TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, m i Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather Forseast et U. S. Weather Banea PAGE TWELVE For the Wosk Haded iltEnrtrffitfr gpgtttwg it^rato Dee. SL 19d9 Fair, seasonshly odd loelglL^ ers. Dsn* r m t e r , Pat lYAgartiiio 13,314 Low generally srmiad 15. ’"■iir” liy A surprise deesert and mUltaiy Jert-tynna Fraadr, Donna Oul- y tM W m CU kSSISJJO W FOUMIN© sunny, modetaM tempemtans. whist will be held tomorrow trort Totrii Entries Mnas and Robert Oaraon, an 9tb Member of the AnSUt High S5 to 40. ' A b o u t T o w i 1 to 3 p.m. in Fellowihlp Hall of gradara at Manoheatnr High Bonaa « t OIreiUsttoB MancheHer-^A City of Village Charm Second Congregational Church. You Should K now . * I chool; Sophomores, Juniors and C!te(nnan Joy Clrclo orlU Proceeds from the card parto wUl Garner 109 ■enhMra adw plaood from Manohae- ynaet tomorrow at 1 p.m. North tor High Senool Include Patricia help send members of Mu Sigma Thomas Francis Conran 3r. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1961 (ClsasUled Advertising sn Pngs 14) PRICE FIVE d i m Mothodlat Church. Mta. Nathan Chi and Pilgrlitn FellowsWp to Bedorls, Bonnie Bowman, Joan J U d u i h fL VOULSO,.NOv 109 (SIXTEEN PAGES) BortOB wUl he the ap®i*«r. H w siunmer Christian youth con­ Art Prizes Bnsltls, John Bi^owskl, Janet tM *s wlU be U n . Griswold Chain ferences. Tits nswast dirsetor of ths Christenaen, Judith-Anne Cook, M n. Annie VcLaglan, and Eighth District la probably bsttsr ManehaMa^. Junior __ senior w D e l i ^ Fred OcQteland, Lucy d a n c e ST U D IO __ Stos Mae Hanna. ioorod 109 sUec. Dr. Leon Wind of Temple Beth known In Manchester for his aetlvl- high sdMOl studnts ,-------- —. H E. CENTO »T. HANOTOTO Sholom will speak and show slides winning aatilas among a total e t -Akm, Richard Fyler, Margaret State News Teihpla fhaptnr Onlfr r* o f his vUit to the Holy Land at a Ues in sports and frstaraal organi­ 717 wfimera ia tho I8th annual Origalla, Barbara Groff, Francia •ni wlU'meet tomorrow at sations than for politics. Bcholaatlo Art Award competition. Grenuno, Lanoe Ctoutier, Ann Rsgitler N w fir N a m s Ik Senators Back meeting of Emanuel Churchwomcn 8 pjn. at the Maaonlc Temple tonight at 7:45 at Emanuel Lu Thomsa Frands Conran Jr., of 4 This la the highest number o f win- Raesler, Steven Roberta, Maraha ■ A' ’ _ a lto entrtes ftom Manchester to SmHh, John Juroa, Peter JaMo^ Roundup s He’s Unsure After the business session, re­ theran .Church. Green Rd., was elected to bis di­ TAP • BAUIT •TOE •AORMATIOS freshments will be served by Mrs. rector's post on July 27, I960, to da^ according to Mra. Geo Janet Swanson, Baiba anidra, Virginia Keeney and committee. fill the vacancy created when Ar­ Budd, head oTtho arts sad on Cheryl McCann,, George Thuroer. MODERN JAZZ • BATON TWIRLING • BALMOOM Unne Lodge No. 72, Knighte of ~ partment at Maiwhestar High Pythias, will meet tomorrow at 8 thur Warrington teeigned to take Dawn Walr, Anne Leaaner, Mar­ (LMeons for AO Age Oroupe Ften 8 Tesrti Up) Weaver, llto4 P^ce Expect lene Forde, Susan Weir, Marcia Bonfstars of the SalvaUon A n p.m. In Orange Hall, Carl Gustaf­ over duties of district tax collector. n y wiU rehearse tonight at 7 at son and committee will report plans But while Conran has bssn ae- Seven Msnohester students won Werner. Uva in roUUci for only about six blue ribbons. They are Alex Vr- Alao, Donald Werner, Arlene t e e n s — p b e -t e ENs • New "Arrests the church. for celebration of the lodge’a 54th McGann, Wendy Laurrence, James Washington, Feb. 8 </P)— atmlversary on March 8. Refreah- months, he traces bis d^orta ac- banettl, Barnard junior High **LEABN TO DANCE BEFORE THE PBOTIl P* tiviUea back to hU youth. Baskst- School; Robert Grlfnfi, Jonathan Sommere, Susanna Mamet, Roee The Senate Banking Comimti U T V T raud The Rockville Emblem Club will ments will he served after the Ballroom Olaases Beto Fpnag? ^ . Now If Rocket ball. baaobaU and softball have Hewey, David Hastlnga,. 'George Somero, Tho«uu/Ja«fi)een, Pa­ tee on an 11-4 vote today ap­ a S-8 Oradera e Junior High Sdiool a Hl|d> Sehoel a A observe past presWenf's night at meeting. been ths sports ha has parUdpstsd Ordway, Paula Wuppirfeld. and tricia M cC uthy/Betto Haberem, proved Robert C. Weaver, a meetiri tomorrow at 8 pjn. at moat in. iJUiough bo did play aoms Mary Zoil^r of Man&estor Hl|^ Kathryn Platt, Janice Mclttnney, DeportoMOt Included In A ll BaUteem Osmea Hartford, Feb. 6 tbs Elks* Homo in Rockville. A The first of eight classes offered New York Negro, to be the State Police reported they will football and aoccor In ysaxa paaL School. Evelyn Richmond, Kathleen Mc- government’s housing admin­ ■ v*‘^7 poUuck at 6:30 will precede the by the Manchester YWCA for be­ He waa on the soccer team while ThoM in the 7th 8th and* 9th BQUen, Betty Foster, Ahce Het­ REGISTER NOW • CALL PI 2-6886 ANYTIBIB make additional arrests today meetii^. ginners in cake decorating will be at Manchester High and played grade category who woo gold hoys tinger, Toni Rueeell, Richard istrator. held tomorrow at the “ Y" from The committee acted within of television repairmen who freshman football in college and wera Dennis Kusmlchae. Barnard JubinviUe, Jean Tierney, Richard Mr. Bliley Is a — nber of the Natloiial A H e d stto eC Dnaee have been bilking customers. Hopes U.S. Defense The British Amwicsn d u b will 7;% to 9:30. The first of eight later on a semi-pro team in North Jimlor High; Catherine Miner, III- Pedemontt, Irene LIsk, Charles and Affiliated Artist , Inc. minutee after cloitng public hear­ meet tonight at 8 at the clubhouse classes in advanced cake decorat­ Carolina. t o Jjiniur High, and Nancy Ssa- Rubacha, Karen Niles, ''N onna ings on IPreaident Kennedy’s choice The disclosure came after the arraignment in circuit court yes­ on Maple S t ing will be held at the same time sun an acUve haaketball play­ ruc, Donna MondoU and Roger Lawton, Zenta Oeola, Philip Mor- of tho 53-year-old Weaver for the and placa-Friday.' The "Y " can be er, Conran has played with various Schuetx, Manchester High School. highest job a Negro has-ever held terday of five television store own­ wort on to Weetem State Univer­ riasette, and Thomas McVeigh... called for further information. teams for tho paat dosen years. In In the competition for 10th. 11th Arts and crafts entries wlU be in the government. ers in the Hartford area on chargee ‘Completely Secure’ 1949 he waa a member of the Lau­ sity of Colorado. 'The committee action sends the of obtaining money under false pre­ Hole ia Oamom and 12th g n ^ s , gold keys were pieced on public exhibition Satur­ ManchMter Lmagua- of Women rels which captured the Town won by Jonathan Hewey, Patricia day at the Avery Court of the nomination on to the Seriate where tenses. champicmshlp. This quintet, made Ho recalla that he made the trip It could encounter some debate All .five were arrested at police Voters will meet Thursday at 9:3U to Colorado with T. J. Crockett in McCarthy, Kathlsan McMuUen, Wadsworth Atheneum in Hart­ '^ R N L * up entirely o f North Binders, heat Philip Morrlsette, Kasen Niles and and opposition. But eventual Climaxed a 2-month investigation Washington, Feb. 8 (/P)— President Kennedy said today he ajn. at the home of Mrs. Howard the letter’s 1933 Ford roadster. He ford. Of the 717 regional winners. Both Required 'into complaints of criminal prac­ Angell, 159 Henry St. Mrs. Rose every team it encountered. James Sommers. 108 vrill be sent to New York to Senate approval seems certain. hopes the United States is “ completely secure” in its Spa(ie WhUe In the service he played took picturee from Manchester to Voting for conflrinatlon in the tices among TV repairmen. Lubchanskl, state LWV resource Gunnison, Colo., only to find when Place winners from Manchester compete. In the National Scholaa- As you know, background Age defenses against Communist power—^but at the tnoment cbairman on courts, will discuss with Salem Air SUUon in Maaaa- Include Alex Urbanettl, Susan tle Art Awards exhibit. committee were seven Democrats Meanwhile, State Sen. Arthur UTEWTUIE.Tr chuaetts which won the New Eng­ he got there that there had been Trotter, both o f Jamard; Ruth and knowledge ara needed be« and four Republicans. Opposed Lucas, D-NorUi Windham, said he he lacks a “ clear answer” to whether there is a missile gap'. family coxirU and will answer a hole in his camera, exposing the were the three southern Demo­ At a news conference the President backed away from the (PROSPECTUS) questions. land Service title. Strickland, Janice McMiUen, Bar- intends' to press for legislation at Conran has alio coached baaket- film. b a n Hi|;bie, Deborah Pond, Rich­ fora you can do anything truly crats on the group—Chairman A. the. Current General Assenibly to During World War H he served strongly critical position he had taken during the political, ball teams in the Rec League and ard Carlson, Richard N i e s a, well. W e consider our' knowl­ Willis Robertson.
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