• • . TH.E· ALPINE CLUB ~IBRARY I • 229 publishers. While the correct identification of those of the pictures· which were taken on this Febn.;tary journey is possible even ·without having exact knowledge of the locality, in other cases reference to Mr. Poucher's earlier works or a very recent visit·to the actual spot are -essential, if the puzzler is to have any chance of success. In the popular press the solution of puzzles is usually given ·in the same issue on an adjacent page, and . the mountaineer who looks at books of mountain: photographs for pleasure ought to be treated in the same way. This book is in other respects as good as or better than any of Mr. Poucher's previous works, and it is one which anyone lucky enough to find a copy shoul<J not hesitate to buy. • H. BooTH . • • THE ALPINE · CLUB IJIBRARY By F. OuGHTON, Assistant 'Librarian The following have been added to the Library :­ Publications of Clubs and Societies Alpine Club of Canada, Banff, Alberta. The Canadian Alpine Journal. Vol. xxix, .No. I, I944-I945· 9 X 6. Pp. viii, IJ6. Illustrations, por­ traits, sketch maps. I945 American Alpine Club, New York. The American Alpine Journal. · Vol. iv, No. 2 (Issue I3)· 9 X 5!· Pp. I49-321. C9l. plate, illustrations, portraits, sketch map, diagrams. I94I -- Vol. v, No. I. 9 X 5!· Pp. I62. Illustrations, portraits. I943 Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston, U.S.A. Appalachia. N.S., Vol. x, No. 7· 9! X 5f· Pp. 27I-4I2. Illustrations, diagrams. June I945 - -- Register for I945· Part 2. 7! X 5· . Pp. I50. Cairngorm Club, Aberdeen. J ournal. Vol. xv, No .. 84. 8! X 5t· Pp. 251- 310. Illustrations, sketch map of the High Tatra. I 944-45 Fell & Rock Climbing Club Qf the English Lake District. Journal.. Vol. xiv (No. ii), No. 39· 8! X 5t · Pp. 79-173. Col. plate, illustrations, group portrait, sketch map. · · !945 Groupe de Haute Montagne, Paris. Alpinisme: Revue trimestrielle. Nos. 53- 61. Pp. 262. Mars I939-Decembre I941 Nos. 62- 68. Pp. I36. Mars I942...:.Septembre I943 Nos.- 70- 7I. Pp. I57-I96. Mars-Juin, I944 10! X 7t· Illustrations, panoramas, sketch maps. Nos. 57- 68 and 70-7I presc:::nted by Lieut.-Colonel Jean Escarra and · · M. Lucien Devies. ' Harvard Mountaineering Club, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Harvard Mountaineering. No. 7· A Wartime Journal. 9! X 6. Pp. 36. Illus­ trations. ~ June 1945 Ladies' Alpine Club, London. Year Book. 8! X 5!· Pp. 56. Illus- trations, group portraits. 1945 Mountain Club of South Africa, Cape Town. Journal. No. 47· For 1944· 8! X 5-l· Pp. 57. Illustrations, diagrams. January 1945 • • THE. AL.PlNE CLUB' LIB.RARV • New Zealand Alpine Club, Dunedin. The New Zealand Alpine Jouinal. Vol. xi, No. 32. 8 ~ X 5!· Pp. I ro. Illustrations, portraits, diagrams. · June 1945 Royal Ge·ographical S.ociety, London~ The Geographical Jeurna1. Vol.. civ" Nos. r-6. 9§- x 6-§. Pp. ii,. 223. Illustration~. portrai~.s,, dia:g; ams, maps. July- December r 944... Rucksack Club, Manchester.. Journal. Vol. x, No. 2. Issue 38. 8! X sf. Pp. 55-I28.' Illustrations, diagrams. 194.5 .Scottish Mountaineering Olub,, Edinburgh. Journltl. Vol. ~3, No,. 136. 8! X 5!· Pp. I97-28.o. Portraits, panorama, illustrations. Apn~ 1945. ;Societe de Geographi.e 1 Paris. Annales de Geographie. Bulletin.. Tome 1. ro x 6!. Pp. 320. Illu ~trations, panoramas, diagrams, sketch maps. 1941 Tome li. ro X 6!. Pp. 320. Illustrations,, maps. 1942 To.me, lii. lO X 6!. Pp. 320. Illustrations, charts, sketch maps. 1943 University of Upsala, Sweden. Geological ' nstitution. Bulletin. Vol. xxviii. .Io X 6f. Pp. 434· Illustrations, panorama, sketch maps, diagrams. 1941 Vol. xxix. ro X 6!. Pp. 391. Illustrations, diagrams, map, sketch maps. 1943 ·vol. xxx. ro X 6f. Pp. 320. Illustrations, diagrams, n1aps. 1939-1943 Book.s and Articles ' Abraham, George D. Modern Mountaineering. 2nd edition. 7! X 4t· Pp. ix, 198. Illustrations. lVIethuen & Co. Ltd., London, 1945· 8s. 6d. Baughan, B. E. Glimpses of New Zealand Scenery. 7t X 4!· Pp. 323. Illustrations, sketch map. From the Arthur Hackett Bequest. • Whitcomb & Tombs Ltd., Auckland, N.Z. n.d . .de Beer, G. R. Escape to Switzerland. 7-l X 4-l· Pp. I 59· Penguin Books, No. 490. London, 1945 \Cbabot. G. La. Laponie de Jukkasjarvi e.t Kiruna, GO~<:>nie suedoise. In the Bulletin of the· Societe de Geo.graphie, Paris. Tome 1. ro x 6!. Pp. 266- 291. Illustrations, sketch maps. 1941 Chardonnet,. J. Types de bordure des massifs centraux dans les Alpes occidentales. In the Bulletin of the Societe de Geographie, Paris. Tome li. ro X 6 ~. Pp. 264-283. Illustrations, panoramas, diagrams. " 1942 ·Collins, Henry B., Jr", Austin H. Clark and Egbert H. Walker. The Aleutian Islands: their People and Natural History. Smithsonian Insti­ tution War Background Studi~s, No. 21. Publication 37'15· 9! X 6. Pp. iv., r'31. Illustrations, map, and keys for the identification of birds and p:lal'lts ~ · Washington, February .si; 1945 The Aleutian Islands are mainly of volcanic origin and contain n-u~erous active volcanoes. Dybren:furth, G •. 0. Die. Achttausender. · Sonderabdruck aus 'Die Alpen,' 1945, Hefte 1-7. rot X 7-l· Pp. 54· Illustrations. -- Schweizer Bergsteiger und Forscher im Himalaya. Sonderabdruck aus 'Die S ~.hweiz und die Forschung,' Band I, 1942, Heft 415· 9 X 6!. Pp. 313-333.. Illustrations_. ~ Enge1, ·Claire--Eliane. Des Archives' alpines dans le Lotschental. In the ' Journal de Geneve.' ro juillet, 1945 Eve, Prof. A. S., and C .. H. Creas.ey. Life and Work of John Tyndall, with a chapter on Tyndall as a mountaineer, by Lord Schus.ter, and Preface by Granville Proby. 8! X ,5.-§:. Pp .. xxxii, 404. Portraits, illustrations. Ma.cmillan & Co. Ltd., London, 1945· 21s. net. F'isher, J oel E. Problems in the Geology of Mountains : five th-eses. 9 X 5t· . Pp. 8o. Illustrations, diagrams. Collected, re.-edited and privately published. May 1944 -- Bibliographies: Al~skan and Pacific Coast States Mountain Ascents. 8! X 5-k· Pp. 85. 1945 THE ALPINE CLUB LIBRARY 231 )?isber, Joel E .. Canadian Mou.nt~in Ascents. 8-! x 5!· Pp. ro3. 1945 ---Eastern Seab~ard Mountain Ascents. 8-! x 5-!· Pp. r6 1945 .- Mexican, Central and South American Mountain Ascents. Bi x st. Pp. 25 . 1945 ...,....--.- United Sta tes Mountain Ascents (except Pacific Coast States and the Eastern Seaboard). St X 5-k· Pp. 6o. I 945 These Bibliographies of mountain ascents in North, Central and South America, as reported in the several Mountaineering Journals, were prepared as a Subject Index to American Mountain Ascents for the Library of the • A.A.C. Errors will no doubt be found in them, and corrections from anyone will be welcomed by the author, as the type is being held for a further: printing in the near future. ) ·Guibaut, A., et L. Liotard. Les gorges de la Salouen moyenne et les montagnes entre Salouen et Mekong. In the Bulletin of the Societe de Geographie, Paris. Tome 1. ro x 6!. Pp. r 8o-I95· Illustrations, panoramas, map. 1941 .Hanbury-Tracy, J. J ourneys in the N ortliern Andes. In the Geographical Journal. Vol. civ. 9-§- X 6!. Pp. 145-165. Illustrations, portraits, sketch maps. Royal Geographical Society, London, 1944 .Harrison, J. V. Review of El Volcan de Paricutin by E. Ordonez, Mexico,. D.F. 1943· In the Geographical Journal, Vol. civ. 9~- X 6t. Pp. 48-52. Diagram of lava flow. Royal Geographical Society, London, 1944 Rills, L. D. Miniature Alpine Gardening. 7t X 4-§-. Pp. 192. Coloured plates, illustrations, diagrams. Faber & Faber Ltd., London, I945· 8s. 6d . .Larsson, Waiter. Petrology of Interglacial Volcanics from t:Q.e Andes of Northern Patagonia. In the Bulletin of the Geological Institution, Univer­ sity of Upsala. Vol. xxviii. ro X 6£. Pp. 191-405. :Illustrations, panorama, d1agrams,• map. • 1941 Lehmann, John. Wordsworth's Journey through France. In the Geo­ graphical Magazine, August, I9.44· 9! X 7· :Pp. 17o-r8I. ·Illustrations and portraits. Chatto & Windus, London, 1944 Lorimer, E. 0. Language Hunting in the Karakoram . 8t x 5-l-· Pp. 310. Illustrations, map. George Alien & Unwin Ltd., London, 1939. rzs. 6d. net. Lunn, Arnold. Tvvo Men and a Mountain. In the New English Review. • Vol. xi, No. 6. 9! X 6}. Pp. 514-519. · October 1945 National Parks in England and Wales. Report by John Dower. 9~ X 6. Pp. 57. Ministry of Town and Country Planning, London, 1945 National Parks. A Scottish Survey. Report by the Scottish National • Parks Survey Committee. 9t X 5t· Pp. 27. Department of Health for Scotland. Edinburgh, 1945 .. .National Parks. Their Creation and Administration. Foreword by Sir Norman Birkett. gf: X 7!· Pp. 8. The Standing Committee on National Parks, London. March 1945 Pouch er, W. A. Highland H oliday : Arran to Ben Cruachan. 9! X 7!· Pp. ro4. 76 photographs by the author, maps. Chapman & Hall Ltd., London, 1945· 18s. Lakeland Journey. I I X 7!· Pp. 128. go photographs by the author. Chapman & Hall Ltd., London, I945· zrs. net. Thorington, J. Monroe. The Strange Death of Dr. Bean. In the Bulletin of the History of Medicine. Vol. xvii, No. I. J anuary 1945. (Reprint.) 10 X 6f. Pp. ror-ro5. Portrait, sketch map. 1945 - -- The High Adventure of Mr. Randall. rn the American Alpine Journal, · Vol. v, No. 3· (Reprint.) 9 X 6. Pp. 333-348. Portraits, sketch map. 1945 ·Tryggvason, Tomas. Das Skjaldbreio-Gebiet auf· Island. Eine petro- graphische Studie. In the Bulletin of the Geological Institution, Univer­ sity of Upsala. Vol. xxx. ro X 6!. Pp. 273-320. Illustrations, dia­ grams, map.
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