8 THE EVENING POST. LOUISVILLE. TUESDAY. APRIL 30, 1901. The Best Horses The TICKETS ON SALE West to Start in At Rosenham's, Buschemeyer's, Hurr ler & Nolan's. The Boston, McNairy 6 Schwab, The Chicago and all hotels. NO IMPROPER CHARACTERS ADMISSION $1.00. ALLOWED. American League. FIFTY-THRE- CLUBS. Won. Lost. Per Ct. CONDENSED E ROUNDS Detroit 5 u 1.0H0 TIME CARDS. Washington I! d 1.000 L. & N. RAILROAD. SOUTHERN Baltimore 2 1 .607 Trains RAILWAY St. Louis & Chicago 3 .C00 leaving Union Station, Tenth and Broadnay. In efTect April 15, 1901: Louisville Lines. 2 .1 .400 Cleveland No. 2. daily, at 3:15 a. m. ; sleeper" to Ioi;?Llr?1idep?.t,'. Sfeventh street and river, I'lmaaeipma i z .66.1 Cincinnati and New York. Returning ar- afenue ' y Tlcket mce --0 Fo OF FIGHTING. 0 .01)0 PORTING AND ATHLETIC GOOD rives :43 FIERCE Boston u at a. m. 4, Time Milwaukee 0 5 .0(W No. daily, at 8:40 a. m., Cincinnati. Re- card effective January L 1901. turning arrives at 9:15 p. m. Stops at Lbuisville Division. PISTOLS-GOLF-BASEBA- l' GUNS and A COMPLETE ourth street going and coming. (Southern Railway in ' No. 6, daily, 4:30 car to Kentucky.) DERBY NIGHT RING CONTESTS RED HOT SULLIVAN KNOCKED CYCLING! at p. m.; parlor EASTBOUND.) . Cincinnati. Returning arrives at 11:31 a. m. Stops at Fourth street going and com- OUT (McCLELLAND MATTHEWS RECEIVED DECISION OVER $30,000 STOCK ing. 'Vra SOUTH AMERICA. of ATHLETIC GOODS No. 8, daily, at 1 p, m. ; sleeper to New : COUHIG SOME RATTLING PRELIMINARIES. iork. Returning'arrives at 2:15 p. m. 1D:ur et Ar. Bu.r.SmGeorgetown.. T- TENNIS-FISH- ING See also 7:20 a. m. train, from First-stre- 11:50am 7:40pm ...... slightly damaged. station. WESTBOUND. 4- a open No- - 6- Although Refereeike English gave the ing Terry McGovern for the featherweight RODS We must close out to get ready to FOR THE SOUTH. Lv - No- - - No;'- In Brazil "and the Argentines 432 7:10am 4.30pm Welter-weig- ht the Open 9 o'clock No. 1, decision to Matty Matthews, the championship. The end of this battle'came new stock. until at dailj, at 9:23 p. m.i sleeper to Lv 3:10pm Couhlg, Sport Is'. Now, at the,. Height REELS WEST MAIN STREET.' Memphis, New Orleans, Chattanooga, At- Lv r?fPl?ffwn 5'15am champion, overj Tommy in the twentieth round( when McClelJand, and Ar' T ni,&?n lm7:30am 4:35pm lanta; arrives at 8:20 a. m. 7:50:m 10:40am Dunkirk, N. Y., in championship who looked a winner, lest his laff.ua-guard- ed of Its Popularity." No. 3, cf their daily, at 3:00 a. m.; sleepers to rtle Lexing-saUle- s Thea- a Nashville, Re- ton'AjS caches Louisville to 'bout last night at the Buckingham for a fraction of second. Sulli- Memphis and New Orleans. t0 Ver-- St turning 2:30 tn n"Cebure BSin and two-thir- of 3,000 spectators van was quick to take advantage of this, arrives at a. m. Geo,rfetown. Pullman sleepers ter, the Note.r-No- s. 1 connect Memphis right-hand- and i at Louisville to present thought young New and landed with a er on the. points in Arkansas and Texas, and Tv? ?nd Jacksonville. The .representative of a leading New Inc. at New?" Chattanooga and Atlanta. Yorker as acleal entitled to a draw, spot, which sent the 'Plttsburger sprawl- Orleans for Texas, Mexico and Wf00'yi Lexington to Louis-Geop-- fi York exporting house, who recently re- TCLIFF the West. ville' coaehSs and they expressed- disapproval of ing. He 'was down nine seconds. He sn a?d Eawrenceburg and their Successors to Griffith & Semple, Complete FREE catalogue write for one. No. 7, daily, at 2:35 p. m. ; parlor car to and turned America.Asays-tha- t Versailles. Pullmau the decision' in n$ unmeasured terms. arose, and was apparently gaining from. South at Nashville. Returning arrives at 12:40 p. m. to st- No. 5, daily, Ex- C1feSiackm'1116 Louis, via English was roundly hissed. strength, when a minute later, Sullivan present, as Indeed 'has been the' case for at 8:10 a. m. Nashville Burgln and Louisville. Aghting press. Returning arrives at 7:05 p. m. Couhig forcetf the from start landed again onithe same point, and it or sour year's past, 9, M"L Observation chair cars and ' three bicycling in that No. daily, except Sunday, at 5:15 p. miilfniT Louisville to Burgln. to finish, and struck two blows ,tp the was afloff with the PenisjUvani'an. I m. Bowling Re- Coaches country is far and (away the most popular A F YOU'RE LOOKING FOR Green accommodation. Versailles Lexington, Georgetown to ' An e turning 10:25 a. m. champion's one. Matthews, ho'wever, was amusing feature of the bout was the of the outdoor sport's. In-th- larger arrives at cities No. 23, daily, at 8:23 a. m. Cumberland Observation clever, and had it not been for his s'uperb announcer, a rotund individual from Chi- of Brazil and the Argentines sport to- ap "V"' chair cars and the Mail; connects for Lancaster and siTn t0 Louisville. Coaches ring generalship he would not 'have' last- cago, Charley Porst by name, who ap- day is at the height of popularity, and Kicnmond. Returning arrives at 4:25 p. m. Lenl?Bf its No. 25, Louisville, Georgetown to ed over ten, rounds. Couhig was as strong peared in a full dress suit. The crowd although the women were, HARNESS SADDLES daily, at 8:30 p. m. Knoxville Versailles here at first I U OODS, Express. m. ; as a bull,1, and kept aster his opponent did not take kindly to the of the mm USlf Returning arrives at 6:50 a. hil-,?- Pullman, Louisville to Birming-- . airs somewhat In doubt as to the propriety No 41, daily, except Sunday, at 4:10 p. Lexington Chattanooga. "to ; m. tK' a and from start finish. Westerner, and gave him anything but a of riding in public, they quickly followed Bardstown and Springfield accommo- - PulImaI from Birmingham and In frlSpVery first '1r'ound,tiouhig"sr.arted 'Cordial reception. 'He was guyed unmer- returning arrives at. s:wj a. nv. cha"anooga to Louisville, the example of some of the social lead- ""'"No. 43, aster Matthews'.;'. broke1 ground cifully every GO TO daily, except Sunday, at 7:35 a. !iaSs b,etween Louisville, Lexing- The latter time he essayed to make an ers, who boldly went In for the sport so Bardstown tind Sprmgiield accommo- ton Burgln dally. repeatedly, apparently feetling 'announcement,, ?'., p. out his and it is safe to sSy that soon as they" had mastered their wheels, dation. Returning arrives at 5:45 m. 5 and 6, between Versailles FROM FIRST-STREE- T man. Matthews landed a vicious right Forst will leave his dress duds in Chi- and now tliere are as many petticoats STATION. and Georgetown, dally. 531 No. 12, daily, except Suncav. Lagrange No,s-- 2' on the nose in the Second round, and the cago the time comes city - Voit'nf anJ Georgetown and net he to this awheel as there are knickerbockers. accommodation; leaves 6:10 p. m. ; arrives VSPa.!IIe.. daily, except Sunday, men were sighting fiercelywh'en gong to very - 7:34 a. m. ,ns 2- 'the 'perform the important duties of BuehoS- Ayres THIRD ST. L - 5 6 Ver-rtlti- ,- is perhaps 'the greatest No. 14, oninf and connect at Bounded. Iri the thirl vjp"u"ndy'?6uh!g 'announcer at a glove contest. ' Cycling daily, except Sunday. .Lagrange lth Louisville & Atlantic railroad, center in South America, where accommodation; leaves 5:00 p. m. arrives except Sunday. forced Matthews over the ropes, and, ad- at certain hours of the day the entire 7:30 p. m. are g gEIKAiktSlII!Mgi Rn 5nect!?s at Lexington ana Matthews-Cou-hi- No. me ministered severe punishment. The round As a preliminary to the city seems to be 18. daily, except Sunday, Cincinnati, trains on Q, & C. awheel. There are Lexington and Kentucky points; for " the route was decidedly Couhig's. sight, Willie Fitzgerald, of Brooklyn, some sine ' to Central all points south. roads leading beautiful leaves 7:20 a m. ; arrives 5:25 p. xn. from In the next round Matthews drew the and Barney Furey, of! 'Cincinnati, sought parks in the suburban districts, and Lexington and 7:30 p. m. from Cincinnati. claret from Yjouhig's nose, and opened ten fierce de- No. 16, daily, except Lexington , St. Louis Division. rounds. Referee English along these as well as in.-th- parks the Sunday, up a eyes. clared h and Centra Kentucky points; leaves 2:0u . LOUISVILLE TO ST. sore over the During the rest the bout draw. procession-o- f ; LOUIS. cyclists in the early morn- p. m. 11:57 x- sight on HOW THE DERBY WAS RUN. arrives a. m. ' No- No. 3. of the landed these At the Auditorium Shine Russell, a ing and aftetnoqn hdurs is' almost a No. 20, daily, except Sunday, Frankfort Ly. Louisville 8:00am 9:15pm two points, as a result, Couhig bled negro accommodation; 4:00 p. St. and, from Alexandria, never-endin- g 'one. leaves m.; arrives Louis 6:00pm 7:01am The racing end of the 8:10 a. m. profusely. The-loss.- blood, however, Ind., attempted to stand up ST. LOUIS TO LOUISVILLE. before our sport developed ac- No.
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