V4 / . J 89// J 93-|3f $ <y gover nment Storage COMPARISON OF WHI TE HOU SE AND JUDICIAR Y COMMITTEE TRANSCR IPTS OF EIG HT RECORDED PR ESIDEN TIAL CONVERSATIONS D O C U M E N T S ____ JAN 21 H E A R IN G S T H E L - l - • « ' < V BEF ORE THE K A N S A S S T A T E U N lV c rtS IT Y COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NIN ETY-T HIR D CONGRESS SECOND SESSION PURSUANT TO H. Res. 803 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY TO INVESTIGATE WHETHER SUFFICIE NT GROUNDS EX IST FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO EXERCISE ITS CONSTITUTIONAL POWER TO IMPEACH RICHARD M. NIXON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OB' AMERICA MAY-JUNE 1974 Serial No. 34 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary COMPARISON OP WHI TE HOUSE AND JUDICIAR Y COMMITTEE TRAN SCRIP TS OP EIGH T RECORDED PR ES IDEN TIAL CONV ERSATIONS H E A R IN G S BEFORE TH E COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES NIN ETY-T HIR D CONGRESS SECOND SESSION PURSU ANT TO H. Res. 803 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY TO INVESTIGATE WHETHER SUFFICIE NT GROUNDS EX IST FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIV ES TO EXE RCISE ITS CONSTITUTIONAL POWER TO IMPEACH RICHARD M. NIXON PRE SIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MAY-JUNE 1974 Serial No. 34 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judicia ry U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 36-316 O WASHINGTON : 1974 For sale by the Superintend ent of Documents, U.S. Governm ent Pri nti ng Office Washington, D .C. 20402 - Price $1.10 COM MITTE E ON TH E JU DIC IA RY PET ER W . RO DINO , J r., N ew J er se y, Ch airm an HA RO LD D. DO NO HU E, M as sa ch us et ts ED WA RD HU TC HI NS ON , Mi chiga n JA CK BR OO KS, Tex as RO BE RT MC CLORY, Illin oi s RO BE RT W. KAST EN M EI ER , Wisc on sin HE NR Y P. SM IT H III, New Y ork DON ED WAR DS , Cal ifor ni a CH AR LE S W. SANDMAN, J r., N ew Je rs ey W IL LI AM L. HU NG AT E, Miss ouri TOM RA ILSB AC K, Il lin oi s JO HN CON YERS, J r., M ich iga n CH AR LE S E. WIG GI NS , Cal ifor ni a JO SH UA E IL BERG, Pen ns yl va ni a DA VID W. DE NNIS, In dia na JE ROM E R. W AL DI E, Cal ifor ni a HA MILTO N FIS H , J r., N ew York WAL TE R FL OW ER S, Al ab am a W ILEY MAYNE , Io wa JA MES R. MANN, So ut h Car ol in a LA WRE NC E J. HOGAN , M arylan d PA UL S. SA RB AN ES , M ar yl an d M. CA LD WEL L BU TL ER , Virgi nia JO HN F. SE IB ERLIN G, Ohio W IL LIAM S. CO HE N, Maine GE OR GE E. DA NI EL SO N, Cal ifor ni a TRE NT LO TT , Missis sip pi RO BE RT F . DR IN AN , M as sa ch us et ts HA RO LD V. FR OEHLI CH, Wisc onsin CH ARL ES B. RA NG EL , New Y ork CARLOS J. MO ORHEAD, Cal ifor ni a BARB AR A JO RD AN , Tex as JO SEPH J. MAR AZ ITI, New Je rsey RAY TH OR NT ON , A rk an sa s DELB ER T L. LA TTA, Ohio ELIZ ABETH H OL TZMA N, New York WA YNE OW EN S, U ta h ED WA RD ME ZV INSKY, Io wa J oh n D oar, Sp ec ial Counsel Albert E. J en ner , J r. , Sp ec ial Counsel to the M in or ity J ose ph A. W oods, Jr. , Sen io r Assoc ia te S pe ci al Co unsel Rich ard C ate s , Se ni or A ssoc ia te S pe ci al C ounsel Bernard W. N us sb au m , Se ni or A ss oc ia te S pe ci al Co unsel R obert D. S ack , Se ni or A ssoc ia te S pe cial Counsel Robe rt A. S hel to n , Assoc ia te Sp ecial Counsel Sam ue l G arr ison III, D ep uty M in or ity Co unsel F red H. A lt sh uler , Couns el Alan M arer , Counsel T ho ma s B el l , Counsel Robert P . M urph y , Couns el W. P aul B is h o p , Co unsel J am es B. F. O lip h a n t , Couns el R obert L . B rown , Couns el R icha rd H . P or ter , Co unsel Micha el M. C onway , Couns el George R ayborn , Counsel R ufu s C or mier , Sp ecial A ss is ta nt J am es R eu m , Co unsel E. L ee D al e , Couns el H illa ry D. R od ha m , Couns el J oh n B. D avidso n , Couns el Steph en A. S harp , Counsel E van A. D av is , Couns el J ared S ta mel l , Co unsel Con st an tine J. G ek as , Co unsel Roscoe B. S tarek III, Couns el R ich ard H . G il l , Couns el Gary W. S ut to n , Counsel Daomar H am ilto n , Co unsel E dward S. S zu kel ew ic z , Couns el David H anes , Sp ecial A ss is ta nt T heo dor e R. T et zl aff , Couns el J oh n E. K en na ha n , Co unsel Robert J. T rainor , Counsel T erry R. K ir kpa tr ic k , Co unsel J. S te ph en W alk er , Co unsel J oh n R. L abovitz , Co unsel B en A. W allis , Jr. , Co unsel L aw rence L uc ch ino , Counsel W illia m W eld , Co unsel R. L. S m it h M cKe it h en , Co unsel W illiam A. W h it e , Co unsel (ID TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Fore w or d_______________________________________________________________________ v September 15, 1972_______________________________________________________________ 1 February 28, 1973________________________________________________________________ 7 March 13, 1973___________________________________________________________________ 11 March 21, 1973, a.m ______________________________________________________________ 17 March 21, 1973, p.m ______________________________________________________________ 31 March 22, 1973__________________________________________________________________ 39 April 16, 1973, a.m _______________________________________________________________ 51 April 16, 1973, p.m_______________________________________________________________ 55 (in ) FOREWORD B y H on . P ete r W. R od ino, J r., C h a ir m a n , C om mit te e on t ii e J ud iciary On July 9,1974, the Committee on the Judiciary released a volume entitled “Transcripts of Eight Recorded Presidential Conversations.” The conversations among President Nixon, John Dean and others took place on September 15, 1972; February 28, 1973; March 13,1973; March 21,1973 (two conversations); March 22, 1973 and April 16, 1973 (two conversations). Transcripts of seven of these eight conversations (all except the conversa­ tion on the afternoon of April 16, 1973) were initially delivered by President Nixon to the Special Prosecutor between January 1 and 9, 1974, and to the Committee between March 8 and 15, 1974. White House transcripts of these eight conversations appeared in a publication entitled “Submission of Recorded Presidential Conversations” delivered to the Committee and released by Presi­ dent Nixon to the public on April 30,1974. The seven White House transcripts received by the Special Prosecutor in January 1974 and by the Committee in March 1974 are nearly the same (except for minor differences, deletion of expletives, and the differences footnoted in this document in the September 15, 1972 conversation) as the published White House edited transcripts. This document contains comparisons between certain passages in the tran s­ cripts of the eight conversations delivered by the President to the Committee and released to the public in April and the same passages as transcribed by the Committee’s Inquiry staff. It does not reflect all differences between the two sets of transcripts. It does not draw any conclusions as to the reasons for, or the significance of, the differences. It has been prepared solely as an aid to the Committee in its deliberations. Each of the passages compared in this volume should be read in the context of the entire conversation from which it is taken. Page citations are to the volume entitled, “Transcripts of Eigh t Recorded Presidential Conversations” published by the Committee, and to the blue volume released by the White House entitled, “Submission of Recorded Presidential Conversations, April 30,1974.” (V) Conversation in the Oval Office Among the President, H. R. Haldeman, and John Dean SEPTEMBER 15, 1972, FROM 5 :2 4 TO 6 :17 P.M . SEPTE MBER 15, 1972 HOUSE JU DICIAR Y COMMITTEE TRANSCR IPT, p. 2 WHI TE HOU SE TRANSCRIPT, p. 55 President. Well, you had quite P [• • . .] You had quite a day today, didn’t you ? You a day today didn’t you.
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