IS, 1946 GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! This weatherman has no imagination at all-never college al OWQn anything exciting. Today, as yesterday, he says it e· will be warmer with scattered showers. £WrblIwhed 1868 Vol. 78, No. 253-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Wedneaday, July 17-Five Cents ! position as been. education' lr and, • lcance Fireworks at Bikini Byrnes, Treaty Experts Vandenberg Calls for Dependable- o. (10 Sponsors , n Ame;1.o ITo Represent U.S. Ik. I At Peace Conference 18 book#, IOStlcism,'~ National Meat Washington (AP) - The Vnited lute" aqct States delegation to the Paris peace conference beginning July RU'ssian FfieA~ship Bell a~ -.U.S. 29 seemed certain last night to I A.tlantid S'uying Strike ller's an~ consist of Secretary of State Byrnes and a group of experts WASRINGTON (AP)-Senator Vandenberg (R., Mich.) called on eCISlons and "will not bargain in human rilhts and fundamental ~llbur G. Reuther Organize. on the projected peace treaties Russia yesterday to understand the "simple truth" that there can be liberties anywhere on earth." Jniversity with Italy, Finland and the Bal­ no lasting world peace unless the Russians and Americans develop Connally 10 Beview CoDterence stin, and United Auto Workers kan countries. a dependable friendship instead of the distrust and suspicion he said Vandenber" whose report to the senate will be supplemented Fri­ challeng_ To Fight Price Rise. Plans being lormulated at the now exist. day by a similar review by Chairman Connally (D., Tex.) of the prophet;" state department, it was learned, The Michigan senator painted for his colleagues a dark picture <If foreign relations committee, said at Faria there was "appallin6 diu­ he degree do not contemplate making up a conflicting viewpoints at the Paris meetinl ot United States, British, greement" among the United States, Great Britain, Russia and France U THE ASSOCIATED PIlE88 Soviet and French forel,n ministers, which he attended as adviser. , the state The CIO United Auto workers, delegation of "big names" such over the future of Germany. of New sponsoring !a national "people's as is sometimes sent to such in­ He said that on the one hand France declares it "unthinkable to ;iin of St. rally" against the upswin, in liv­ ternational gatherings. But be bl'I,htenecl the* ea.nvas* with *the predi'cllon that "pa­ contemplate a central government for the new Germany for many Senators ConnaUy (D., Tex.) and illl costs, called last night for tience, fair play, ienaeUy and flrmness"-quaUtJes wblcb he said years to come and then only on a buia of confederation rather than a weEk-long meat buying "strike" Vandenberg (R., rvtich.) , who at­ bad been diaplayed. b, Seerewy of StAie Byraes-would make It federalization." ' tended the foreign ministers ses­ "On the other hand." he said, "Mr. Molotov discourages all of by the American public. possible "lor eaatern cODUDUDllm an.d western democracy to find talk :cident Before a cheering, shirt-sleeved sions with Byrnes, are not ex­ friendly, common ,roand." decentralization in the final German loverrunent lest it destroy Ger­ pected to go to the peace con­ man development." : report~ Detroit crowd, President Walter ference. lparlment f . Reuther of the bil union urged Vandenberl, who heads* the *Republican * senatorial conference, CrlUcizes Poilld.am AcTeement • meat buying strike as a means outlined in a lengthy speech delivered three factors on which he He criticized the Potsdam a,reement for splittin, Germany into four Saturday to "terrorize profiteers" and re­ said peace hinges. They are: military zones which had proved to be "air-ti,ht compartments pre­ ashington .tore "reasonable prices." The "I. The dependable aDd eflecUve operation of the UnltecJ Natlona venting the exchange of goods or communications or even ideas." Was reo proposed strike would start to­ Wheeler Trails in behalf of justice courageously sustained by collective security. Vandenberg said the Soviets constructed with "microscopic literal­ 'y Robert "2. The successlul ouUaW1'Y of .tomic bombl and kindred Instru­ ism" a requirement of the 1945 Moscow agreement that the Big Four day. ments of sudden, overwhelming destruction, under a tight system must reach accord on the fundamentals of peace treaties to be con­ ld street" The auto union, marshalling its N. Du. of total discipline which makes bad faith impossible. sidered by the 21 Allied nations beginmng July 29. forceS in a protest against the "3. The developmeni 01 dependable and warranted friendship be­ 'In support of their conteotlon," he said, "It is fair to say expiration of OPA, also hali or­ In Montana tween bi, anll little nations and particularly between the great Union they were bulldiJlA' upon the accepted. theory thai bl,. power tanized demonstrations in other of· Soviet Socialistic Republics and the great United States of America." unity Is lndlSHl1Able to wodif peace in the Sap Franclseo pat­ ~iUes in which it invited the par­ To accomplish these aims, the Michigan senator said the Russians tern. tIcipation of all or,anized labor Fifth Term Hopes ought to understand that the United States respects the rights of "In opposition to their contention, however, it i~ equlI\\Y hiT \0 say and civic .nd veterans groups. Fade as Erick.on's the Soviets to "rule themselves to suit themselves, precisely as we in­ that their intention would carry this so-called unity to the pOint of Reuther's proposal fOr the meat sist on this right for ourselves and others." monopoly and dictatorship in the big powers ..... strike was made first at Flint, Lead Nears 2,500 Moscow should understand, he continued, that the united States It was this rock that nearly spJlt the Paris conference, the Michigan Mich., where he addressed an- has enlisted "for keeps" In the eUorl to make sure that milila ry ag­ senator said. But he said the settlelnent of the disputes over details­ other rally before flying to De- By HAROLD n. OLIVER gression "shall never curse the earth again." a settlement which led to the calling of the peace conference-dem­ troit. ASSOCiated PreSS Political Further, he said, the Russians must come to know that Americans onstrated that "given patience, bit play, tenacity and firmness in Leaders of the UAW-CIO had Reporter are prepared for "enli&htened, progressive cooperation" with other the American attitudes, it is possible Jar eastern communism and called on workeTs to leave their DemocratiC Senlltor Burton K. nations but that they "cannot be driven, coerced or pl'essured" into western democracy to find friendly common ground." jobs if necessary to attend ra1- Wheeler trailed Lief Erickson, his opponent in a bitter Montana pri- Hou.ing?- company-Chrysler-when~:~t ~ ~i~~~~ ~~~d~:~~~ an ~: es- mary election contest, by nearly Committee to Report Report Degnan Suspect Talked I timated 20,000 to 30,000 men left 2,500 votes last night on early 0 P I H bo I ~ k . "rEactiona!'y retlll'ns. ments"t~~1~~~~g were "hell-bent for the The tirst 133 o{ the state's 1,- near ar r Under Influence o'f Truth Drug toes good old days," Reuther said the 156 precincts to report gave Erkk- Indicate Commander., ' son il.891 votes, Wheeler 9,395. PI . I JUtoes onlyunion ·l tSwould first maketarget meat. Next, pri- Wh ec Ier, seek I1lg' Iu's f·rthI te rm, Officials to Be Blamed C I . onnlng C 'd t T RICAGO (AP)-The Chicago amined the 17-year-o d UniverSity • 'on wl'll concen- h a d suppor t ! rom P resl en ru- F J A k I he said, the unl A HUGE SMOKE column ri-ses shortly after tbe atom bomb explosion man who, late In the campaign, or apane.e ttac Sun said last night It had learned of Chicago youth at the Bridewel trate on rents and other items at 'Biklnl July I, wIth the I s l ~ nds of Blklui showing' clearly, curving wrote a lEtter upholding the Mon- that WJlliam Heirens · "talked" on June 29, Tuohy said:. ' * * * to "drive them into line." from side to side In center b~k,round. The JOint Task Force One tnna senator's labor record. Erick- WASHINGTON (AP)-A ma- while under the Influence of "I don't know anything about It just takes .a little 'pla~ning to With his appeal for a meat buy- capUon with Illis ptcture SI'.l d It was made by a. service photolrrapher son, 40-year-old former state su- jority of the Pearl Harbor com- sodium pentothal, sometimes reo what those psychiatrtsts did. I win be8.~ ~he h()u~mg pTlorlbes lIst frs' strike Reuther linked a plea Irom an airplane flying as near Ute seene ot tbe blut as safelY per- pl'eme court justice, attacked mittee was reported yesterday to ferred to as a "truth serUltl " and neither confirm nor deny use of these days, one young veteran and to farme'!'s to ship no livestock mltted, and that a retoucber had obliterated aU traces of tartet ships Wheeler's 2,j-yeaT record as "iso- have decided that commanders on "admitted the Suzanne Degnan the drug because I do not know." hi. wife proved recently. market during the seven dap. Iboww, In 0 ..1,111&1 photo. lationist." kidnap-killing." John P Coghlan one ot Reir- Last spring the veteran walked the spot and military officials in ., ," into the housing office in Old Cap- (AP WIREPHOTO from Join.t Task Force One) Arkansas, WYOming and Ariz- Earher, State s .Attorney Wil- ens attorneys, tetm~ use 01 the itol to find out the housing 1'08- Truman May 5 ign OPA ono a.
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