TRAIL.PUGETSOUND.EDU THe PugeT Sound TRAIL THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND Volume 101, Issue 8 November 18, 2011 Established 1910 Washington, Pierce County hold elections By ERIK PRANG The State of Washington held its 2011 elections for state and local office on Nov. 8. Tacoma elected candidates to the City Council, School Board, Civil Service Board and Parks District. There were five statewide initiatives on the ballot, of which four were approved. Two local initiatives, one for Pierce County and the other for the City of Tacoma, were also approved. In Tacoma, City Council members Ryan Mello (a former Puget Sound student), Lauren Walker and David Boe were re-elected to their positions. They will be joined by newcomer Anders Ibsen, member of the Pierce County Conservation District, who defeated teacher Karen Smitherman by a five percent margin. Two new members were elected to the Tacoma School Board. Scott Heinze won a close race against Puget Sound Professor Dexter Gordon, and will take over Position University’s digital piracy policy aimed at 3. Former Tacoma Mayor Karen Vialle defeated college administrator Kim Washington and will now protecting students and avoiding liability occupy position 5. Metro Parks Commissioner Erik Hanberg won re- Technology Services seeks to combat widespread use of election, defeating Jerry Thorpe who SEE ELECTION PAGE 2 illegal peer-to-peer file sharing on campus Internet network By KRISTIE DUTRA running in the back- ground. Limited class uget Sound oc- There are two major cupies a precari- reasons behind the Uni- space causes ous position be- versity’s response to P2P tween copyright sharing. “What I’m con- Powners and students cerned about is the nega- registration who use peer-to-peer file tive impact for campus— sharing for illegal down- the threat of viruses and woes loading. The administra- the slowing of the band- By JOHN DERKSEN tion’s goal is to protect width—which prevents students from the conse- students from using the s the 2012 Spring Regis- quences of copyright in- network for legitimate tration period came to fringement while avoid- purposes,” Cohn said. a close on Nov. 11, the ing liability. “Also, we want our stu- newest students at Puget Most students are dents to be ethical.” ASound confirmed their schedules. aware of P2P file shar- One student, who Unfortunately for them, the most ing. LimeWire, Kazaa, spoke on the condi- popular classes at the university had Ares Galaxy, Gnutella tion of anonymity, said already closed on Nov. 4. and BitTorrent are famil- CourteseY OF THE MPAA the University probably Using detailed records of the last iar names. The students saved him from thou- five semesters from the Office of the who do not partici- cade. P2P sharing pres- Technology Services. cording to Cohn, the re- sands of dollars in legal Registrar, The Trail has found the pate in illegal file shar- ents a threat to jobs in Tech Services Network ports are not foolproof. fees. But he doesn’t see most sought-after classes offered at ing have friends who do. the music and film in- Manager Dave Hamwey “Detections of use are P2P sharing as an ethical Puget Sound. In January 2011, the In- dustries. They’ve been connects the reported IP accurate about 90-95 dilemma. He said he sup- Based on a list of classes with all formation Technology backed into a corner address to the registered percent of the time,” she ports the artists, but not spots filled at the end of the first day & Innovation Founda- and are highly aggres- MAC address and ob- said. “I like to give stu- the corporations behind of the week-long registration peri- tion reported that 17.53 sive. “They like to make tains the student’s name. dents the benefit of the them. He download- od, the Science, Technology and So- percent of U.S. Internet examples of people,” As- The student’s name is doubt.” ed what he called “a fair ciety course Mars Exploration beat bandwidth is dedicated sistant Dean of Students sent to Student Affairs, A common sanction amount” of copyrighted out the Idea of Wine (IPE405) and to illegal downloading. Kate Cohn said. “They and this is where Cohn is a meeting with Ham- movies and songs. Children’s Literature (HUM300) The Record Industry also like to use bait.” steps in. Cohn stressed wey and what Cohn calls About three years ago, with a waitlist of 16 to HUM300’s Association of America The RIAA and the that all reports are con- a “clean machine test.” the University invest- and IPE405’s 15. These three most (RIAA) and the Motion MPAA often target col- sidered “potential viola- Hamwey said that over ed in a Network Access popular classes fulfill the Connec- Picture Association of lege campuses with net- tions” until after she talks half of the students sent Control system called tions core requirement and are America (MPAA) have work audits. When they to the students involved. to him think they’ve un- Safe Connect, which is available to students of all majors. been fighting this phe- detect illegal file sharing, The student’s perspective installed the P2P soft- The Idea of Wine has historically nomenon for over a de- they file a complaint with is important because, ac- ware, but it’s usually still SEE PIRACY PAGE 2 SEE REGISTRATION PAGE 2 Brynn Blickenstaff Logger ladies partake in Professors discuss Neil Gaiman, Amanda reaches 1,000 kills No-Shave November Occupy protests Palmer in Seattle Sports page 8 Opinions page 3 Features page 6 A&E page 11 2 NEWS The Puget Sound Trail November 18, 2011 [email protected] Council halted the opening of new initiative’s supporters say that it will initiative: Proposition 1, which were approved to amend the state ELECTION cannabis dispensaries and created save money for the city and allow for raises sales taxes by 0.1 percent to constitution: 8205 and 8206, both continUED FROM page 1 a community-based Cannabis Task more effective law enforcement. pay for improvements to the 911 of which were approved by landslide has also held the position previously Force to advise city officials on Drawing the most media emergency communication system. margins. SR-8205 amended the state and is a Puget Sound alumnus. Anita cannabis policy. The new measure attention was I-1183, the initiative The County will consolidate its three constitution to remove restrictions Latch defeated Kyle Jolibois to win is modeled after Seattle’s I-75, which concerning the sales of liquor by largest dispatch centers into a new on how long a voter must reside in a seat on the Tacoma Civil Service passed in 2003. private distributors in Washington agency, South Sound 911, and will Washington to vote in Presidential Board, which handles issues relating Student Ben Anderstone State. After failing short in 2010, the build new facilities for police, fire elections, a restriction that was to city employees. commented, “Seattle passed a lowest- renewed effort to revise the liquor and medical responders. Supporters already ruled unconstitutional by the Among the changes was the priority enforcement measure with control system passed with nearly 60 say the current 911 system needs Supreme Court. SR-8206 provides approval of Tacoma’s Initiative One, 57 percent. Now, Tacoma is passing percent support. the overhaul in the interest of public that in the event of “extraordinary which amended the municipal the same by nearly two-to-one. Washington voters also approved safety. Opponents have argued that revenue growth,” the state must code to declare “marijuana or I think this clearly demonstrates I-1163, which reinstates background the South Sound 911 plan will mean put more funds into its Budget cannabis offenses … the lowest Tacoma’s progressive nature, and checks, training and other inefficiency and longer delays in Stabilization Account. enforcement priority of the City of the progress that has been made on requirements for long-term care emergencies, and that the increase Voters rejected only one of the Tacoma.” Tacoma voters passed the this issue.” Opponents worry that workers. It addresses accountability in taxes will hurt the local economy, statewide initiative measures: I-1125, initiative with 65 percent support. this measure will create a haven for and administrative expenses of the especially lower income consumers which would have increased the The measure hopes to clarify what cannabis use and related crimes, in-home care program, as well. who pay comparatively more in sales current restrictions on the use of has been a contentious issue for creating a health and safety hazard Likewise, Pierce County voters tax. vehicle-related revenue, was defeated the city. Earlier this year, the City as well as stigma. However, the approved the only county ballot Two state senate joint resolutions 52-48 percent. get it in their heads that the Univer- PIRACY sity isn’t trying to screw them over. continUED FROM page 1 University recognized in Linnik case They are providing free Internet, af- By JOANNA LAMSTEIN cational institutions,” said Ryken. “I pose questions about the challeng- supposed to prevent access to the ter all. Beggars can’t be choosers,” decided to participate because I saw es of community development work campus network if P2P software is he said. He declined to state his he University of Puget opportunities to collaborate with and how to best structure and learn detected. name due to the sensitive nature of Sound was presented with other educators and to create oppor- from educational exchanges. In ad- “We do not monitor for content, the subject. the Outstanding Project tunities for educational exchanges dition we create learning experiences but we do monitor types of traffic,” “This can easily trip someone up, award by the Greater Met- between college and elementary stu- where elementary and col- Chief Technology Officer William but it’s so avoidable,” Morse said.
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