SANDRA METSLAID VIIS VIIMAST KAITSMIST LEILA PAZOUKI EMISSION, GENE REGULATION AND FUNCTION OF TERPENOIDS IN TOMATO (SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM) AND YARROW (ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM) TERPENOIDIDE EMISSOONI FÜSIOLOOGILISED JA MOLEKULAARSED KON- TROLLMEHHANISMID TOMATI (SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM) JA H. RAUDROHU (ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM) NÄIDETEL Professor Ülo Niinemets ( PINE ONSCOTS EFFECTS ASSESSMENT OFCLIMATE 17. jaanuar 2017 sylvestris Pinus MAILIIS TAMPERE IMPACT OF SLURRY FERTILIZATION ON NUTRIENT LEACHING AND ON THE ABUNDANCE OF ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE GENES IN AGRICULTURAL SOIL VEDELSÕNNIKUGA VÄETAMISE MÕJU TOITAINETE LEOSTUMISELE JA ANTI- BIOOTIKUMI RESISTENTSUSGEENIDE ARVUKUSELE PÕLLUMULLAS INESTONIA L.) GROWTH Vanemteadur Evelin Loit, teadur Henn Raave ASSESSMENT OF CLIMATE EFFECTS ON SCOTS PINE 2. veebruar 2017 (Pinus sylvestris L.) GROWTH IN ESTONIA KADRI JUST BEGOMOVIRUS INFECTION IN TOMATO FRUIT BEGOMOVIIRUSTE INFEKTSIOON TOMATI VILJAS KLIIMA MÕJU HINDAMINE HARILIKU MÄNNI Professor Leif Anders Michael Kvarnheden (Rootsi Põllumajandusteaduste Ülikool), emeriitprofessor Anne Luik (Pinus sylvestris L.) KASVULE EESTIS 3. veebruar 2017 MEELIS TEDER THE ROLE OF INSTITUTIONAL INNOVATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ESTONIAN FOREST SECTOR INSTITUTSIONAALSE INNOVATSIOONI ROLL EESTI METSASEKTORI ARENGUS Dr. Paavo Kaimre, professor Peeter Muiste SANDRA METSLAID 13. veebruar 2017 KALEV ADAMSON DISTRIBUTION AND POPULATION GENETIC ANALYSES OF THE AGENTS OF IN- VASIVE NEEDLE AND SHOOT DISEASES OF CONIFERS IN NORTHERN EUROPE A Thesis INVASIIVSETE OKKA- JA VÕRSEHAIGUSTE LEVIK JA NENDE TEKITAJATE POPU- for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry LATSIOONIDE VÕRDLEV ANALÜÜS OKASPUUDEL PÕHJA-EUROOPAS Dotsent Rein Drenkhan 28. märts 2017 Väitekiri fi losoofi adoktori kraadi taotlemiseks metsanduse erialal ISSN 2382-7076 ISBN 978-9949-569-83-0 (trükis) ISBN 978-9949-569-84-7 (pdf) Trükitud taastoodetud paberile looduslike trükivärvidega © Kuma Print Tartu 2017 Eesti Maaülikooli doktoritööd Doctoral Th eses of the Estonian University of Life Sciences ASSESSMENT OF CLIMATE EFFECTS ON SCOTS PINE (Pinus sylvestris L.) GROWTH IN ESTONIA KLIIMA MÕJU HINDAMINE HARILIKU MÄNNI (Pinus sylvestris L.) KASVULE EESTIS SANDRA METSLAID A Th esis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry Väitekiri fi losoofi adoktori kraadi taotlemiseks metsanduse erialal Tartu 2017 Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences According to verdict No 2, of March 8, 2017, the Defence Board of PhD Th eses in Forestry of the Estonian University of Life Sciences has accepted the thesis for the defence of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry. Opponent: Prof. Gediminas Brazaitis, PhD Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology Aleksandras Stulginskis University Supervisors: Prof. Andres Kiviste, PhD Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences Assoc. Prof. Ahto Kangur, PhD Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences Defence of the thesis: Estonian University of Life Sciences, room 1B27, Kreutzwaldi 5, Tartu on June 9, 2017, at 10:00. Th e English and the Estonian language of the thesis were revised by Mrs. Karit Jäärats. © Sandra Metslaid, 2017 ISSN 2382-7076 ISBN 978-9949-569-83-0 (trükis) ISBN 978-9949-569-84-7 (pdf) CONTENTS LIST OF ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS ........................................ 7 ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................... 9 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................10 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................... 14 2.1. Shift towards empirical single tree growth models ...............14 2.2. Eff ect of weather fl uctuations on tree annual increment ......15 2.3. Tree-ring analysis to study annual climatic variability in tree growth .......................................................................................16 2.4. Climate eff ects on site index ................................................18 2.5. Climate eff ects on radial growth ..........................................19 2.6. Scots pine habitats and climatic conditions in Estonia ........ 20 2.7. Research needs ....................................................................22 3. AIMS OF THE STUDY ............................................................24 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS .............................................. 25 4.1. Study sites ...........................................................................25 4.2. Meteorological data .............................................................28 4.3. Investigation of changes in height growth patterns (I) .........30 4.4. Dendroclimatic analysis (II, III, IV) ....................................31 4.4.1. Increment core sampling, preparation and measurements ..................................................................31 4.4.2. Standardization of tree-ring series .......................... 32 4.4.3. Development of chronologies ................................ 33 4.4.4. Assessment of chronology quality .......................... 34 4.4.5. Analysis of growth-climate relationships ................ 35 4.4.6. Investigation of spatial and temporal response patterns (IV) ....................................................................36 4.4.7. Identifi cation of pointer years (II) ..........................37 4.5. Modelling basal area increment (III) ................................... 38 5. RESULTS .................................................................................. 41 5.1. Changes in long-term forest productivity ............................41 5.2. Scots pine radial growth characteristics and relationship to inter-annual weather variations .................................................. 43 5.2.1. Scots pine chronologies ..........................................43 5.2.2. Radial growth-climate relationships ....................... 48 5.2.3. Temporal patterns of Scots pine response to climate variation ..........................................................................52 5.2.4. Evidence of infl uences of extreme climatic conditions on radial growth .............................................................. 55 5.3. Radial growth patterns and the BAI model for Scots pine on reclaimed areas ...........................................................................57 6. DISCUSSION ...........................................................................60 6.1. Tree growth deviations from expected growth ..................... 60 6.2. Infl uence of annual climate variability on Scots pine growth in Estonia .......................................................................................62 6.3. Modelling the basal area increment of Scots pine ............... 65 7. CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................68 REFERENCES .............................................................................. 70 SUMMARY IN ESTONIAN .........................................................87 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................... 96 ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS ......................................................97 CURRICULUM VITAE.............................................................. 168 ELULOOKIRJELDUS ................................................................ 172 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS .........................................................175 LIST OF ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS Th e thesis is based on the following publications, referred to in the text by the corresponding Roman numerals. Th e papers are reproduced by the kind permission of the publishers. I Metslaid, S., Sims A., Kangur, A., Hordo, M., Jõgiste, K., Kiviste, A., Hari, P. 2011. Growth patterns from diff erent forest generations of Scots pine in Estonia. Journal of Forest Research, 16 (3): 237243. II Hordo, M., Metslaid, S., Kiviste, A. 2009. Response of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) radial growth to climate factors in Esto- nia. Baltic Forestry, 15 (2): 195205. III Metslaid, S., Stanturf, J.A., Hordo, M., Korjus, H., Laarmann, D., Kiviste, A. 2016. Growth responses of Scots pine to climatic factors on reclaimed oil shale mined land. Environmental Sci- ence and Pollution Research, 23: 1363713652. IV Metslaid, S., Hordo, M., Korjus, H., Kiviste, A., Kangur, A. 20xx. Spatio-temporal variability in Scots pine response to annu- al climate fl uctuations in hemiboreal forests of Estonia. Submit- ted to Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 7 Th e contributions from the authors to the articles are as follows: I II III IV Original idea AKa, SM MH AK, SM SM Study design AK, AKa, AK, HK, MH, MH SM SM AK Data collection AKa, MH, All All All SM Data analysis AK, AS, MH AK, SM SM SM Preparation of manuscript All All All All AK – Andres Kiviste; AS – Allan Sims, HK – Henn Korjus; AKa – Ahto Kangur; MH – Maris Hordo, SM – Sandra Metslaid; All – all authors of the article. 8 ABBREVIATIONS AIC Akaike Information Criterion AC1 First-order autocorrelation ENFRP Estonian Network of Forest Research Plots EPS Expressed population signal ESTEA Estonian Environmental Agency BAI Basal area increment BCC Bootstrapped correlation coeffi cients HCA Hierarchical cluster analysis IC Mean interseries correlation ISL Islands JJp JuneJuly precipitation sum JJt JuneJuly temperature mean GAM Generalized additive model Glk Gleichläufi gkeit MEE Mean estimation error MS Mean sensitivity NAO North Atlantic Oscillation NE Northeast PCA
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