We consider a standard cbet in SRP (Single Raised Pot) 40-80% of pot, and for 3BP (3 Bet Pot) 30-80% of pot. For some definitions if someone bets 100% of pot, then the action is made, it will not qualify for the definition. This is because often it will skew the opportunities. For example, to be extreme, someone min bets then folds to a huge overbet all-in shove. I wouldn't want this to be included in a fold to flop raise definition because the person will fold nearly 100% of the time here, so it's not accurate. Any kind of action must be sized correctly in the definition for it to count as an opportunity. This will not give as many opportunities for sure, but they will be much more accurate, giving us a better read. In the popups at the tables you will notice some definitions are bold, green, or red. Bold means the definition is for a 3BP or higher. Green means this person is significantly lower than the average for this stat, and red means this person is significantly higher than average for this stat. This document is color-coded to show which popup each definition can be found in. If the definition is used for a badge it will not be in a popup. Badges are Bold (just for this document) Popup: Essential-3Bet, Essential-4-5Bet, Essential-RiverBet, Essential-CB, Essential-TurnCB, Essential-XR, Essential-FvR, Essential-FvCB, Essential-TurnFvCB, Essential-RivFvCB, Essential-RiverCB, Essential-PFR, Essential-Donk, Essential-VPIP, Essential- Steal, Essential-Foldto3Bet, Essential-vsHero, Essential-XFold, Essential-FvsSteal Definitions in smaller font in italics are available in NoteCaddy Edge Ultimate package. 3B_vsISO: 3bets vs. an isolation raise. Iso raise can be up to 6bb. (shows cardrange and spark) BBvsSB_3betRange: SB raises and the BB makes a 3Bet. (shows cardrange and spark) BLvsBtn_3betRange: Blind makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized Button open. (shows cardrange and spark) BLvsCO_3betRange: Blind makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized CO open. (shows cardrange and spark) BLvsEPMP_3betRange: Blind makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized EP or MP open. (shows cardrange and spark) BTNvsCO_3betRange: Button makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized CO open. (shows cardrange and spark) BTNvsEPMP_3betRange: Button makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized EP or MP open. (shows cardrange and spark) COvsEPMP_3betRange: CO makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized EP or MP open. (shows cardrange and spark) MPvsEP_3betRange: MP makes a standard-sized 3bet vs. a standard-sized EP open. (shows cardrange and spark) HM.3Bet-BBvSB: Big Blind makes a 3bet vs the Small Blind open raise. (Caddy Spark) HM.3Bet-BLvBN: One of the Blinds makes a 3bet vs. the Button open raise. (Caddy Spark) HM.3Bet-BLvCO: One of the Blinds makes a 3bet vs. the Cutoff open raise. (Caddy Spark) HM.3Bet-BLvEPMP: One of the Blinds makes a 3bet vs. the Early or Middle position open raise. (Caddy Spark) HM.3Bet-BNvCO: The Button makes a 3bet vs. the Cutoff open raise. (Caddy Spark) HM.3Bet-IPvEP: A player from in position makes a 3bet vs. Early position open raise. (Caddy Spark) HM.3Bet-IPvMP: A player from in position makes a 3bet vs. Middle position open raise. (Caddy Spark) HM.3Bet=22-66(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3betting that this person has 22-66. HM.3Bet=77-TT(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3betting that this person has 77-TT. HM.3Bet=Broadway(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3betting, that this person has Broadway cards. Broadway is defined as any two cards 10 or higher that aren't AK and aren't paired. HM.3Bet=JJ+AK(different vs positions): Shows how often when someone 3bets that this person has JJ+ or AK. HM.3Bet=SuitedConnector(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3betting, that this person has a suited connector. Suited Connector is defined as 63s-Q9s, 53s-J9s, 43s-T9s. HM.3Bet=WeakAces-Kings(different vs positions): Shows how often when 3bettings that this person has weak aces or weak kings. Weak Aces & Kings are defined as: A2-A9 and K2-K9 suited or unsuited. HM.SqueezeRange: Shows a spark graph for a preflop squeeze. Foldto4B_after_3BvsISO: Recipient 3bets vs. an isolation raiser, then folds to a 4bet. Min3B=JJ+AK: This is the % of time that a player makes a 3bet which is up to 2x the size of the last raise, and has JJ+, or AK. 4Bet_Betsize2x-2.5xWEAK: Recipient open raises, gets 3bet, then makes a 4bet 2-2.5x the 3bet(ex.3b is 9, 4b is 18-22.50). Recipient must fold to a 5bet preflop for this to count as a success. 4Bet_BetsizeGreaterThan2.5xWEAK: Same as above but 4bet is >2.5x. 4Bet_BetsizeLessThan2xWEAK: Same as above but 4bet is <2x. 4Bet_MoreThan50bbShoveWEAK: Recipient 4bet shoves and range is everything EXCEPT 99+,AQ+. Player starts the hand with 50+bb. (shows cardrange) 4Bet-{various positions}: Recipient opens and get 3bet, then makes any size 4bet. These are total, not range. 4BetTotal: Recipient makes a 4bet preflop. This is by total %, not 4bet Range like the HM2 stat. (shows cardrange and spark) 4BvsSQZ(opener): Opener 4bets vs. a squeeze. (shows cardrange) 5Bet-{various positions}: recipient 3bets, gets 4bet, then makes a 5bet. These are total, not range. BackRaise: Recipient cold calls initial raise, then gets squeezed. Initial raiser can call or fold, and recipient 4 bets. Recipient can have 20+bb. (shows cardrange and spark) Btn4BvsResteal: Button open raises and gets 3bet from one of the blinds. Then the button makes a 4bet. Button starts hand with 46+bb. Call4B_Range: Shows cardrange when someone calls a 4bet. Recipient must have atleast 46bb. (shows cardrange) Cold4Bet_Fv5Bet: Recipient makes a cold 4bet then folds to a 5bet. Fv4Bet_{all position vs position}: Recipient makes a 3bet, and folds to a 4bet. Fv5Bet_{all position vs positoin}: Recipient makes a 4bet and folds to a 5bet. HM.4BetRange(all position vs position): Shows the 4bet range, not the total frequency. HM.5BetRange(all position vs position): Shows the 5bet range, not the total frequency. HM.Cold4Bet: Player 4bets after there is a raise and 3bet by other players in front of him. The 3bet can't be all in. Bet_Check_BetVALUE: Recipient makes standard-sized bet on flop, checks turn, and bets at least 30% of pot on the River.. Heads up on flop, and effective stacks 25+bb. To qualify the player's hand on the River must be in the top 20% of available hands using at least 1 hole card. BetRiver_.4-.6: River bet of 40-60% of pot. Final pot must be atleast 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BetRiver_.6-.8: River bet of 60.1-80% of pot. Final pot must be atleast 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BetRiver_.8-1: River bet of 80.1-100% of pot. Final pot must be atleast 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BetRiver_1-1.25: River bet of 100.1-125% of pot. Final pot must be atleast 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BetRiver_1.25-inf: River bet of 125.1% or more of pot. Final pot must be at least 15bb. (shows riverhandrange and spark) BluffRaiseRiv: Raises or check raises river with a hand that is not in the top 20% of available hands. Final pot must be at least 30bb, and the River is heads-up. Implicits are included. FlushComesRiverRaise: Either 3 or 4 flush comes in on river and recipient raises or check/raises. Heads up on the River. (shows spark) HM.BetRiverW$SD(also for IP/OOP): Shows how often when betting the river wins money at showdown. HM.SRP.BetRivIP-vsMCBWEAK(different bet sizes and OOP, also for 3BP): Shows how often when betting the river vs. a missed cbet a certain bet size that the person is weak. Weak is defined by worse than the top 20% of available hands. Implicits are included. HM.SRP.DoubleBarrelOOPvsMCB(also for 3BP): Calls a flop raise, flop is checked back by the flop raiser. Shows how often the recipient bets the river after betting the turn. (shows spark) HM.SRP.RiverBetIP=Bluff(Different bet sizes also for OOP and 3BP): Shows how often when making a river bet it is a bluff. Bluff is defined by a hand which is not in the top 20% of available hands. Implicits are included. SRP-DelayedCbet-IP&BetRiver: Single raised pot. Recipient skips a flop cbet IP on flop, makes standard-sized bet on turn when checked to, and bets the river. (shows riverhandrange and spark) SRP-DelayedCbet-OOP&BetRiver: Same as above but recipient is OOP. SRP-Float_DoubleBarrelRange: Single raised pot. Heads up on flop. Recipient calls standard flop cbet IP, then makes standard-sized bet on the turn andd bets on the River. (shows riverhandrange and spark) 3BP-MissFCB_XbackRange: 3bet pot. Recipient is IP and misses a flop cbet. (shows flophandrange and spark) BetSizeTell_3BP_FlopCB-0-.4WEAK: This is % of time someone cbets up to 40% of pot in a 3b pot and has worse than 30% of all available hands. Draws stronger than inside straight draws are not counted as Weak (Inside straight draw IS Weak). Implicits are included. BetSizeTell_3BP_FlopCB.4-.6WEAK: Same as above but for 40.1-60% pot cbet. BetSizeTell_3BP_FlopCB.6-.8WEAK: same as above but for 60.1-80% pot cbet. BetsizeTell_3BP_FlopCB.8-1WEAK: same as above but for 80.1-100% pot cbet.
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