Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 5 Editorial . 4 Question Corner . 11 Sunday and Daily Readings . 11 Serving the ChurchCriterion in Central and Souther n Indiana Since 1960 CriterionOnline.com August 12, 2005 Vol. XXXXIV, No. 44 75¢ Pope urges young people to make God most important part of life CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS)— World Youth Day. Adoring God means recognizing his pres- The theme of the Aug. 16-21 celebra- coverage of World Youth Day ence as creator and lord of the universe tion in Cologne, Germany, is “We Have Criterion and ensuring that God is the most impor- Come to Worship Him.” During the Archdiocese of Indian- take part in the pilgrimage to Cologne, tant part of one’s life, Pope Benedict XVI Pope Benedict said an attitude of wor- apolis’ pilgrimage to World Youth Day Germany, along with Pope Benedict XVI said. ship and adoration is the attitude that has from Aug. 10-22, Criterion reporter and hundreds of thousands of youth With about 2,000 people packed into marked the lives of saints throughout Brandon A. Evans will be posting the from all over the world. the courtyard of his summer villa south Christian history. It involves recognizing latest news, pictures and videos from the The pilgrims also will spend time in of Rome and several thousand more peo- the greatness of God and the gift of salva- trip at www.CriterionOnline.com. Italy in Rome and Assisi. ple gathered in the square outside the tion in Jesus with gratitude that “arises About 170 youth and adults, led by Check the Criterion’s website often to villa on Aug. 7, the pope focused his from the depths of one’s heart and marks Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein, will see what the group is doing each day. † address on the upcoming celebration of See YOUTH, page 2 Lay movements have an old Photo by Sean Gallagher Photo by friend in Pope Benedict XVI VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Lay move- ments that enjoyed the strong support of Pope John Paul II believe they have an even stronger ally in Pope Benedict XVI. In fact, one of the first meetings Pope Benedict has convoked on his own initia- tive—rather than confirming a gathering originally planned under his predeces- sor—is a Pentecost 2006 encounter with lay-movement representatives. Leaders of 29 movements and commu- nities, including the Focolare movement, Communion and Liberation, the Community of Sant’Egidio, L’Arche and the charismatic renewal, met in late June with officials of the Pontifical Council for the Laity to begin planning the encounter. Guzman Carriquiry, a council official, said the June meeting was a brainstorming session and the real work on the program for a working meeting and a celebration with the pope would begin in the autumn. Pope Benedict is no stranger to the lay movements, so the June meeting began with a review of a speech he gave during a similar Pentecost 1998 meeting at the Vatican with representatives of 50 lay Thomas Arvo, a member of Our Lady of the Greenwood Parish in Greenwood, returns to his seat after receiving Communion from Father William M. movements. Williams during a Mass celebrated on Aug. 4 at Our Lady of the Apostles Family Center in Hancock County during E6, a vocations camp sponsored by “His 1998 speech is the most authorita- the parish. The camp was a combination of prayer, presentations on the virtues and outdoor games. tive, explicit, organized theological treat- ment of the new movements that exists,” Carriquiry told Catholic News Service on Vocation campers learn about Aug. 4. Since 1998, he said, “the most impor- tant change has been that we have a new virtues, gain discipline and have fun pope.” See GROUPS, page 8 By Sean Gallagher able to stand firm against the tactics of the boys here, giving God a chance, as the devil” (Eph 6:10). archbishop always says, and at least What do a lot of boys do on an early This chapter set the tone for the camp praying about vocations,” he said. morning in the first week of August? as the participants were encouraged to live “How many of them will be [priests]? I They probably sleep late, enjoying the lives of virtue and to be open to a possible don’t know. But it’s a powerful thing to last few lazy days of summer before the call to the priesthood. see, and it’s moving for me as a newly start of a new school year. The boys at the camp heard this mes- ordained priest.” But about a week ago, more than sage during presentations and homilies Several parents also assisted with the 40 boys from several parishes in the given by Father Jonathan Meyer, associate camp, including Kevin Johnson, a archdiocese were dressed in shirts and pastor of Our Lady of the Greenwood member of Our Lady of the Greenwood ties before 8 a.m., praying Morning Parish and associate director of the arch- Parish and the father of two of the Prayer and attending Mass. diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult campers and an uncle of two other They were participating in “E6: Ministry, who directed the camp. boys. Putting on the Armor of God,” a voca- Father William M. Williams, associate He said that the camp will help par- tions camp sponsored by Our Lady of pastor of St. Simon the Apostle Parish and ticipants simply grow to be good men. the Greenwood Parish in Greenwood, chaplain of Father Thomas Scecina “It will make men out of them,” held on Aug. 3-6 at Our Lady of the Memorial High School, both in Johnson said. “I don’t think every one Apostles Family Center in Hancock Indianapolis, also spoke to the campers. of these boys will become priests, but it County. A son of Our Lady of the Greenwood will help them in other areas of their “E6” refers to the sixth chapter of Parish, Father Williams spoke about the lives as they grow up.” St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, where impact the camp made on him after cele- Michael Jackson, who will soon be a the Apostle to the gentiles says to “Put brating Mass for the campers on Aug. 4. sixth-grader at Holy Name School in on the armor of God so that you may be “It’s very powerful to see these young See CAMPERS, page 9 Page 2 The Criterion Friday, August 12, 2005 during the encounter, will receive a partial Pope Benedict XVI indulgence if, with a contrite spirit, they looks down at the YOUTH ask with fervent prayers that God crowd gathered for continued from page 1 his Sunday bless- strengthen young Christians in their pro- CNS photo from Reuters one’s whole being,” he said. fession of the faith, that he confirm them ing in the courtyard During the Cologne gathering, the pope in love and in respect for their parents” of the papal sum- said, the Church wants to help young peo- and that he help them form holy Christian mer residence in ple from around the world reach the “peak families or follow a vocation to the priest- Castel Gandolfo, of love,” showing them that in dedicating hood or religious life, the Vatican state- Italy, on Aug. 7. The their lives completely to God they will ment said. pope, speaking discover the purpose of their existence. An indulgence is a remission of the ahead of the inter- The Vatican announced on Aug. 8 that temporal punishment due for sins commit- national World Catholics participating in World Youth ted. A plenary indulgence is the remission Youth Day gather- Day events can receive a plenary indul- of all punishment, while a partial indul- ing, appealed to gence if they attend any of the events or gence applies only to part of the punish- young people to the closing Mass with prayerful devotion, ment due. dedicate their lives receive the sacraments of reconciliation The Aug. 8 statement was signed by to God. and the Eucharist, and offer prayers for U.S. Cardinal J. Francis Stafford, head of the intentions of the pope. the Apostolic Penitentiary, a Vatican “Other faithful, wherever they are court. † Daily Mass intentions for archdiocese’s World Youth Day pilgrimage Aug. 11: Basilica of St. Paul, Outside the Aug. 14: Buon Pastore, Rome Aug. 17: Cologne, Germany the upcoming year. Walls, Rome For an increase in vocations to the priest- For all the religious sisters and priests in For the conversion of those who do not hood and religious life. the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Aug. 20: Cologne, Germany know Christ or His Church. For Pope Benedict XVI. Aug. 15: Cruise Ship, Rhine River Aug. 18: Cologne, Germany Aug. 12: Basilica of St. Francis, Assisi For all couples preparing to receive the For all the laity who minister and volun- Aug. 21: Cologne, Germany For world peace, especially in the sacrament of holy matrimony. teer in our parishes. Closing Mass with Pope Benedict XVI Middle East. For the youth and young adults of the Aug. 16: Cologne, Germany Aug. 19: Cologne, Germany Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Aug. 13: Basilica of St. Peter, Rome World Youth Day Opening Mass with For an increased love of our Lord in the For the seminarians of the Archdiocese Cardinal Meisner Blessed Sacrament and for all those who Aug. 22: Cologne, Germany of Indianapolis. For the sick and homebound. will receive their first Holy Communion in For the priests of the archdiocese. † St. Elizabeth and Coleman to celebrate 200 years of ser vice St.
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