know we’ll have Just as much fun ting the stuff in a neat pile so that a Beckon Film Set as though we’d gone to Maine— nesting dove outside the stage where Vacations which we would if times were nor- “The Time, Place and Girl’’ is being fridASTAIREirenf/U mal.” By HAROLD HEFFERNAN. tion will be very much as elsewhere. filmed would be well supplied with of stars will to material. HOLLYWOOD. It will be handled on a stay-at- Plenty continue home-building Stover Almost Missed home basis for the most part. A make camp-show and hospital ap- (Released by the North American -"/MetU’Z LOANS | Smokey Personal but not private: Now VC or JEROME KKRN m pearances the summer. As Oh Diamonds, few stars are planning Eastern trips during Newspaper Alliance, Inc.) Ml Watches, Jewelry, comes and most folks are be- May and have made their train reserva- for Alice Faye, after a year of o 'SMote eerr/# nw* Cameras, Guns, Etc. to that winter * ins'\ Into Air Film ginning forget tough tions far in advance, but for the rocking the cradle, she’ll spend the uornr moo* at Over 50 years of Public and turn their to Service Getting Navy thoughts babbling there won’t be entire summer at work in “Fallen AMUSEMENTS. I_3 — / MAfrOAMU any By JAY CARMODY. brooks and lakes—in large majority 1—_ sandy-shored more travel than an “A” card can Angel.” Remember Smokey Stover, the kid from Arkansas, in “The Fighting other words, vacation time. Not too • BEG. TOMORROW The handle. * * * * HORNING'S Lady’’? one who personalized that picture more so than any other seriously, of course, for there’s a Ere*. 8:30 Mats. 2:30 Movie with children is a 18th and No. 1 documentary of the war? Sure you remember him. war to be won and the railroads and parents old; Shirley Temple something of INCLUDING Next Sunday Ere., May 6 Highway Well, at this late date we have with enough to make nuisances of them- wit, as all her friends can attest: Matinees: Srt. & Thurs., May 2 1 Mile South or caught up the story of how the gasoline deal won't get a fellow Highway Bridge selves the school 4 Ntw Musical HII Smokey almost did not get into “The Fighting Lady.” very far from Main street. during vacation; in fact, they say there’s no girl in Arlington, Va. will bundle them off to •r lh» Product's of "OKIAWOMAP* In the words of Louis de Rochemont, who produced (he picture, and In Hollywood the vacation situa-i period camps Westlake School so quick on the -—-- i Take Bus from 12th & Pa. Ave. told us the tale himself: ? i in the nearby Los Angeles area, verbal draw. The Crosbys, Dana SING NAZI I There was a lot of film to look Bing Andrewsesj Shirley wanted to get married on OUT, HORRORS 1 Burns and Allen and the Fred 17th a few over in putting the picture to- j her birthday days ago, SHOCK WORLD Astaires are among the SWEET LAND! I don’t know exactly how camp-1 but her mother kept insisting, with gether. minded BURL IVES PEACE CONFERENCE I looked parents. a that she much of the footage at, many powerful argument, Alma Kayo, Ray Jocquamot, Bibi OiltrwaM UNDER WAY Walter vacation wait 21. _GETS but it was huge. There were lots Pidgeon’s plans should until “I like to fol- Mils. M._o, bl.SO, 0-1.40, SJ.00 lbs incl.) of faces to see, of course, but I run true to form with those of low good examples,” said Shirley. SUBSCRIBERS: NOTE CHANGESl WMAL—Hourly Newacaat FOR A NEW noticed that this one fresh-faced many other male stars. "I haven’t ‘You didn’t do so badly yourself.” kid kept popping into sequence after been able to get a gardener or any Mrs. Temple was married at 17. other kind of around sequence. I asked about it and was help my place The night her engagement was “I’m told that Smokey just was around for two years,” said Pidgeon. announced to Sergt. Jack Agar, the to most of the sum- when the pictures were being shot going spend two stayed up until after 2 a.m. mer and THURSDAY and he was very interested in them. painting, Victory gardening Asked by her mother what they ULJ^LUlijlLy ^\l LEASE Last 3 Days Doori *pin 10:45 X Because he was always handy, cam- repairing.” I were doing all that time, Shiriey ex- UlAvry DA All TV 1 Joan who has two chil- era crews used him for test pur- Blondell, planied succinctly, “reading the Na- a 9 and a poses. He was a kind of stand-in dren, boy girl 6, says tional Geographic.” a NA TIONAL for the whole air branch. The she has arranged to rent trailer velVET I Navy * * * * “THF"ii"M‘«rLN..( for a vacation. “We’ll I IN TECHNICOLOR ON crews liked him a lot, but they had gypsy-type find some 50 miles or so from Silliest of last week: Dennis J i no notion of him being in the pic- place sight home the and a ture. I asked what had happened along ocean, camp Morgan and Jack Carson—each SPIKE JONES and cook our meals,” she said. >‘I down on their pAMLHARUftH I to him and gradually got the whole; 200-pound 6-footer, and fcii CITY SLICKERS 1XI knees bits of string, 11 HAA*ON^X« SIGHT ; story, which was one of the most collecting 1 AMUSEMENTS. ‘matches, cloth, hair, etc., and put- dramatic I ever heard. I was pretty i 1“ excited about it, as you noticed when! See—The iyou saw the picture. I called for! ^ every foot of Stover film the crews; ACADEMY AWARD 1944 |J:)0 It ; could lay their hands on. We WINNER, | M. A. LEESE |couldn't use much of it, of course,! ± 1 BING CROSBY • BETTY HUTTON 9 but what we did use enabled us to; get a very special quality into the * * Optical * SONNY TORS & I j Company film that it could not have had j 5| otherwise.” m 614 9th ST. N.W. ; I “HERE COME | It. certainly did. It is the sort of THE WAVES” I r. J A Paramount Picture jjj Established over 5 0 Years. thing that makes Mr. De Roche- mont an outstanding film maker Leal OF in our mind. Comint^THEPICTURE * * * * Door* op«R 10:45 It The Marx brothers, who stopped working together back in 1941, after “FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS" INGRID BERGMAN I having dwindled to three in their; A f,,amaunt piehl>> ftchnicolor last few are /f r.iIN THE ROOM films, thinking of as- ("JI j EMBASSY sembling again and going back into the movies. It is a of news I 4 piece which should make a lot of people TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES I happy, us among them. Buy War Bonds and Stamps at Any Local Theater. I After "Room Service,” which I RKO| bought for some $250,000, the broth-1 llth 4 N c Av® s.e. All Time Schedule* Given In Warner unnuLinarARflf TNA I ! ers decided that things were not ANGELA GROWS APACE—Miss whom you rvill be cont from 5;45 P M Bros.’ Ads Indicate Time Featsre Is | Lansbury, of Presented. I so well for them. After “The "THREE IS A FAMILY.” MARJORIE j going seeing much more in the future, plays one of her largest roles REYNOLDS, CHARLIE RUGGLES. Also i which Having Matinees Big Store,” followed that mis-! to date in "Dorian which ivill be screened critics BOWERY TO BROADWAY.” JACK _Theaters I Gray” for today. OAKIE. MARLE ;hap, they became so positive of it! MONTEZ._ BEVERLY ithat they gave up on Hollywood, to shoot 2105 Pa‘ Ave' N W' RE 0184 u. 33oc* Vo,n,\m. THE ; picture comedy ought up CIRCLE Today and Tomorrow — GINGER WIZARD which was very bad for both. | j a number of points. Todav and Tomorrow — MARGARET ROGERS. JOSEPH COTTEN in "I LL Now they are coming back and1 OBRIEN. JOSE ITURBI JIMMY DU- BE SEEING YOU." At 1:10, 3:15. * * * * Where and When 5:15, OF MfNTAl TELEPATHY if studios allow them to create their RANTE in MUSIC FOR MILLIONS." 7:25, 9:30._ | j “Lute the late Open at 4 45. Feature at. 5. 7:20. IL4P. iown material, as they did in the Song,” Sidney Current Theater Attractions Til VFRT 2324 Wi‘- A»«. N.W. I Howard's of the Chinese bfiiivc.ni earlier days, the standard of motion adaptation 2931 S E' wo 234J Ma) , P M i of — classic play which was presented so and Time Showing CONGRESS Today and Tomorrow GINGER » GREGORY PECK. THOMAS MITCHELL In ROGERS. JOSEPH COTTEN in "I’ll and at Screen. ■ colorfully dramatically THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM.” At BE SEEING YOU At 1. 3:05. 5:15. > Catholic last winter, will 7:25. 9:35. University Capitol—“The Unseen’’; 11 am.. 6:aO and ft:05._1 Extra—"FURY IN THE > be a Broadway in the PACIFIC "_ production 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 and 10 p.m Stage 1349 Wisconsin Ave. Stock autumn, maybe earlier. OPENS 425 9,h s*. n.w. Ml. 1154 FFNTRai » Complete shows: 12:45, 3:30, 6:20 and 9 p.m TOMORROW NIGHT Ilbninfili It will have as its director Ethel Last Day Two Big Hits. Hurry. Plrase ME. 2841 Opens 10:45.
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