Copyright © 2012 CelebrityPress™ LLC All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written consent of the authors, except as provided by the United States of America copyright law. Published by CelebrityPress™, Orlando, FL A division of The Celebrity Branding Agency® Celebrity Branding® is a registered trademark Printed in the United States of America. ISBN: 9780985364304 LCCN: 2012935436 This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The opinions expressed by the authors in this book are not endorsed by CelebrityPress™ and are the sole responsibility of the author rendering the opinion. Most CelebrityPress™ titles are available at special quantity discounts for bulk purchases for sales promotions, premiums, fundraising, and educational use. Special versions or book excerpts can also be created to fit specific needs. For more information, please write: CelebrityPress™ 520 N. Orlando Ave, #2 Winter Park, FL 32789 or call 1.877.261.4930 Visit us online at www.CelebrityPressPublishing.com Contents Chapter 1 Position Yourself for suCCess By Brian Tracy ............................................................................15 Chapter 2 the inner Game of suCCess By Eric Amidi ..............................................................................31 Chapter 3 10 stePs to overCominG the inseCurities that hold You BaCk By Genny Williams .....................................................................39 Chapter 4 the BiG fat Zero By Jennifer Hilburn .....................................................................47 Chapter 5 “i’ll take Care of that” are You a ProBlem solver or a Peddler? By Jim Collyer ............................................................................57 Chapter 6 CraCkinG the suCCess Code with Branded filmstm By JW Dicks, Esq., Nick Nanton, Esq. Lindsay Dicks and Greg Rollett ...................................................65 Chapter 7 Your Network is Your Net worth! 7 Keys to Building and leveraging your networK By Ginger Bell .............................................................................77 Chapter 8 afriCa—the next frontier! By Harry ’Tomi Davies ................................................................85 Chapter 9 the sales suCCess Code: three proven strategies for growing sales and profits By Ian Platt .................................................................................93 Chapter 10 the missinG keY to suCCess: mental time travel By Anthony Hamilton ..................................................................103 Chapter 11 how entrePreneurs Can leGallY “Print moneY” By Carol Parks .............................................................................111 Chapter 12 Personal Growth and CraCkinG the suCCess Code By Sahar Aref .............................................................................121 Chapter 13 Perform like a BlaCk Belt ChamPion: develoP the riGht mindset, skill set and take aCtion By Tommy Lee ............................................................................129 Chapter 14 retirement is a state of mind By Rick Parkes ...........................................................................137 Chapter 15 oPeratinG Your Business in turBulent times By Gloria Taylor-Boyce ...............................................................145 Chapter 16 staY Bitter or Get Better By David Montelongo .................................................................153 Chapter 17 suCCessful intelliGenCe for Great leaders: a road maP to CreatinG Your leadershiP aBilities? By Dushan Vaithilingam ..............................................................163 Chapter 18 turn Your Passion into aCtion By Genevieve Kohn ....................................................................173 Chapter 19 ProteCt Your Business seCrets: seven new information seCuritY PrinCiPles for suCCessful entrePreneurs By Paulius Petretis .....................................................................181 Chapter 20 how a 30,000-foot PersPeCtive Can Position Your Business as the Best and onlY ChoiCes By Rik Villegas ............................................................................189 Chapter 21 takinG CharGe of Your attention By Dr. Barbara Walton ........................................................... 199 Chapter 22 livinG a dream, BridGinG two Cultures By Motoko Ishihara Evans .................................................... 207 Chapter 23 standinG uP to make a differenCe By Bruce Langford ......................................................................215 Chapter 24 the suCCess within By Diana DeMar .........................................................................223 Chapter 25 how i turned mY irs niGhtmare into a dream-Come-true for PeoPle who need tax helP By Jack McDonough ..................................................................231 Chapter 26 the seven elements of suCCess By Jennie Brown ........................................................................245 Chapter 27 PartnerinG with God in Business By Brenda Byers-Im ...................................................................255 Chapter 28 understandinG Clients a keY to suCCess By Dr. Jonathan Woodman, D.V.M. ............................................263 Chapter 29 seven thinGs to do for Your Business that don’t require an mBa By Kevin Johnson ................................................................ 271 Chapter 30 fear is a Gift in disGuise By Diana Todd-Banks .................................................................279 Chapter 31 how to aChieve suCCess in retirement By Radon Stancil ........................................................................289 Chapter 32 where’s Your head at? the awakeninG By Elizabeth Potter .....................................................................295 Chapter 33 the faCtors GoverninG suCCess By Siou-Foon Lee .......................................................................303 Chapter 34 aCtion livinG By Ethan Hale .............................................................................311 Chapter 35 suCCess: realitY or delusion? You must Choose By Dr. John Moranville ...............................................................319 Chapter 36 finanCial advisers: oh, what an interestinG GrouP we are! By Philip M. Cioppa ....................................................................323 Chapter 37 vision, Passion, exCellenCe: the three most essential inGredients to the reCiPe of suCCess By Simone Hoa ..........................................................................331 Chapter 38 12 simPle stePs to win the fiGht on Behavioral issues and Be a ChamPion for Your kids By Troy Price ..............................................................................341 Chapter 39 rejuvenation: look Better, feel Better and Build Your Business! By Luba Winter ...........................................................................349 Position Yourself for success Chapter 1 Position Yourself for success By Brian tracy Welcome to the revolution. Throughout most of human history, we have been accustomed to evolution, or the gradual changing and progress- ing, and the moving forward of events in a straight line. Sometimes the process of change was faster, and sometimes it was slower, but it almost always seemed to be progressive, from one step to the other, allowing you opportunities for planning, predicting and changing. Today, however, the rate of change is not only faster than ever before, but it is discontinuous. It is taking place in a variety of unconnected areas and affecting each of us in a variety of unexpected ways. Changes in informa- tion processing technologies are happening separately from changes in medicine that affect our life spans and lifestyles. Changes in transporta- tion are taking place separately from changes in education, while changes in politics are taking place separately from changes in global competition. Changes in family formation and relationships are happening separately from the rise and fall of new businesses and industries in different parts of the country. And if anything, this rate of accelerating, discontinuous change is increasing. As a result, most of us are already suffering from what Alvin Toffler called, “future shock.” You can’t do very much about the enormity of these changes, but you can think seriously about yourself and provide for your basic needs for security and stability. In no area is this action more important than in the 15 cracking the success code areas of job security and financial security. You must give special atten- tion to your ability to make a good living and provide for yourself in the months and years ahead. You must think about your earning ability, how you earn a living today and how you might be earning a living tomorrow. In effect, you must position yourself for tomorrow, even if it is increas- ingly unpredictable. You must think continuously and seriously about your work today, your earning ability, and the work that you will be do- ing one, three and five years from now. You must set goals and plan to achieve your own financial security, no matter what happens. Lord Maynard Keynes once said that
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