John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 11-25-1936 The aC rroll News- Vol. 17, No. 4 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 17, No. 4" (1936). The Carroll News. 54. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/54 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE CARROLL N E s Edited For and By the Students of John Carroll l)niversity Vol. XVII CLEVELAND, OHIO, TOVE11BER 25, 1936 No.4 AN OPEN LETTER TO STUART BELL, SPORTS EDITOR OF THE CLEVELAND PRESS Hollenden Hotel the Place, Hor LCe Sambrook Dear Mr. Bell: The Orchestra, for Annual Thanl<sgiving Dance In an article in the Cleveland Press on Kov. 14 you bemoaned Chairmen and Hostesses the "precarious condition'' of Cleveland's Big Four. Becau e the rfom Heffernan Carroll student body dL played little interest in their team's con­ For F oothall Dance ... te t with the recently rejuvenated Red Cats of \Vestern Reserve you '--------------------------------' Jtleads Student rather mournfully predicted "that no league can continue where a school ha n't a following uiiiciently interested in its team's foot­ ball succe s to support it more loyally." To express our di li ke of this article with a phrase with which you are well acquainted, we o Present Golcl Footballs to think you were "hitting below the belt." E:leven Graduating Members o£ Football Team Doubly Surprised By Richard L. Leusch '37 Knowing you, as we at Carroll do, we were doubly surprised at When Horace Sambrook, well­ your article. \Ve are cognizant that you look rather cynically upon k 1own NBC orchestra leader, raises those groups, particularly alumni and sports writers, which devour hi baton to open the traditional the the aurus in search of uperlatives to describe a winning football Thanksgiving Dance at the Hotel follenden tomorrow evening, mem­ team and then are equafly a enthusiastic in their denunciation of that ers of the committee expect to same team when it suffers a few bad seasons. Only a few years ago have more than three hundred you were deriding the athletic authorities of local colleges for their couples dancing in honor of the refusal to schedule games with Cleveland's strongest and most color­ graduating members of the football ful football squad, "the fighting Blue Streaks of John Carroll." To­ team. day you sugge t that it might be profitable to all schools in the Big l.thletes to Be Four if Akron or some other team near Cleveland were admitted to ewarded take John Carroll's place. In keeping with a precedent established a decade ago, the senior class will pre­ Miss Betty Brennan Thomas E. Heffernan SI.nt gold footballs to Carroll's departing Peculiar Attraction aridircn warriors. The list of the ath- Furthermore, 1\Ir. Bell, we believe that in writing the article 1etes to be rewarded during the cert:­ under question, you ignored a few facts with which you are well ac­ ony includes the names of Henry Er­ rdt, captain of the Blue and Gold quainted. uad thi. year; Leo Arbeznik, Edward loga, John Hanley, William .M.~.IIIM~<#'..,.~I': The first of the- facts is that Carroll, when it i · playing eve11 n Pukomy, Sam , fair fuotha\l (ye -that 1eaves the last two seasons out of the discus­ homp on and Gene Wolanski. John sion) is the he. t drawing card in the immediate locality. All Carroll )rain and Ralph Pelegrin, managers of ha · to do i to win one or two games from its neighborhood rivals and t nc team for the pa t four years, will also it will again ha\'e more rabid upporter than any other team in r ceive footballs. northea tern hio. There is a peculiar metaphysical attraction that Invitation Sent i · associated with a purely ma culine college with an Irish back­ To Alumni That a capacity crowd is assured for g-round, which causes sport fans to flock to its stands. Hence it be­ tl1is gala affair, sponsored by the Senior hoO\·es all of u to be patient for another year or two until Carroll d'lass in conjunction with the Athletic develop a team which i able to win at least half of it g-ames. At ~\.sscciation, may be gathered from the that time it will be a definite asset to the Big Four. f• ~ct that the committee has issued in­ vidual invitations to every member of tlhe Alumni Association. According to Indicative of Nothing Thomas Heffernan, chairman of the The second of the e facts i that the football season just com- ommittee, the combination of superb 1 d C 11 · · 1usic, the most unique programs of the p cte at arro IS mdicati,·e of nothing. Recognizing the fact that ear and the usual atmosphere of con- a complete change was nece sary here at Carroll our administrators geniality which pervades Carroll dances changed the per-onnel of our athletic department. This new depart- hould be hard to resist by both student men t, headed by the Yer)' i)Opular Tom Conley, has all the prerequis- and alumni alike. · Miss Jane McNamara William L. Peoples · 1 · ite of a successful regime,-youth, experience and spirit. But on ac- Members of the semor c ass m charge count o f t 1>e ces >man '" e thm hands wccc tied this yeac. II In your po"f ition,1 l\Ir. IBell, .. you. are probably aware that one of l,.:.....- ------======--===--==----=-'11The President and His Message ] lec<ctoutilylll~d Ocm UPangga 4) the most critical groups in the country is college journalists. Per- hap this i the ba ic cau e of your being "on the pan" now. Yet Three hundred and fifteen it has been the custom of JF h Cl the Carrol! J\'cr.vs ha not raised a finger again t the football team this years ago the Pilgrims, im- the citizens of the United ros ass year. \Ve ha\'e seen that Gold and Blue kicked in the dirt and then mediately after they had States to acknowledge grate- JP •d trampled upon by se,"en opponents, fiye of whom would not have reSI ent b een a)I I e to gl\·e· C arroll a good scrimmage six years ago. \Ve are reaped their first harvest, set fully the numerous bless1'ngs aware that there wa, little tudent support in evidence at the Re- aside a day of thanksgiving. which Almighty God con- l8ighty-eight First Year Meu crYe game. Ever since that day in 1621, tinually showers · on man- 1\iake Meilinger Vice President, Maloney Secretary, and kind. !Duffin Treasurer On the Upgrade Tomorrow is Thanksgiv­ In the Fre-hman Class elections • 'everthelc we haYe every reason to believe that Carroll's ath­ ing Day. Tomorrow, it is the held yesterday in Room 111, \Vil­ letics are definitely on the upgrade. Over half the tudent body stood duty of every Carroll man to out un our muddy practice field on a cold. rainy eYening last week to 'liam Young- led a clean sweep of help perpetuate this fre­ watch our freshman team scrimmage Reserve's frosh. Ask the Re- ernet Hall residents into office. erve frosh and they will tell you that our first year team is studded quently forgotten virtue of · oung was elected president of ·he first year men by a large wit~1 brilliant player of whom we belie,·e you "·ill be singing the gratitude. Tomorrow, it is pra1 ·e · next fall. fitting that every Carroll · lurality OYer his close t compe­ titor. o we ask you, l\Ir. ' tuart Bell, to tick with the hip a little man join his fellow citizens The office of vice-pre ident went to longer. \\'e firmly believe that next ear Carroll will be a much in stepping out of his daily ohn Meilinger of lfassilon after a close lllore actiYe member of CJe,·eland's Big Four and that the following role of self-seeking and be­ ace with Nick Ronan. Young and come for a day a grateful Ieilinger are both star backfield men year Tom Conley will guide the Blue treaks to a Big Four cham­ n the freshman football squad. pion, hip. Perhaps we are dreamer -perhaps it is mere youthful beneficiary. 0 u r Blessed In the contests for the other offices, exuberance-but we firmly belieYe that the day i not o far off when Lord has smiled with great homas ).faloncy was elected secretary Carroll will be so superior to teams of local caliber that civic pride favor on John Carroll Uni­ and \Villiam Duffin topped a large field will be our only reason for retaining membership in the Big Four. versity and Carroll men dur­ o become trea urer. ing the past year. Let us ac­ The election was held under the aus­ pice of the Carroll Union. \Villiam knowledge our debt with a igned, Peoples, 1..' nion head, presided at the humble prayer of thanksgiv­ 1~1eeting and explained the duties of the Joseph P. ullivan, Editor-in-Chief. Very Rev. Benedict J Rodman, S.J. ing tomorrow. :lass officers. 2 THE CARROLL NEWS W ednesday, November 25,.1936 Change Meeting Who's Who j Postpone One­ 1 End Debate Time of ~T-r-a -di-tio_n__ d_ e_m_an_d_s __tl-1a _t __cl1- e--~-rt-1o-'s~----------------------~ ~()\lrll~J' ~()()Jl Science Academy Act Plays Who in the Thanksgiving issue of the Plan Schedule for Intercollegiate Set Friday, December 4 as Carroll Nt'ws be de\·uted to the captain At a meeting of the ] ohn Carroll of the ,·arsity fcx.tball team.
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