ON THE AIR THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. THPKSDAT. MAY 10. IB3S B-25 Store* Open Tonight—Washington Till 9, Arlington Till 9:30 The Shortest TV Friday Hours—Washington, 9:30 to 6, Arlington, 12:30 to 9:30 7 • - • 'Axing in History > *.¦ WssKr Mm. 1 as By HARRISON gs ' BERNIE x f A There is a disposition—maybe even a yearning—among some elements of the New York press to give Arthur Godfrey a fast Imported Top Size count. When CBS announced that he was relinquishing his I KJkNN'S I Wednesday night hour show (8 to 9. WTOP-9), next season, the Godfrey v S' / gleeful headlines shrieked—“ Show Axed.” | \ WASHINGTON / Well, you’ve probably heard the news by now. Godfrey will Wfc ¦ be back on Wednesdays in the s \ftfx fall, same time. wins an SBO,OOO TV jackpot « And if you want to know why, , started off slowly, with rather /SE f m I it’s quite simple. Godfrey’s spon- - painful spoofing of “The $64,- \ i Holland Tulip Bulbs sors wouldn’t stand for it. 000 Question,” but the show if The redhead has unquestion- - moved engagingly thereafter and ably slipped from his early highr the playing by Larry Blyden and peak of popularity (what starr Georgann Johnson was first-rate, hasn’t?) but the fact remains s The author was quite kind, I that he is still TV’s No. 1 mer- - thought, in his treatment of "llfl v " chant. He can sell more gloopp such characters as the Madison than stars who out-Trendex himi avenue agency executive (the by 20 points. jargon was hilarious), a pro- Order Note! From Gorgeous The sponsors didn't want any y ducer, an insurance hustler try- 60 other CBS shows that .the net- - ing to make a fast deal, and the work was dreaming up for thee garment executive who wanted t ) Varieties—See Our season—including the Erie Stan- - to capitalize on the hero’s fame. Display ley mystery They y category, I should have men- ¦ Gardner series. His wanted Godfrey. tioned, was ladies’ fashions. Both Stores. What this reporter had to say- y There were other, more pene- T--f\ on the subject when the Wednes- trating touches, however, par-j day "Friends” stanza was firstt ticularly the scene in which the; announced as going off still11 wife finds herself giving awayi holds. The observations may be e her old things to her best friends,! summed up thusly: and the army buddy who ex-' • A. The fellow wielding thee presses his disappointment that axe was Godfrey. He'd likee the 10 per cent the Sarge was HOPEFUL HAMS, CANINE VARIETY nothing better, at this point inn going to give the company rec- Jim Merrick, casting director of "Studio One,” was besieged his career than to get out of the e reation fund was 10 per cent of by these canine hams when he issued a call for next Mon- pro- ¦ one major ache that isn't what he had left after taxes—- day’s production, "The Genie of Sutton Place.” Henry duced by his hip. Jones and not SB,OOO. One bit which stars in the story about a boy, a genie and numerous dogs. • B. All of his other shows, by- y was padded beyond what it We will toke your order now and snaps. e The program is seen at 10 p.m., WTOP—9. I comparison, are All he merited but was nevertheless ir- your has to do is be at the studio a-1 resistible involved his secretary- deliver bulbs this fall. ; Nashville, Tenn. I predict that ' minute before starting time. ; to-be at the garment plant. Her Swears by China • C. Most of his TV problems s views on men who tried to make , the Buckskins will be the next ' Holland-grown tulips in their glory-in ; top group SCARBOROUGH, England. full both our stores, with have stemmed from trying to 3 a play without the “courtesy" of Western vocal in the main display In our Arlington A United States—good boys, too! jlMay 10 UP). —Chinese laundry- Garden Shop. Tulips in colors that It VmVjiff 1/ I • putting out their cigars were a range the spectrum—pure white, howl. Connie B. Gay. jijman Tung Gong swore by china blushed-blue violet, orange, purply ** * * :he would tell the truth. “If not,” black—and many, many other colors and Chuckles *** * variations in dazzling array! Channel told the judge, “my soul will have samples On the Run: Teen Talk: This Saturday .he We’ll of many varieties below; the remaining varieties BKFi \| WM evening’s teen show, WTTG-5, be1 J cracked like this saucer.” The are to be shown photos. in color Bulbs ordered now will not be charged9 So There note: While NBC '(with Betty Jerome) should judge looked at the proffered saluting George until they are delivered this fall. is Gershwin with cause some excitement in the ( chinaware and accepted the oath a 90-minute Spectacular Satur- high school set. Four Wake- as£ valid. day (9:30 p.m., WRC-4). Tommy orrara field students will discuss clothes ' _ white Dozen 79c Scotch Lassie, Dozen, and Jimmy Dorsey will t nuc . ... - - lavender. 1» be salut- j fads and whether or not the ess, white. Dozen.9Bc Ossi Oswaldo, white ond rose. 1 ing Irving Berlin <8:30 to 9 p.m.. 79c m\Y\ principal should have jurisdic- PARROTi Dozen 79 e R ec pjts maroon red. -\ WTOP-9 1 . j Dozen 79e As tion over attire . Since Dr. Black Parrot, block. D0zen..1.19 Princess Margaret Rose, red and Dementer, purple. Dozen 89e NBC will team with the Ca- / W Harold Wilson, the principal, re- rAD. Pierson, deep red. Dozen 98c yellow. Dozen 79 c . nadian Broadcasting Corporation domoif latc t peony , m\ Jm M . T 4-670Jt^ \ cently cracked down on one fad n Arlington Phone KE. Blue Parrot, lavender. Day, canory type) to story I 8-7900 Dozen 98c Mother’s yellow. Doz- c present the of the St. —Bermuda shorts—the No. Washington BlvH Theresa, red. *n Symphonio, rose. Dozen 98c observa- ... 98c 79c Lawrence Seaway on Sunday, Dozen.. MKBtg tion over attire. green. Since Dr. Fantasy, red ond Dozen, G. W. Leak, scarlet. Dozen..79c Eros - pink - Dozen 98c JBt 1 'June 3. The contest for the sponsor’s 98c JUOIV you'll hearing Mcjorie Bowen, red ond omber. Mt. Tocomo, white. Dozen ~9Be s&fjp* 'M- Chances are be Brazilian trip contest closes May TRIUMPH a brand new singing group, the Dozen 89c Foircombe Sanders, red. Dozen, V f j§|| 19, by the way . prize- . First Telescopium, lavender. Dozen, Albino, large white. Dozen v /j MS Service Women's Quintette, on 79c 79c 79e * three months in Brazil! Aviotor, red Mrs. J. T. Scheepers, yellow. TV and radio these next few ond white. Dozen, 79c Doz- cpcri Till ipa I \( MR Korneforos, deep red. Dozen, 79e en ._ . 89e \l Km weeks. They sang on Patty RADIO ” ° —1,19 i Poles AUTO Denbola, red ond pink. Dozen, Foircombe Sanders, red. Dozen, 79e e Emperor, red. Dozen JBgjkY Cavin’s WRC show yesterday Do A-Research 89c Advance, red shaded VIENNA, May UP). Repairs—Sales—lnstallation blue. Dozen, BREEDER aSHfe^, and will be on WWDC May 16. 10 —Polish Bandoeng, bronze. Dozen 79c 98c , and Inga’s WRC-4 show and i 'press reports reaching here say Drivin Radio Saleservieo Dl,, enburg, terracotta. Dozen, WMISfSBL Edith Eddy, red, edged white. Northern Queen, white ond rose. *W_T~^ Mark Evans’ WTOP-9 hour on 1 construction has begun in War- WASHINGTON ° X,V - . on a L U 5 ' . Soviet-style blue bronle the 17th. The unit, formed ; saw “Main N. J. AVE. AND D ST. N.W. Alberio, soft red. Dozen., ,79c - Dozen fl for Armed Center for Atomic Research.” DARWINnAQwm f Jf Forces Day. com- 1 A U. 4-7179 LI. 4-1614 Rhineland, ... , red ond yellow. Dozen, rKIC . prises Grace Miltinberger (Ma- reactor with a 2,000 kilowatt BETHESDA 79* Lo Tulipe Noire, block. Dozen, tffrrine), Helene Sultanowski (ha- 1 capacity, blueprinted in Moscow, 4911 CORDELL AVE. Do 'en. Tl 9 1 ¥W« REMBRANOT val Reserve), Daisye Smith is1 scheduled to start working in BETHESDA, MD OL 6-4500 e Bi s hop deep b |ue Dozen g9e SINGLE v ,W Free Parking At Both Locations j|, EARLY ' F Cordell Hull, red, white edge. - (Air Force) Clara Butt, rose . , , . "By (Army>. mid-1957. pink. , tomorrow he should be | Nada Jeffers Dozen 79c D ° „ Wt\- /Mm i moV° 1 ' ° a (Coast Dozen 79« White Giant, snow C nd strong enough for small dose and Florence Evans white. ' A Dozen! Dozenn'»n »W1.19 of television." Guard). Montgomery, white, red edge. 79 V -Ilk Dozen 89c Pride Keamkroon, yellow and red. Doz- V| ** * * Give Mother a Hoover Vacuum Cleaner of Hoorlem, cerise. Dozen! Mailbag: (Dateline San Fran- DOUBLE EARLY e keep this show going <La Rosa, (Peony type) r,t m- u, , Olympiode, yellow. Dozen ..89* i'll .’ cisco). Marechol Niel, pink yellow. 0...« n of Nl9 ht v« lvet blut^? Puck, Blyer, Marlowe, Hale- ond 2“** < Ibis, red ond pink. Dozen S9c OMffiW > iltm etc.). i Dear Bernie: and Make Every Day Dozen 98c Prince of Austria, red. Dozen.B9e loke, Duke of wVllinntnnWellington, white."hV ~r>Dozen, iMUf iff}P Arthur would still like to get t Am here with "The Buck- Peach blossom, rose ond yellow. ¦¦¦( ''Mr . , / . (Washington boys—the Dozen. 98c . J »9* SPECIAL MII'JtA out of the chore but CBS pre- skins” \ Aristocrat rose red.
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