Declaration of a Free Man I am an American Citizen-a member of the greatest fraternity on earth-the Brotherhood of Freemen. * This worldwide Brotherhood is open to any man, anywhere on earth, who is deeply determined to be fTee and willing to pay the personal price. * Men are paying the price and are joining this Brotherhood every day even in the uttermost parts of earth. * Because our forefathers pio­ neered the continental vastness that is America and won; because the men of industry teamed up in research and development to produce the necessities and the finer things of life in a superior way; and because a million Americans have died and millions have suffered in the wars of this Republic, I have Freedom of Mind, Freedom of Body and Freedom of Spirit. * I have Freedom to Work, to Love, to Learn, and to Play; mine is the Freedom to Compete, to Invent, to Save, to Invest, to Create, to Promote, to Progress, to Own, and to Give; I have Free­ dom to Choose, to Join, to Vote, to Speak, and to Walk Erect with head high; I am Free to be my own self, a.� an individual human soul; I am Free to Worship my God. * Men everywhere are forced today to choose between this God-given idea of the Freedom of Man and the God-less enslaving doctrines that put the state above the individual man. * As for me, I choose to cherish jealously each one of these Freedoms. * Life would be as dust in a windy street if through indifference I were to lose them. * I know what my father and his father before him have done that I might inherit these priceless blessings. * Hence, I am ready, willing and eager to make my own contribution towards their pres­ ervation. * I will do everything within my power each day to Strengthen and Defend these Freedoms wherever I am, whatever I do-that I may pass them on to my sons and daughters undiminished. * I am Responsible. * I am a Free Man. By Roderic Marble Olzendam. © Sponsored by The Sons of the American Revolution, Washington State Society-Seattle �,· I · Chapter Leaders HE usual criticism of a weak chap­ ter, or of a chapter which is not Tprogressing, is that "it lacks capa­ ble leadership." Usually the criticism is justified, for the success of any organi­ zation is dependent on its leaders. One might ask why some chapters have constructive and dynamic leader­ ship year after year and others lack it? Sometimes it is due to failure of the Alpha Kappa Psi, a professional business fraternity, was founded in chapter to elect the right men to chap­ its official maga1ine, was established in 1908. ter offices and sometimes it may be 1904. The Diary, caused by the failure of members to support and cooperate with those they do elect. Assuredly, a president cannot VOLUME Lil WINTER, 1963 NUMBER 2 accomplish much unless he has the sup­ port of his members and the other of­ ficers, but more often than not, a presi­ In This Issue dent with ability, enthusiasm, and the desire to accomplish, can inspire a Chapter Leaders chapter with new ambitions and a new 2 Shell Companies Foundation Receives Education Award spirit that will achieve much. Often the comment is made that stu­ Personal Code of Businus Ethics Awards Announced dents engage in so many activities that 9 The Phoenicians they do not have time to do any of them well. This is often true, but usu­ 10 Buying for Small Stores ally they do those things well in which 11 The New Role of the Middle West in World Affairs they are most interested and those chapters of Alpha Kappa Psi in which 12 Chapter Research Projects the members are interested and work . 13 Regional Directors Elected are successful chapters. A chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, when 14 Delta Celebrates Golden Anniversary properly operated, offers its members many values. These include experience 15 Directory of Members-Tennessee (N-Z), Texas, Utah, Vermont (A-N) in organization and administration; op­ 29 Rairdon Is Life Member 5,000 portunity to hear professional speakers and to meet them on a personal and 30 Business Books informal basis; opportunity to partici­ 31 Andersen Re-Elected Minnesota Governor pate in service and research projects, attend regional and national meetings, 31 Prominent in Business and to make loyal friends studying the 32 Buzzell and Slater Receive Marketing Award same courses and preparing for the same professional careers; the chance 33 Midwest Regional Conference in February to learn to work with and obtain re­ 35 The Audit Eternal sults from others. All of these provide experience which will prove of value 36 News and Views of Members and Chapters, 36-43 to any student when he enters the business world. 36 Europe in 1963 It should be kept in mind that Alpha 40 Statement of Position on Ha1ing and Pre-Initiation Activities Kappa Psi is one of the few organiza­ tions in schools of business which en­ 44 National and Regional Officers and National Committees deavors to teach and instill in its mem­ bers high ideals and ethics of business Office of Publication: 1201-5 Bluff Street, Fulton, Missouri. conduct. Surely this is an aim of major Editorial Office: 111 East 38th Street, Indianapolis 5, Indiana. importance and deserves the support of all. IMPORTANT: The postal laws require prominent display of address of all of office of publication. Please note that this does not mean that correspondence The national fraternity provides concerning general fraternity matters should be sent to the publishers. All the tools necessary to develop a success­ such matters should be addressed to Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity, 111 East 38th ful chapter-efficiency rating program, Street, Indianapolis 5, Indiana. manuals, booklets, leaflets, ritual, ac­ The DiaTY of Alpha Kappa Psi Is the official publication of Alpha Kappa counting system, information material Psi Fraternity, professional fraternity in commerce, a charter member of the Professional Interfraternity Conference. John D. Sparks, Editor, 111 East 38th of various types, national and regional Street, Indianapolis 5, Indiana. Published under the direction of the Executive meetings, visitation by officers-but Committee in the Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer. Subscription price, $5.00 per year; single copies, $1.25 each. chapter officers must use them if they All matter intended for publication must be In the editorial offices, 111 are to be effective. East 38th Street, Indianapolis 5, Indiana, on the first day of the month pre­ ceding the month of publication: i.e., October 1 for Autumn Issue, December 1 Yes, we need chapter leaders and al­ for Winter Issue, February 1 for Spring Issue, April 1 for Summer Issue. ways will-men who can inspire, en­ Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri. Statements made or opinions expressed in this publication are those of the thuse, plan, organize, administer, and writer and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of Alpha accomplish.-J. D. S. Kappa Psi Fraternity or Its members. THE DIARY OF ALPHA KAPPA PSI participating institutions. One hundred and seven were in effect in 1962. 4) Shell Merit Fellowships-100 sum­ mer fellowships for in-service high school science and mathematics teach­ Shell Companies ers, plus cost-of-education supplements for universities offering the fellowships, of which 650 have been awarded since inception of the program in 1956. Foundation 5) SheU Merit Residencies-offer a minimum of 12 months of special gradu­ ate level study and leadership expe­ rience to in-service high school science and mathematics teachers, plus cost-of­ Receives education supplements to the partici­ pating universities, $47,000 being budg­ Morley C. Townsend (right). member of the eted for this purpose in 1962. Board of Directors of the Alpha Kappa Psi Foun­ 6) four dation and past national president of Alpha Shell Merit Schola7'Ships-25 Kappa Psi Fraternity, presents the A. K. Psi Education year college scholarships are offered Foundation award for distinguished service to each year for future high school science higher education to W. M. Upchurch, Jr., vice and mathematics teachers, plus cost-of­ president of the Shell Companies Foundation, at the 1962 NAM Congress of American Industry in education supplements to the institu­ New York City. tions they elect to attend. This program Award recognizes good scholarship at the high school level, and provides financial as­ HE Shell Companies Foundation, foundation administer to its affairs, sub­ sistance to young people planning teach­ Incorporated, New York, N. Y., was ject to the board and committee. Mon­ ing careers. One hundred and twenty­ awarded the Alpha Kappa Psi roe E. Spaght is president of the foun­ five such scholarships have been of­ TFoundation's 1962 award for distin­ dation. The senior vice president and fered since creation of the program in guished service to higher education on secretary, W. M. Upchurch, Jr., serves 1958. Education Day, December 7, at the an­ as staff officer. 7) Shell Merit Fifth Year Scholar­ nual Congress of American Industry of In addition to its gifts to universities ships-a new program begun this year the National Association of Manufac­ and colleges, the Shell Foundation also which provides a fifth year of academic turers in New York City. makes gifts to local Community Chests, training for Shell Merit Scholars at Presentation of the award, a bronze Red Cross chapters, United Funds and increased stipends, plus payment of tablet, was made to W. M. Upchurch, a modest number of national voluntary tuition, fees, and a supplement 'to the Jr., senior vice president and secretary welfare organizations.
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