VERIZON MARYLAND 185030 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION -............. ____________ ~ <010> Study Area Code 185030 <015> Study Area Name VERIZON MARYLAND INC <020> Program Year 2015 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact ACCEPTED/ALEO Alan J. Buzacott with questions about this data ,1111 1 2914 <035> Contact Telephone Number: 2025152595 ext. Number of the person identified in data line <030> Federal Commu111cat111111 Commission <039> Contact Email Address: Office of the Secretary Email ot the person identltied in data line <030> al an. buzacott""9ri zon. com <100> Service Quality Improvement Reporting (comp/<!• attac/Hrd worlcshttt} <200> Outage Reporting (voice,..) ___.,. (compkt• attachff worlcshttt} 1E""'l <210> I Q<- dleck box If no outages to report <300> :':·:::.::::;~(,r I• I <310> I I~ I(attach dtscrlptNo docut-m- .-n-t} ___.. iz.;;~--- <320> Unfulfilled Service Requests (bro;..ad_b~a_n.:.d:...) _ _:1=1=0=1= = ==1....1 __________, 18503011ld330.pdf <330> Detail on Attempts (broadband) (attac:h dtseriptivc doaJtMnt} <400> Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers {voice) <410> Flxed ,.. I II <420> Mobile _ ' <430> Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) <440> ' ~ <450> ~:~le C I <500> Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance ' II <510> (a~ dtsctlpW. dowm•nt} ' II <600> Functionali Situations (chtdt to lndi<ott urtf/l<atlon} II 18S030md610 .pdt ' (ottachtd dtscrlptlw d«um<nt} ' II <610> <700> Company Price 0 erings voice /compkttattochtdworlcsh,.rJ <710> Company Price Offerings {broadband) /compkttottochtdworlcshtttJ <800> Operating Companies and Affiliates /comp/•ttottachtdworlcshmJ <900> Tribal land Offerings (Y/ N)? Q @ llfm. co"'*'••ttochffworlcshttt) <1000> Voice................ Services Rate Comparability I/chttktolndtcot•cortl/tcotlOnJ <1010> I... _________ _,,,,,__,,_ __________ __. (attachdtscrlptlW!documont} <1100> Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? @ 0 /l/not.ch«*totndtcat«•rtlf/«JtlOnJ I~ <1110> (~olto<htdwor/cshttt} <1200> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers (compkto ottochtd worlcshttt} Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to Price Cap Additional Documentation Worksheet Including Rate-of-Return Carriers affiliated with Price Cap Loco/ Exchange Carriers <2000> (chttk to lndlcot• ttftlflcotlon) <2005> (comt*t• ottocllff worlcshul) I~ Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Addlt)qnal Documentation Wor!csheet ' <3000> (chock to lndi<att cttf/flcotlon} <3005> (comp/ft• attachtd wottsflttt} (1.00) Service Quality-tmP,ove..._nt Reporting f. FCC·Focrn 48l, Oa._ta Collec:tlQn Form ,.. r ,,_ -' OMB Contcol No. 3060-0986/0MB Coratrol No. 3060-0819' ~ J ufv2013 ' <010> Study Area Code 185030 <015> Study Area Name VERIZON MARYL.AND INC <020> Program Year 2015 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regard_ing this data Alan J. 8uzacott <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> 2025152595 ext. <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> alan . buzacottever i zon . com <110> Has your company received its ETC certification from the FCC? (yes I no) ® If your answer to Line <110> is yes, do you have an existing §54.202(a) "5 <111> year plan" filed with the FCC? (yes/ no l 00 If your answer to Line <111> is yes, then you are required to file a progress report, on line <112> delineating the status of your company's existing § 54.202(a) "5 year plan" on file with the FCC, as it relates to your provision of voice telephony service. <112> Attach Five-Year Service Quality Improvement Plan or, in subsequent years, your annual progress report filed pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 54.313(a)(l). If your company is a CETC which only receives frozen support, your progress report is only required to address voice telephony service. Name of Attached Document Please check these boxes below to confirm that the attached documents{s), on line 112, contains a progress report on its five-year service quality improvement plan pursuant to§ 54.202(a). The information shall be submitted at the wire center level or census block as appropriate. <113> Maps detailing progress towards meeting plan target.s <114> Report how much universal service (USF) support was received <115> How (USF) was used to improve service quality <116> How {USF)was used to Improve service coverage <117> How {USF) was used to Improve service capacity <118> Provide an explanation of network improvement targets not met in the prior calendar yea r. nr-n II l"'TCn i::n R Pl IRI IC INSPECTION .) (2"t) Service °"ta&\11 ~ (Vpa) FCC F«m~ _ ., ~ CoUectlOn Fonn OMS Control Ho. 3060-0986/0MB (.ontrol Ho. 3Q6G.Ql19 JUiy 2013 . <010> Study Area Code 1 85030 <015> Study Area Name VERIZON MARYLAND INC <020> Program Year 2015 <030> Contact Name • Person USAC should contact regarding this data A.l&D J. eu.zacott <035> Contact Telephone Number· Number of person identified in data line <030> 2025152595 ext. <039> Contact Ema11 Address· Email Address of person identified In data line <030> alan. buzacotteverizon. com <220> HORS Old This Outage Reference Outage Start Outage Start Outage End Outage End Numbefof 911 Facilities Service Outage Affect Multiple Numbef Date nme Date nme Customers Affected Total Number of Affected Description (Check StudyArus Service Outa,e Preventative Customers (Yes/ No) all that apply) (Yes/No) Resolution Procedures - - 4 ;: ,cu:~ ~ tt~r. ho, ~ .. - L "" ... '"' " f'T CI"'\ C:()Q Pl IRI Ir. INSPECTION .I <010> Stud'[ Area Code 1850 30 <015> Stud'[ Area Name VERIZON MARYLAND I NC <020> Program Year 201s <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data JU•n J~ _B\lz~ cot t <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> 202 5152595 ext . <039> Contact Email Address - E ma~ Address of person Identified in data line <030> a l an . buza cott9Verhon. coon <701> Residential Local Service Charge Effective Date I1/l/2014 I <702> Single State-wide Residential Local Service Charge ~ ..... .... ~~ <703> h_.<al> ------.·,. J' -.j. .a2> .,.~·~·~- -. .... , ,.ah.' .. ;~. :ii ~~ ~-~· - ..-,.~~!·~·. :~.~;·~··,~ ·.. '. ·:;,~ ~-~i~~.:Fi · ,r;· ..ihh:-11-~~~iJ.. ' -~~--~:·~-~-~~· ~-::::;: ~i~-.l ---d.b.#)"......---- {'J. ,. )II; -......:- r.::;'.. ·~~ ., Reslclentlal Local Manclatoty Elltended ArN State Exdlan«e (ILEC) SAC(CETC) Rate Type Service Rate State Subscriber Une Cha,,.., State Universal Service Fee Service Charae Total _,tine Rates ind F- __ , C'-- ...1 ~ ... ,.. ........ ,.. - - - .-..... """"Ten c:Ao 01 IRI 1r. IN~PECTION ,/ <010> Stud'{ Alea Code 185030 <015> Study Area Name VERIZON MARYLAND INC <020> Program Year 2015 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Alan J . Buzacott <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of eerson identified in data line <030> 2025152 595 ext. <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> alan.buzacotteverizon.com .. ~--- -":?"'"'"'-- <711> r·-----r;;Gb. ·, .._ :.. :><rri"ft.i,.>, ... - _.., ..-- dh . -j',1',«lf'·......-,.-~ ,_r , .:i. ; -·~ -. .:. ~·'I'• ...- ,o;: ~". :i..· '"'l'J •• . ~~-r:.O<.: ·I,~-- _, •ir'~:'iT · ~' 1, 't..tb ')'~,. .(~~-~ . ,"-...o..--- ·. 4d3> . qM>. ~ llrOIClband Setvlce - UMge Allowance State Rqulated Download Speed Broadband Service - llslce Allowance Action T1tcen When State Exchln&e (ILEC) Reslde ntlal Rite Fees Total Rite and Fees (MbMI Upload S,_d (MbDS) (GB) Umit Reached (select} ~-- - - ....I I I I ,. ...,, ... _ ,_ __ ,....,.. .... " l"'Tcn a::(')Q Pl IRI Ir. INSPECTION ,/ <010> Study Area Code 185030 <015> Study Area Name VE.RIZON _MARYLAHD n«: <020> Program Year 201 s <030> Contact Name · Person USAC should contact regarding this data Alan J. auzacott <035> Contact Telephone Number· Number of person Identified in data llne <030> 2025152595 ext . <039> Contact Email Address· Email Address of person ident ified in data line <030> alan.buzacot t..,eriion .can <810> Reporting Carrier Verizon Maryland LLC <811> Holding Company <812> Operating Company Verizon Maryland LLC .....~ .'"11111•• ... """r'llll.'.P'---~- ~-.: -~- ~:_'"L. 'l'W'il6 .. <813> r ·;;-r- -~;...... _rf1:•1?':t:·~""-cab". ,...,,,, ·lff f;:';'.!'r' ;!I :~-~!. T~'f~}"~ ~~--: .ab .-;:;i~ . _, IQ ,. ' .• G3> ~ _.,..~ .., Affil~tes SAC Doing 8USl!le$S As Company or Brand Designation - ~ee am ~cnea worKsrn aet - --~. ~-r.-~ r-"'n 01 tQI 1r IN~Pl=r.TION <010> Study Area Code 185030 <015> Study Area Name VERIZON MARYLAND INC <020> Program Year 2015 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Alan J. Buzacott <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person Identified in data line <030> 2025152595 ext. <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> alan.buzacotc9verizoo.cca <910> Tribal Land(s) on which ETC Serves r--~ I <920> Tribal Government Engagement Obligation - Name of Attached Document If your company serves Tribal lands, please select (Yes,No, NA) for each these boxes to confirm the status described on the attached document(s), on line 920, demonstrates coordination with the Tribal government pursuant to Select (Yes, No, § 54.313(a)(9) includes: NA) <921> Needs assessment and deployment planning with a focus on Tribal community anchor institutions. <922> Feasibility and sustainability planning; <923> Marketing services In a culturally sensitive manner; <924> Compliance with Rights of way processes <925> Compliance with Land Use permitting requirements <926> Compliance with Facilities Siting rules <927> Compliance with Environmental Review processes <928> Compliance
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