Odonatological Abstracts 1999 revealed a small but significant decrease in the aver- number of with age spp. present increasing height (16022) STEFFENS, W.P. & W.A. SMITH, 1999. above the ground. Species richness and abundance Status survey for special concern and endangered were greater in larger holes. Similar patterns were dragonflies of Minnesota: population status, inven- observed in 206 natural tree holes. Of7 top predator and recommendations. Minnesota 3 odon. coerulatus tory monitoring spp. (inch taxa), Megaloprepus Dept Natural Resourses (Natural Heritage & Non- larvae were not found in artificial or natural holes — not game Research Program). 56 pp. (Addresses above 7 m. Chemical properties of tree hole water did ditfer with but holes stated). not height, canopy tree for Status determination surveys Ophiogomphus dried out more frequently and were thermally less anomalus,O. susbehcha and Somatochlora hineana stable than midstory and understory holes. Harsh were conducted throughout eastern, central and thermal conditions and higher disturbance frequen- northern USA. Threats these for the decline in rich- Minnesota, to rare cy may be responsible species evaluated and conservation and spp. were popula- ness with height. tion status recommendations for Minnesota Ani- 2000 soptera are presented. Baseline data on other Ani- sopt. in undersurveyed habitats are reported, in- and cludingseveral state records numerouscounty (16024) BASS, D„ 2000. A preliminary study of records. Several Zygoptera collections are also re- aquaticmacroinvertebrates from two springs in the ported alongwith county distribution information, Pontotoc RidgeNature Preserve, Oklahoma. Proc. and recommendations for future odon. and - Univ. surveys Okla. Acad. Sci. 80: 105-109. (Dept Biol., monitoring are offered. Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK 73034, USA). odon. list is 4 gen. are listed, a species not provid- (16023) YANOVIAK, S.P, 1999. Community struc- ed. ture in water-filled tree holes of Panama; effects of hole height and size. Selbyana 20: 106-115. - (16025) CHE SALMAH, M.R., S.T.S. HASSAN (Evergreen St. Coll., Lab. I, Olympia, WA 98505, & A. ABU HASSAN, 2000, Local movement and USA). feedingpattern of adult Neurothemis tullia (Dru- Water-filled tree holes habitats are commonaquatic ry) (Odonata: Libellulidae) in a rain fed rice field. in many neotropical forests, yet little is known of Prop. Ecol. 41(2): 233-241, (With Span. & Port, s’s). factors influencingtheir biodiversity. Here, com- — (Sch. Biol. Sci., Univ. Sains Malaysia, Minden- munity parameters (species richness, abundance -11800, Pulau Penang, Malaysia). and composition) of tree hole macroorganisms are The investigation was conducted in an 11 ha rice compared at different heights (canopy, midstory, field in Bandar Baru distr.,Kedah, Peninsular Ma- understory) in the forest of Barro Colorado Isl., laysia, July 1994-Apr. 1995, using mark-release- from multiple censuses of 40 arti- Panama. Data -recapture method. Both 6 S and 9 9 were widely ficial 3 of tree holes during wet seasons (1995-1997) distributed within their home range ca 30 m ra- 306 OdonatologicalAbstracts dius. Adult localized movements were highly and near Kranj\. Zavod za favnistiko, Koper. (Slovene). the longest distance travelled was ca 130 m. Diur- - (KocjandiCi 18, SI-6276 Pobegi). nal feeding were studied by examining gut 1991 31 evidenced the patterns During -2000, spp. were at es- Some individuals had taken Slovenia, A commented with contents. prey as early tate, list, field notes, is as 07.30 h, but feedingactivity peaked at 10.30 and presented here. 17.30 h. The daily food intake was highly variable between different sexes and at day times, 9 9 fed (16030) HASSAN, K.S., M.A. HABEEB & N.J. AL- more actively in the morning and their body weights MOUSAWI, 2000. Occurrence of aquatic insects were higher than those of 6 6 at all hours of the with algaein Basrah province. Marina mesopotamica day. 15(1): 137-143. - (Dept Biol., Coll. Sci., Univ. Bas- rah, Basrah, Iraq). (16026) [COOK, C] LAUDERMILK, E.L., 2000. Ischnura evansi and Anax larvae occurred in sp. Carl Cook receives Commission’s Biodiversity Pro- algae samples collected from 9 stations along the tection Award, NaturallyKentucky 32; 2. - (do C. Shatt al-Arab R., between Qurna and Abul-Kasib. Cook, Box 16, Highway 218, Center, KY 42214, Iraq; March-Sept. 1997. USA). On 9 Dec. 1999, C. Cook received the annual Bio- R„ 2000. Odonata of the (16031) KINVIG, survey logical Diversity Protection Award of the Kentucky Zambezi Delta. Occ. Pubis Biodiv. Bulawayo 8:559- , State Nature Preserves Commission. Some high- -564. - (Author’s address not stated). of his odonatologicalcareer areoutlined and A commented list of 25 collected lights spp., (June 1999) a portrait is provided. from 7 sites at the Marroraeu wetland complex in the lower Zambezi Delta. The spp. were captured La (16027) DOMMANGET, J.-L., 2000. conserva- in a random of the sampling sites, using a sweep tion des couleurs et la preparation des libellules net during walking through the vegetation. The destinees a la collection de reference. Bull. Entomo- sites and field notes are described, on the spp. are faune 22: 3-7. - (7 rue Lamaratine, F-78390 Bois- provided. d’Arcy). The colour preservationmethod is described, based (16032) POLHEMUS, D.. R. ENGLUND, S. JOR- the classical O.P. of on Wenger’s acetone processing DAN & J. POLHEMUS. 2000. Tripreport for 1999 odon, Its and specimens. advantages disadvanages entomologicaland freshwater surveys of the Smith- are pointed out, based on the examples from the sonian Institution and Bishop Museum expedition to Europeanfauna. the Marquesas Islands and Tahiti. Pac. Biol. Surv.. Honolulu, vi+17 Bishop Mus., pp. [Contrib, No. (16028) FITZPATRICK, M., 2000. Review of Odo- 2000-002 Pac. Biol. Surv.]. — (First Author: Dept nata associated with the wetlands of the Zambezi Ent., MRC 105, Natn Mus. Nat. Hist., Smithson. Basin. Occ. Pubis Biodiv., Bulawayo 8: 527-557. — Instn, Washington, DC 20560, USA). (Author’s address not stated). Collections of aquatic insects and other aquatic An annotated and commented list of 217 macroinvertebrates spp. (77 were made from streams and Zygopt., 140 Anisopt.), with notes on their ecology, wetlands in the Marquesas and Society island and sections conservation and on potentialthreats, groups of French Polynesia, from 17 Oct. to 6 Nov. and the of richness. The 1999. A list is of odon. on areas high species gaps presented spp. recorded from in our knowledge are pointed out with reference to Marquesas Isis of Nuku Hiva, Hiva Oa, Tahuata future In research. anAppendix (p. 557)a checklist is and Ua Huka, inch a “Pantala new sp.?”, abundant of given 39 spp. (identificationof some is uncertain butrestricted to the Faakua R. mouth on Hiva Oa. and identified some taxa are to the gen. only) col- The Hemicordulia assemblages from both the So- lected March-4 from (20 Apr. 1999) Barotseland. ciety Isis and the Marquesas are clearly in need of revision. For odon. and other spp. it is possiblethat 2000. in the (16029) GEISTER, L, Popisfame flare na Marquesean streams may represent stepping Urdu pri Kranju. Kacjipastirji (Odonala) : Brda stones to the nearest high islands of Hawaii. pri Kranju — [Fauna and flora inventory of Brdo estate near Kranj. Dragonflies (Odonata) at Brdo (16033) RAMSAY, R.L, & S.G. CANNINGS, 2000. Odonatological Abstracts 307 Dragonfliesat risk in British Columbia. Proc. Conf. 73034, USA). Biol. & Habitats Risk MngmlSpecies at Boehler Lake is a 2.5 beaver 11 , Kamloops ha,dystrophic pond. 1: 89-93. - (Brit. Columbia Conserv. Data Cent., odon. spp. are listed, a species list is not provided. P.O. Box 9344, Stn Prov. Govt, Victoria, BC, V8W 9M1, CA). (16036) [NIELSEN, M.C., submitted the manuscript, In British Columbia’s Odon. the actual Author 1993, (Canada) were unknown], 2001.Why do you col- listed and ranked as to their conservation status in lect insects? News!. Mich. ent. Soc. 46(3): 4. the province, based uponthe knowledge at the time. [Verbatim, concluding paragraphs:] The number Inventory efforts were then focused on the spp. con- of insects taken by collectors amounts to less than sidered atrisk, in order to more accurately determine tenthousandths of onepercent of the insects killed their status and to identify specific sites for conserva- by man, yet from this minute percentage comes all tion, For 3 wereconducted in 5 of the material used for aesthetic such yr surveys regions purposes as the province: the NE corner, the Lower Mainland, books, illustrations, and art work; all the specimens southern Vancouver Island, the Okanagan, and the used to compile learning and teaching collections Columbia Basin. During the courseof these surveys, for schools, universities, museums and public dis- known of were extended, knowl- plays; all to ranges many spp. the material necessary compile scien- edge of habitat requirements increased, and 3 new tific studies and revisionary works of little-known confirmed for the While and all the used in scientific spp. were province. many groups; specimens work of the — targeted spp. were found only sparsely or in agriculture and health. Mostprivate collectors of not at all, a number them were discovered to be eventually donate their collections to museumsand more abundant than previously thought, and their universities, [...] makinga worthwhile contribution conservation ranks were changedaccordingly. to posterity. (16034) VAN BUSKIRK, J. & B.R. SCHMIDT, 2000. (16037) O’BRIEN, M., 2001, A peek at Michigan Predator induced phenotypic plasticity in larval Odonata. News/. Mich. ent. Soc. 46(3): 11. — (Insect newts: trade-offs, selection and variation in nature. Div., Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan,Ann Arbor, MI Ecology 81(11): 3009-3028. - (Inst. Zool., Univ. 48109-1079, USA). Winterthurerstr. CH-8057 160 known from Zurich, 190, Zurich). spp, arecurrently Michigan,USA. Evolutionary mechanisms maintaining an induced Somatochlora hineana is on the federal endangered to list. Some such response predators (Aeshna cyanea larvae) were spp. poorly-sampled habitats, as studied in Triturus and T.
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