one dip after 1975, it has in­ The second basic truth becomes creased since, back to 23% in 1980. Right behind Lioyd's and moral disintegration, funda­ clear only after some thought, that mentally destructive to the national In short, despite doubled and re­ is: prosperity depends on produc­ doubled outlays to try to do av.'ay fiber." Thirty years later, as he signed tion. Unless physical goods are the first antipoverty bill of the Great with poverty, poverty is increasing Country Store produced in the first place and then in our country.
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